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Module 1



By: Aireese A.Yulo

Enrichment Activities
Direction: Below are important events in the offering of history 3. Read the instructions carefully and comply the required

1. The History of MSU

Year Mandate Peace University

1951 approximately 10,000 soldiers The cause of the Kamlon

armed clashes started to rage were involved in the Kamlon rebellion, according to several
over wide areas of Sulu campaign. Below is the 4th ID’s sources, had not been clearly
account: “During this period, established. To the military
more military units were sent men who tried to capture him,
to and involved in the Jolo Kamlon was simply a Moro who
Island campaign against the wanted to return to the lawless
1963 group of KAMLON. life of a freebooter; some
Kamlon was also charged and attributed his rebellion to the
sentenced with multiple conflict among local leaders in
murder and kidnapping by the local people never cooperated Sulu.
court. His punishment was a with the military despite the How come he could not be
death sentence, which the huge amounts and generous captured despite the inferior
Supreme Court rewards offered to those who number and crude weapons of
could lead to the capture of the his followers? How come the
elusive leader. According to one superior military power of the
account: “The only answer the government and the reward
troopers could get in their system for the capture of
Sen. Domocao Alonto of query (when looking for Kamlon is not effective? Why
Lanao, Cong. Luminog Kamlon) was “diih” that means does it take too long to capture
Mangelen of Cotabato and “no” or “bukon” meaning “not a band of more or less 100
Cong. Ombra Amilbangsa of him or not the one in the poorly armed individuals? What
Sulu, was created to inquire picture”. is really the problem with
into the problem. investigation reveal that the Kamlon’s uprising?
problem of Kamlon’s Court affirms in full the findings
longlasting rebellion is neither and judgment of the lower
due to the inept military nor court. The crime committed is
the talisman (anting-anting) of kidnapping complexed with
Kamlon. Rather, the problem is murder. We find the death
The first agency charged with caused by the general feeling of penalty as well as the
the integration of the non- the Moros that they are not indemnity in the amount of
Christian Filipinos was the Filipinos; that the Philippine P3,000.00 imposed in
Commission on National military is not their military; accordance with law and affirm
Integration (CNI). that the Philippine government the same with costs against the
is a foreign government. defendant.”
The Special House Committee
used the term “Mindanao Their teachers were: twelve
Problem” in referring to the (12) regular Filipino faculty
unrest caused by the Moros members and a number of
and IP’s general feeling of not volunteers from the British
belonging to the Philippine Voluntary Service Overseas,
nation. Other scholars and Volunteers in Asia, Ford
critics of course argue that the Foundation and Fulbright
term is inappropriate since it is Foundation. There were only
too sweeping to include the two (2) colleges offering
entire Mindanao in the baccalaureate courses by then,
problem. Moro scholars also namely: the College of Liberal
refuse to call it the Moro Arts and the College of
problem since it is not the Education and Community
Moros who caused it but are Development. In the
merely reacting to a situation subsequent school-years, more
caused by poor governance, colleges were not only added;
discrimination and the uneven Rather, MSU even grew into a
distribution of development. multicampus university system,
with nearly 3,100 faculty
R.A. 1387. members serving over 53,000
students in all levels. Today,
MSU is present in the following
areas: Marawi City (MSU-
Marawi), Iligan City (MSU-Iligan
Institute of Technology),
General Santos City (MSU-
General Santos), Maguindanao
(MSU-Maguindanao), Sulu
(MSU-Sulu), Tawi-tawi (MSU-
Tawi-tawi), Zamboanga Sibugay
Balacuit surveyed the attitudes (MSU-Buug), Misamis Oriental
of Muslim and Christian dorm (MSUNaawan), Lanao del Norte
residents before and after their (MSU-Maigo), Lanao del Sur
stay in the dormitories. Results (MSU-LNAC), Marawi City
show that the semester’s stay (MSU-LNCAT), Misamis
of the students created a Occidental (MSU-Lopes Jaena).
positive change in their
respective attitudes towards Assimilation and annihilation of
each other. If at the outset, the Moro and IP culture seems
both Muslims and Christians did hard to believe as the meaning
not welcome the idea of being of integration when the authors
made to share rooms, mess of MSU wrote it. After all, they
halls and other facilities in the were also proud Moros.
dorm, all these positively
changed after their stay.

2. Relevance of His003
Arrange the pictures according to the information provided in the module. Analyze its relevance in relation to
the offering of His003 in MSU? Limit your


answers into 100 words.


The pictures above shows the process on how was the MSU was created. My answer is
first which hadji kamlon since he was the father of our alma-matter , second is the logo of MSU
hence it was barley created, third one is the 3 persons that I assumed teacher, presidency , or
students being united because of the aim of our school was to integrate everyone for a better
community and united, supposed to be among the solution providers and trouble-shooters of
Mindanao, lastly the map of the Philippines which consider as the aspire for the same dream of
peace and initiate positive actions no matter how small or simple they may be in their daily lives
most important key for the culture of peace to triumph in this part of the world.

VI. References & Recommended Readings

1. Isidro, Antonio. The Moro Problem: An Approach through Education . Marawi City: Mindanao State University,
2. Kho, Madge. “A Conflict that won’t go away.”

3., Salah. Bangsamoro: A Nation Under Endless Tyranny. Kuala

Malaysia: IQ Marin SDN BHD, 1999.

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