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UNIT V type of family is that which is formed by couples who are in a

BUILDING A GOOD FAMILY RELATIONSHIPS live-in relationship. Thus, cohabiting couples and their children
may be considered families too.
The article on educational implications of new In other words, the single or solo parent family is
information about the Filipino family by Acuna, 2008, states increasing, the blended family or step family is emerging, and
that the family is still the most influential force in the lives of other types of families are also emerging like the homosexual
students and students still model after the family members; the couples or siblings only or no parent family.
mother more than the father. Contemporary social scientists The dramatic changes that have occurred in
today developed a new and less rigid concept of family such as contemporary family life are particularly significant for
that family members need not be bound by legal marriage, by adolescents. The decreased amount of time that many parents,
blood, or by adoption. Family members are those who live extended family members, and neighbors are able to spend
together in one household on a semi-permanent basis. with adolescents leads to decreased communication, support,
Alternative structures include the single or solo-parent family and supervision from adults at a crucial period in development.
which may fall under any of the following five types: At an age when adolescents are most likely to experiment with
behaviors that can have serious health consequences, they may
Alternate Structures of Family have less parental involvement and more unsupervised time
Very often, this solo-parent is a widow rather than a Parents should maintain a continuing interest in their
widower. Widowers tend to remarry more than widows do. adolescent‘s daily activities and concerns. Adolescents are
A SEPEARATED PARENT AND CHILD/CHILDREN. more likely to become healthy, fulfilled adults if their families
There are various reasons for separation: divorce remain actively involved, providing loving parenting, needed
obtained abroad, annulment, legal separation, abandonment, limits, and respect for the process of developing maturity. As
or by mutual decision to separate informally without going thru the nature of family relationships changes, families adapt to the
the courts. Separation may also be due to temporary absence adolescent‘s need for confidentiality as they learn to negotiate
of one spouse such as overseas employment. a healthy balance between providing parental supervision and
A SINGLE MAN OR WOMAN AND ADOPTED CHILD/CHILDREN. giving the adolescent some “space”. Although adolescence is
The value of children is recognized and accepted in characterized by growing independence and separation from
Philippine society, thus adoption is not uncommon even among parental authority, the adolescent still needs the family‘s love,
unmarried individuals. support, and availability.
UNWED WOMAN AND HER ILLEGITIMATEOR NATURAL During adolescence, parent–adolescent conflict tends
CHILD/CHILDREN to increase. This conflict appears to be a necessary part of
The unwed mother usually goes through pregnancy gaining independence from parents while learning new ways of
and delivery of the illegitimate child, not only because abortion staying connected to them (Steinberg, 2001). If parents can be
is a criminal act under Philippine laws and immoral in a reassured that the awkwardness their teen is displaying is not
predominantly Catholic nation, but also because of the value of rejection and can be encouraged to stay involved, a new way of
children in Philippine society. relating may eventually evolve that is satisfying for all.
MISTRESS AND HER CHILD/CHILDREN Middle adolescence can present both challenges and
This solo-parent family is the second family of a rewards for families, as teens frequently test rules and question
married man as a result of extramarital relations. Aside from authority. Teens can be opinionated, and this can result in
the solo-parent family, another family type is the blended or family conflict, especially over issues such as dress, music,
step family which is the result of a second marriage or curfews, and behavior. Activities such as driving and dating may
partnership of a widowed or separated person. This includes require negotiating family rules. Yet the family is still home
step parent(s) and step sibling(s). Very little is known about this base in the changing world of middle adolescence, and core
type of family probably because many protective grandparents family values continue to exert a significant and stabilizing
tend to take over the care of grandchildren whose parents have influence. With their increasingly sophisticated cognitive,
remarried in order to avoid conflict with the step parent and moral, and social capabilities, adolescents are forming attitudes
step siblings. There are, however, many blended families where and values that will have a lasting impact on the quality of their
members live in harmony and have no problem in their lives, as well as those of their family and the larger community.
relationships. Sharing the family‘s love, affection, and support with the
adolescent is critical during this stage of development.
Another type of family is that formed by homosexuals. Having reached “the age of majority”, older
In the Philippines, there is no marriage possible for these adolescents are now legally responsible for themselves. Key
homosexuals who are living together, but they can be married developmental tasks include focusing on achieving
in another country that allows same sex marriage. Otherwise, independence, creating an adult sense of self, and developing a
there is no way to establish how stable their relationship is, and capacity for mature emotional intimacy, while maintaining
when they can be considered a family. Almost nothing is known emotional ties to their family.
about this type of family. One more type of family is composed As older adolescents become more comfortable with
of siblings only either because their parents have died, or are themselves and their emotional independence, their
estranged; thus, there is no more contact with them. An added relationships with family members become more accepting and
harmonious. Families continue to have a major impact in The definition of legacy is something that is passed on
helping older adolescents become healthy young adults by you from family, including reputation. An example of legacy is
providing a stable and supportive home environment and by family property that has been handed down for generations.
maintaining a trusting and open relationship in which the Building a Family Legacy: 7 Questions to Ask When
young person feels cared for and comfortable in sharing new Building a Family Legacy
challenges and concerns. Parents can exert significant influence Building a family legacy isn‘t just about money and
on the well-being of older adolescents by consistently modeling legal documents. A lasting legacy lives on through many
preventive and health-promoting practices such as driving generations. Making your legacy come alive starts with defining
safely, avoiding or moderating the use of alcohol, and it in a tangible way—answering questions such as: 
scheduling regular health visits.  Who you are—your beliefs, values, traditions and
experiences 
 What you give back—your charitable community and
LESSON 1: FAMILY RITUALS AND TRADITIONS  mentoring activities 
 Hiya is shame and is a motivating factor behind behavior.  What you have—your material assets (money and
It is a sense of being socially appropriate and conforming possessions)
to societal norms of behavior. Filipinos believe they must
live up to the accepted standards of behavior and if they Building a family legacy starts by answering the
fail to do so they bring shame not only upon themselves, question, “what does legacy mean to you?” This is perhaps the
but also upon their family.  most important question to ask, because in order to start
 Bahala na is a kind of fatalistic resignation (come what building your family legacy, you must first define the concept
may) which represents a withdrawal from engagement or yourself and decide what it means for you and your loved ones.
crisis or shirking of personal responsibility.  When most of us think of legacy, we think of closely-
 Utang na loob – reciprocity or debt of gratitude or honor related terms like storytelling, family values and wealth
is of primary importance in the Filipino value system. management. When defining the legacy concept, it‘s important
 “Pakikisama” is the Filipino value of belongingness and to think about all of these other closely-related concepts as
loyalty to one‘s in-group. To belong to a group demands a well, and define what they mean to you.
spirit of cooperation, an attitude of give and take, and Once you have a tangible definition of the legacy
sensitivity to the feelings of others.  concept for you and your family members, you can then
 “Respeto sa nakatatanda” or respect for seniors is a highly communicate the actions you‘ll take to help shape that concept
esteemed value of the Filipinos. For example, Filipinos going forward, so that you leave a lasting family legacy for
show respect to the elders in conversations by using many generations to come.
words such as “ho” “po” and “opo” at the end of a We thought it might be helpful to provide you with a
greeting.  list of questions to ask when defining the legacy concept for
 Hospitality to a guest or neighbor is also a famous value of you and your loved ones. This list is by no means exhaustive,
the Filipinos. For Filipinos, serving other people the best of but should give you a good start to helping you define and build
what they have, leaves them an honor and a promise of your family legacy.
true friendship. 1. What is your family mission and vision?
Consider writing a family mission statement, complete
The Importance of Family Meals with your family values and beliefs, and think about how you
The study on the association of the frequency of family can ensure that those values are effectively passed down to
meals to family members, suicide ideation and depression of future generations.
Filipino young adults by Francisco &Cuason, 2017 revealed that 2. What are your goals for your family going into the future,
family mealtimes matter. This is very significant because an even after you‘ve passed on?
activity that is usually ignored poses an important role in the Knowing your goals will help ensure that you take
mental health of Filipino young adults. According to Bowen‘s proper measures to accomplish them. Once you‘re gone, as
family systems theory, emotional distance is one factor that long as your family members are aware of the goals you‘ve set,
creates problems within a family and the individual belonging they can continue to implement the necessary action steps to
in that family. Emotional distance that can easily be overcome ensure a lasting legacy.
if only a family sits down and eats together. 3. What are the stories that help to connect and shape your
Young adults or the Millennials have a significant legacy in a meaningful way for future generations?
position in society but sadly because of public stigma about You can start gathering your stories through
mental health those suffering from or are experiencing suicide conversations with parents, grandparents and other relatives.
ideation or even just mild depression only find hopelessness Once you compile the information, either through audio, video
and sometimes, the solutions they find for themselves are or written word, you can then add photos, videos and other
usually devastating and unfortunate both for the individual media to make it meaningful for future generations. All stories
himself and his loved ones. and their media may be securely and privately stored inside
your Family archive.
4. What is wealth?
Is it simply defined by your material possessions, or
does it encompass your family values, beliefs, traditions and
5. Encourage the elders in your family to share their
experiences and the lessons they‘ve learned. What important
lessons have you learned in your lifetime? How can you best
impart that wisdom to your children and grandchildren?
6. What material assets do you want to leave for your children
and grandchildren when you‘re gone?
Are there any charitable institutions that have
impacted your life that you feel should also inherit some of
those assets? It helps to have a last will and testament that a
designated family member or members can easily access.
7. What is your healthcare history?
Your medical records will have a profound impact on
the health of future generations in your family. Knowing what
conditions could possibly be passed down genetically to your
children and grandchildren is important to ensuring they take
preventative measures to live a long and healthy life.

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