Angela 12abm Majuliespremiumloaves

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Media analysis: Create a media analysis based on the commercial advertisement below.

The name of the product is "Julie’s Premium Loaves." It is displayed in a different font and
represented in blended colors to make it visible and noticeable to the customer. It is on the right
side of the advertisement poster, next to the image of the product. 
Under the name of the product, there is a message or jingle lines that are written in two different
fonts but at different angles. The upper line is located on the top of the advertisement poster and
is made up of red text that helps the line stand out from the brightly colored background. On the
other hand, the jingle lines were located at the bottom of the poster. It gives the target audience a
better reason why they need to buy the product, which may also draw the reader's attention.

The main image of this advertisement poster focuses on the main best-selling products for this
season. The color and lighting of the picture used for this main image match the theme and
background shade of the poster. The lightning also showcases the expressions and emotions. And
also below of the main image are some products that the customer can buy.

Furthermore, on the lower right side of the advertisement poster, you can see the name of the
owner of this product, "Julie's Bakeshop," and also their tagline.

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