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Montilla Blvd., Butuan City

March 14, 2023

Installation of Floor,
Wall, and Ceiling
Finishing Materials


Materials you'll need:
 Ceramic tile  Level
 Tile adhesive  Measuring tape
 Tile spacers  Chalk line
 Grout  Rubber mallet
 Tile cutter or wet saw  Grout float
 Trowel  Tile sealer

Installing porcelain tile requires a bit of preparation and attention to detail, but with the right tools and
knowledge, it can be done successfully. Here are the basic steps for installing porcelain tile:

1. Prepare the surface: The surface on which you will be laying the tile should be clean, flat, and
level. Remove any old flooring or adhesive, and repair any cracks or holes in the surface. If the
surface is not level, you may need to use a self-leveling compound to even it out.
2. Measure and plan: Measure the area you will be tiling, and plan out the placement of the tiles.
It's important to plan the layout carefully so that you don't end up with small or awkwardly
shaped tiles at the edges of the room.
3. Cut the tiles: Use a tile cutter or wet saw to cut the porcelain tiles to the desired size and shape.
Be sure to wear safety goggles and a dust mask when cutting the tiles.
4. Apply the adhesive: Use a trowel to apply a thin layer of tile adhesive to the surface, working in
small sections at a time. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions for mixing and
applying the adhesive.
5. Lay the tiles: Place the tiles onto the adhesive, starting at the center of the room and working
your way out. Use spacers to ensure even spacing between the tiles. Use a level to ensure that
the tiles are even and level. Grout the tiles: Once the adhesive has dried, remove the spacers
and use a rubber float to apply grout between the tiles. Work in small sections at a time, and be
sure to remove any excess grout with a damp sponge.
6. Seal the grout: Once the grout has dried, apply a sealer to the grout lines to protect them from
staining and moisture.

Materials you'll need:
 Ceramic tile  Level
 Tile adhesive  Measuring tape
 Tile spacers  Chalk line
 Grout  Rubber mallet
 Tile cutter or wet saw  Grout float
 Trowel  Tile sealer

Installing ceramic tile can be a great way to update the look of your home. Here are the general steps to
install ceramic tile:

1. Prepare the surface: The surface where you'll be installing the tile needs to be clean, dry, and
level. If necessary, use a leveling compound to even out any low spots.
2. Measure and mark: Measure the surface to determine how many tiles you'll need. Use a chalk
line to mark the center of the room or the area where you'll be installing the tile.
3. Apply adhesive: Using a notched trowel, spread the tile adhesive over a small area of the
surface. Apply enough adhesive to cover a few tiles at a time.
4. Lay the tiles: Place the first tile at the center of the room or at the intersection of the chalk lines.
Press down on the tile and wiggle it a little to ensure it's adhering to the adhesive. Use tile
spacers to keep the tiles evenly spaced. Continue laying tiles until you reach the edge of the
room or the wall.
5. Cut tiles to fit: Measure the remaining space at the edge of the room or wall and use a tile cutter
or wet saw to cut tiles to fit.
6. Allow adhesive to dry: Allow the adhesive to dry completely before proceeding.
7. Apply grout: Using a grout float, spread the grout over the tiles, making sure to fill all the gaps.
Remove any excess grout with a damp sponge.
8. Allow grout to dry: Allow the grout to dry for a day or two before sealing.
9. Seal the tiles: Apply a tile sealer to protect the grout and tile from moisture.

Materials you’ll need:
 Sandpaper (if needed)  Tape measure
 Vinyl plank flooring  Utility knife
 1/4-inch spacers  Fine-tooth saw
 Floor-leveling  Straightedge
compound (if needed)  Carpenter's square
 Concrete patcher  Drawbar tool
 Sander (if needed)  Hammer
 Pliers  Nailset

Installing vinyl tile can be a relatively simple DIY project that can
give a fresh new look to your floors. Here are the general steps to
install vinyl tile:

1. Clean the floor: The first step is to clean the existing floor
thoroughly. Remove any dirt, debris, and dust using a
broom, vacuum, or mop.
2. Prepare the surface: If you have a wooden floor, you need to ensure it’s smooth and even. If you
have a concrete floor, you may need to level it. If necessary, use a self-leveling compound to
even out any uneven spots.
3. Measure and mark: Measure the length and width of the room and mark the center of each
wall. Snap a chalk line between the center points of opposite walls to create a perpendicular
4. Lay out the tiles: Dry-fit the tiles by placing them on the floor along the chalk lines. Make sure to
stagger the seams between the tiles to create a more natural look. Use a utility knife to cut the
tiles to fit around edges or obstacles.
5. Apply the adhesive: Apply adhesive to the floor with a trowel, following the manufacturer's
instructions. Use a notched trowel to spread the adhesive evenly, leaving small ridges.
6. Lay the tiles: Starting at the center of the room, place the tiles onto the adhesive. Press them
firmly into place, using a roller to ensure good adhesion.
7. Cut the edge tiles: Measure and cut the edge tiles to fit around the perimeter of the room,
leaving a small gap between the tiles and the wall.
8. Allow the adhesive to dry: Let the adhesive dry completely, following the manufacturer's
instructions. This may take several hours or overnight.
9. Apply grout (optional): If desired, apply grout between the tiles to fill in the gaps and provide a
more finished look.

Materials you’ll need:
 Wood Plank  Straightedge
 Underlayment and  Speed Square
tape  Pencil
 Scrap wood spacers  Circular saw or
 Utility knife handsaw
 Hammer  Chalk box
 Tapping block
 Tape measure

Installing wood planks is a great way to add a warm, natural look to your home. Here are the general
steps for installing wood planks:
1. Measure the area: Measure the wall or ceiling where you want to install the wood planks.
Calculate the amount of wood you need based on the dimensions of the area.
2. Choose your wood: Choose the type of wood you want to use for your planks. You can use
reclaimed wood, natural wood, or pre-finished planks.
3. Prepare the surface: Ensure that the surface where you will be installing the planks is smooth
and clean. Remove any nails or screws, and fill any holes or gaps with wood filler.
4. Cut the planks: Measure the length of each plank and cut them to size using a saw. Make sure to
wear safety glasses and gloves while cutting.
5. Install the first row: Start at the bottom of the wall or ceiling and attach the first row of planks.
Use a level to ensure that the planks are straight.
6. Install the subsequent rows: Install the next rows of planks, overlapping the joints between the
planks. Use a nail gun or adhesive to secure the planks in place.
7. Cut around obstacles: If you encounter obstacles such as outlets or light switches, measure and
cut the planks to fit around them.
8. Finish the installation: Once you have installed all the planks, sand the edges and corners to
remove any rough spots. Finish the wood with a coat of sealant or stain to protect the wood and
enhance its natural beauty.

Materials you’ll need:
 Engineered wood  Flush-cutting saw
flooring  Chalk line
 Flooring underlayment  Flooring nailer or stapler
 Finish nails  Wood block
 Pry bar  Vacuum
 Hammer  Hard flooring attachment
 Drill (as needed)

Installing engineered wood is a fairly straightforward process, but it

does require some preparation and attention to detail. Here are
the general steps you should follow to install engineered wood:

1. Prepare the subfloor: The subfloor should be clean, flat,

and dry. If there are any high spots or low spots, you will
need to level them out with a self-leveling compound. If
the subfloor is concrete, you will need to install a vapor
barrier to prevent moisture from seeping up into the flooring.
2. Acclimate the flooring: Before installation, the engineered wood should be acclimated to the
room where it will be installed. This means leaving the flooring in the room for a few days to
allow it to adjust to the temperature and humidity.
3. Install the underlayment: Install a layer of underlayment over the subfloor to create a smooth,
stable surface for the engineered wood. There are many types of underlayment available, but
the most common is a thin foam or cork pad.
4. Lay out the planks: Determine the layout of the planks before you start installing. You may want
to dry-fit some planks to make sure the layout looks good.
5. Install the first row: Start with the longest, straightest wall in the room. Lay the first row of
planks with the tongue side facing the wall, leaving a 1/2-inch gap between the planks and the
6. Install the remaining rows: Install the remaining rows of planks, staggering the joints at least 6
inches from the joints in the previous row. Use a tapping block and a hammer to tap the planks
together tightly.
7. Install the last row: The last row of planks will need to be cut to fit. Measure the distance
between the wall and the previous row of planks, and cut the planks to fit. Leave a 1/2-inch gap
between the planks and the wall.
8. Install the baseboards: Install baseboards over the 1/2-inch gap to cover it up and give the room
a finished look.
9. Clean up: Once the installation is complete, clean up any debris and dispose of it properly.
Material you’ll need:

 Marble tiles  Sponge

 Tile adhesive or mortar  Sealer
 Notched trowel  Underlayment
 Tile spacers  Thin-set mortar
 Level  Primer
 Tile cutter or wet saw  Leveling compound
 Grout  Waterproofing membrane
 Grout float  Grout sealer
Installing marble flooring is a complex process that requires careful planning, attention to detail, and the
use of specialized tools and materials. Here is a general outline of the steps involved in installing marble

1. Prepare the surface: Before installing marble flooring, you need to prepare the surface by
removing any existing flooring, debris, or other materials. The surface should be clean, level, and
2. Install the subfloor: Next, you will need to install a subfloor that is level and sturdy enough to
support the weight of the marble tiles. This typically involves laying down a layer of cement
board or a similar material.
3. Plan the layout: Before you start laying the marble tiles, you need to plan out the layout of the
flooring. This involves measuring the space, marking out the placement of the tiles, and
determining the best starting point.
4. Apply the adhesive: Once you have planned out the layout, you can begin applying adhesive to
the subfloor using a notched trowel. Be sure to work in small sections and apply the adhesive
5. Lay the tiles: Carefully lay the marble tiles in place, starting from the center of the room and
working your way outwards. Use spacers to maintain consistent spacing between the tiles.
6. Cut the tiles: As you reach the edges of the room, you may need to cut some of the tiles to fit.
Use a tile cutter or a wet saw to make precise cuts.
7. Allow the adhesive to dry: Once you have laid all of the tiles, allow the adhesive to dry
completely before walking on the floor or applying grout. This typically takes several hours or
8. Grout the tiles: Once the adhesive has dried, you can fill in the gaps between the tiles with
grout. Use a rubber float to spread the grout evenly and be sure to remove any excess grout
before it dries.
9. Clean the surface: After the grout has dried, use a damp sponge or cloth to clean the surface of
the tiles and remove any leftover grout residue.

Materials you’ll need:

 Granite tiles  Grout float

 Tile adhesive or mortar  Sponge or cloth
 Notched trowel  Sealer
 Tile spacers  Thin-set mortar
 Level  Primer
 Tile cutter or wet saw  Leveling compound
 Grout  Grout sealer

Installing granite flooring is a complex process that requires skill, patience, and attention to detail. Here
are the general steps you need to follow:

1. Prepare the subfloor: The subfloor must be clean, level, and free of any debris or protrusions. If
the subfloor is not level, you may need to use a self-leveling compound to create a flat surface.
2. Measure and plan: Determine the square footage of the area you want to cover with granite
flooring, and order enough granite tiles to cover the space. Plan the layout of the tiles to avoid
small, awkward cuts.
3. Lay out the tiles: Start by laying out the tiles in a dry run to make sure the pattern and layout are
correct. Make any necessary cuts to the tiles using a tile saw.
4. Apply the adhesive: Spread a layer of thin-set adhesive on a small area of the subfloor using a
notched trowel.
5. Install the tiles: Press each tile firmly into the adhesive, making sure it is level with the
surrounding tiles. Use spacers to ensure even spacing between tiles.
6. Cut and fit the tiles: As you get closer to walls and corners, you will need to cut tiles to fit. Use a
tile cutter or wet saw to make the necessary cuts.
7. Grout the tiles: Once the adhesive has set, remove the spacers and use a rubber float to apply
grout between the tiles. Wipe away any excess grout with a damp sponge.
8. Seal the tiles: After the grout has dried, apply a granite sealer to protect the tiles from stains and
water damage.
9. Allow the floor to cure: Wait at least 24 hours before walking on the floor, and avoid heavy
traffic for at least a week.

Materials you’ll need:

 Pebble  Buckets
 Thinset Mortar  Grout
 The Pebble Stone of  Mixer
your choice  Grout Float
 Trowel  Sealant
 Sponges  Brush or Roller
 Clean Rags  Duct Tape

Installing pebble flooring can be a great way to add a natural and unique touch to your home. Here are
the steps to install pebble flooring:

1. Prepare the surface: Make sure the surface where you plan to install the pebble flooring is clean,
dry, and level. Remove any debris or uneven areas, and make any necessary repairs.
2. Lay down the base: Spread a layer of thinset mortar over the surface to create a base for the
pebble flooring. Use a notched trowel to spread the mortar evenly.
3. Start placing the pebbles: Start placing the pebbles onto the mortar, pressing them down gently
to ensure they adhere. Work in small sections, spreading the pebbles out evenly and creating a
pattern as you go.
4. Fill in the gaps: Once you have placed the pebbles, use a grout float to fill in the gaps between
them with grout. Spread the grout evenly over the pebbles, making sure to fill in all the gaps.
5. Clean up: After the grout has dried, use a damp sponge to wipe away any excess grout from the
surface of the pebbles. Let the pebble flooring dry completely before walking on it.
6. Seal the surface: Finally, apply a sealant to the surface of the pebble flooring to protect it from
moisture and stains. Follow the instructions on the sealant packaging for best results.


Materials you’ll need:

 Paint  Drop cloths

 Paintbrushes  Painter's tape
 Paint rollers  Sandpaper
 Paint tray  Putty knife
 Primer  Ladder
 Paint thinner or water

Here are the general steps for how to install paint on walls:

1. Prepare the walls: Before painting, make sure the walls are clean and free of any dust or debris.
Fill in any cracks or holes with spackle or joint compound, and sand the walls smooth.
2. Protect the surrounding area: Cover floors, furniture, and other objects with drop cloths or
plastic sheeting to protect them from paint splatters.
3. Apply a primer: Apply a coat of primer to the walls to help the paint adhere better and provide
an even base coat. Allow the primer to dry completely according to the manufacturer's
4. Paint the walls: Once the primer is dry, you can begin painting the walls. Use a paintbrush to cut
in along the edges and corners of the walls, and then use a roller to cover the larger areas. Apply
the paint in thin, even coats, and allow each coat to dry completely before applying the next
5. Apply a second coat: Depending on the color and quality of the paint, you may need to apply a
second coat to achieve the desired coverage and finish. Allow the second coat to dry
6. Clean up: Once you have finished painting, clean up any spills or drips with a damp cloth or
paper towel. Remove any masking tape or painter's tape while the paint is still slightly wet to
prevent it from peeling.
7. Allow the paint to dry completely: Allow the paint to dry completely before touching or moving
any objects in the room. This can take anywhere from a few hours to a few days, depending on
the humidity and ventilation in the room.

Materials you’ll need:

 Bricks  Masonry saw or chisel

 Mortar  Jointer tool
 Trowel  Safety goggles
 Level  Dust mask

Installing bricks on a wall requires some basic masonry skills and tools. Here are the steps to install
bricks on a wall:

1. Prepare the wall surface by removing any old paint, wallpaper, or debris. The surface should be
clean and free from any loose material.
2. Use a chalk line to mark a straight line on the wall where the first course of bricks will be laid.
This will help keep the bricks level and straight.
3. Mix the mortar according to the manufacturer's instructions. It should be a thick consistency,
like peanut butter.
4. Use a trowel to spread the mortar onto the wall where the first course of bricks will be laid.
Spread enough mortar for about three to four bricks at a time.
5. Use a notched trowel to create ridges in the mortar. This will help the bricks adhere better.
6. Place the first brick at the corner of the wall and press it firmly into the mortar, ensuring it is
level and flush with the chalk line.
7. Place the next brick beside the first one, leaving a small gap between them for the mortar. Use a
level to make sure it is straight and level.
8. Continue laying the bricks in this manner until the first course is complete.
9. Cut bricks to fit around corners, windows, and doors using a masonry saw or chisel.
10. Once the first course is complete, apply mortar to the top of the first course and start laying the
second course. Make sure to stagger the joints so that they do not line up with the joints in the
first course.
11. Continue laying the bricks in this manner until the wall is complete.
12. Use a jointer tool to smooth out the mortar joints between the bricks.
13. Allow the mortar to dry for at least 24 hours before applying any weight or pressure to the wall.
Materials you’ll need:

 Gypsum board  Utility knife

 Drywall screws  Screw gun
 Joint tape  Measuring tape
 Joint compound  Level
 Trowel  Safety goggles
 Drywall saw or rotary  Dust mask

Installing gypsum board, also known as drywall, on a wall is a common practice in modern construction.
Here are the steps to install gypsum board on a wall:

1. Measure the height and width of the wall to determine the amount of gypsum board needed.
Purchase gypsum board that fits the dimensions of the wall.
2. Mark the studs on the wall using a stud finder. Studs are usually located 16 inches apart.
3. Cut the gypsum board to fit the wall using a drywall saw or rotary tool. Be sure to make cuts for
any openings such as windows or doors.
4. Place the gypsum board against the wall and attach it to the studs using drywall screws. Make
sure to screw the board every 8 to 12 inches, leaving a 1/8 inch gap between the board and the
floor or ceiling.
5. Repeat the process for each section of the wall until it is fully covered with gypsum board.
6. Apply joint tape over the seams where two gypsum boards meet. Use a trowel to apply joint
compound over the tape, smoothing it out and feathering the edges.
7. Allow the joint compound to dry overnight, then apply a second coat. Repeat this process until
the seams are smooth and invisible.
8. Sand the dried joint compound using a sanding block or sandpaper to create a smooth, even

 Fiber cement board  Measuring tape
 Nails or screws  Level
 Galvanized roofing  Chalk line
nails or cement board  Safety goggles
screws  Dust mask
 Circular saw or jigsaw

Fiber cement board, also known as cement board siding, is a durable and weather-resistant material
commonly used for exterior cladding. Here are the steps to install fiber cement board on a wall:

1. Measure the height and width of the wall to determine the amount of fiber cement board
needed. Purchase fiber cement board that fits the dimensions of the wall.
2. Mark a horizontal line along the bottom of the wall using a chalk line. This will serve as a guide
for the first row of fiber cement board.
3. Install furring strips over the wall studs if they are not already present. These strips provide a flat
surface for the fiber cement board to be installed on.
4. Cut the fiber cement board to fit the wall using a circular saw or jigsaw with a fiber cement
blade. Be sure to make cuts for any openings such as windows or doors.
5. Place the first row of fiber cement board along the chalk line and attach it to the furring strips
using galvanized roofing nails or cement board screws. Drive the nails or screws into the center
of the board, leaving a 1/8 inch gap between boards.
6. Install the next row of fiber cement board, ensuring that the board edges overlap the edges of
the previous row. Use a level to ensure the boards are straight and plumb.
7. Continue installing rows of fiber cement board until the wall is fully covered.
8. Install corner trim on the edges of the wall using galvanized roofing nails or cement board
9. Fill any gaps between the fiber cement boards with caulk or sealant.

 Plywood sheets  Level
 Nails or screws  Chalk line
 Circular saw or jigsaw  Safety goggles
with plywood blade  Dust mask
 Measuring tape

Plywood is a versatile material commonly used in construction for flooring, roofing, and walls. Installing
plywood on a wall can provide a sturdy and cost-effective surface for finishing. Here are the steps to
install plywood on a wall:

1. Measure the height and width of the wall to determine the amount of plywood needed.
Purchase plywood that fits the dimensions of the wall.
2. Mark a horizontal line along the bottom of the wall using a chalk line. This will serve as a guide
for the first row of plywood.
3. Cut the plywood to fit the wall using a circular saw or jigsaw with a plywood blade. Be sure to
make cuts for any openings such as windows or doors.
4. Place the first row of plywood along the chalk line and attach it to the wall studs using nails or
screws. Drive the nails or screws into the center of the board, leaving a 1/8 inch gap between
5. Install the next row of plywood, ensuring that the board edges overlap the edges of the previous
row. Use a level to ensure the boards are straight and plumb.
6. Continue installing rows of plywood until the wall is fully covered.
7. Fill any gaps between the plywood boards with wood filler and sand smooth once it dries.

 Wall tiles  Level
 Tile adhesive  Grout
 Tile spacers  Grout float
 Notched trowel  Sponge
 Tile cutter or wet saw  Tile sealer (optional)
 Tile nippers

Installing wall tiles can be a great way to add color, texture, and protection to a wall in a bathroom,
kitchen, or other areas of your home. Here are the steps to install wall tiles:

1. Measure the height and width of the wall to determine the amount of tiles needed. Purchase
tiles that fit the dimensions of the wall.
2. Clean the wall to ensure it is free of dirt, grease, and other debris that could interfere with the
adhesive bond.
3. Use a level and chalk line to mark a vertical and horizontal center line on the wall. This will be
your starting point for laying the tiles.
4. Apply tile adhesive to a small section of the wall using a notched trowel, starting at the center
point where the vertical and horizontal lines intersect.
5. Place the first tile on the wall, aligning it with the center point and pressing it firmly into the
adhesive. Use tile spacers to ensure even spacing between tiles.
6. Continue placing tiles along the first row, using a level to ensure they are straight and aligned.
Cut tiles to fit at the edges of the wall using a tile cutter or wet saw.
7. Once the first row is complete, repeat the process to install subsequent rows of tiles until the
wall is fully covered.
8. After the tiles have set for at least 24 hours, remove the tile spacers and apply grout to the
spaces between the tiles using a grout float.
9. Use a damp sponge to remove excess grout and smooth out the surface of the grout lines.
10. Allow the grout to dry for at least 24 hours, then use a dry cloth to buff any haze off the surface
of the tiles.
11. Optional: Apply a tile sealer to protect the tiles from moisture and stains.


 GFRC panels  Grout
 Adhesive or  Caulk
mechanical fasteners  Level
 Trowel or notched  Measuring tape

Safety goggles GFRC (Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete) is a strong and durable material used in
construction for a variety of applications, including wall cladding. Here are the steps to install GFRC on

1. Measure the height and width of the wall to determine the amount of GFRC panels needed.
Purchase panels that fit the dimensions of the wall.
2. Clean the wall to ensure it is free of dirt, grease, and other debris that could interfere with the
adhesive bond.
3. Apply adhesive to the back of the GFRC panels using a trowel or notched trowel, according to
the manufacturer's instructions.
4. Position the first GFRC panel on the wall, starting at the bottom and pressing it firmly into place.
Use a level to ensure it is straight and plumb.
5. Continue installing GFRC panels along the wall, overlapping the edges of the previous panel by
1/2 inch or as recommended by the manufacturer.
6. Use mechanical fasteners (if required) to secure the panels in place, using a drill to make pilot
holes and screws to attach the panels to the wall.
7. Once the panels are installed, use grout to fill any gaps between the panels and smooth the
surface of the joints with a grout float.
8. Allow the grout to dry according to the manufacturer's instructions.
9. Apply caulk to seal any gaps between the GFRC panels and adjacent surfaces, such as windows
or doors.


 EIFS insulation board  Finish coat
 Adhesive or  Trowel or notched trowel
mechanical fasteners  Level
 Base coat  Measuring tape
 Reinforcing mesh  Safety goggles

EIFS (Exterior Insulation and Finish System) is a multi-layered exterior wall system that provides
insulation and a decorative finish. Here are the steps to install EIFS on walls:

1. Measure the height and width of the wall to determine the amount of EIFS insulation board
needed. Purchase insulation board that fits the dimensions of the wall.
2. Clean the wall to ensure it is free of dirt, grease, and other debris that could interfere with the
adhesive bond.
3. Install the EIFS insulation board on the wall using adhesive or mechanical fasteners, according to
the manufacturer's instructions. If using adhesive, apply it to the back of the insulation board
with a trowel or notched trowel.
4. Once the insulation board is in place, apply a base coat to the surface of the board using a
trowel or notched trowel, according to the manufacturer's instructions.
5. Immediately embed a layer of reinforcing mesh into the base coat, pressing it firmly into the wet
6. Apply a second layer of base coat over the reinforcing mesh to fully embed it and ensure a
smooth surface.
7. Allow the base coat to dry completely, according to the manufacturer's instructions.
8. Apply a finish coat to the surface of the base coat using a trowel or notched trowel, according to
the manufacturer's instructions.
9. Allow the finish coat to dry completely, according to the manufacturer's instructions.

 Aluminum cladding panels
 Screws or adhesive
 Aluminum angles or tracks
 Jigsaw or circular saw with metal-cutting blade
 Drill
 Safety goggles

Aluminum cladding is a popular exterior material that provides a sleek and modern look to buildings.
Here are the steps to install aluminum cladding on walls:

1. Measure the height and width of the wall to determine the amount of aluminum cladding
panels needed. Purchase panels that fit the dimensions of the wall.
2. Clean the wall to ensure it is free of dirt, grease, and other debris that could interfere with the
adhesive bond or screw placement.
3. Determine whether the cladding will be installed with screws or adhesive. If using screws, install
aluminum angles or tracks along the perimeter of the wall using a drill and screws. If using
adhesive, apply it to the back of the cladding panels with a trowel or notched trowel.
4. Cut the aluminum cladding panels to size using a jigsaw or circular saw with a metal-cutting
blade, according to the manufacturer's instructions.
5. Position the first cladding panel on the wall, starting at the bottom and pressing it firmly into
place. Use a level to ensure it is straight and plumb.
6. Continue installing cladding panels along the wall, overlapping the edges of the previous panel
by 1/2 inch or as recommended by the manufacturer.
7. Use screws (if required) to secure the panels in place, drilling pilot holes first and then attaching
the panels to the wall with screws.
8. Once the panels are installed, trim the edges using a jigsaw or circular saw with a metal-cutting
blade to ensure a neat and clean finish.

 Glass panels  Glass cleaner
 Aluminum frames or  Glass suction cups
channels  Level
 Silicone adhesive or  Measuring tape
screws  Safety goggles

Glass walls are a popular choice in modern architecture because they provide an open and airy feeling to
a space while still providing necessary privacy and sound insulation. Here are the steps to install glass

1. Measure the height and width of the wall to determine the amount of glass panels needed.
Purchase glass panels that fit the dimensions of the wall.
2. Clean the wall to ensure it is free of dirt, grease, and other debris that could interfere with the
adhesive bond or screw placement.
3. Determine whether the glass will be installed with silicone adhesive or screws. If using silicone
adhesive, apply it to the back of the glass panels with a trowel or notched trowel. If using
screws, install aluminum frames or channels along the perimeter of the wall using a drill and
4. Use glass suction cups to carefully lift and position the first glass panel on the wall, starting at
the bottom and pressing it firmly into place. Use a level to ensure it is straight and plumb.
5. Continue installing glass panels along the wall, overlapping the edges of the previous panel by
1/2 inch or as recommended by the manufacturer.
6. Use silicone adhesive (if required) to secure the panels in place, applying it to the back of the
glass panel and pressing it firmly into the aluminum frame or channel.
7. Once the panels are installed, clean them using glass cleaner and a soft cloth to ensure they are
free of smudges and streaks.


 PVC panels
 Adhesive or screws
 Aluminum angles or tracks (optional)
 Saw or cutter
 Measuring tape
 Level

PVC (polyvinyl chloride) panels are a popular choice for wall coverings because they are lightweight,
durable, and easy to install. Here are the steps to install PVC panels on walls:

1. Measure the height and width of the wall to determine the amount of PVC panels needed.
Purchase panels that fit the dimensions of the wall.
2. Clean the wall to ensure it is free of dirt, grease, and other debris that could interfere with the
adhesive bond or screw placement.
3. Determine whether the PVC panels will be installed with adhesive or screws. If using adhesive,
apply it to the back of the PVC panels with a trowel or notched trowel. If using screws, install
aluminum angles or tracks along the perimeter of the wall using a drill and screws.
4. Cut the PVC panels to size using a saw or cutter, according to the manufacturer's instructions.
5. Position the first PVC panel on the wall, starting at the bottom and pressing it firmly into place.
Use a level to ensure it is straight and plumb.
6. Continue installing PVC panels along the wall, overlapping the edges of the previous panel by
1/2 inch or as recommended by the manufacturer.
7. Use adhesive (if required) to secure the panels in place, applying it to the back of the PVC panel
and pressing it firmly onto the wall.
8. If using screws, drill pilot holes first and then attach the panels to the wall with screws.
9. Once the panels are installed, trim the edges using a saw or cutter to ensure a neat and clean


 WPC panels
 Adhesive or screws
 Aluminum angles or tracks (optional)
 Saw or cutter
 Measuring tape
 Level

WPC (wood-plastic composite) panels are a popular choice for wall cladding because they are durable,
moisture-resistant, and easy to install. Here are the steps to install WPC panels on walls:

1. Measure the height and width of the wall to determine the amount of WPC panels needed.
Purchase panels that fit the dimensions of the wall.
2. Clean the wall to ensure it is free of dirt, grease, and other debris that could interfere with the
adhesive bond or screw placement.
3. Determine whether the WPC panels will be installed with adhesive or screws. If using adhesive,
apply it to the back of the WPC panels with a trowel or notched trowel. If using screws, install
aluminum angles or tracks along the perimeter of the wall using a drill and screws.
4. Cut the WPC panels to size using a saw or cutter, according to the manufacturer's instructions.
5. Position the first WPC panel on the wall, starting at the bottom and pressing it firmly into place.
Use a level to ensure it is straight and plumb.
6. Continue installing WPC panels along the wall, overlapping the edges of the previous panel by
1/2 inch or as recommended by the manufacturer.
7. Use adhesive (if required) to secure the panels in place, applying it to the back of the WPC panel
and pressing it firmly onto the wall.
8. If using screws, drill pilot holes first and then attach the panels to the wall with screws.

10. Once the panels are installed, trim the edges using a saw or cutter to ensure a neat and clean

 Pebbles  Sponge
 Tile adhesive or grout  Sealer (optional)
 Notched trowel  Measuring tape
 Spacers  Level
 Grout float

Installing pebbles on walls can create a beautiful and unique decorative feature. Here are the steps to
install pebbles on walls:

1. Measure the area of the wall where you want to install the pebbles to determine the amount
needed. Purchase enough pebbles to cover the area, plus an extra 10-15% for waste and cuts.
2. Clean the wall surface to remove any dirt, debris, or other materials that could interfere with
the adhesive bond.
3. If the wall surface is not smooth, it may be necessary to apply a layer of plaster or skim coat to
create a smooth surface.
4. Mix the tile adhesive or grout according to the manufacturer's instructions. Use a notched
trowel to apply the adhesive or grout to the wall in small sections, starting at the bottom and
working your way up.
5. Place the pebbles onto the adhesive or grout, using spacers to maintain consistent spacing
between the pebbles. Press each pebble firmly into the adhesive or grout to ensure a strong
6. Work in small sections and continue applying adhesive or grout and placing the pebbles until the
entire wall is covered.
7. Use a grout float to fill the gaps between the pebbles with additional adhesive or grout. Wipe off
any excess adhesive or grout with a damp sponge.
8. Allow the adhesive or grout to dry completely, according to the manufacturer's instructions.
9. If desired, apply a sealer to the pebbles and grout to protect them from moisture and staining.

 Wallpaper  Measuring tape
 Wallpaper paste or  Level
adhesive  Utility knife or scissors
 Smoothing brush or  Paint brush or sponge
roller  Wallpaper smoother

Installing wallpaper on walls is a great way to add a stylish and unique touch to any room. Here are the
steps to install wallpaper on walls:

1. Measure the width and height of the wall to determine the amount of wallpaper needed.
Purchase enough wallpaper to cover the wall, plus an additional 10-15% for waste and cuts.
2. Clean the wall surface to remove any dirt, dust, or other debris that could interfere with the
wallpaper adhesive.
3. If the wall surface is not smooth, it may be necessary to apply a layer of primer or filler to create
a smooth surface.
4. Cut the wallpaper into strips, allowing an extra 2-3 inches at the top and bottom of each strip for
trimming. Mark the top and bottom of each strip so they can be easily identified during
5. Apply wallpaper paste or adhesive to the back of the first wallpaper strip, using a paintbrush or
sponge. Be sure to cover the entire back of the strip, paying particular attention to the edges.
6. Starting at the top of the wall, position the wallpaper strip on the wall, leaving an extra 2-3
inches at the top and bottom for trimming. Use a smoothing brush or roller to smooth out any
air bubbles or wrinkles.
7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 for each wallpaper strip, making sure to align the pattern correctly and
butt the edges together without overlapping. Use a level to ensure each strip is straight.
8. Once all strips are installed, use a wallpaper smoother or plastic smoother to smooth out any
remaining air bubbles or wrinkles.
9. Use a utility knife or scissors to trim the excess wallpaper at the top and bottom of the wall.
10. Allow the wallpaper to dry completely, according to the manufacturer's instructions.


 Acoustic boards  Level
 Furring strips  Drywall anchors
 Screws  Drywall screws
 Drill  Joint compound and tape
 Measuring tape  Paint (optional)

Installing acoustic boards on a ceiling can help to reduce noise and improve the acoustics in a room.
Here are the steps to install acoustic boards on a ceiling:

1. Measure the ceiling to determine the amount of acoustic board and furring strips needed.
Purchase enough materials to cover the ceiling, plus an additional 10-15% for waste and cuts.
2. Locate the ceiling joists using a stud finder or by tapping on the ceiling. Mark the locations of the
joists on the ceiling using a pencil.
3. Install furring strips perpendicular to the ceiling joists, spacing them approximately 16 inches
apart. Use screws to attach the furring strips to the ceiling joists, making sure they are level and
securely fastened.
4. If the acoustic boards do not have pre-drilled holes, use a drill to create holes in the boards to
align with the furring strips.
5. Lift the first acoustic board into place, aligning it with the furring strips. Use screws to attach the
board to the furring strips, making sure it is level and securely fastened. Repeat this step for
each additional board, making sure to align the pattern correctly and butt the edges together
without overlapping.
6. If necessary, use drywall anchors and screws to attach the acoustic boards to the ceiling in areas
without furring strips.
7. Use joint compound and tape to cover any gaps or seams between the acoustic boards, if
desired. Allow the joint compound to dry completely, according to the manufacturer's
8. Sand any rough spots or edges, and then paint the acoustic boards, if desired.

 Gypsum board  Drywall joint compound
 Screws  Drywall tape
 Drill  Joint knife
 Measuring tape  Sandpaper
 Level  Paint (optional)
 Drywall anchors

Installing gypsum board on a ceiling is a common method of creating a smooth and durable surface.
Here are the steps to install gypsum board on a ceiling:
1. Measure the ceiling to determine the amount of gypsum board needed. Purchase enough
gypsum board to cover the ceiling, plus an additional 10-15% for waste and cuts.
2. Locate the ceiling joists using a stud finder or by tapping on the ceiling. Mark the locations of the
joists on the ceiling using a pencil.
3. Cut the gypsum board to fit the ceiling, making sure to use a sharp utility knife or drywall saw
and a straight edge for accurate cuts.
4. Lift the first gypsum board into place, aligning it with the ceiling joists. Use screws to attach the
board to the joists, making sure it is level and securely fastened. Repeat this step for each
additional board, making sure to align the pattern correctly and butt the edges together without
5. If necessary, use drywall anchors and screws to attach the gypsum board to the ceiling in areas
without joists.
6. Apply drywall joint compound to the seams between the gypsum boards, using a joint knife to
smooth it out. Place drywall tape over the joint compound and smooth it out with the joint
knife. Apply a thin layer of joint compound over the tape, and then smooth it out with the joint
knife. Allow the joint compound to dry completely, according to the manufacturer's instructions.
7. Sand any rough spots or edges with sandpaper, and then apply another layer of joint compound
to the seams. Smooth out the joint compound with the joint knife, and then let it dry
8. Sand the seams again, and then apply a final layer of joint compound. Smooth out the joint
compound with the joint knife, and then let it dry completely.
9. Sand any rough spots or edges with sandpaper, and then paint the gypsum board, if desired.

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