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Name: _RODDICK O. NOVELA _____ Class Time: _5:00-6:00 PM

Scores: ______20

Activity 2: How Society Interacts with Popular Culture

Do you play online games? Enumerate some reasons why these young people spend
time playing online games such as ML or DOTA.

Yes, back in the days when I was young. Online games in general it provides entertainment to its
users. Here are some reason why young people spend time playing online games:

Are you a TikTok

Entertainment: subscriber
One of the primaryor fan? What
reasons are people
why young some spend
reasonstimewhy most
playing young
online people
games is for
entertainment TikTok?
follow/watch purposes. Games provide an escape from reality and allow young people to have fun
and enjoy themselves.

Socialization: Online games also provide an opportunity for young people to socialize with their
peers. They can play games with their friends and meet new people who share similar interests.

No, TikTok isPlaying
also a games
part of can also media
a social be a way for young
platform. people ittoprovides
In general relax andentertainment
unwind after atolong day at
its users.
Just likeoronline
providing entertainment and positive outcomes for its users. Here are some
reason why most young people spend time in this social media platform.
Skill Development: Many online games require strategic thinking, problem-solving, and decision-
One skills,
reason whywhich
manycan help young
people spendpeople
time ondevelop these
TikTok is thatimportant
the videosskills.
on the app are perceived as
more genuine than those on other social media platforms like Instagram [1]. This authenticity creates
aCompetition: Some young
sense of connection people enjoywith
and engagement the competitive
the content,nature
which of online
makes games
people and the
spend morechallenge
time onof
competing against others to achieve a high score or win a game.
the app. Additionally, the platform's algorithm is designed to show users content that is tailored to
their interests, which keeps them engaged and coming back for more [2]. Another reason why people
Sense time
spend of Accomplishment:
on TikTok is thatCompleting
it provides levels
a senseorof
achieving goals in games
joy and happiness can its
through provide a sense
content, ofcan
accomplishment and boost self-esteem for young people.
be a welcome distraction from the stresses of daily life [2]. Finally, while YouTube still remains the
most popular platform for kids and teens [3], TikTok has become a cultural phenomenon that has
Escapism: For
captivated peoplesomeof young
all agespeople, online games
and backgrounds, can provide
making an escape
it a popular from the
destination forstresses and
entertainment and
socialization.of everyday life.
In conclusion, both online games and TikTok have become popular ways for young people and people
of all ages to spend their free time. Online games provide entertainment, socialization, relaxation, skill
development, competition, and a sense of accomplishment. On the other hand, TikTok provides a
sense of authenticity, engagement, joy, and cultural relevance. Both platforms offer an escape from
the stresses of daily life and provide a way for people to connect with others who share similar
interests. As technology continues to evolve, it is likely that new platforms will emerge, but the appeal
of entertainment, socialization, and authentic connection will likely remain constant.
What are your favorite foods in Jollibee? If a friend invites you to eat in Jollibee, would you
come with him/her? Why?

If I had opportunity to have my favorite meal in Jollibee, I choose the chicken sandwich. If
one of my friends tend to invite in Jollibee, I would go with him. Because he/she is my friend
and im assuming that I know him/her to trust to. And in return I would do the same. Treat
him/her a drinks or foods in Jollibee for token of appreciation because that’s what Filipinos
known for having a culture of debt of gratitude and reciprocity.

Process Questions:
1. Why do you think fast food chains, online games and social media are popular
- Food chains, online games, and social media are all popular nowadays for a
variety of reasons.

For starters, fast food restaurants are popular because they provide quick and
simple meals at reasonable prices, making them a practical option for people
who lead busy lives [1]. Second, social media has grown in popularity because
it allows people to easily interact with others and share their experiences and
thoughts. Social media networks such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram
also provide a variety of features such as chat, live streaming, and video
sharing, which keep users engaged and returning for more [2]. Finally, online
games are popular because they allow users to escape reality and
communicate with others while engaging in interesting activity. Internet games
also include features such as multiplayer modes and in-game purchases,
which can improve the gaming experience and keep players engaged for
extended periods of time [3].

2. How do people react to popular culture? Give an example.

- People react to popular culture in various ways, from embracing it as a form of
entertainment to criticizing it for perpetuating negative stereotypes and values.
For instance, the portrayal of certain ethnicities, gender roles, or religious
beliefs in popular culture can lead to controversy and backlash from those who
feel misrepresented or excluded.

Assessment tools:

1. Rubrics for the essay: score x 4 (Perfect score is 20 pts)

4 pts - If the recommendation in Clear and Concrete and the explanation is comprehensive
and the ideas are organized

3 pts - If the recommendation in Clear and Concrete and the ideas in the explanation are

2 pts - If the recommendation in Clear and Concrete and the ideas in the explanation are
not organized

1 pt - - If the recommendation in not Clear and the ideas in the explanation are not
0 - if there is no attempt to answer the question

Storey, J. Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: An Introduction (5th Edition):
Pearson Education.

Fernandez, D. Philippine Popular Culture: Dimensions and Directions. The State of

Research in Philippine Popular Culture: Ateneo de Manila University

A Critique of The German Ideology taken from:

Theoretical Perspectives on Culture taken from:

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