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Which of the following is a nurse's best defense against allegations of negligence by a

client or client's surrogate?

The correct answer is: Patient record

A client was on May Go Home order. Part of the health teachings of the nurse includes
diet, visit for ff up check ups and getting enough sleep. This describes which of the

The correct answer is: Physical dimensions

Which of the following developments had the greatest influence on the development
of nursing as a profession since the l950s?

The correct answer is: Nursing practice was broadened to include practice in a wide
variety of healthcare settings.

Which of the following nursing advocates elevated the status of nursing to a respected
occupation, improved the quality of nursing care, and founded modern nursing

The correct answer is: Florence Nightingale

Which of the following actions should the nurse take when client data indicate that the
stated goals have not been achieved?

The correct answer is: Review each preceding step of the nursing process.

Which of the following refers to the network of health facilities and personnel which
carries out the task of rendering health care to the people?

The correct answer is: Health Care Delivery System

A practice that provides comprehensive programs that include health promotion

principles throughout a school curriculum is which of the following fields of nursing

The correct answer is: School Nursing

Which of the following nursing concerns is clearly the responsibility of the nurse?

The correct answer is: All of the above

Which of the following cues pertains to objective data?

The correct answer is: Appears weak and pale

Which of the following nursing concerns is clearly the responsibility of the nurse?

The correct answer is: All of the above

Which of the following guidelines for charting client information is accurate?

The correct answer is: Nursing interventions should be charted chronologically on

consecutive lines.

Which of the following level of health care facilities renders services requiring highly
technical and specialized knowledge, facilities and personnel to treat effectively?

The correct answer is: Tertiary Level of Health Care Facilities

Which of the following is a form used to record specific patient variables such as pulse,
respiratory rate,blood pressure, and body temperature?

The correct answer is: Graphic sheets

Which of the following guidelines for charting client information is accurate?

The correct answer is: Nursing interventions should be charted chronologically on

consecutive lines.

Primary Level of Health Care Facilities includes all of the following EXCEPT:

The correct answer is: Emergency and Regional hospitals

Which of the following refers to the network of health facilities and personnel which
carries out the task of rendering health care to the people?

The correct answer is: Health Care Delivery System

Which of the following is used by the nurse to identify the client's healthcare needs and
strengths and to establish and carry out a plan of care to meet those needs?

The correct answer is: Nursing process

It facilitates understanding and collaboration to other members of the health team. this
implies the role of the nurse as which of the following?

The correct answer is: Communicator

Finding personal satisfaction and fulfillment through work is referred as which of the
following dimensions of wellness?

The correct answer is: Financial

When a nurse helps a client make an informed decision about his/her own health and
life, which of the following nurse's roles has been performed?

The correct answer is: Advocate

Which of the following IS NOT a part of a nursing diagnosis?

The correct answer is: Medical diagnosis

A nurse performs nursing interventions for patient, the nurse is expected to perform
which of the following competencies?

The correct answer is: Knowledge and skills

Which of the following roles of a nurse actively participates in or conduct of study to

increase knowledge and improve the nursing care is:

The correct answer is: Researcher

Which of the following criteria define nursing as a profession?

The correct answer is: A well-defined body of specific and unique knowledge.

Which of the following statements accurately describe a type of NANDA nursing


The correct answer is: All of the above.

Needs are an integral part of each person's human dimension. Which needs are met
when a person feels a sense of belonging to a group or community and being loved by

The correct answer is: Sociocultural needs

A nurse is showing a client how to use crutches at home and instructing his mother
about how to change his bandages. At this time, the nurse is primarily acting as:

The correct answer is: Teacher

The invasion of disease causing organisms, their multiplication, and the reaction of host
tissues to these organisms refers to which of the following?

The correct answer is: Infection

Referring an HIV-positive client to a local support group is an example of which of the

following levels of preventive care?

The correct answer is: Tertiary

It is a define as a state of complete physical, mental, and social well being and not
merely the absence or presence of disease is called which of the following?

The correct answer is: Health

Which of the following nursing actions demonstrate the aim of nursing to promote

The correct answer is: Increasing student awareness of sexually transmitted diseases by
distributing informational pamphlets at a college health center.
In which of the following systems would a nurse organize data according to the SOAP

The correct answer is: Problem-oriented method

Collaborative interventions are interventions that require which of the following?

The correct answer is: Multiple health care professionals

Which of the following nursing diagnoses are written correctly?

The correct answer is: Deficient Fluid Volume related to abnormal fluid loss

Which of the following is a characteristics of a chronic illness?

The correct answer is: It is a permanent change and caused by, irreversible alterations
in normal anatomy and physiology.

A personal state in which the person feels unhealthy is describe as which of the

The correct answer is: Illness

Which of the following field of nursing is described for nurses who works in extended
care facilities, nursing homes, and neighborhood clinics?

The correct answer is: Institutional Nursing

Which of the following nursing actions demonstrate the aim of nursing to promote
The correct answer is: Increasing student awareness of sexually transmitted diseases by
distributing informational pamphlets at a college health center.
When a nurse addresses the needs of the whole person in all dimensions, the nurse is
said to be utilizing what approach?
The correct answer is: Holistic

The following are personal qualities and professional proficiencies of a nurse, EXCEPT:
The correct answer is: It must adequately demand the pre-professional and cultural
Which of the following statements define health care delivery?

The correct answer is: Rendering health care services

Which of the following best describes a period of remission in a client with a chronic
The correct answer is: Symptoms are not experienced.
Which of the following actions would be performed during the planning step of the
nursing process?
The correct answer is: Selecting nursing measures.
Immunizing children against measles is an example of which of the following levels of
preventive care?
The correct answer is: Primary

The 6 C's of nursing stands for Which of the following?

The correct answer is: Care, courage, compassion, competence, commitment,
Which of the following statements most clearly defines the role of the nurse in the
Christian period?
The correct answer is: Women called deaconesses made the first organized visits to
sick, and members of male religious groups gave nursing care and buried the
Which of the following actions would be an appropriate nursing action
evaluating a client's responses to a plan of
The correct answer is: Continue the plan of care if more time is needed to achieve
Which of the following functions is described of a nurse who makes a change in
hospital setting?
The correct answer is: Change-Agent
Which of the following refers to a medical term meaning that there is a pathologic
change in the structure or function of the body or mind?
The correct answer is: Disease

According to William Shepard, Criteria of a Profession includes:

The correct answer is: All of the above


Mr. Rando reports to his Nurse on Duty that he is experiencing nausea and constipation.
Which of the following would be the priority nursing action?
The correct answer is: complete an abdominal assessment

A legal or record that contains pertinent interactions and interventions with the client is
called which of the following?
The correct answer is: Documentation
The nurse would make which of the following inferences after performing the appropriate
client assessment?
The correct answer is: The client is hypotensive

Which of the following is an example of a subjective data?

The correct answer is: Cigarette smoking 2 PPD for 2 years

The Nurse would do which of the follwing during the implementation phase of the nursing
process when workinh wuth a hospitalized adult client?
The correct answer is: record in the medical record the distance a client ambulates in the hall

The following statement appears on the nursing care plan for an immunosuppressed client,
"The client will remain free from infection throughout hospitalization." This statement is an
example of?
The correct answer is: short-term goal

Which of the following data would you record as subjective?

The correct answer is: client feels nauseated when moved suddenly

What does SBAR stands for?

The correct answer is: Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation

Which of the following guidelines in documentation needs further attention:

The correct answer is: Document interventions before carrying out

The Planning step of the Nursing Process incliudes which of the following activities?
The correct answer is: Setting Goals and Selecting Interventions

/Which of the following part of the SBAR communication technique that briefly describes
the current situation of the client?
The correct answer is: Background

During the shift change report, the incoming RN is repeatedly interrupting and criticizing
the outgoing RN's report. What is the best response using communication techniques to
diffuse the situation?
The correct answer is: "I understand your concerns. Could we address them after we finish the report?"

Interpret the following order: VO ii gtts Isopto Atropine OD ac qd

The correct answer is: Verbal order: two drops Isopto Atropine in right eye after meals every day

In the nursing diagnosis "Self-care Deficit: Feeding related to Bilateral Fractured Wrists in
Casts," what is the major related factor or risk factor identified by the nurse?
The correct answer is: fractured wrists

Which of the following part of the SBAR communication technique that entails what you can
suggest or what you want to happen next?
The correct answer is: recommendation

Which of the following action should the nurse take when a recording mistake has occured?
The correct answer is: Draw a line through the mistake and write mistaken entry and your initials above it’

Which of the following part of the SBAR communication technique that states the pertinent
history and leads what got us to this point?
The correct answer is: background

The nursing diagnosis is Risk for Impaired Skin Integrity related to Immobility and Pressure
Secondary to pain and presence of cast. which of the following desired outcomes should
the nurse include in the care plan?
The correct answer is: skin will remain intact and without redness during his hospital stay

The Rehab Nurse wants to make the following entry into the client's plan of care: "client will
be able to reestablish a pattern of daily bowel movements without straining within 3
months." The Rehab Nurse will write this statement under which section of plan of care?
The correct answer is: Long-term Goals

Which of the following basic components of POMR is data base which includes, EXCEPT:
The correct answer is: Flow sheet

POMR System has several advantages, EXCEPT which of the following?

The correct answer is: Promotes continuity of care

After the nurse gives assessment findings on a client to the provider, the Nurse lets the
provider know it would be prudent to come and evaluate the client. What part of SBAR
communication is this?
The correct answer is: Recommendation

The incident should be notified immediately to the nursing office and an INCIDENT REPORT
should be submitted within 48 hours. The objective for the submission time frame is:
The correct answer is: incidents submitted over the time frame is considered void and invalid

When are we going to use SBAR?

End of Shift

Transferred to other hospital

Transferred out of the unit
The correct answer is: A, C, B

His/her responsibility is to ensure the compliance of the policy in his/ her department.
The correct answer is: Head Nurse

A client who complains of nausea and seems anxious is admitted to the nursing unit. The
nurse should take which of the following actions regarding completion of the admission
The correct answer is: do the interview as soon as some uninterrupted time is available in order to address the client's
Before the shift endorsement, the outgoing nurse will:

C. All physician orders are carried out

A. check the client file

D. Planned care is ready for intervention

The correct answer is: C, A, D

Once a nurse assesses a client's condition and identifies appropriate nursing diagnoses,
The correct answer is: plan is developed for nursing care

Which of the following statements best describes the root cause of the incident?
The correct answer is: a letdown in determining that a defective siderail caused the client's fall

Which of the following part of the SBAR communication technique that summarize the facts
and gives us best assessment, what's going on, using the best judgement?
The correct answer is: assessment

An informal consideration of a subject by two or more health care personnel to identify and
resolve a client's problem, is termed as which of the following?
The correct answer is: Discussion

Which desired outcome written by the student nurse is correctly written and is measurable?
The correct answer is: the client will lose 2kg within the next 14 days

A PIE model documentation advantage is which of the following?

The correct answer is: It promotes continuity of care

A client on the nursing unit is terminally ill but remains alert and oriented. Three days adter
admission, the nurse observed signs of depression. The client states "I'm tired of being sick.
I wish I could end it all." What is the most accurate and informative way to record this data
in a nursing process note?
The correct answer is: the client states "I'm tired of being sick. I wish I could end it all."

Which of these statements is a correctly written outcome goal?

The correct answer is: the client will walk 3km daily by April 12

Which of the following statements BEST describes POMR?

The correct answer is: The data are arranged according to the problems

Which of the following actions by a nurse ensures confidentiality of a client's computer

The correct answer is: the nurse closes a client's computer file and logs off

When a nurse uses information and technology to communicate, locate and use knowledge,
reduce and eliminate errors, and help make decisions, the nurse is working in which area?
The correct answer is: Nursing informatics

Which of the following statements is a data on FDAR method of documentation?

The correct answer is: "I have diffulty swallowing my foods for 3 days now"

Is a communication technique that provides an organized logical sequence and improved

communication process to ensure client safety.
The correct answer is: SBAR

The Nurse on Duty needs to validate which of the following statements being made by their
assigned clients?
The correct answer is: The client reported an infected toe

After instructing the client on crutch walking technique, the nurse should evaluate the
client's understanding by using which of the following methods?
The correct answer is: return demonstration

Collaborative interventions are therapies that require:

The correct answer is: multiple health care professionals

Which of the following guidelines in documentation needs a correction?

The correct answer is: Indicate in each entry the date only

The nurse writes an expected outcome statement in measurable terms. An example for this
would be:
The correct answer is: The client will report pain scale of less than 4 on a scale of 0 to 10

The ANA code of ethics states which of the following ethical and legal considerations in
The correct answer is: The nurse has a duty to maintain confidentiality of all client's information

Which of the following charting entry would be the most defensible in court?
The correct answer is: Notified Dr.Jones of BP of 90/40

What are the benefits of SBAR?

E. Improved safety for the client

C. Provides for an ongoing dialogue so that everyone is involved with the client's care in
planning/thinking ahead
A. Helps everyone to understand the overall picture of the client's needs
B. Fosters the use of clear and unambiguous language to reduce confusion and
The correct answer is: E, C, A, B

While assisting Ms. Marla with ambulating from bed to bedside chair, Nurse Wilkins
observes that Ms. Marla begins to look pale and is now perspiring heavily. Nurse Wilkins
would do which of the following activities as reassessment?
The correct answer is: observe Ms. Marla's skin color and take another set of vital signs

The nurse informs the physical therapy department that the client is too weak to use a
walker and needs to be transported by wheeled chair. Which step of the nursing process is
the nurse engaged in at this time?
The correct answer is: Implementation


A cartilage supplying a smooth, gliding surface is refers to which of the following?


A joint in which the bones are connected by a disk of fibrocartilage is refers to which of the following?

A lipid covering of cells is found in which of the following?

Stratum corneum

A mature follicle with a mature egg is refers to which of the following?

Graafian follicle

Aldosterone secretion in response to fluid loss will result in which one of the following electrolyte


During abdominal surgery, the surgeon makes a cut through the muscle directly to the right of the Linea
Alba. Which of the following muscle is being cut?

Rectus Abdominis

During the fertilization process, when an egg cell unite with a sperm that carries a Y chromosomes it will
results to which of the following?

Male offspring

Endocytosis, exocytosis, and transcytosis are examples of which of the following?

Active transport

Farsightedness is characterized by which of the following conditions?


Hypertrophy is the result of muscle exercise that develops a larger number of mitochondria, a higher
concentration of glycolytic enzymes and larger glycogen reserves.
The function of a neuromuscular junction is to facilitate chemical communication between neuron and
muscle fiber.

Both statements are CORRECT

If the palm is moved from posterior to anterior, this is an example of?


In order for a hormone to help its target cells/organs, it should first attach to which of the following site?

Both B and C are CORRECT

Nearsightedness is characterized by which of the following condition?


Statement 1: The perimysium surrounds each skeletal muscle fiber, binds each muscle fiber to its
neighbor, and support capillaries that supply individual fibers. Statement 2: The levatorvelipalatini
muscles pull open the entrance to the auditory tube; as a result, repeatedly swallowing can help one
adjust to pressure changes when flying or diving

Statement 1 is INCORRECT while statement 2 is CORRECT

Statement 1: The term "intervention" refers to the nerve supply to a particular structure or organ, and
each skeletal muscle is controlled by one or more motor nerves. Statement 2: Skeletal muscles are
contractile organs directly or indirectly attached to the bones of the skeleton.

Statement 1 is incorrect while statement 2 is correct.

Statement 1: Hypertrophy is when the muscles become flaccid and the muscle. Statement 1: Hypertrophy
is when the muscles become flaccid and the muscle fibers become smaller and weaker. Statement 2: The
rate of decline in muscular performance is dependent on exercise patterns and lifestyle.

Both statements are INCORRECT

Statement 1: Muscle atrophy is always reversible. Statement 2: Cracks or breaks in bones subjected to
repeated stress or trauma is called stress fracture.

Statement 1 is INCORRECT while statement 2 is CORRECT

Statement 1: The kidneys reabsorb waste products. Statement 2: The kidneys control blood volume and
blood pressure by regulating the volume of urine produced.

Statement 1 is INCORRECT while statement 2 is CORRECT

Statement 1: The kidneys reabsorb waste products.Statement 2: The kidneys control blood volume and
blood pressure by regulating the volume of urine produced.

Statement 1 is incorrect while Statement 2 is correct.

Statement 1: The kidneys regulate the concentration of red blood cells in the blood. Statement 2: The
kidneys participate, with the skin and liver, in regulating vitamin D synthesis.

Statement 1 and 2 are CORRECT

Statement 1: The SA node and the AV node are in the right atrium. The AV node is connected to the bundle
branches in the interventricular septum by the AV bundle.
Statement 2: The bundle branches give rise to Purkinje fibers, which supply the ventricles. The SA node
initiates action potentials, which spread across the atria and cause them to relax.

Statement 1 is correct while Statement 2 is incorrect

Statement 1. Blood flows from the heart through elastic arteries, muscular arteries, and arterioles to the
capillaries. Statement 2. Blood returns to the heart from the capillaries through venules, small veins, and
large veins.

Statement 1 and 2 are correct

Statement 1. Effective pumping of blood through the heart depends on coordinated contraction of the
atria and ventricles. Statement 2. The atria contract, moving blood into the ventricles. Then the ventricles
contract, moving blood to the lungs and body.

Statement 1 and 2 are correct

The "glue" cells that perform the function of support and protection are:


The colored part of the eye that consists of smooth muscle surrounding the pupil is the:


The disease that produces convulsive seizures is which of the following?


The disease that produces defective muscular coordination is called

Cerebral palsy

The disease that produces infection in the middle ear?

Otitis media

The first heart sound, the "lubb" sound, is caused by the which of the following valves?

Closing of the Atrioventricular valves

The function of the saliva includes all of the following, EXCEPT:

Protein digestion

The infundibulum is surrounded by a fringe of finger-like projections called


The joint between the atlas vertebra and the axis vertebra is an example of which type of joint?


The larynx is also called as which of the following

Voice box

The layer of the alimentary tube that is responsible for peristalsis is which of the following?

External muscle layer

The liver synthesizes all of the following, Except:


The lower five pairs of ribs are called

False ribs

The major function of the sarcoplasmic reticulum in skeletal muscle contraction is to:

Regulate intracellular calcium concentration

The manubrium articulates with which of the following bone?


The percentage of fast versus slow muscle fibers in each muscle is genetically determined, and there are
significant individual differences. InFast muscle fibers are red because they contain the red pigment

Statement 1 is correct while statement 2 is incorrect.

The primary spermatocytes undergo the cellular reduction division in which of the following?


The proximal end of the femur is attached at the joint by which of the following?


The racial color differences are a result of variation in quantity of which of the following?


The sebaceous secretion is controlled by which of the following?

Endocrine system

The shiny hair is a result of which of the following?


The spermatogenesis process takes place in which of the following?

Seminiferous tubules

The superior vena cava returns blood from the head, neck, thorax, and upper limbs to the right atrium of
the heart. While, the inferior vena cava returns blood from the abdomen, pelvis, and lower limbs to the
left atrium.

Statement 1 is correct while Statement 2 is incorrect

The surface of the respiratory membrane inside each alveolus is coated with a fluid consisting a mixture
of lipoproteins is refers to which of the following?


The thyroid cartilage is the largest piece of cartilage that can be seen externally which moves up and down
when a person is speaking and swallowing?
Adam’s apple

The type of joint formed by opposing planes surfaces is refers to which of the following?


Two body surfaces are connected by hyalin cartilage is refers to which of the following?


What is the difference of endocrine and exocrine glands?

Endocrine glands releases its substances in the blood while exocrine glands releases its substances in the
epithelial surfaces.

When a protein leaving the Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum it is transported to the_________, for
modification, packaging, and transport to the appropriate location. This is refers to which of the following?

Golgi apparatus

When the food reaches the stomach, secretion of gastric juice stimulated by which of the following


Which of the following lymphoid organs prevents the bacteria from penetrating the intestinal wall?

Peyer’s patches

Which condition is characterized by a disease that causes destruction of the retina?


Which hormones is responsible for the increase in size of mammary glands during puberty?


Which of the following are the cells that make up the myelin sheath?

Schwann cells

Which of the following bronchus characterized as more vertical, shorter, and wider in diameter?

Right primary bronchus

Which of the following causes joint degeneration


Which of the following cells that line the cavities in brain and spinal cord?

Ependymal cells

Which of the following describes Lymphatic Capillaries?

Contain endothelial cells separated by flaplike valves that can open wide have special barrier that stop
cancer cells from entering

Which of the following does not describe cardiac muscle tissue

Attached to bones

Which of the following enzymes break down acetylcholine?


Which of the following hormone is responsible for the controls the development, growth, and
maintenance of the male sex organs


Which of the following is a benefit of having fewer efferent than the afferent lymphatic vessels?

Because the outlet is smaller than the inlet to the lymph node, the fluid stagnates briefly in the node,
giving macrophages and lymphocytes time to monitor the lymph for pathogens and process them.

Which of the following is a sequence for a levels of organization in the proper order of increasing

Chemicals, Cells, Tissues, Organs, Organ System

Which of the following is NOT a function of the muscular system?


Which of the following is NOT a neurotransmitter

None of the above

Which of the following is not considered as an endocrine gland but rather a storage of hormones made
by the hypothalamus?

Posterior pituitary gland

Which of the following is not included in the ways in which endocrine glands are stimulated to secrete
their hormones?

Both A and B are correct

Which of the following is the function of the lymphatic vessels?

It picks up fluid and proteins leaked from the blood into the interstitial space.

Which of the following is the third process of respiration?

Internal respiration

Which of the following layers of the epidermis in which mitosis takes place in the stratum:
Stratum germinativum

Which of the following movement is the opposite to abduction?


Which of the following muscles are a flexor of the elbow?


Which of the following muscles compresses the abdomen?

External oblique

Which of the following nursing interventions is needed for client with hyponatremia?

Restricting fluid intake

Which of the following organelles within the cell whose main functions are digestion and hydrolysis?


Which of the following part of the ear acting like a drum head?

tympanic membrane

Which of the following part of the ear allowing for balance?


Which of the following part of the ear allowing for pressure equalization?

eustachian tube

Which of the following phase of menstrual cycle that usually last from day 1 to 5 in which during this time,
the thick endometrial lining of the uterus is shed along with the tissue fluid, blood, mucus, and epithelial

Menstrual phase

Which of the following phase where the individual chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell?


Which of the following phase where the nuclear envelope dissolve and the chromatin condenses?


Which of the following refers to the first menstrual cycle among young lady during puberty stage?


Which of the following refers to the study of a body area such as foot?

Regional anatomy
Which of the following refers to the study of a large body structures?

Gross anatomy

Which of the following refers to the study of a structures of an organ system?

Systemic anatomy

Which of the following refers to the surgical procedure to promotes permanent sterility among men as
form of birth control?


Which of the following site where the right lymphatic duct will drain the lymph?

Right subclavian vein

Which of the following will be the effect after removal of the parathyroid glands on blood Calcium levels?

Blood Calcium levels would drop

Which one of the following is NOT a criteria generally used in naming muscles?

Method of attachment of the muscle to bone

Which one of the following is the action of the Orbicularis Oris?

Closes, purses, and protrudes the lips

Which one of the following muscles is involved in abduction of the arm at the shoulder joint?


Which type of tissue is composed of cells that contract in response to a message from the brain or spinal


While doing "jumping jacks" during an exercise class, your arms and legs move laterally away from the
midline of your body. This motion is called:


Who among the theorists had made similar microscopic observations on tissues of animals and plants?

Theodor Schwann

With age, the number of satellite cells steadily decreases, and the amount of fibrous tissues increases. As
a result, when an injury occurs, repair capabilities are limited, and scar tissue formation is the usual result.

Both statements are correct.

Within the gastric mucosa, the parietal cells secrete which of the following?

Hydrochloric acid
A client went to the emergency department with a possible brain damage as evidenced by loss of
coordination of motor movement, and staggering, wide based walking. The client is most likely having a
damage in the:


A common location for areolar connective tissue:

between the skin and underlying muscle.

A coronal section through the torso would reveal which body cavities?

a and b

A cut at right angles to the long axis is referred to which of the following?

Transverse section

A cut through the long axis of an organ is referred to which of the following?

Longitudinal section

A male client was involved in a vehicular accident and developed an amnesia. He is likely having a
damaged in which of the following?


A transverse section through the thoracic cavity could cut through the:

all of the above

All of these are among the four tunics found throughout the digestive tract EXCEPT:


All of these structures are matched with the correct description EXCEPT:

Cardiac region: the area closest to the small intestine

Along with the respiratory system, which of the following system has the responsibility of supplying
oxygen and eliminating carbon dioxide?


Any plane parallel to the median plane is called?


Blood makes up how many percent of the total body weight:


Cartilage is strong because of _________, resilient because of ____________.

collagen; chondroitin sulfate

Each quadrant of the adult mouth holds ___ incisors, ___ canines, ___ premolars, and ___ molars.

2, 1, 2, 3

Fibroblasts belong to which level of organization?


Homeostasis is defined as a maintenance of a relatively constant:

internal environment

How many chambers are found in the heart?


In order for a hormone to help its target cells/organs, it should first attach to which of the following site?

Both B and C are correct

It is a component that is associated with the vestibule and is involved in evaluating the position of the
head relative to gravity.


It is a type of nerve cell that protects CNS from infection and become phagocytic in response to


It is the hormone made by the kidneys, needed for absorption of calcium phosphate, the active form of
vitamin D.


It is the innermost tunic and it covers the posterior five-sixths of the eye.


It is the transparent, anterior sixth of the eye that permits light to enter the eye.


Peroxisomes use oxidases and catalase to _______ the body from _______.

detoxify, free radicals

pH of the blood must be maintained in a range of:


Plasma protein that regulates the osmotic pressure:


The ___________ is the innermost meningeal layer, clings tightly to the surface of the brain and spinal
cord, following every fold.

Pia mater

The accessory structures protect, lubricate, and move the eye. They include all of the following EXCEPT:


The cell body of all sensory neurons is located within the:

Dorsal root ganglion

The collagen fibers within a tendon or ligament belong to what level of organization?


The connective tissue that surrounds the kidneys is the:

Renal capsule

The following are considered functions of the Urinary System EXCEPT:

Absorption of digested molecules

The following are examples of homeostatic imbalance in heart contractions, except:

None of the choices

The functional units of the kidneys are:


The gall bladder is located in the ____________ of the abdomen.

right upper quadrant

The greatest volume of gastric secretion occurs during:

Gastric phase

The level of organization at which similar cell types work together for common function:


The liquid found inside a cell is?


The main function of this cell is to deliver oxygen throughout the body
Red blood cells

The middle ear contains three auditory ossicles which are the:

malleus, incus, and stapes.

The nasal septum is made up of which of the following?


The outer boundary of the cell which makes up the three main parts of the human cell is the?

Plasma membrane

The palms of the hand are on the ____________ surface of the body.


The portion of the internal environment where red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets are all


The saliva does NOT contain:

Hydrochloric acid

The sensory retina contains photoreceptor cells called rods which:

all of the above

The sensory structures that detect taste stimuli are the:

taste buds

The shape of the lungs is characterized in which of the following?

Cone shape

The spleen is located in the _____________ region of the abdomen.

left hypochondriac

The surface of the respiratory membrane inside each alveolus is coated with a fluid consisting a mixture
of lipoproteins is refers to which of the following?


The term “swollen glands” do not actually mean the glands are swollen but rather the nodes of the
lymphatic system. The term “swollen glands” is not a misnomer.

Only the FIRST statement is correct

The thoracic cavity also includes which of the following?

pleural cavity

The ventral cavity contains organs that are involved in maintaining which of the following?


These are sensory nerve endings or specialize cells capable of responding to stimuli by developing action


These deeper tactile receptors play an important role in detecting continuous pressure in the skin.

Ruffini’s end organs

These muscles are found on the lining of the heart:

Cardiac muscle

This area of the cell is a thin flexible layer that separates fluid into intracellular and extracellular fluid?

Plasma membrane
This is a type of homeostatic imbalance of the blood that reduces the oxygen-carrying ability of the red
blood cells.


This is commonly called as the clear layer.

Stratum lucidum

This is commonly called as the horny or leathery layer.

Stratum corneum

This is the only fluid tissue in the body:


This refers to the moving up of the cells towards the skin surface and the cells become filled with keratin,
a protein material.


This refers to the principle that the more the cardiac muscle is stretched the stronger the contraction:

Starling’s law of the heart

This site serves as the synthesis and assembly of ribosomes?


This structure is a stack of three to ten disc-shaped envelopes bound by a membrane that sorts, processes,
and packages proteins and membranes?
Golgi apparatus

This structure is the central core of the cell and it's genetic material is DNA.


What is the benefit of having fewer efferent than afferent lymphatic vessels?

Because the outlet is smaller than the inlet to the lymph node, the fluid stagnates briefly in the node,
giving macrophages and lymphocytes time to monitor the lymph for pathogens and process them

What organelle is considered to be the "powerhouse of the cell", due to it's role in production of ATP?


What organs compose the Urinary System?

Two kidneys, two ureters, a urinary bladder, and a urethra

What part of the cell's subunit is responsible for disposal of waste, maintaining its shape/integrity, and
replicating itself?


What position is the thoracic cavity in relation to the abdominal cavity?


What structure is responsible for storing glycogen for the cell's main energy source?


What structure of the cell is responsible for packaging DNA, reinforcing mitosis, preventing DNA damage,
and controlling DNA replication?


What would be the consequence of the blockage of the thoracic duct?

Edema in the areas that drain into thoracic duct

When one loses weight, what is actually happening at the tissue level?

a decrease in the size of pre-existing fat cells.

Which among cranial nerves are mixed nerves that supply parasympathetic to viscera of thorax and

Vagus nerves

Which lymphoid organ gets rid of the aged red blood cells?

Which of the following accurately describes the direction of an impulse moving through a neuron that
carries information to the central nervous system (CNS) from the peripheral nervous system (PNS)?

An afferent neuron, impulse moving proximally.

Which of the following are functions of the tongue? Select all that apply.

All of these are functions of the tongue

Which of the following best describes the neuronal pathway for olfaction?

Axons from olfactory neurons — Foramina of the cribriform plate — Olfactory bulb — Interneurons —
Olfactory tracts — Olfactory cortex

Which of the following connective tissues has the richest blood supply?

bone tissue

Which of the following is not a function of the cell membrane?

Synthesize proteins

Which of the following is referred to as either physical barriers or physiologic processes (transport system)
that separate the circulating blood from the brain extracellular fluid in the central nervous system (CNS)?

Blood-brain barrier

Which of the following is the definition of MALT?

Mucosa-Associated Lymphoid Tissue

Which of the following is TRUE about Antibody molecules?

are called gamma globulins or immunoglobulins

Which of the following manifestations is consistent with a client who sustained a traumatic left parietal
lobe injury?

Difficulty with writing, inability to perceive objects normally

Which of the following membrane refers to the covering of the abdominal organs?

Visceral peritoneum

Which of the following membrane refers to the covering of the lung?

Visceral pleural

Which of the following organelles is responsible for cellular respiration?

The mitochondria

Which of the following organelles is responsible for protein synthesis?

Which of the following produce gastrin?

Endocrine cells

Which of the following promotes inflammation?

A and C

Which of the following refers to the large leaf-shaped piece of cartilage that lies on the tip of the larynx
that moves up and down like a trap door so that the food and liquids will get routed into the esophagus?


Which of the following statements is/are TRUE?

In secretion, solutes are secreted across the wall of the nephron into the filtrate.

Which of the following terms best describes the direction nearest to the midline of the body?


Which of these is NOT a pair of salivary glands?


Which organelle is responsible for synthesis of lipids within the cell?

The smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER)

Which statement about the esophagus is TRUE? Select all that apply.

It has upper and lower sphincters.

Which statements best describe mechanical digestion? Select all that apply.

It breaks large food particles into smaller ones.

"Caring consists of Carative Factors that result in the satisfaction of certain human needs". This
explanation was stated by which of the following Theorist?

Jean Watson

"Each human being perceives the world as a total person in making transactions with individuals and
things in environment". Which of the following nursing theorists stated this assumption?

Imogene King's conceptual framework

"Nursing is a therapeutic interpersonal process". Which of the following stated this definition of
Hildegard Peplau

"PREPARE ME" Interventions and the Quality of Life Advance Progressive Cancer clients is a theory
conceptualized by which of the following filipino nursing theorists?

Carmencita M. Abaquin

"The unique function of the nurse is to assist the individual, sick or well, in the performance of those
activities contributing to health or its recovery (or to peaceful death) that he would perform unaided if
he had the necessary strength, will or knowledge. And to do this in such a way as to help him gain
independence as rapidly as possible". This definition of nursing was given by which of the following
Nursing Theorist?

Virginia Henderson

A 16 year old child is hospitalized, according to Erik Erikson, what is an appropriate intervention?

tell the friends to visit the child

A client has flashbacks of sexual abuse by her uncle. She had not been aware of these memories until
recently, when she became sexually active with her boyfriend. A nurse should identify this experience as
which part of Sullivan's concept of the self- system?

The "not me"

A maternity nurse is providing instruction to a new mother regarding the psychosocial development of
the newborn infant. Using Erikson's psychosocial development theory, the nurse would instruct the
mother to

Allow the newborn infant to signal a need

A nurse is using general systems theory to describe the role of nursing to provide health promotion and
client teaching. Which of the following statements reflect key points of this theory?
A. A system is a set of individual elements that rarely interact with each other.
B. The whole system is always greater than its parts.
C. Boundaries separate systems from each other and their environments.
D. A change in one subsystem will not affect other subsystems.
E. To survive, open systems maintain balance through feedback.

B, C, E

A theory about theory is which of the following?


According to Abaquin, techniques that encourages and elicit a form of relaxation for the purpose of
altering client's level of awareness by focusing on an image or thought refers to which of the following?


According to Abaquin's theory, nurses should be seen as which of the following?

Nurses must be seen not as mere caregivers but facilitators of peaceful acceptance of condition.

According to Behavior System Model, ìpredisposition to act with reference to the goal, in certain ways
rather than the other waysî refers to as which of the following?


According to Carmelita Divinagracia, these are set of behaviors or nursing measures that the nurse
demonstrates to selected cardiac clients:

Composure behaviors

According to Carmencita Abaquin, being with another person during the times of need refers to which
of the following?

According to Carmencita Abaquin, the recall of past experiences, feelings and thoughts refers to which
of the following?

Reminisce therapy

According to Carolina Agravante, those who are basically caring persons with a paranomic vision of
nursing refers to:

Transformative Nursing Leaders

According to Neuman Systems Model, the increase in energy that occurs in relation to the degree of
reaction to the stressor is termed as:


According to Patricia Benner, the novice nurse does which of the following?

Performs at a minimal level in real situations.

According to Peplau's interpersonal model, during which phase of nursing process, the client
participates in goal setting and has a feeling of belonging and selectively responds to those who can
meet his or her needs?


According to Sr. Carolina Agravante, this is demonstrated by a vibrant Care Complex possesed to a
certain degree by all who have been through formal studies in a care giving profession such as nursing?

Self- Mastery

According to Sr. Letty G. Kuan, which of the following Basic Assumptions and Concept refers to the
period between near retirement and post retirement years. In medico- physiological terms, this
adequates with the climatic period of adjustment and readjustment to another tempo of life?

Change of Life
According to Sr. Letty G. Kuan, which of the following Basic Assumptions and Concept refers to an
individual who has left the position occupied for the past years of productive life because he/she has
reached the prescribed retirement age or has completed required years of service?


According to Sr. Letty G. Kuan, which of the following Basic Assumptions and Concept refers to the
interventions or measures applied to solve a problematic situation or state in order to restore or
maintain equilibrium and normal functioning?

Coping Approaches

According to Sr. Letty G. Kuan, which of the following Basic Assumptions and Concept refers to the
endurance of cells and tissues to withstand the wear- to- tear phenomenon of the human body. Some
individuals are gifted with the strong genetic affinity to stay young for a long period of time?

Physiological Age

According to Sullivan, during infancy children acquire three "me" personifications:

"good me", "bad me", "not me"

According to Sullivan, this "me" personification results from experiences with reward and approval:

"good me"

According to Sullivan, this dynamism is an isolating dynamism, it is a self centered need that can be
satisfied in the absence of an intimate interpersonal relationship. Based solely on sexual gratification
and requires no other person for its satisfaction.


According to Sullivan, this is a conjunctive dynamism marked by a close personal relationship between
two people of equal status:


According to Sullivan, this me personification allows a person to dissociate or selectively not attend to
the experiences related to anxiety:

"not me"

According to Watson's theory, which of the following is included in every nurse-client exchange?

The shared energy of everyone present.

Although similarities exist in the different nursing theories, key elements distinguish one from another.
Which of the following is the emphasis of Jean Watsonís conceptual model?

Caring is central to the essence of nursing.

An empirical view based on the scientific knowledge that can be derived thru observation is referred to
as which of the following?

Careful hand-washing and using sterile techniques are ways in which nurses meet which basic human

Safety & Security

Ethnonursing research method was developed by which of the following nursing theorists?

Madeleine Leininger

How does modern medical technology fit within the practice of culturally competent care?

Different technologies are integrated into the client plan of care as appropriate.

Imogene King's "goal attainment theory" is a type of which of the following theories?

Interaction theories

In what period of nursing does people believe in TREPHINING to drive evil forces away?

Intuitive Period
In which of the following historical eras in nursing did the emphasis on what course a nursing student
should take to be a professional nurse happened?

Curriculum era

Maslow's Hierarchy of basic human needs is useful when planning and implementing nursing care as it
provides a structure for :

Establishing priorities of care

Notes on Nursing: What it is, What it is not was written by which of the following theorists?

Florence Nightingale

Of the following statements, which one is true of self-actualization?

The self- actualization process continues throughout life

Self-care deficit theory was proposed by:

Dorothea Orem

Sullivan's belief in the therapeutic power of an intimate relationship:

Appeared to grow out of his own childhood experiences.

The first level of theory development which explains, relate and predicts nursing phenomena pertains to
which of the following?

Descriptive theory
The following structure of nursing knowledge which describes an encapsulation of theories
Methodologies & beliefs:

Nursing Metaparadigm

The practice of knowing persons as whole with the use of varying technologies is called:
Technological competency as caring in nursing.

Theories that are limited in scope, but general enough to encourage research is known as which of the

Middle-range theories

This is defined as a multifaceted construct that encompasses the individual's capabilities and abilities of
enriching life when it can no longer be prolonged. This includes proper care and maintaining integrity of
the body, mind and spirit despite the limitations brought about by the present condition.

Quality of life

Virginia Henderson's Philosophy would be useful for a nurse in which of the following situations?

Aiding a nurse in describing or explaining everyday activities that a client is experiencing.

Watson's Carative Factors include all EXCEPT which of the following?

Strengthening flexible lines of defense.

What approach must be applied and used with clients who are terminally- ill or those with incurable
diseases as with cancer? Why?

client's who are terminally- ill or those with incurable diseases must be approached in multifaceted care
to improve their quality of life.

What is the theory of Elsie Tee?

Caring behavior in nursing education

Where do individuals learn their health beliefs and values?

In the family

Which is NOT a concept explained in Dorothy Johnson's Behavioral Systems Model?

Energy fields

Which of the following statements is related to Florence Nightingale?

The role of nursing is to facilitate "the body ís reparative processes" by manipulating client's

Which of the following best describes a conceptual Models?

Concepts and their relationship to produce evidence to the discipline.

Which of the following is the unique characteristic of nursing as a profession?


Which of the following pertains to a statement that declares the nurse's beliefs, values, and ethics
regarding their care and treatment of client s while they are in the nursing profession?

Which of the following Principles of the Synchronicity Theory refers to a principle of justice and fairness
in human caring across healthcare systems. It revolves around the value- based concept of equity
implying fairness in access to health care related to the situated context despite differences in methods,
utilization, and outcomes?


Which of the following best describes Watson's "Carative Factors"?

They encompass subjective inner healing processes

Which of the following best describes what a stimulus is according to Roy's Adaptation Model?

Can be positive if it supports system integrity

Which of the following era focused more on scientific studies and knowledge?

Research era

Which of the following eras did Doctoral programs in nursing arise?

Theory Utilization

Which of the following is Carmelita Divinagracias definition of being an open- minded person in her
"Composure Behavior"?

All of the above.

Which of the following is NOT a concept related to Nightingale theory?

Human beings are open systems in constant interaction with the environment "

Which of the following is a basic human need according to Jean Watson?

All of the above.

Which of the following is a key concept of Prepare Me theory?

Holistic Care to improve quality of life

Which of the following is included in the Sustenal Care Need of client by Faye Abdellah?

All of the above.

Which of the following is NOT included in the Eleven Nursing Skills based on Faye Abdellahís Theory?
Use of Client's resources.

Which of the following is not included in the 3 Basic Transformations of Sr. Carolina Agravante's theory?

Self- Motivational

Which of the following is the most accurate description of a person's normal line of defense? According
to Neuman, it is possible to measure all clients against a universal, normal line of defense to determine
health deviation.

It continues to evolve over time as a person manages different types of stressors

Which of the following is the theory conceptualized by Sr. Letty G. Kuan?

Retirement and Role Discontinuities

Which of the following is the theory of Carmelita Divinagracia?

Composure Behavior and clients' Wellness Outcome

Which of the following is used by the nurse to identify the client's healthcare needs and strengths and to
establish and carry out a plan of care to meet those needs?

Nursing process

Which of the following method of discovering a scientific truth is achieved by collecting facts to
formulate a generalization?

Inductive Method

Which of the following method of generating a scientific knowledge utilizes reasoning from the cause to
an effect or from a generalization to a particular instance?

Deductive Method

Which of the following nursing advocates elevated the status of nursing to a respected occupation,
improved the quality of nursing care, and founded modern nursing education?

Florence Nightingale

Which of the following nursing metaparadigm pertains to the person's state of well-being?


Which of the following nursing metaparadigm refers to the external and internal factors that could
affect client's recovery or illness?


Which of the following nursing metaparadigm refers to the recipient of nursing care?


Which of the following period when nursing is perceived as "untaught" and instinctive?
Intuitive Period

Which of the following psychosocial crisis results in either a feeling of confidence or inadequacy?

Autonomy vs. shame and doubt

Which of the following refers to a specialized field of practice, founded on the theoretical structure of
the science or knowledge of that discipline and the accompanying practice abilities?


Which of the following refers to a systematized knowledge derived from observations, critical thinking,
study and research?

Nursing Science

Which of the following requires an interaction that involves transpersonal caring?

All of the above.

Which of the following Stages of Development is most unstable and challenging regarding development
of personal identity?


Which of the following statements by the mother demonstrates her child is ready for toilet training?

She is waking up dry from a nap for about a couple of weeks now."

Which of the following statements is an accurate description of nursing's role, according to the
American Nurses Association (ANA)?

It is the role of nursing to provide a caring relationship that facilitates health and healing.

Which of the following statements is TRUE about the significance of theory in nursing profession?

All of the Above

Which of the following statements is TRUE about theory utilization?

Theories are needed to produce evidence for quality care

Which of the following statements most clearly defines the role of the nurse in the early Christian

Women called deaconesses made the first organized visits to the sick, and members of male religious
groups gave nursing care and buried the dead.

Which of the following theorists states that, "Nursing is a helping profession"?

Abdellahís 21 Nursing Problems

Which of the following types of theory that is focus on broad and general areas?
Grand Theories

Which of the following underlying concepts should a nurse associate with interpersonal theory when
assessing clients?

The effects of social processes on personality development

Which of the following would be an example of a flexible line of defense according to Neuman's model?

The fight or flight response

Which theory defines nursing as the science and practice that expands adaptive abilities and enhances
person and environment transformation?

Roy's adaptation model

Who among the following Nursing Theorist explained the Typology of twenty one Nursing Problems?

Faye G. Abedellah

Who described 5 levels of nursing experience in her theory on nursing?

Patricia Benner

Why is the successful completion of the trust versus mistrust stage important?

Because if this stage is not successfully completed, the individual will not understand the concept of

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