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believed that the Earth was at the centers—a concept

CHAPTER 2: INTELLECTUAL known as Geocentrism. Ptolemys’s geocentric model

REVOLUTIONS THAT DEFINED SOCIETY was widely accepted by the people and was one of the
greeted discoveries of that time.

This chapter aims to articulate ways by which society is

transformed bt science and technology during Intellectual

● Discuss the paradigm shifts through history.

● Explain gow the Intellectual Revolution changed
the way how humans see the world. The Geocentric Model
● Describe the technological advancements that
happened in the Information Age.


● Ancient Civilizations
● Discoveries and inventions were due to the In the 16th century, Nicolaus Copernicus, a
NEEDS and WANTS of the people to make life polish mathematician and astronomer, challenged the
easier. Ptolemaic model. He introduced a new concepts known
● People were simple,practical and their practices as Heliocentrism, which suggested that the center of the
were inherent their culture. Solar System was not the Earth but actually the sun. This
idea was rejected at first by the public. It appled many
since their religious belief had taught them that the Earth
B. INTELLECTUAL REVOLUTION was created first before all other things. Copernicus was
even persecuted as a heretic because his teaching were
● In the course of history,paradigm shifted as against what was widely accepted by religion. After some
people changed their perceptions and beliefs so time, astornomers realized that the Copernican model
as their way of life. simplified the orbits for planets. It also answered issues
● People became inquisitive that led to this that could not be explained using the geocentric model.
historical event called as the Age of Reason or Other works that supported this model started to emerge
the Scientific Revolution. as well. It was eventually accepted by the people in a
● Beliefs were a challenge as peoples Scientific period which was called the Birth of Modern Astronomy.
ideas and explanations were divided to either
being accepted or opposed.


In the early time, people questioned what created

dats and nights. Tey wanted to understand what heavenly
bodies lide stars, moons and planets are. The invention of
the telescope allowed people to take a peek at the outer
space, but more importantly, it also intrigued them to know
what was actually out there.

The Heliocentric Model

Many Greek philosphers and intellectuals wrote
about planets in an attempt to explain the movements of
heavenly bpdies and their effects on the world as they
● Telescope - tool used to answer people’s
knew it. Many of these philosophers agreed that planets
moved around in circular motion, and that these
● Copernican Revolution caused the paradigm to
movements created days and nights, among others. A
shift how the earth and sun were placed in the
famous philosopher and astronomer, Claudius Ptolemy,
heavens/universe. It is the idea that rejected
stated that the planets, as well as the sun and the moon’s
Ptolemaic model (earth is the center of solar
revolution explained the existence of days and nights. He
system) and proved the heliocentric model (Sun is
the center of solar system having the earth ● This has brought a great impact on how people
revolving around it. approach Biology forever. This revolution
provided a different than the "Theory of Creation".
The Darwinian revolution started when Charles
Darwin published his book "The Origin of
DARWINIAN REVOLUTION Species" that emphasizes that humans are the
result of an evolution.
● Survival of the fittest
The Darwinian Revolution was considered to be
one of the most controversial intellectual revolutions of its
time. In 1859, Charles Darwin, an english naturalist,
biologist, and geologist, published his book, On the
Origin of Species. In this bok, Darwin introduced the
Theory of Evoluton, which posited that poplations pass
In the past, the field if psychology was always
through a process of natural selection in which only the
classified under philosophy. Psychology was considered
fittest would survive.He stated that organisms have the
more of an art rhater than a science. In the late 19th
ability to adapt to their environment and would gradually
century, Sigmund Freud was able to chnage people’s
chnage into something that would be more competitive to
perception of psychology whith his revolutionary theory of
survive, process known as evolution. However, this
theory became very controversial as people perceived it
to be contradictory to the church’s teachings that the
Psychoanalysis is the study that explains human
source of life is a powerful creator. The theroy emerged at
behavior. In this theory, Freud explained that there are
a time when most of the population believed and accepted
many conscious and unconscious factors that can
the biblical version of the Earth’s creation. Because of this
influence behavior anf emotions. He also argued that
conflicts, the people were divided—some people believed
personality is a product of three conflicting elements; ID,
that the theory explained the origin of life, but the religious
EGO, and SUPEREGO. Science hardliners brushed off
and the faithful strongly refuted it. It even sparked a
the legitimacy of psychoanalysis as a science since its
massive debate between science and religion. It was only
concepts were more philosophical and supernatural.
after some time that people came to understand that
Many believed that Freud’s theory had no scientific basis
Darwin’s Theory of evolution was not in facts against the
as no empirical or experimental data could support it.
teachings of the church and both can coexist.
Despite criticisms, Freud still continued to work on
● The crux of Darwins’s Theory if Evolution focuses
refining his theory and in fact tried to explain how
on the elimination of inferior species gradually
psychoanalysis can be a clinical method in treating some
over time, throigh a process called “Natural
mental disorders. Soon enough, people were able to
Selection” brought by transfer of physical and
understand the concepts of psychoanalysis, which
behavioural inherited traits of species from one
eventually resulted in classifying psychology as a science.
generation to other generations.
● This inherited traits enables them to develop
● Psychology - Psychoanalysis
adoptive mechanism in order to survive. Species ● This theory has started to revolutionize Psychiatry
can adopt so environmental changes tend to with Sigmund Freud. This includes the "Freudian
proliferate or multiply enormously. Theory of Personality" that involves the human
● Upon studying the human body today, the development contributes to his/her personality
reproductive system being an anatomical and also his "psychoanalysis" that is the process
component of the body is actually a driver to for achieving proper functioning if a human does
adaptation and survival of species not complete his/her developmental stage.
● ID - Instincts and unconscious character of a
● EGO - Is the realistic and conscious part of the
mind that mediates one’s decision between the
desire of the ID and the morality of SUPEREGO.
● SUPEREGO - the moral conscience that
identifies the good and the bad.
the compass, gunpowder, paper making and
REVOLUTION - Economic and scientific development: iron and
metallurgical works
- Medicine: - Alchemy - Taoist chemistry; is a
Because of those three previous Intellectual chemical process of transforming some man
Revolutions in history, the Information Revolution precious metals, stones like gold; the practice of
succeeded later and started in mid 20th century. It is also alchemy is more of a religious belief.
known as Computer Age today. It brough more changes in -That in order to achieve a mortality or longer life
Science and Technology transforming people’s way of one has to purify one's mind, body and spirit
- - Ayurveda - indian traditional medicine
life. Computer Age started in 1936, wherein Alan
- Sushruta Samhita - Father of Indian medicine
Mathison Turing, an english mathematician invented a - Mathematics:
computer machine called Turing Machine. This machine - Aryabhatiya - indian mathematician
can simulate any computer algorithm no matter how (trigonometry)
complictaed it is. He invent simple abstract computation of - Political development: the revolution itself
devices to investigate the extent and limitation of what can taught Asian countries about freedom and
be computed. Given any computer algorithm, a Turing independent nationhood along the improvement
brought by it internally
machine is said to be capable of constructing any
-The use of metal works develop and even
algorithmic logic. improve the economy and technology.


• known for their machine, improvement of their irrigation,

MESO-AMERICA industrial work,
• Agriculture: Noria (improved watermill from romans);
Aztec Civilization Roman inventions Noria used for agriculture purposes like
- Military force - protecting the lands crushing of sugar canes, grinding of grains, and pumping
- Chinampa - agricultural technique of water.
- farming around small lakes • Science and Math: Hasan Ibn al-Haytham -> father
- Aztec calendar - forecast harvesting season of of modern optics (pinhole camera), mathematician
crops (1-100 numbers)
- Canoe - for transport • Muhammad ibn Mūsā al-Khwārizmī – algorithm ad
Maya Civilization
- Astrology and culture; e.g. use of Malayan
calendar, planting and harvesting time, festive
- Cocoa beans as a currency, religious rituals
- Tlachtli - ball game using rubber; similar to • Science: center of alchemy (chemical process of
basketball game, however, they use their elbows, transforming substances to other substances usually
knees, and hips metals (e.g., lead and copper to make silver and
Inca Civilization
• Agriculture: Kola nuts and coffee beans as drinks
- Quipu - knot tying method which is their system of
- Mita system - labor system; that follows actually
certain rules of labor that is used by the inca for
especially during construction of the roads or
bridges or in cultivation of their corn. And also in
the production of textiles. They follow the labor
service system in their construction and other
activities during their civilization.


- Was no more a tradition practices of Medicine

particularly herbal medicine and acupuncture.
- This also include great inventions of China like

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