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Xofa cafe

Where: How:
● a small lovely cafe ● by chance saw it by chance when Ii
● located on Tong Duy Tan street, was wandering around that road and
quite near Hoan Kiem Lake => take was attracted by the cafe’s intriguing
15 minutes to go there by motorbike name and rustic design
motorcycle from my house. ● decided to give it a try =>know that
it’d be an ideal environment is just
the right place for me to work.

What: Why:
● interior design: ancient furniture and ● offer a wide range of drink options
decorations => create a cozy and => makes the customers to be more
intimate ambiance flexible and comfortable in ordering
● things are arranged in a smart way menu
=> makes the coffee shop more ● excellent customer service=> staff
spacious and tidy =>the owner must are friendly and observant, never
have a sophisticated taste in forget orders requests no matter
decorating how busy they’re
● the walls are beautifully designed ● gentle, relaxing song playlists =>
decorated with intricate patterns, easily to stay concentrated get focus
painted with vivid colors to on your job, not afraid of being
complement the dominant color of distracted from what you’re doing.
its the space - brown.

Fluency and - Sau nộp cần bổ sung file ghi âm nhé, k thì tiêu chí
Coherence này vs Pronun sẽ k feedback đượt
- Bố cục phân chia bài nói hợp lý, e làm khá tốt bài

Lexical Resource - Vocab tốt, có effort dùng phrases and collo, em

research thêm và có thể dùng các adj tt đã cung
cấp để mô tả về không gian + FEELING của mình
nữa nha

Pronunciation N/A

Grammar grammar khá ổn, k có vấn đề gì, tuy nhiên cần đa

dạng hơn, có thể vì em viết draft nên chưa thể hiện
rõ đc, nếu em ghi âm nữa c sẽ check đc kĩ hơn cả tiêu
chí này
dùng cho cô các cấu trúc như MĐQH, ĐẢO NGỮ
(not only…but also khi mô tả về quán hay các
activities có thể làm tại quán)

Overall: 7.0 - tuy nhiên điểm này là tính sơ qua thui vì có nh tiêu chí c vẫn
chưa đánh giá đc

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