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香港國際數學競賽初賽 2018(香港賽區)

高中組 Senior Secondary

時限:90 分鐘
Time allowed: 90 minutes
Question Paper
Instructions to Contestants:

1. 本卷包括 試題 乙份,試題紙不可取走。
Each contestant should have ONE Question-Answer Book which CANNOT be taken away.
2. 本卷共 5 個範疇,每範疇有 5 題,共 25 題,每題 4 分,總分 100 分,答錯不扣分。
There are 5 exam areas and 5 questions in each exam area. There are a total of 25 questions in this
Question-Answer Book. Each carries 4 marks. Total score is 100 marks. No points are deducted for
incorrect answers.

3. 請將答案寫在 答題紙 上。
All answers should be written on ANSWER SHEET.
4. 比賽期間,不得使用計算工具。
NO calculators can be used during the contest.
5. 本卷中所有圖形不一定依比例繪成。
All figures in the paper are not necessarily drawn to scale.
6. 比賽完畢時,本試題會被收回。
This Question-Answer Book will be collected at the end of the contest.
請將答案寫在 答題紙 上。
All answers should be written on the ANSWER SHEET.

DO NOT turn over this Question-Answer Book without approval of the examiner.
Otherwise, contestant may be DISQUALIFIED.

Open-Ended Questions (1st ~25th) (4 points for correct answer, no penalty point for wrong answer)

Logical Thinking

1. Given A, B and C are three non-zero digits and the 3-digit numbers formed by these three digits have the
following properties:
1. ACB is divisible by 9;
2. BCB is a cubic number.
Find the 3-digit number AAB .

2. There are n lines that are not parallel with each other on a plane. There are no 3 lines intersecting at a
point. If they intersect 105 times, find n.

3. Andy goes north for 99km, then goes east for 15km, goes south for 78km and goes west for 87km. How
far is he now from the original position?

4. 1st September, 2018 is Saturday. Which day of the week is 21st September, 2078?

5. There are 15 pieces of white chopsticks, 16 pieces of yellow chopsticks and 12 pieces of brown
chopsticks mixed together. Close your eyes. If you want to get 1 pair of chopsticks that are not white and
1 pair of chopsticks that are not yellow, at least how many piece(s) of chopstick(s) is / are needed to be


6. Calculate C18 + 9C28 + 92 C38 + ... + 96 C78 + 97 C88 .

1 1
7. Find the coefficient of x in the expansion of ( x + )4 ( x − )5 .
x x

8. Calculate 6 − 6 − 6 − ... .

9. If a is an integer, find the smallest value of a such that (a + 2) x2 + ax − 7 = 0 has no real roots.

10. Factorise 6 x 4 − x3 − 14 x2 − x + 6 .

Write down the answer in the simplest form. If the calculation result is a fraction, please write down the answer as a proper or mixed fraction,
decimal figure is also accepted. Marks will NOT be given for incorrect unit.
請將答案寫在 答題紙 上。
All answers should be written on the ANSWER SHEET.

Number Theory

3x  1(mod 5)
11. Find the smallest positive integral solution of congruence equations 
5 x  1(mod 7)

12. Now is June. Which month will it be after 738 months?

13. How many positive integer(s) x is / are there so that x2 − 22 x + 221 is an integer?

14. If is a positive integer, find the maximum integral value of n.

15. What is the smallest integral value n that satisfies the inequality n210  11280 ?


3 2
16. Find the area enclosed by the x-axis and the straight lines 4 x − 3 y = 1 and y = − x − .
5 5

17. A triangle in the figure below has sides with lengths 2x, 3x and 4x. If the radius of inscribed circle is r,
find .



18. In ABC , BC = 10 , AB = 13 , ACB = 45 . Find the area of triangle ABC.

tan x
19. Given that sin x = 3cos x . Find the value of .
cos x

20. There is a container whose length is 18cm, width is 15cm and height is 12cm. The depth of the water
Write down the answer in the simplest form. If the calculation result is a fraction, please write down the answer as a proper or mixed fraction,
decimal figure is also accepted. Marks will NOT be given for incorrect unit.
請將答案寫在 答題紙 上。
All answers should be written on the ANSWER SHEET.

level inside is 7cm now. Now a cube of 9cm side length is put in the container. How many cm will the
water level raise?


21. There are 6 pairs of couples. If we pick 4 people from them, how many way(s) is/are there to include
exactly 1 pair of couple among the 4 people?

22. Peter, Amy and John get 15 books altogether. How many different combination(s) is/are there if each of
them at least gets a book?

23. A fair 6-face die is thrown 3 times. Find the probability that the sum of numbers obtained is not a
multiple of 3.

24. There are 5 identical Mathematics books, 3 identical English books and 3 identical Chinese books. How
many different arrangement(s) is/are there?

25. Find the number of positive integral solution(s) of linear equations 3x + 4 y = 228 .

~ End of Paper ~

Write down the answer in the simplest form. If the calculation result is a fraction, please write down the answer as a proper or mixed fraction,
decimal figure is also accepted. Marks will NOT be given for incorrect unit.

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