DP 2 - 2nd Interview Questions May - 2022

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Dear Students

I would like to inform you that there are at least three scheduled CAS interviews during an 18-
month of CAS program.
The last date for submission of answers to the questions of the second interview was due on 22
May. The second submission deadline has been fixed for 30th September 2022 for those
Students who have not submitted yet.
Please share your answers with your advisor or upload them on CAS documents before 30 th
September so that Advisors can post it as 2nd interview on your CAS.
2nd Interview Questions.
1. Explain something that has happened in CAS that provoked some strong emotions (“I was really
excited when…”; “I was sad when…”; “I was really happy when…”).
2. What have you developed for your CAS project—your goals, who are you collaborating with, whether
the project involves creativity, activity and/or service, your roles and responsibilities, and your progress
to date?
3. What have been the biggest challenges for your CAS involvement, and how have you overcome them?
What difficulty has been hardest to overcome? Where might you need support at this time?
4. Have you ensured an equal balance across the three CAS strands? If not, how will you rectify this?
5. How have you used reflection to gain insights or understandings?
6. Choose a learning outcome and discuss your evidence of achieving it, and what stands out as most
significant and memorable.
7. Did you fulfil year one CAS expectations (Minimum 6 experiences in balance and one project.
Achievement of 7 learning outcomes. Before, during and after reflections and evidences and
Supervisor review of all completed experiences)?

Kindly write reflections (Before, during, and afterr), upload at least 2 to 3 evidence for each experience. Click
supervisor review request button which you will find on your approved proposal page.

Thanking you,
Best regards
CAS Coordinator.

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