1157-1619623680539-Unit 07 Strategic Information Systems - Final - Reworded - 2021

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Higher Nationals

Internal verification of assessment decisions – BTEC (RQF)

Programme title BTEC Higher National Diploma in Computing

Assessor Internal Verifier

Unit 07: Strategic Information Systems
Identifying and evaluating SIS for a chosen organization
Assignment title

Student’s name
List which assessment criteria Pass Merit Distinction
the Assessor has awarded.


Do the assessment criteria awarded match

those shown in the assignment brief? Y/N
Is the Pass/Merit/Distinction grade awarded
justified by the assessor’s comments on the Y/N
student work?

Has the work been assessed

accurately? Y/N

Is the feedback to the student:

Give details:
• Constructive?
• Linked to relevant assessment criteria?
• Identifying opportunities for
improved performance?
• Agreeing actions?
Does the assessment decision need
amending? Y/N

Assessor signature Date

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Higher Nationals - Summative Assignment Feedback Form
Student Name/ID
Unit 07: Strategic Information Systems
Unit Title
Assignment Number 1 Assessor
Date Received
Submission Date 1st submission
Date Received 2nd
Re-submission Date submission
Assessor Feedback:
LO1 Analyse the information requirements of organisations
Pass, Merit & Distinction P1 P2 M1 D1

LO2 Discuss the types of information systems that are used within all levels of an organisation
Pass, Merit & Distinction P3 P4 M2 D2

LO3 Demonstrate the use of an information system to produce management information

Pass, Merit & Distinction P5 P6 M3 D3

LO4 Evaluate the effectiveness of strategic information systems

Pass, Merit & Distinction P7 M4 D4

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

* Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external moderation has taken place and
grades decisions have been agreed at the assessment board.

Pearson Higher Nationals in
Unit 07: Strategic Information Systems
Assignment 01

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Student’s Signature: Date:

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Higher National Diploma in Computing
Assignment Brief
Student Name /ID Number

Unit Number and Title Unit 7: Strategic Information Systems

Academic Year 2021/2022

Unit Tutor

Assignment Title Identifying and evaluating SIS for a chosen organisation

Issue Date

Submission Date

IV Name & Date

Submission format

Report: The submission should be in the form of an individual written report. This should be
written in a concise, formal business style using 1.5 line spacing and font size 12. You are
required to make use of headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work
must be supported with research and referenced. Provide in-text citations and the
reference list using Harvard referencing system. The recommended word limit is 4000
words, although you will not be penalised for exceeding the total word limit.

Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO1: Analyse the information requirements of organisations.

LO2: Discuss the types of information systems that are used within all levels of an
LO3: Demonstrate the use of an information system to produce management
LO4: Evaluate the effectiveness of strategic information systems.

Assignment Brief and Guidance:

The success of any organisation is depends on the how data and information is captured,
processed, utilised and output. Information generated within the organisation can be used
to gain oraganisational efficiency, productivity and improved business decision making.
Modern organisations are heavily rely on use of Business information systems to
generate and disseminate desired information throughout the organisation.

Assume that you have been recruited as the associate business analyst for the
organisation and you have been asked to prepare a management report to the top
management by highlighting the importance of using information systems to generate
productive results.

The organisation could be based on your own work environment or an organisation that
you have a knowledge and understanding about.

In this report you are required present the profile of the organization indicating the
vision, mission, objectives and organizational chart.
Activity 01
 Discuss the information needs of the main functional departments of the selected
organisation and compare different processing activities that happen within the
functional departments. your answers should be supported with the examples taken
from the selected organizational context.

 Produce an Input/out diagram to represent the data and information requirements

of each functional department of the chosen organization and evaluate integration
of data and information by considering input, output and processing activities of
the organization,s departments/functions.

Activity 02

 Identify and describe information systems that can be implemented to the chosen
organization with an explanation to the functionalities of each. You also are
required to differentiate the identified information systems between management
levels and functional areas of the organization based on their functions and

purpose. Illustrate your answer with examples.
 Discuss the information needs required at operational, tactical and strategic level
of the organization with an analysis on how the effectiveness of each
management level can be improved with the support of the information systems
suggested by you.

Activity 03

 “Availability of current, valid, accurate data and information is absolutely

important to an organization”
Discuss the above statement with relevant to the context of the chosen
organization and critically evaluate with examples, how such information can be
used for effective decision making and forecasting in the organization.
 Demonstrate the use of an information system for management reporting
purposes and analyze the constraints that the organization may face when
gathering data and information for management reporting.

Activity 04

 Identify and explain different models that can be applied to strategic information
systems and evaluate and justify how the chosen organization can use strategic
information systems to gain a competitive advantage in the global market using
the models identified. You are also required to evaluate how strategic
information systems can contribute to the competitiveness of organisations.
Support your answer with relevant examples, illustrations and explanations.

Grading Criteria Achieved Feedback

LO1: Analyse the information requirements of organisations.

P1 Discuss the information needs and requirements for the

functional departments of an organisation.

P2 Produce an input/output (I/O) diagram to represent the

data and information requirements of a functional

M1 Compare and contrast different processing activities that

occur within functional departments within an organisation.
D1 Evaluate the inputs, outputs and processing activities of a
selected organisation.

LO2: Discuss the types of information systems that are used within all levels of an organisation.
P3 Describe the function of different information systems.

P4 Discuss the information needs required at differing levels

within an organisation.

M2 Analyse the effectiveness of information systems at the

operational, tactical and strategic levels within an
D2 Differentiate between the function and purpose of
information systems at different levels within an organisation.
LO3: Demonstrate the use of an information system to produce management information

P5 Demonstrate the use of an information system for

management reporting purposes.

P6 Discuss the importance of an organisation having data and

information that is current, valid and accurate.

M3 Analyse the constraints that an organisation can face

when gathering data and information.
D3 Critique with examples, how a given organisation can use
information for effective decision-making and forecasting.

LO4: Evaluate the effectiveness of strategic information systems

P7 Identify different models that can be applied to strategic

information systems.

M4 Justify the ways in which an organisation can obtain

competitive advantage within a global market.

D4 Evaluate how strategic information systems can contribute

to the competitiveness of organisations.

Pearson Higher Nationals in

Unit 07: Strategic Information Systems

Assignment 01


Table of contents

Background details of the organization
The reputable bank that chose me to research its information system and how data and
information are used to provide facilities and services is the Bank of Ceylon.

Figure 1 Bank of Ceylon logo

Bank of Ceylon was ceremoniously opened by Sir Andrew Caldecott, then Governor of
Ceylon, on the 1st of August 1939 at the city of premises located in Fort Colombo.
The banking division was established by the British government for its government-oriented
enterprises. BOC began to grow outside of Colombo two years after that, in 1941. In Kandy,
it established its first branch. Bank of Ceylon opened its first overseas branch in 1949 in

To provide customer-centric, innovative financial products and to be the country's preferred
bank with a significant global footprint.

To offer the country with global access highly effective, customer-focused, technologically
advanced, robust, and innovative financial services while empowering people and
increasing value to stakeholders

Corporate values
We are dedicated to keeping our core five principles, which are as follows, in order to fulfill
our mission of becoming the nation's chosen bank with a strong global footprint and
offering customer-centric innovative financial solutions.

 Being customer-centric
 Respecting all forms of diversity
 Committing towards high level of ethics, governance, and professionalism
 Being accountable for all our actions

Activity 01

Functional areas of an organization

Organizations are designed around a set of tasks, each of which supports the business's
activities. By fulfilling a specific purpose, each functional department aids an organization in
achieving its objectives. The most common organizational functional areas are listed below.
An individual's or a group's urge to acquire and receive knowledge to meet a conscious or
unconscious need is known as an information need. Information needs are interconnected
with needs in an unbreakable way. Information requirements and needs are similar but not the

Functional areas of the selected organization

Functional areas are specialized divisions that are created, developed, and maintained inside
an organization with a specific mission. Organizations can divide their activities into one,
two, or more functional categories. Every company and organization needs to maintain its
functional areas to ensure efficient operation.
BOC Bank also offers a few other functional categories for organizing their everyday
responsibilities and other work-related activities. Here is a list of BOC Bank's operational
1. Human resource department
2. IT department
3. Finance department
4. Legal department
5. Security department
6. Customer experience department
7. Research and development department
8. Accounts department
9. Foreign department

10. Marketing department

Human resource department

The human resources department handles a variety of employee-related activities. The HR

division oversees and monitors employee performance.
These are the operational tasks and information needs of the department.

Human resource functions of the company

 Advertising vacancies
 Receiving and recoding and safety
 Checking health and safety
 Arranging staff training
 Recording leaves
 Monitoring the terms and conditions of employments

IT department

The information technology department is in charge of any work involving technology and
information. They mostly concentrate on the problems with banking systems. There are
parts for developing and maintaining networks.

These are the department’s operational activities and information requirement.

Finance department
The task of obtaining and using the funds necessary for efficient operations falls within the
financial function of a company. Corporate activities would not run smoothly without it.
Business is fuelled by finance. Because it both generates and distributes cash, it serves as
the main source of revenue for every organization. While beginning and managing a
business, as well as when growing, upgrading, diversifying, and purchasing assets, financial
knowledge is helpful.

finance functions of the company

 producing invoices for the product

 recording the received money
 paying the chemical suppliers
 paying staff
 monitoring department

legal department

All legal responsibilities related to banking services, such as loan giving, leasing of
automobiles, accounts, card use, and other legal matters, are handled by the legal

These are the department’s operational activities and information requirements.

Security department
The security division is in charge of and keeps up with bank security. Bank security services
provided by bank hairs. Also, a bank insurance security policy insures the bank.

These are the department’s operational activities and information requirements.

Customer experience department

The customer experience division compiles and supports consumer complaints and
difficulties. They submit the items they have acquired for management and future usage to
the appropriate department.

These are the department’s operational activities and information requirements.

Customer service functions of the company

Answering customer inquiries about the product

Solving customer problems
Providing specialist information to customers
Analysing records of customer complaints
Using customer feedback to improve customer service

Research and development department

The role of an R&D department is to maintain a company's competitiveness by providing

market insights and developing new products or improving existing ones in response. The
company's upcoming growth will be significantly aided by the R&D division.

Research and development functions of the company

 Existing product updates

 Quality control checks
 Innovation and staying ahead of treads

Accounts department

Account departments are in charge of overseeing tasks and ventures related to accounts.
They uphold account standards by following the Central Bank's regulations. additionally, to
introducing several accounts to the target clientele.
These are the department's operational activities and information requirements.

Foreign department

The foreign sector oversees currency exchangers, rates, and accounts in other currencies.
They also deal with remittances from abroad and trade finance.

Marketing department

The marketing function helps a company find potentially profitable products for the market
they service and then promotes those products by differentiating them from rival offerings.
Any firm needs it to succeed.

Marketing functions of the company

 Performing market research

 Making marketing plan
 Market development
 Distribution for sale
 Pricing

Comparison of different department functional activities

Accounting department VS finance department

The marketing department assists a business in identifying potentially lucrative products for
the market they serve and then markets those products by setting them apart from
competing goods. Any business needs it to be successful.

IT department VS HR department

According to conventional wisdom, information and communication technology (ICT),

including the internet, mobile communication, new media, and comparable in the hour, will
significantly contribute to the fulfilment of the company's personnel policy. Technology
advancement will have a significant impact on a company's hour department. It gives the
company the chance to enhance its internal processes, core competencies, relevant markets,
and overall organizational design.


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