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The New Statesman

pointing out nationalism growing for English people as well.

Since devolution began, there were debates about the legitimacy

of a national anthem.

Only 59 MP representing Scotland in Wesminster now (which is

still more than their number should give them).

Last timewe sawthe impact the issue of devolution had on the uk

today we will see the consequences of the independence
referundum had on the uk
the referundum that had a NO for a result
there was a london assembly that was created in 2001 for london
but that's it, not for other regions,
but blair wanted to decentralize the power so he started
referundums of regional assemblies , northwest england yorkshire,
but people voted against,
if that had worked it would have resultedin a federal state
the indepence referundum rekindeled the discussion about
regional assemblies, so it's currently under discussion, for cities
like yorkshire, (cities who insiste on their identity) haha tity
so non english mps can have a say in british matters this parado is
called the west lothian question/ english votes for british laws
(EVEL) the mp who raised this question was from west lothian so
they named it this way
cameron » thequestion of the english votes for english laws
requires a decisive answer »
he appointed a commission to revise a constitutional way of
legislating a bill, but it was never voted,
other solutions;creating an english prime minister
excluding scots and welsh when the issue does not concern them,
but still keep them in west minster
this can have an impact on a bigger scale,(the scale of europe)

following the may 2005 elections conservatinve victory ; mps

representing english constitutions given a new « veto » over laws
only affecting england,
even labor supported this decision ( even if it goes against their
the new procedures were used fot the first time in the house of
commons in january 2016,it has been used a coupleof times since

she is explaining the legislation process which is as complicated

as the water temple of zelda.

Text study «  how did it come to this »

scotland participated massively in the the developement of the
kingdom, especially during the industrial revolution and the
enlightenement, then in the 1960s during thedecolonization uk
went through a major industrial collaps ( overstatement bc i'm
book by benjamin disraelli «  sybil oftwo nations »
pole tax, thatcher was fighting against the govt spending, they had
too many debts so she insisted thatyou should not spend money
you don't have, if you pay taxs you would pay more attention to
where you govt is spending that money. Something like the
bedroom tax, but the tax was counted per head rather than per
room,anyway it was cancelled a long time ago.
Thatcher wantedto test these taxes in scotland, and boy was that a
bad idea, she had to resign, the one who cameafter her scraped the
democratic defecit «  scots didn't vote conservative yet they are
ruled by conservatives »
unite 3 the UK and the EEC/ EU

blair » we always come back to the same dilemma in or out of

europe, to be in or out if europe that is the question, in the end,
we havealways choosento be in, any british governement
governing for the true national interest, always comes back to the
sameplace it is not weakness, or the beguiling ,,,,etc »

1- 1973-2010 A half-hearted partnership

« a federation was the only hope wehave for averting a europe war
«  some british prime minister in the 70's
churchil advocated a federal europe, though not sure if uk should
be part of it.
A/ Britain's application for entry
1957 treaty of rome creation of the EEC
1960 britain set up the european free trade association along with
austria denmark norway portugal sweden and swizerland
this is what uk wanted to be part of

in a common market everyone has to impose the same costume

duties, prices, but in a free trade area each country can have it's
own special import duties, and prices.
If uk had joined the eec they would have had to pay more taeson
imported goods
the european free trade association was a failure.
Yet commonwealth trade declined in importance to britain's
reliance on europe grew,
the six gained in strength and influence ( the founding memebers
of the european community)
that's why harold mcmilard,started talks on membership in 1961
1963 first rejection
degol said « no »
3 main problems
1-agricultural policy ; it was very different from that of the eec
the eec has a policy that protect the farmers by keeping
someprices high, uk imports most of its food, so it tried to put a
condition for its membership to pay less for the food,
2-they wanted to joined the eec and have preferetional treatement
3-and anglo-american relationships, they were too dependent on
the us, they imported nukes and they had huge debts from wwII
degol feared the us would use uk asa trojan horse to get into the
eec, and that was exactly what happened
the first govt to apply for memebership was a conservative, it was
the second timethey applied they were not doing well so they
imposed fewer conditions and be more flexible,
degol said the uk was not really interested in joinin europe but just
to escape the mud, so it was refused again
degol said that it will notbe accepteduntil the uk economy has
1969 so not until degol was replaced that the negotiations resumed
1973 the ul joined the eec on january 1st
yet the uk now had to face existing structures and future projects
that had been elaborated without it,
1975 renogotiating terms first referendum
labor 1974 election manifesto commited to allow people the
opportunity to decide
wether britain should stay in a common market on terms to be
renegotiated or leave it entirely
referendum » do you think the uk should stay in the european
community ( common market) on terms to be negotiated » ?
june 1975 67 % voted yes

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