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The Worst Experience of My Life

When it comes to bad experiences, everyone must have experienced it at least once and my
worst experience was the online learning during the coronavirus pandemic. Most schools and
universities used traditional learning; however, the outbreak of COVID-19 stunned the entire
world and affected the education system.

Throughout the three-years of COVID-19, many students, including myself, spent less time
studying and doing homework and more time on activities that distracted us from our studies.
This was my most regrettable decision I ever made since it brought obstacles to my life today,
now that life has returned to normal, and schools are back to face-to-face teaching. Moreover,
there were times I would not wake up for my morning lessons, instead, left the online session
open while I slept. These relaxing times during online learning made me less focused in the
topics discussed in our secondary years and I’m now feeling left behind in the curriculum.

Online learning had a negative impact on my past three years of academic experience. Although
it was my personal bad experience, I am trying to learn valuable lessons from it and to never
take bad short-term decisions that would affect my life in the future ahead.

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