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How does scientific method operate?

- Through testing and experimentation, the scientific method establishes facts in an

unbiased manner. Making an observation, formulating a hypothesis, making a prediction,
carrying out an experiment, and then evaluating the findings are the fundamental steps.
The scientific method is based on empirical evidence and follows a step-by-step approach
that helps ensure accuracy and reliability in the scientific process. In this essay, we will
discuss the different steps involved in the scientific method and how it operates to help
scientists better understand the world around us. Understanding the natural world requires
using the scientific approach. It offers a methodical approach to scientific inquiry, aiding
in the correctness and dependability of the research process. Scientists can test ideas,
come to conclusions, and share their findings with the scientific community by
employing a step-by-step process. Knowing the scientific process is essential to
comprehending the value of evidence-based decision-making and the role of science in
our society.

Is technology a part of science?

- Although they are not the same thing, technology and science are frequently used
synonymously. Technology is the use of scientific knowledge for practical purposes,
whereas science is the study of natural phenomena. The relationship between science and
technology is entwined, though, as improvements in one sector frequently spur
improvements in the other. This essay will examine the issue of whether technology
belongs in the category of science. In conclusion, science and technology are closely
connected but distinct disciplines. Technology makes it possible for scientists to obtain
data and carry out tests more quickly, whereas science provides the theoretical
knowledge on which technology is based. Technology is an expansion of scientific
knowledge and discovery, even though it is not strictly speaking a branch of science. In
order to develop original answers to the world's issues, scientists and engineers will
increasingly need to collaborate as technology develops.

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