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BIFENTHRIN @iflexi (all aA Joi ansiad iotldl “I Solution for Termites control °F oy tog nelal a mip sycaty an Epp cacesNiqaleailipall oreeealSea A Leal) 53) SL5S) tis ple 1y 40 -ASY digas @ilii Effective and guaranteed results for more than 17 years with both killing and repelling effects a ee - ‘ Dont let termites eat your house. nt’ let termites destroy your proper Termites are destructive insects tha ive underground in social colonies. Termites love darkness and make tubes or tunnels fom mud or woody ashes to avoid the direct light, attacking all woody or cellulose materials Termites are considered the most dangerous economical insect key pests as they etlack house structures, windows, doors, closets, furniture, woedy kitchen kits and any celulosed material, causing enormous direct losses and lower market valve of your property. Termites can be differentiated from black ants by their light yellowish to white colour, straight antenna and absence of body constiction between the therax and abdomen. Termites infestations were recorded in most areas of the kingdom of Saudi Arabia for its suitable environmental whereas and no home, new or old, is safe from termites. Termites insects thal ive in a socal system forming colonies, {feed on cellulose and destroy building structures. ‘The colonies consists of * The reproductive caste (King and Queen) *Workers are usually present in the greatest numbers, they look for eggs, fetch the food and maintain the Nest, * Soldiers defend the colony, +The reproductive winged, sexual termites perpetuate the species when swarms leave the nest. ‘One pair of termites can build a colony and cause a big damage. The Queen's abdomen is enlarged to reach up to 4 inches, where it deposits about 20,000 ~ 50,000 ‘eggs! year and live up to seven years. Eggs hatch after 2 Weeks whereas workers feed immature stages and protect the colony, % Ife x, ya) NU pia aap aed) dell! gah ga ( eg ) yas) ait! yell pn ay Li, M pny tga aM Jal ae ial ge Lae Us ie A panied sy 13) LAs aye 85 pgeage ie of nhl or BLL sy Ny en lM pag yan Tle GN gull cla nl aba SUS Gye i gin pa lly samy pes ola ol ally andl Saal os Sul cu Ge gS Sel AEN yy aly pene pd sae gle pine yl J) fo a Lae «yl 1 asl Ga Gaba y ts elie ha GL GM all pte Gl yp el Sela yesty ABU ke Sp tly pi Soot paint yey pM Lay Gall ll) eI 5g ae Sa Lalges tel bs el Jetta © Spel ple AML pal ay ely HpLal Spas GIDAM aga gd © Wate slgain pb tytn ga ttl Lainll aM» 4 pall lp yal ei la dl Jay yall ual ‘ean Ayal Maal) Ge ina 3. Jal apy Jom eA phe a ly legs iglpm ge tal Sl gcd Madeley lal All cid Goll # Lol Sle wT al ye al apa gl on Note Baal Jug eT al lp iat te tal La gua ol apa imi a bag yah a gla ae pS gh Bclanyt Il ad al ay ty all age IST gay ay dial A Lande eels ae pay LATELY yale pee anys. agen Ub ile goal FY La a Sang DS Gag Le ly > icine th yg Cally pacaaniggG Ll ant Gunw = L we’ TERED? EE Slips ok as) all LYS ps All LS gd Ls Lash am pa Hyg alpine ga Gag Jal yay Nye ly aly IBM geal Gly eal ge geal Sp lysine Jeo puns A pa ly jail le sshd What can termite do to my building? Termites considered the most dangerous household insects. They attack wooden doors, Furniture and Kitchen kits, destroying all household property, in fact any material containing Celsiose, 8 gang Jail! aghdt Bifleen To yuShists Jains (Lt Why use Biflex TC Termiticide? iad sy jh Alpaca gh ‘© Guaranteed results for more than 17 years. Since twas discovered, #¥ ail slog gia yliy Spray§ liters solution / square meter below the slab and ‘around foundations, then cover directly with concrete or with polyethylene sheets for protection. Create a vertical barrier by digging a 30cm wide X 40cm deep trench around the building, Then spray diluted Biflex TC at the rate of § liters solution / one linear meter. Then fillwith the tated soil at rate of 50 ters solution / cubie meter of soil + In case there is a basement in the building, Treatment should be below slab as (b) and as (c) around the basement walls with repetition at every layer of backfling unt ground level 2. Termite control for existing buildings: @ Dilute Biflex TC using 250ml /100 titers of water to Prepare required spray solution b+ Remove all mud and wood tunnels at doors and walls, then spray diluted BiNexTC solution on surfaces and © Create a vertical barrier around the building same as (c) above. + Dri holes of 30-50 om (lo reach the soil) deep in the ‘around at 20-50 cm spacing next and parallel to wails where infestation is observed, then inject the solution Until saturation is reached (1 liter solution per one hole ) oes Application Techniques tg Jal Alaa ke xn soll Jy le elpall ges cal ody inal gay sie /Jplene IO yo eye is Ry apSlaetenlll tala gpl uss @h Span iaaly aly Alla! GL a yall ae Peat psa) hae oe et aes ete GD Jinay abe jaTor (pacts LaF Be) gla yay ctl te plate Bat ye GN py lal a Spl Fp nein a 106+ easy (Deo Dad al Sada pill gh ope JL, — Je py ela Gab ay lg aD Ll dans Saal 3 cpa se SL SLA el Jal atten Upanl Aa lod Jats dalby BIMEXTC ali aady | splat lath le Ra cbesntly ls cle Spall gly Qt! gL a5] site| Bie TC aati Joly oy Hat! leith slings ant ilyn Hadi Say T Jputl Lalo yd ae = ole Basle Cl Igual oe call ga) gad To gaa Bab eae aude Te pa cliine a J UN any a Bille TC Guz glee sea Ty pal Eo Eos hl Jom eats pes ek Gate Bulb Jae 2 Np aba tla pa gla 0 Jana Saab 2 glad Senin pe (210% any tly als ypc SaiST Jaca Bode ABN papain neae pldsine al el ha Ln 8p gl Spt 6 Liters fm? Horizontal Barrier : Spray areas intended to be covered with concrete. Aa ples foros ijoenaie le aid yo Bad Ball lone ote gay Sorbow gab Se ae fare ian Pe pe gees Be any Al cap ane 5 Liters / fees) telly bade ay linear m Vertical Barrier : Spray the Solution ina trench of 30X40 om then fill with treated soil How does termite get in? Because Termites need moisture and have low Bp set lew saul al tolerance fo ait and light, they Ive underground, Jill pete fol aad aay Cle lay Sanita egy attacking buildings 8 constructions from below. The Use of Biflex TC provides the followings: © Perfection satisfaction for yourself and family as well as your properties when using Biflex TC, for termites control Long lasting persistent protection against termites Biflex TC: is odorless when used inside your house and ‘your property. Safely used in agricultural, public health, and landscape areas. Effective cost saving, Hight safe product for termites control applicators, AHN jaiay Biflexc TC yoStisls dhiiciat o Biflex TC is your best choice Ley al yl ha yl an Uae pg pi BiloR TC iestiy glade se Stuy ls cae Jal Go cal coma al ge sal Aig Slaod ts pa Jal lox TG jutata tall apna pe beat ny 9) 21 Apel HUA ga a Jal tlhe gh gy lhl gale g lab ee lel ae als pags ol Gemeo LDL flex TC cals jolt talus ole ds Biflex TC gual dn Ayia ey aay jaaiy aglal laae

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