Chemistry Paper 12th

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Chemistry Paper 50 Marks

Chemistry 1
Q1. Answer the following (Any 5) 10 Marks
1. Write Arrhenius Equation and explain its terms
2. State First law of Thermodynamics
3. What is intensive Property? Explain why density is an intensive property.
4. Distinguish between order and molecularity of Reaction.
5. What is the Activation Energy of Reaction.
6. What is entropy give its units.
Q2. Answer the Following (Any 4) 16 Marks
1. Derive the equation for maximum work.
2. Derive the integrated rate law for the first order reaction.
3. Derive the equation for Pressure volume work.
4. Obtain the relationship between ΔH and ΔU for gas Phase reation.
5. Explain the graphically the effect of Catalyst and temperature.
Chemistry 2
Q1. Answer the following (Any 4) 8 Marks
1. Explain why p-Nitrophenols are strong acids then Phenols.
2. Write the reaction showing the conversion of benzonitrile to benzoic acid.
3. Give the structure of 1-Ethylcyclohexanol, 3-MethoxyHexane-1.4-diol, Ethylmethyl ether,
Formic Acid.
4. Write a note on Aldol Condensation.
5. Arrange the following in increasing order of Boiling Point. Formaldehyde, Ethane, Methyl
Q2. Answer the Following (Any 4) 16 Marks
1. Write a note on Cannizaro reaction and Stephan reaction.
2. Write a reaction showing the conversion of p-Bromo Isopropyl Benzene to p-Isopropyl
Bnezoic Acid. (3 Steps)
3. Convert the following:
i) Propyl Alcohol to Propionic Acid
ii) Anisole to Phenol
iii) Ethyl methyl Ether to Ethyl Chloride
iv) Phenol to p-Nitrophenol.
4. Why Formic acid are stronger acid than Acetic Acid? Write the Hydroboration-oxidation of
5. Give the resonance of phenol, Write reaction showing the Action of Following reagents on
propanenitrile (A) dil HCl (B) dil NaOH.

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