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Practice Management


Course Textbook: Practice Management for the Dental Team, 9th Edition (2020)
by Betty Ladley Finkbeiner & Charles Allan Finkbeiner
MOSBY ELSEVIER. ISBN: 978-0323597654
Most important part of the practice – PATIENTS!

• They have different backgrounds and different


• Hence, it is essential to understand patients and be

sensitive to their needs.

• Vital for successful motivation of patients towards

good oral and dental health.
(Textbook reading: Chapter 3)
(Textbook reading: Chapter 3)
Prejudging Hearing but
a patient not listening

Preoccupation Impatience Hearing Loss

(Textbook reading: Chapter 3)

 It is often said that communication is 20% verbal and 80%
non verbal !
 Gestures and body movements a person makes during
communication– NONVERBAL CUES
 Brings out a person’s inner feelings; provides feedback on
patient’s reactions
 Nervousness
 Defensiveness
 Touching
 Openness
 Embarrassment
(Textbook reading: Chapter 3)
 Enter the reception room and sits down
 Locking ankles together
 Clenching hands, armrests
 May be expressing fear by holding back emotions.

(Textbook reading: Chapter 3)

 Crossed arms and clenched fists
 Indicates disagreement or defensiveness
 Withdrawal from a conversation, or when one is
being ignored

(Textbook reading: Chapter 3)

 Covering the mouth with hand - embarrassment of
an unpleasant oral appearance.
 Tightening up the lips or minimal opening of mouth
during conversations or smiling.

(Textbook reading: Chapter 3)

 Gesture that can used by clinical assistants
 Indicates care or love; provides reassurances to
 Hand on child’s shoulder; arm around an elderly
patient; holding patient’s hand.
 Must be done with caution and

(Textbook reading: Chapter 3)

 Be open, frank & friendly
 NO point in acting as a boss behind the table!
 Have the patients seated beside the desk.

(Textbook reading: Chapter 3)

Your job as a dental team member is to comfort patients who
may be nervous or scared. Can be achieved by:
▪ Being positive in your speech
▪ Using statements that are comforting
▪ Using statements/words that are easy to understand for patient

(Textbook reading: Chapter 3)

▪Increased awareness and
concern among the public

▪Cannot be neglected

▪ Patient is a human being,

& not just a subject!

(Textbook reading: Chapter 3)

 All patients deserve EQUAL treatment
▪ Unless delivering treatment is physically impossible
or dangerous.
▪ Patient’s safety should be kept in mind; referrals
should be considered.
▪ Take special measures in communicating with
patients with diminished hearing or vision.
▪ Communicate with and through

(Textbook reading: Chapter 3)

 Classified as physical, sexual, emotional or overall
 Seen in children, adults as well as in elderly
 May show signs of neglect (of health, hygiene,
safety), neuroses (abnormal fears), or evidence of
intra/extra oral injuries, burns, bruises.
 Obligation – should examine, inquire with patients,
document & report suspected abuse to the relevant

(Textbook reading: Chapter 3)

 1st person whom patients will interact with

▪ Appearance is important – conduct, dressing

▪ Need to create and present a positive image
▪ Stay well organized in dealing with patients and
0ther tasks.
▪ Greet patient cheerfully with
a smile always

(Textbook reading: Chapter 3)

 Needs to be a welcome sight for the patient
 Bright, cheerful and friendly atmosphere
 Provide reading material
 Avoid dirty carpets, worn out furniture, unmaintained
 Provisions for children to be kept entertained
▪ Games, toys, play area
 Soft background music

(Textbook reading: Chapter 3)

 Always keep the patient informed
 Stay honest about any delays, changes or
expected waiting time
 Don’t make excuses!

(Textbook reading: Chapter 3)

 Should be presented to a patient on their first visit
 Information & Public Relations channel – managing expectations
 Can contain:
▪ Clinic info – clinical staff and services
▪ Philosophy of the dental practice
▪ Office Hours
▪ Appointments Policy
▪ Payment Policy
▪ Hygiene practices
▪ Infection-control policy
▪ Quality assurance
▪ Child patient care
▪ Support staff and Team work
▪ Staff continuing education
(Textbook reading: Chapter 3)
 Necessity to develop and increase business!

 Marketing is advertising and more – increasing

awareness about the dental clinic and yourself.

 Make the patient want to tell family and friends

about their dental visit:
▪ Provide excellent care
▪ Make them comfortable in a safe friendly environment
 External marketing refers to the ‘outside dental office’
methods of informing potential patients about your clinic
and ‘bringing them in’ to you clinic.

▪ Identify your prospective patients, and what is the best way

to attract them
▪ Ethical considerations and regulatory approvals
▪ Budget calculation
▪ Evaluate all different options of external advertising
▪ Not necessary that the results will be immediate; the message
needs to be consistent and repetitive


✓ Office trademark or Logo; Brand
▪ Establish an identity for the practice - images, words
and phrases that indicate the dental practice and its

▪ Should be visible throughout the practice

▪ Every team member should use every opportunity to

promote the practice and its values!
✓ Identify or create ‘marketing
▪ Use every opportunity to promote, sell and inform
others about your practice!

✓ Practice Ambassadors
▪ Every team member should act as the clinic’s
• Presenting Staff’s Business cards
• Conducting Community group meetings
• Announcements about new staff joining
 Internal marketing refers to the ‘inside dental
office’ methods of ‘keeping’ patients, and who
will bring in more patients
▪ First impression
▪ A visualization of how well the team works together
▪ Personalized attention
▪ Different staff members with different interests and
skills can be given different duties
▪ Get to KNOW your patients
✓Enthusiastic attitude

▪ Enthusiastic employees show more interest in their

▪ Helpful nature
▪ Cheerful character
▪ Puts patients ahead of all others
▪ No complaining; patients needs and problems
always come first!
 Major marketing asset
 Useful for internal as well as external marketing;
needs to be used ethically.
 A way of marketing through Community & Public
Health education
 Way to connect with the society
 Professional & specialized agencies
can help
 E-newsletters –
electronic/digital version

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