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ENBOSH 330 Quiz # 3 May 19, 2022, 5-5:30PM

I. Identification. Write only the word or group of word for your answer. This is only a 30 minutes test.

1. Who implements safety policies and regulations in construction site makes sure they are followed?
2. What provides an important component of health and safety planning in key areas of machine
shops, factories and industrial premises, appropriate signage and cuts the risk of accidents by
providing workers and visitors with quick visual cues to particular mechanical hazards, thereby
helping to ensure they stay on the alert and don’t expose themselves to unnecessary risk?
3. What is either a complete break or an incomplete cracking of a bone.
4. What is the right electrical protective equipment is worn or used whenever working on dangerous
electrical systems that OSHA requires?
5. What branch of engineering that involves the conception, design, manufacture and operation of
6. Who is responsible for providing PPE needed to comply with OSHA standards?
7. What is the regular and routine maintenance of equipment and assets in order to keep them
running and prevent any costly unplanned downtime from unexpected equipment failure?
8. What is a collection of related data or information that store in a computer system?
9. What is a system of organizational measures and technical means to prevent harmful and
dangerous effects on workers from electric current, electric arc, electromagnetic field and static
10. What do you call the wrapping used in a burned area?
11. What should drivers needs to know and follow to avoid any road accident and damage?
12. What must be grounded effectively so that there is no potential difference between the metal
13. What is a general term that refers to harm caused by accidents, falls, hit by weapons, and more
that damage your body?
14. What kind of PPE generally cover the nose and mouth or the entire face or head and help
prevent illness and injury?
15. What is an equipment that workers wear to prevent injury in the workplace?
16. What is an electrical safety work practices that employees will be provided with adequate light to
work on energized equipment or equipment will be relocated to ensure adequate light is
17. What is a person or company that undertakes a contract to provide materials or labor to perform
a service or do a job?
18. What refers to medical attention that is usually administered immediately after the injury occurs
and at the location where it occurred?
19. What is the mildest skin burn?
20. What is an unforeseen event that cause injury or death?
21. What is the transport or movement of people, animals or goods from one location to another
location on land?
22. What involves any safety procedure that is related to the construction industry or construction
23. What is also known as e-stops or kill switches or fail-safe mechanisms that allow machinery to
be immediately switched off in the event of an accident or other serious incident?
24. What is the long-distance transportation of a liquid or gas?
25. What is a combination of safety checklists, safety talks, job site walkthroughs, or other
assessments that requires periodic checkpoints along the way to ensure safety and remains a
high priority regardless of the contract term?

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