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r TTT neces ee \ 777 | on ———3e- PAREEKSHA BHAVAN KERALA, THIRUVANANTHAPURAM USS EXAMINATION FEBRUARY 2016 . GOVERNMENT OF KERALA = JMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS PAPER II e=, 1. Mark should be dark and completely fil in the 3. There should be no stray marks on the sheet or on t appropriate cies. Mark the circles corresponding to barcode. Darken ony one circle for every question 4 one alternative out of A, B, © D which you thnk is 4, Donot fold or damage the sheet. 4 Correct answer to an tiem given in the Question 5, Allitem carry one mark each Booklet as per example 6 in Paper I, there are Fifty (50) Question, out of this = cores sthod ET Forty tive (45) questions should be answered by the | candidates = ® eo ZO ®@ 7. In Paper Il there are Fifty Five (55) Questions, out of | = this Forty Five (45) questions should be answered by | = |2. Use only Blue/Black Ball Pen to fill the OMR Sheet. the candidates. = SS Wate of Candidate (loaves box banc between och par OTe rare) = Number || question set Medium Gender Signature of Candidate ‘uugen ssa | Booklet Number CLO Malayalam O QGOGHG || GGOGOG||s 0 9DOOOO || OQOOOO Q®OOOO|| OOOO tralsh — Q]] mote O = |QQQQQO || Q@QQQO||s 0 Signature of Invigilator = = |20O0O0|| QOOOOO i i = = |606006|| ©0000 tami Q||remate = = |©OOOOO|/OOOOOO||< O = = |®OOQOOO|| ®OOOOO = tT [999900 | ©OOOOO Kannasa QO =, m= | ®@OOO® || ©@O@OO||0 OO - t= Important instruction : Use same set of question booklet for PartA B& ad PART-A PART-B 9 PART=C 8 wanogrann oF (english) (Basie Science) ie (social Science) EE |__cenere superintendent 18000] |e|OOOO |] OOOO]? |] OOO |x] OOO0|F 2]®©OO| |] ®@©OO ||] ©©OO|3 || ®OOO ||| ©©OO|3 = |:}©@00| |] OOOO |[ss| ©©OO| 3 ss] ©©OO||s| ©OOO|S - = ||@000] |] ©©OO ||| ©©OO|> |»»] ©©OO||«|©@@OO|* = = | 5] GOO] |2»| ©OOO ||1»| ©OOO] 3 |«0| ©QOO ||] ©@OO|8 = = |5|@@OO g | @OOO || @©OO FS ||| ©©OO | [51] ©@OO|= r log 1|@@00|: jz] ©@o0||x| ooo § |2] ®©@©0|[x| @@00/3 s 5] ®000|§ p| ©©O0||ss| ©©OO |: |s|©OOO |u| OOOO |S 8 ]®OO0|; | © ||| OOOO |} |4| ©OOO | + ©©OO/F . 1] ©@OO|? || ©@OO||s| ©©OO [2 |s|@OOO||s|@OOO|2 | pre ®®60|8 =, t = |2}o000 =4 t m |is|@@00 ad m= |i1] ©©OO -= ®©00 e 2 PAREEKSHA BHAVAN KERALA, THIRUVANANTHAPURAM —oe- USS EXAMINATION FEBRUARY 2016 GOVERNMENT OF KERALA IMPORTANT INSTRUCTIONS PAPER II 1. Mark should be dark and completely fill in the 3. There should be no stray marks on the sheet or on the appropriate circles, Mark the circles corresponding to barcode. Darken only one circle for every question. fone alternative out of A, B, C, D which you think is 4, Do not fold or damage the sheet, correct answer to an item given in the Question 5. Allitem carry one mark each. Booklet as per example 6. In Paper I, there are Fifty (50) Question, out of this Conan iano Wrong Method Forty Five (45) questions should be answered by the candidates. ® @©® Zoe © 7. In Paper Ii there are Fifty Five (55) Questions, out of this Forty Five (45) questions should be answered by Use only Blue/Black Ball Pen to fill the OMR Sheet. the candidates. Name of the Candidate (Leave a box blank between each part of te name) Woniber Question set Medium Gender Signature of Candidate Booklet Number LULL waiyatsn © NUMEERUSS 2M @9OOOG|| GOQQGO||s 0 QQQOOQ|| OQQOOO Q@O0O@|| Q@Q00@ Erglsh OQ] mele GQOOOO |] ©HOQOO||s 0 Signature of tvigiator OOOO || OQQOOO ‘ i 899990 || QQOOOO aril Q||remale OOO0OO|] ©OQOOOO||< 0 QOQOQOOO || ©OOOOQOO Kannada OQ ®O®OOO® || ©OOOO®@||9_ OO Important instruction : Use same set of question booklet for Part, B& C aT PART 2 ART-e © | wonogamot (English) (Basic Science) Ss (Social Science) iS Centre Superintendent 000] |x] S000] O00): |] O00 |] 0000/2 1000] || @@oo||7|©@00) || ©@@ ||| oo0|® ]@000| }s|©0e0 |} @000|5|s| 000 ||| ooo0|s |®@00] |} ©@oo|| ©@o0|* |»| @@oo |x| @@o0)# |@@o0|¢ | ©©00||»| ©@OO |} |u| ©@@0 ||n] @@OO|§ 5|®@©O i 21 @O©OO ||311 @OOO 8 41] @©OO |/51 eeoofk r | 1®©©0|; 2| ©©OO||x| ©OOO|§ |x| ©OOO |x| @O@O|F . 5] ®©000|§ | ©©O0||ss| ©©OO |: |s|©OOO ||| OOOO |S 8 |©000|! | ©o00 || ooo } |«]®@00|| C@@O ; . +] @OOO |? | ©OOO ||s| @O@OO|z |s|@OOO |[s|@OOO|2 J 11] ®@00]# 12] ®©0O 13] ©©OO 1] © 1s] ©@O

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