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Alyssa Ashley B.

Patalinghug 11- Accenture

Teacher: Mrs. Geecel Rasay 11-12-2022

Performance Task #2 (SCRIPT)

Greetings: Good Morning and what a beautiful day to you Ma’am Rasay.

This is Alyssa Ashley B. Patalinghug and this is my video presentation for the 2 nd Performance


Direction: Assume that you are attending to a job interview over the phone. Record the said

phone job interview with a partner as the interviewer.

(Scene: Applying as a Multimedia Artist)

Interviewee: Good Morning

Interviewer: Good Morning, so tell me about yourself?

Interviewee: I am Alyssa Ashley B. Patalinghug or you can call me Ashley or Ash for short. I am 16
years old and currently studying at a public school named Benigno “Ninoy” S. Aquino High School or
known as BNAHS. I have no experience at working any company but I will assure you that I will do my
best as an employee and I will try hard to meet the expectations you are looking for.

Interviewer: What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Interviewee: The strengths that I have that will help the company lead to success is my leadership skills,
I really consider my leadership skills as one of my greatest strengths. I also consider my writing and
editing skills as one of my strengths, and my also one of my greatest strengths is that I have a very long
patience that really help me with everything. But my weaknesses, I’m really bad at communicating
people because of my shyness, also with public speaking and struggling to the negative criticism, I
always prefer to be perfect with my works because I badly cry when somebody gives me a negative

Interviewer: Why do you want to work in this company?

Interviwee: Before the recruiter called me about this opportunity, I must admit that I didn't know much
about your company. I've been doing some research in preparation for this discussion, and I need to say
that I'm impressed by your work and your vision for the future. I'm genuinely interested in getting more
involved in the technological side, and I read that you are growing in that area. As a new employee and
co-worker, I know I can bring a lot of value to the team.
Interviewer: How could you be an asset to the company?

Interviewee: I will be an asset by giving my effectiveness & efficiency in achieving targets as well as by
exhibiting my knowledge & talent in performing tasks.

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