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Time: 1 ½ Hr Total score: 40
 First 15 minutes given as ‘cool off time’ in addition to 1 ½ hours. Use this time to read and understand
the questions.
 Answer the questions according to the score and time.
 Write the question numbers for main and sub questions correctly.

Answer any 5 questions from questions 1 - 6, each carries 2 scores. ( 5 x 2 = 10)

1. What were the main objectives of the first and second Five -Year Plans?
2. Complete the flow chart given below based on the Rig Vedic Society.

Rig Vedic Society

Priests …(a)….. …(b)…..

3. The following list consists of the major rulers and dynasties that ruled over Magadha. Complete the blank
Rulers Dynasties
Bimbisara Haryanka dynasty
Shishunagan (a) ........
(b) ....... Nanda dynasty
4. What are the environmental problems caused by the reclamation of wetlands which are the natural sinks
of water?
5. What are the influences of social groups on human life?
6. Write the importance of carbon dioxide and nitrogen in the existence of lifeforms.

Answer any 4 questions from questions 7 - 1 1 . Each carries 3 scores. ( 4 x 3 = 12)

7. How did the expansion of agriculture lead to social inequality during the Mauryan period?
8. Explain water cycle.
9. Explain the role of the Three-Tier Panchayat in bringing about local progress.
10. Explain any three features of social control.
11. How does global warming endanger the survival of organisms on the earth?

Write answers for any 2 questions from questions 12-14. Each carries 4 scores ( 2 x 4 = 8)
12. Arrange the information given in column B in accordance with those given in column A.
Kalidasa Devichandraguptam
Shudraka Aryabhatiyam
Vishakhadatta Malavikagnimitram
Aryabhata Mrichchhakatika

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13. What is social deviance? What are its results?
14. Prepare a nbte explaining the timeline of the evolution of Indian Economic Planning.

Answer any 2 questions from questions 15-17. Each carries 5 scores. ( 2 x 5 = 10)
15. Underground water resources are not equally distributed. Why? Explain.
16. Ultraviolet rays create a lot of harmful results. Which are they?
17. Explain the aims of NITI Aayog?

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