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Department of Chemistry

University of Engineering and


Inorganic and Organic Chemistry

3rd BSc Chemical Engineering
Dr. Humayun Ajaz
Coordination Chemistry
1- Branch of Chemistry that deals with the
formation of Metal Complexes/Coordination
Compounds/Coordination Complexes
2- Deals with the formation of Coordinate
Covalent Bond between the Metal atom/ion and
3- Metal acts as, Lewis Acid (electron pair
acceptor) whereas, Ligand acts as a Lewis Base
(electron pair donor)
4- Together they form Coordinate Covalent Bond
and a new compound/complex/adduct

M+L Mr-L (adduct)

5- Point Charge Model considers Metal as a
positive point charge/cation and Ligand as a
negative point charge/anion. It considers their
interaction as ionic, but the following reaction
later refuted that model
Ni (0) + 4CO Ni (CO)4

6- Various theories are of importance in the field

of Coordination Chemistry, like, Bloomstrand-
Jorgensen theory, Werner’s theory, Valance
Bond Theory, Crystal Field Theory, Molecular
Orbital Theory
Properties of d- Block elements
Elements where the differentiating electron
enders the (n-1) d orbitals are known as d-block
elements. Sometimes they are refer to as
transition metal elements too, or more
specifically, outer transition elements. While f-
block elements are known as inner transition
elements. A number of properties of the d-block
elements are based on the d orbitals.
d- Orbitals
1- Metallic Character:
There are two types of metallic characters:
a) Physical b) Chemical

a) Physical: d-block elements have high BP and

MP, they are hard, malleable, ductile, good
conductors of heat and electricity, they show
luster/shine etc, with few exceptions
Cases of Zn, Cd and Hg are different because
they have completely filled d-orbitals and
therefore show not a strong metallic bonding in
between their atoms. As we move down the
group from Zn to Cd to Hg, the atomic size
increases and further decreases the metallic
bonding, resulting in the liquefaction of Hg.
b) Chemical Metallic Character:
Chemically, the ionization potentials are lower
than p-block elements and higher than s-block
elements. But as they do easily ionize, they
show good chemical metallic character. As we
see, as a result of this ionization, d- block
elements do exist in various positive oxidation

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