PT - Tle 6 - Q2 With Tos

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region IV-A
Schools Division of LAGUNA
Name:__________________________________________________Section: ______________
Teacher:________________________________________________Score: _______________

I- Choose the letter of the correct answer.

___1. A piece of land where trees or shrubs are maintained for food or commercial production.
a. orchard b. fruit orchard c. nut orchard d. seed orchard
___2. These orchards include any facility that concentrates on growing tree-bearing fruits.
a. nut orchard b. orchard c. fruit orchard d. seed orchard
___3. These orchards focus primarily on growing trees that produce seeds sold for commercial
distribution or resale purposes.
a. seed orchard b. fruit orchard c. nut orchard d. plant orchard
___4. Who is known as the “Dragon lady of the Philippines”who ventured dragon fruit bussiness?
a. Senen Bacani b. Joseph Calata c. Jose Mercado d. Edith Dacuycuy
___5. He is the brain behind the success of Zes-O Corporation, also known as the “juice king of the
a. Alfredo M. Yao b. Senen Bacani c. Jose Mercado d. Desiree Duran
___6. Successful mango orchard farm located in coastal province of zambales .
a. Rock farm b. Rosa Farm c. Ato Belen’s Farm d. Rosit Farm
___7. We can grow fruit trees by planting their _________________.
a. seeds b. leaves c. fruits d. roots
___8. It is a process of tilling or loosening the soil around the seedlings.
a. direct planting b. watering c. cultivating d. applying organic fertilizer
___9. Which of the following is the most economical and safe fertilizers?
a. Inorganic fertilizers c. Commercial fertilizers
b. Organic fertilizers d. Sufficient fertilizers
___10. How are you going to choose the best kind of seeds?
a. by the sizes and colors c. through healthy conditions and mature with no cuts
b. through shapes and designs d. by appropriate age
___11. The following are elements/factors to observe in planting trees EXCEPT one. Which one is it?
a. choose the best place for planting c. prepare the seedlings before transplanting
b. choose the seeds that best suit the d. put sufficient fertilizers to the soil
season and the soil
___12. The _______method of planting trees is ideal for sloping areas.
a. square b. triangle c. diagonal d. contour
___13. Why is lay-out very important in orchard farming?
a. for beauty c. for easy harvesting of fruits
b. for easy maintenance of crops d. all options are correct
___14. Which factor is very important in orchard farming?
a. elevation b. temperature c. drainage d. cost of the land
___15. How can you tell the mature mangoes from the less mature ones?
a. by means of fruit color c. by means of their spots
b. by means of their leaves d. all signs are correct
___16. Used for cutting wood, trees, and grasses.
a. bolo b. Hoe c. spade d. hand fork
___17. Used for even spreading of soil or leveling soil and for gathering leaves on the ground
and separating big blocks of soil from smaller pieces.
a. crowbar b. rake c. shovel d. trowel
___18. A water container with small holes on the spout and used for watering plants.
a. spading fork b. bamboo c. sprinkler d. trowel
___19. Used for hauling fertilizer and soil and for carrying other tools and materials.
a. wheelbarrow b. shovel c. Thread d. Hoe
___20. A short-handled tool with a curved blade used for cultivating or loosening the soil.
a. wood or bamboo b. Trowel c. shovel d. sprinkler
___21. Used for removing soil or trash.
a. spading fork b. shovel c. rake d. bolo
___22. The method of reproducing and multiplying plants using seeds.
a. sexual propagation b. asexual propagation c. budding d. grafting
___23. The method of plant propagation that is done without the help of the reproductive
organs of the plant.
a. air layering b. sexual propagation c. asexual propagation d. marcotting
___24 In this technique, the attached and bent branch of the plant is covered with soil and allowed to root
a. layering b. budding c. grafting d. marcotting
___25. In this method, a scion or top portion of a stem of a plant is joined with or inserted into
the rootstock of another plant, to make them grow together into one plant.
a. grafting b. marcotting c. budding d. cutting
___26. The leaves are removed , the stems are cut 10 inches long and one-half of the cutting
is inserted into soil.
a. cutting b. grafting c. layering d. marcotting
___27. Any substance added to the soil that promotes the healthy growth of plants.
a. manure b. compost c. fertilizer d. humus
___28. Comes from animal waste such as livestock (big animals) and poultry (chicken) waste.
a. manure b. humus c. compost d. fertilizer
___29. Artificial fertilizer made from chemicals ( liquid, soluble, and granular form).
a. inorganic b. organic c. humus d. compost
___30. Natural fertilizer from decayed matter, animals and other natural sources.
a. animals b. inorganic c. organic d. water
___31. Which of the following is NOT the initial step in conducting a survey?
a. builds your pigpen
b. knows your area
c. learns from others
d. knows the local animal and fish industry
___32. Which of the animal or fish is raised for its meat and milk as an alternative
source of family income in their backyard?
a. cow b. hog c. milkfish d. tilapia
___33. A breed of swine that is commonly found in rural areas. They eat palay or
meat leaf overs as they simply loiter in the backyard.
a. Crossbreed variety
b. Exported variety
c. Imported variety
d. Native variety
___34. ____________ is a doctor specializing in taking good care of the health and
welfare of animals.
a. Dentist b. Dermatologist c. Physician d. Veterinarian
___35. To prevent hazards brought by animal raising projects, it is the responsibility of every animal raiser
I. Bathe animal as the need arises.
II. Put up septic tanks for the proper disposal of animal waste.
III. Establish the housing of animals away from houses and the neighborhood.
IV. Have enough fences/walls and minimize air pollution caused by decayed animal wastes.
a. I, II & III b. II, III & IV c. III, IV& I d. IV, I & II
___36. Which of following is NOT a benefit of raising four-legged animals?
a. It is a burden to the economy of the family and the community.
b. It is a source of livelihood or source of income for many families.
c. It can be a good hobby for those who interested in animal and fish raising.
d. It instills the spirit of entrepreneurship, hardwork and industry to
individual who are in the business.
___37. Rico is planning to raise hogs, what is the proper way he needs to consider in preventing the hazard
to the community?
a. Not putting up a septic tank.
b. Having a small space for animals.
c. Regular cleaning and disinfecting of the houses of animals.
d. Establish the housing of animals near the houses and neighborhood.
___38. It includes breeding, rearing of the young and the grow-out juvenile fish to
adult or harvestable fish.
a. Animal Breeding
b. Fish Farming
c. Grow-out Farming
d. Juvenile Farming
___39. It is a system of farming system which involves higher stocking density applies fertilizer to develop
natural food in the pond.
a. Extensive Fish Farming System
b. Integrated Aquaculture System
c. Intensive Fish Farming System
d. Semi-Intensive Fish Farming System
___40. In this culture system, fish is produced together with other agricultural products like rice, banana or
a. Extensive Fish Farming System
b. Integrated Aquaculture System
c. Intensive Fish Farming System
d. Semi-Intensive Fish Farming System
___41. Which are NOT examples of fishery products that are being cultured?
a. Clownfish and Puffer fish
b. Milkfish and Tilapia
c. Oysters and Mussels
d. Prawns and Shrimps
___42. Which is NOT true about milkfish?
a. carnivorous feeding habit
b. rapid growth rate
c. shiny and with attractive appearance
d. tolerance of wide range of salinity
___43. These are the reasons why many people culture tilapia.
a. It is easy to raise, slow-growing fish, can survive any bodies of water and environment.
b. It is easy to raise, slow-growing fish, can’t survive any bodies of water and environment.
c. It is easy to raise, fast-growing fish, can’t survive any bodies of water and environment.
d. It is easy to raise, fast-growing fish, can survive any bodies of water and environment.
___44. Why is mud crab fattening the most suitable method for small scale aquaculture?
a. Cannibalism is dramatically increased.
b. Lower survival rate for fattening.
c. Fattened crabs can be stocked at lower densities.
d. The period between investment and returns is short.
___45. Although fish culture provides many benefits to people, it also poses adverse impacts on
environment, people and the community. Which of these impacts
is caused by importation of foreign species for farming?
a. decline in local food crops
b. displacement of native species
c. loss of mangrove ecosystem
d. water and soil salinization
Directions: Write the needed information to complete the table below .Show your complete solution on your
answer sheet.

Number of Cost of No. of Cost of Feeds Assumed Assumed Total Total Total
Piglets each months /head/month price per weight of capital cost profit
piglet to be (Php) kilo (Php) each (Php) (Php) (Php)
(Php) raised piglet (Kg)
5 1000 6 1000 100 90 (46)___ (47)__ (48)__
7 1200 5 1000 150 90 (49)__ 94,500 (50)__
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IV-A
Schools Division of LAGUNA








COMPETENCIES Instruc Weight No.


(Include Codes if tion (%) of
Available) (Days) Items

Discusses the importance of

planting and propagating
5 14% 7 1-6 7
trees and fruit-bearing trees
1 and marketing seedlings.

Prepares layout design of an 8,

2 5 14% 7 22-26
orchard garden using the 13
information gathered

propagates trees and fruit-

3 10
bearing trees using scientific
processes 5 16% 8 16-21 9
performs systematic
and scientific ways of
caring orchard trees/
4 seedlings such as
watering, cultivating, 12,
preparing, and applying 27- 14-
organic fertilizer 5 16% 8 30 11 15

plans for the family’s

animal raising project 5 10% 5 34, 37 35 31,36

32, 42-
6 33 43,
manages marketing of 39-
animal/fish raised 10 20% 10 38 40 44 41 45

computes the income

earned from marketed 46
7 products (Gross Sale – -
Expenses = Net income) 5 10% 5 50

TOTAL 40 100% 50 20 8 4 5 6 5

1. A 19. A 37. C
2. C 20. B 38. B
3. A 21. A 39. D
4. D 22. A 40. B
5. A 23. C 41. A
6. B 24. A 42. A
7. A 25. A 43. B
8. C 26. A 44. D
9. B 27. C 45. B
10. C 28. A
11. D 29. A (46-50)
12. D 30. C
13. D 31. A 46. 30,000
14. B 32. A 47. 45,000
15. D 33. D 48. 15,000
16. A 34. D 49. 43,400
17. B 35. B 50. 51,100
18. C 36. A

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