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1. Define soft water.
2. Define hardness of water
3. Distinguish between carbonate (temporary) hardness (CH) and non-carbonate(permanent) hardness
4. What are the units to express hardness of water?
5. What is Carbonate hardness?
6. What is meant by non-carbonate hardness?
7. How does Eriochrome Black T function as indicator in EDTA titration?
8. Write the expression used to calculate Hardness of water
9. Why the hardness of water is expressed in CaCO3 equivalent?
10. Mention some disadvantages of hard water in domestic and industrial areas.
11. What is boiler feed water?
12. What is meant by sludge formation in boiler? How it can be prevented?
13. What are the disadvantages of sludge formation?
14. What is scale in boiler? What are the causes for scale formation?
15. What are the methods available for removal of Scales in boilers?
16. Why buffer is added in the estimation of hardness of water by EDTA method?
17. What are Cationic exchange resins?
18. What are Anionic exchange resins?
19. What is Desalination? What are its uses?
20. What is meant by Reverse Osmosis?
21. What is meant by Osmosis?
22. Distinguish between soft water and hard water.
23. How detect hardness of water?

Part -B

1) What is hard water? Highlight its disadvantages?

2) Explain the reverse osmosis process and its advantages.
3) What is the principle of EDTA method? Describe the estimation of hardness of water by
EDTA method.
4) What are boiler troubles? How are they caused? What are sludge and scale in boilers? How
are they formed? Suggest any two methods to prevent their formation.
5) Explain Deionization Process. How is the exhausted resin regenerated in an ion – exchange method?
What are the merits and demerits of ion – exchange method?
6) Explain potable water treatment with neat diagram and flowchart.
7) Discuss briefly about sterilization method and break point of chlorination.

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