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Macroenvironment analysis
2.1 Demographic environment
 Target customers: Scalp Solutions is a brand of dry shampoo for both men and
women, with average to above-average income, especially for office workers who
have no time for hair care. This creates a demand for high-quality, effective, and safe
hair care products.
 Changing consumer habits: Vietnamese consumers are gradually shifting from
traditional shampoo products to dry shampoo. This creates a high demand for high-
quality, safe, and affordable dry shampoo products.
 ·Demand for natural products: Vietnamese consumers are increasingly paying
attention to natural products that are not harmful to health and the environment.
This places a demand for ensuring the quality of Scalp Solutions dry shampoo
products and other similar products.
 Contribution to the environment: Some Vietnamese consumers are concerned about
reducing the amount of waste generated from using shampoo products. This places
a demand for the development of dry shampoo products made with natural and
environmentally friendly ingredients.
 Health-conscious target customers: Some customers in Vietnam are focusing on hair
care products that not only make their hair beautiful but also maintain and improve
hair health. This places a demand for natural and safe ingredients in Scalp Solutions
dry shampoo products.
 Competition with similar products: The dry shampoo market in Vietnam is becoming
increasingly competitive, with many different brands and products. This places a
demand for innovation and development of Scalp Solutions dry shampoo products to
attract the attention and choices of customers.
 Development of online sales channels: Online shopping is becoming popular in
Vietnam, which places a demand for updating and developing Scalp Solutions dry
shampoo's online sales channel to attract more customers and meet their needs.
 Contribution to the community: Scalp Solutions is a brand that focuses on
contributing to the community, especially supporting charity activities and protecting
the environment. This places a demand for ensuring the reliability and safety of Scalp
Solutions dry shampoo products for health and the environment.

In summary, the socio-demographic environment of Scalp Solutions dry shampoo in

Vietnam is influenced by many factors, from customer demand to competition with similar
products, and requires innovation and development of the product to meet customer

2.2 Economic environment.

 GDP Growth Rate: Vietnam is currently one of the countries with the highest GDP
growth rates in Southeast Asia, reaching 8.02% in 2022. This shows that Vietnam's
economy is developing, and consumption is increasing.
 Population growth: Vietnam is one of the fastest-growing populations in the world.
The population is growing at a rate of over 1.1% per year. This increase creates a
large consumer market for personal care products such as Scalp Solutions dry
 Consumer Price Index (CPI): Vietnam's CPI in 2023 increased by 4.6% compared to
2022. However, the prices of personal care products, including Scalp Solutions dry
shampoo, are still quite stable.
 Consumer trends: Vietnamese consumers are gradually shifting from using regular
shampoo products to higher-end, better quality, and healthier products. This is an
opportunity for Scalp Solutions dry shampoo to develop and grow.
 Government economic policy: The Vietnamese government is implementing many
policies to support businesses, especially new and small businesses. In addition,
Vietnam is also expanding free trade agreements with other countries and regions,
creating favorable conditions for importing raw materials and exporting products.
This can help Scalp Solutions reduce production costs and increase sales.
 Competitive landscape: The personal care product market, especially the shampoo
product market, is becoming more competitive due to the appearance of many
famous brands and alternative products. To compete in this market, Scalp Solutions
needs to have better marketing and advertising strategies to attract and retain
 Competitor business situation: Scalp Solutions needs to monitor the business
situation of competitors in the same field to grasp changes and new opportunities.
This helps Scalp Solutions adapt to the market and provide better products and
services to compete.

In summary, to increase growth and development, Scalp Solutions needs to have better
marketing and advertising strategies to attract and retain customers, as well as monitor the
competitive landscape and the business situation of competitors. Additionally, Scalp
Solutions needs to take advantage of government policies and population growth, while
adapting to changing consumer trends.

2.3 Natural environment

 Climate: Vietnam has a tropical and subtropical climate, particularly in the central
and southern regions. This affects the ingredients and components in Scalp
Solutions' dry shampoo products. For example, high temperature and humidity can
affect the quality of the dry shampoo powder, leading to dampness or clumping of
the product.
 Natural resources: Vietnam is a country rich in natural resources, including herbs and
medicinal plants that can be used to produce dry shampoo powder. However,
exploiting these resources can have an impact on the environment and must be
carried out in a sustainable and responsible manner.
 Sustainable development: Scalp Solutions needs to consider the impact of its
product on the environment and the community. The production and use of dry
shampoo powder should be carried out according to sustainable standards to
minimize negative impacts on the environment and ensure sustainable development
for the company.
 Environmental pollution: Environmental pollution can affect the quality of raw
materials and finished products of Scalp Solutions' dry shampoo products. For
example, polluted water may contain harmful chemicals that affect the quality of the
 Climate change: Climate change can affect the production and consumption of Scalp
Solutions' dry shampoo powder. For example, harsh weather or short-term crop
seasons may cause a shortage of raw materials or increase production costs.
 Wildlife protection: Scalp Solutions needs to ensure that their dry shampoo
production does not have a negative impact on wildlife. For example, harvesting
certain herbs may cause significant decline in certain plant or animal species.

In summary, the natural environment of Scalp Solutions' dry shampoo in Vietnam is affected
by factors such as environmental pollution, climate change, and wildlife protection. Scalp
Solutions needs to ensure that their products are produced sustainably and responsibly,
without causing negative impacts on the environment and community.

2.4 Technological environment

 Scalp Solutions needs to use modern and advanced manufacturing technologies to
ensure product quality and production efficiency. The use of advanced technology
can also help reduce the amount of waste and emissions generated during
 Competition in technology: Scalp Solutions must face competition in technology
from competitors in the industry. This requires Scalp Solutions to continuously
update and invest in new technology to maintain its position in the market.
 Technological progress: Scalp Solutions needs to continue researching and
developing new techniques to improve product quality, reduce production costs, and
increase productivity.
 Information security: Scalp Solutions needs to ensure information security in the
production and business processes to avoid information security issues and data
 Technology development support policy: The Vietnamese government is
implementing many technology development support policies to enhance the
competitiveness of enterprises in the international market. Scalp Solutions can take
advantage of these policies to invest in research and development of new
technology, thereby improving product quality and production efficiency.
 The development of artificial intelligence: Artificial intelligence is widely used in
business fields, optimizing the production process and increasing business efficiency.
Scalp Solutions can use artificial intelligence to research and develop new products,
enhance access and interaction with customers.
 Environmental protection policy: The Vietnamese government's environmental
protection policy is being strongly promoted, promoting the use of green technology
and environmental protection in the production process. Scalp Solutions can apply
green technologies to minimize waste and emissions, helping to protect the
environment and enhance the brand's reputation.

In summary, the technology environment of Scalp Solutions dry shampoo in Vietnam is

positively influenced by the government's technology development and environmental
protection policies. In addition, the use of artificial intelligence and green technology is also
important factors to help Scalp Solutions increase production productivity, improve product
quality, and protect the environment. However, Scalp Solutions needs to continuously
invest in new technology and develop techniques to meet the market's demands and
compete with industry competitors.

2.5 Political environment

 Economic policies: The Vietnamese government has implemented various economic
policies to boost economic development and attract investment from domestic and
foreign enterprises. This can help Scalp Solutions enhance its competitiveness in the
market and expand its production scale.
 Trade policies: Vietnam has participated in many free trade agreements with
international partners, creating favorable conditions for Scalp Solutions to export its
products to the international market. However, competition with domestic and
foreign competitors will be intense.
 Business regulations: Although the government has implemented many favorable
policies for businesses, there are still some business and legal regulations that must
be complied with to ensure that Scalp Solutions' operations are carried out according
to the correct procedures and laws.
 Sustainable development policies: The Vietnamese government is focusing on
building a sustainable economy, strengthening environmental protection efforts, and
controlling pollution. This could affect Scalp Solutions' production activities,
especially in the use of environmentally friendly materials and ingredients.
 Economic stability: Vietnam has achieved stable economic growth in recent years,
which can create favorable conditions for Scalp Solutions' production and
consumption in the domestic market.

Overall, the political environment in Vietnam has created favorable conditions for Scalp
Solutions' business development. However, these factors can still affect the company's
production and product consumption. Scalp Solutions needs to ensure compliance with
existing regulations and laws to ensure that its business operations are carried out correctly
and its brand reputation is maintained.

2.6 Cultural environment

 Product Usage Culture: The culture of using dry shampoo products in Vietnam may
differ from other countries, especially in terms of hair care habits and styles. Scalp
Solutions needs to develop appropriate strategies to introduce its products and build
trust with Vietnamese customers.
 Shopping habits: Purchasing dry shampoo products through online channels and
direct shopping at stores may vary among different customer groups. Scalp Solutions
needs to research and analyze the market to develop suitable strategies for each
customer group.
 Vision and value: The brand vision and value of Scalp Solutions may differ from other
dry shampoo products in Vietnam. It is crucial to shape the vision and value of the
product to build trust and attract customers.
 Automation and technology: Applying new technologies and automation in
production, management, and sales can help Scalp Solutions save costs and improve
business efficiency. However, implementing these new technologies needs to be in
line with the culture and habits of Vietnamese customers.

Overall, the cultural environment of Vietnam also has a significant impact on the business
activities of Scalp Solutions. The company needs to develop strategies that are suitable for
the culture and habits of customers to build trust and attract them. Additionally, the
company needs to regularly update and research the market to provide appropriate
products and strategies that fit the cultural environment of Vietnam. At the same time,
Scalp Solutions also needs to build good relationships with customers and the community to
create trust and enhance its brand value in the diverse cultural environment of Vietnam.

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