SUNDAY MATINS HYMNS - Tone 4 - 11 Sept 2011 - Before Holy Cross

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Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria & All Africa Archdiocese of Good Hope

Sunday Matins Hymns

13th Sunday After Pentecost Sunday Before Elevation of the Holy Cross Afterfeast of the Nativity of our Ever Blessed Lady Theotokos

11 September 2011

By the Grace of God

Compiled, edited, adapted & printed By Marguerite Paizis Archondissa & Teacher by Divine Grace Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Alexandria & All Africa Holy Archdiocese of Good Hope Holy Church of the Dormition of the Mother of God Parsons Hill, Port Elizabeth Republic of South Africa Email or Download from

Also the Feast of St Theodora of Alexandria St Euprosynos the Cook St Demetrios & St Evanthea, with their son, St Demetrianos St Sergios & St Herman of Valaam Finland, translation of Holy Relics St Ia & 9000 Persian Holy Martyrs


T on e 4 Re su r re cti on G o sp e l 2 - M a r k 1 6 : 1 - 8
The Holy Myrrhbearers Witness The Empty Tomb Of Our Risen Lord Jesus Christ

Eo th i n on 4 Ka ta v a si a s of t h e H ol y C r os s

(To be used in conjunction with the Matins Service Book)

For the original Greek & English translation - our eternal gratitude to Pater Seraphim Dedes & all the contributing translators of the St Gregory Palamas Monastery & elsewhere for making our worship a little easier to understand, to participate and to appreciate.

Re-edited on 29 August 2011

Not For Material Profit

16 Tone 4 Before Elevation of Holy Cross 11 September 2011

Apolytikion of the Resurrection Tone 4


fedron tis Anastaseos Kirigma ek tou Angelou mathouse e tou Kyriou mathitrie ke tin progonikin apofasin aporipsase, tis Apostolis kafhomene elegon. Eskilefte O thanatos, igerthi Hristos O Theos, doroumenos to kosmo to Mega Eleos.


the Women Disciples of the Lord had learnt from the Angels the Glad Tidings of the Resurrection that had cast away the condemnation of their Forefather, they spoke exultingly to the Apostles: Death is no more: Christ God is Risen, granting to the world Great Mercy. Son, and to the Holy Spirit

Doxa To

Patri, ke Io, ke Agio Pnevmati

Glory to the Father, and to the When the Women Disciples of the
Lord had learnt from the Angels the Glad Tidings of the Resurrection that had cast away the Condemnation of their Forefather, they spoke exultingly to the Apostles: Death is no more: Christ God is Risen, granting to the world Great Mercy ages.

fedron tis Anastaseos Kirigma ek tou Angelou Mathouse e tou Kyriou Mathitrie ke tin progonikin apofasin aporipsase, tis Apostolis kafhomene elegon. Eskilefte O Thanatos, igerthi Hristos O Theos, doroumenos to kosmo to Mega Eleos.

Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton Now and ever, and to the ages of

Amin. I
Gennisis Sou Theotoke Hara eminise pasi ti ikoumeni, ek Sou gar en etilen O Ilios tis Dikeosinis, Hristos O Theos imon; ke lisas tin kataran, edoke tin Evlogian; ke katargisas ton Thanato, edorisatos imin, Zoin tin Eonion.

Apolytikion of the Nativity of Theotokos



Nativity, O Theotokos, has brought Joy to all earthly habitations; because from Thee has shone forth the Sun of Righteousness, Christ Jesus our Lord. And having loosened the Curse from us, He granted the Blessing; and He abolished the power of Death, and bestowed Sm a ll Li ta n y upon us, Life Eternal. F i r s t K a t h i s m a o f t h e R e s u r r e c t i o n - Tone 4 tou Tafou tin isodon, ke tin floga tou Angelou mi ferouse, e Mirofori sin tremo existanto, legouse: Ara eklapi, O to Listi anixa Paradison? Ara igerthi, O ke pro pathous kirixas tin egersin? Alithos anesti Hristo O Theos, tis en Adi parehon, Zoin ke Anastasin.



As they looked at the entrance of

the Tomb and were unable to endure the bright Flame of the Angel, the Myrrhbearers trembled with amazement and said: Can the One Who opened Paradise to the Thief have been stolen? Can He Who before His Passion proclaimed His Rising,

Tone 4 Before Elevation of Holy Cross 11 September 2011

Tone 4 Before Ele vation of H oly Cr oss 11 September 2011


S e c o n d E o t h i n o n D o x a s t i k o n - Tone 2


miron proselthouses tes peri tin Mariam Ginexi, ke diaporoumenes, pos este aftes tihin tou efetou, orathi O lithos metirmenos, ke Thios Neanias katastellon ton thorivon afton tis psihis. Igerthi, gar, fisin, Iisous O Kyrios. Dio kirixate tis kirixin aftou Mathites, is tin Galilean dramin, ke opsesthe afton, anastanta ek nekron, os Zoodotin ke Kyrion.


Women with Mary took ointments with them; and while they were apprehensive about achieving their objective, they saw that the stone had been rolled aside, and a Holy Youth removed all anxiety and trouble from their souls by saying: The Lord Jesus had risen! Wherefore, they make known to His Disciples, that they should hasten to Galilee and behold Him, Risen from the dead; for He is the Lord, the Giver of Life.

having been Raised? Truly Christ God has Risen, granting those in Hades Life and Resurrection.

Doxa Ekousia

Patri, ke Io, ke Agio Pnevmati Sou voili, Stavron ipeminas Sotir, ke en mnimati keno, Anthropi ethento thniti, ton dia Logou ta perata sistisamenon: othen desmevthis O allotrios, thanatos dinos eskileveto, ke i en Adi apantes ekravgzon, ti zoiforo egerse Sou: Hristos Anesti, O zoodotis, menon is tous eonos.

Glory to the Father, and to the

Son, and to the Holy Spirit


T h e o t ok i o n
The Congregation Must Stand


iparhis, Theotoke Parthene, dia gar tou ek sou sarkothentos O Adis ihmalotiste, O Adam anakeklite, i katara nenekrote, i Eva ileftherote, O thanatos tethanatote ke imis ezoopiithimen. Dio animnountes Voomen. Evlogitos Hristos O Theos imon, O outos evdokisas, Doxa Si!

Most Blessed art Thou, O Virgin

Theotokos: for through Him Who became Incarnate of Thee, Hades is led captive, Adam is recalled from the dead, the Curse is made void, Eve is set free, Death is slain, and we have been endowed with Life. Wherefore we cry aloud, extolling in song: Blessed art Thou, O Christ our God, in Whose Sight it is thus well pleasing. Glory to Thee!

Thine own Will, O Saviour, Thou endured the Cross, and mortals laid in a new tomb the One Who established the ends of earth through a Word; therefore, the alien was bound, Death terribly despoiled and all those in Hades cried aloud at Thy Life bearing Rising: Christ, the Giver of Life, has Risen and abides unto the Ages! ages.

Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton Now and ever, and to the ages of

Amin Anestis
os Athanatos, apo tou Adou Sotir: sinigiras ton kosmon Sou, ti Anastasi ti Si, Hriste O Theos imon: ethravsas en ishii, tou thantou to kratos, edixas Eleimon, tin Anastasion pasi: dio Se ke Doxazomen, Mone Filanthrope!

Tone 4

Second Kathisma of the Resurrection


Doxa Ek The Great Doxology & Resurrection Apolytikion Is Followed Immediately By The Divine Liturgy Of St John Chrysostom

Patri, ke Io, ke Agio Pnevmati

Arose from Hades as Immortal, O Saviour, and raised Thy world with Thee by Thy Resurrection, Christ our God. With Strength Thou broke the might of Death, and revealed the Resurrection to all, O Merciful: therefore, we also Glorify Thee, Only Lover of mankind! Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit down from the Heights Above, Gabriel approached the rock where the Rock of Life had lain, and clothed in white he cried aloud to the weeping women: Cease your cry of lamentation! Now your have Compassion forever! Take courage, for the One you seek weeping has truly Risen! Therefore, cry out to the Apostles that the Lord had Risen!

ton ano katelthon, ton ipsomaton Gavriil, ke ti petra proselthon, entha i petra tis Zois, levhimonon anekravgaze tes kleouses: Avsasthe imis, tis thrinodowus kravgis, ehouse ai, to evsimpathiton: on gar zitite kleouse tharsite, os alithos exegigerte: dio voate, tis Apostolis, oti Anesti O Kyrios.


14 Tone 4 Before Elevation of Holy Cross 11 September 2011

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Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton



and ever, and to the ages of ages. Amen

(Same melody)


First Kathisma - the Nativity


David, ti omose Si O Theos? A mi omose fisi, ke ekpepliroken idou, ek tou karpou tis kilias mou dous tin Parthenon. Ex is O plastourgos, Hristos O Neos Adam, etehthi Vasilefs, epi tou Thronou mou. Ke Vasilevi simeron, O ehon tin Basilian asalefton. I sira tikti, tin Theotokon, ke trofon tis Zois imon.


out, O David. What Oath did God swear to Thee? And he answered: What He swore, behold, He also fulfilled, for He granted the Virgin as Fruit of my loins. From Her Christ the New Adam and Fashioner is Born, as it is written, to be King on my Throne. And He Whose Reign is unshakable is Reigning today and forevermore. The barren Woman bears the Theotokos, the Nourisher of our Life.
- TONE 4

Theotokou genitor genomenos. Ouk estin allos os Si, ton gigenon gennitoron Theolipte. I gar Theodohos Kori, tou Theou to skinoma, to Panagion Oros, dia Sou imin dedorite.

bearing its Fruit henceforth. Be Joyous, O Joachim, having become the God bearers Progenitor! There is no one else like Thee in generations of Paternity, O Godly One, for the God receiving Maiden, the Tabernacle of our God, the Mountain All Holy, has been bestowed to us through Thee.


Akouson, Thigater, ke ide, ke klinon to ous Sou, ke epilathou tou laou Sou, ke tou Ikou tou Patros Sou, ke epithmisi O Vasilefs tou kallous Sou.

Hear, O Daughter! Behold and incline Thine ear, and forget Thy People and Thy Fathers House; for the King desired Thy Beauty.

Second Kathisma of the Resurrection


os Athanatos, apo tou Adou Sotir: sinigiras ton kosmon Sou, ti Anastasi ti Si, Hriste O Theos imon: ethrafsas en ishii, tou Thanatou to kratos, edixas Eleimon, tin Anastasion pasi: dio Se ke Doxazomen, Mone Filanthrope!


Arose from Hades as Immortal, O Saviour, and raised Thy world with Thee by Thy Resurrection, Christ our God. With Strength Thou broke the might of Death, and revealed the Resurrection to all, O Merciful: therefore, we also Glorify Thee, Only Lover of mankind! Son, and to the Holy Spirit

tou paradoxou Thavmatos! O ek stiras karpos, analampsas nevmati, tou panton Dimiourgou ke Pnatokratoros, evtonos tin kosmikin, ton Agathon dialelike stirosin. Miteres sin ti mitri, tis Theotokou horevsate, krazouse. Keharitomeni here! Meta Sou O Kyrious, O parehon to kosmo, dia So to Mega Eleos!


a paradoxical Miracle! The barren ones Fruit is brought forth at the Command of Him Who has made all things, and our Almighty God; and deftly He has Redeemed the worldly realm that was sterile of His Good Things. O Mothers, in chorus join the Theotokos own Mother, and cry aloud: O Lady Full of Grace: Rejoice! For the Lord is with Thee, and at Thine Intercession, He bestows Great Mercy on the world!

Doxa Ek

Patri, ke Io, ke Agio Pnevmati

Glory to the Father, and to the Coming

down from the Heights Above, Gabriel approached the rock where the Rock of Life had lain, and clothed in white he cried aloud to the weeping women: Cease your cries of lamentation! Now your have Compassion forever! Take courage, for the One you seek weeping has truly Risen! Therefore, proclaim to the Apostles that the Lord had Risen! and ever, and to the ages of ages.


ton ano katelthon, ton ipsomaton Gavriil, ke ti petra proselthon, entha i Petra tis Zois, lefhimonon anekravgaze tes kleouses: Pafsasthe imis, tis thrinodous kravgis! Ehouse ai, to efsimpathiton: on gar zitite kleouse tharsite, os alithos exegigerte! Dio voate, tis Apostolis, oti Anesti O Kyrios!

To Prosopon Sou Litanefsousin i plousii tou Laou.


The wealthy shall entreat Thy Favour


sofrosinis empsihos, ke lampron doheion, apostilvon haritis, i Anna i evkleis fanisa tetoke, tin provolone alithos, tis Parthenias to Thion apavthisma, tin pases Parthenikes, ke Parthenias pothouses to harisma, to tis Parthenias kallos, emfanos vravevousan, ke parehousan psi, tis Pistis to Mega Eleos

Anna the renowned, appearing as

an animate Pillar of Chastity and a bright Container shining with Grace, truly gave birth to progeny of her own: the efflorescence Divine of Virginity. And, manifestly, the Maiden awards Virginitys Beauty to all Virgins, and to those who truly yearn for the Grace of Virginity, and She freely grants to all Faithful Great Mercy.

Ke nin ke Ai ke is tous eonas ton






Patri, ke Io, ke Agio Pnevmati

Glory to the Father, and to the

Son, and to the Holy Spirit

Tone 4 Before Elevation of Holy Cross 11 September 2011

Tone 4 Before Ele vation of H oly Cr oss 11 September 2011


To so Stavro Hristte Sotir, odigison With

imas, epi tin alithian Sou, ke rise imas, ton pagidon tou ehthrou: O Anastas ek ton nekron, Anastison imas, pesontas ti amartia, ektinas tin hira Sou, Filanthrope Kyrie, ti presvia ton Agion Sou.

Thy Cross, Christ Saviour, guide us to Thy Truth, and deliver us from the snares of the foe; Risen from the dead, raise us who have fallen through sin by stretching our Thy Hand, O Lord, at the Prayers of Thy Saints.

Second Kathisma of the Nativity Same Melody


Enite Ton

afton epi tes dinasties afton. Enite afton kata to plithos tis megalosinis aftou. Patrikon Sou kolpon, mi horisthis Monogenes Loge tou Theou, ilthes epi gis dia Filanthropian, anthropos genomenos atreptos, ke Stavron ke thanaton ipeminas sarki, O apathis ti Theotiti anastas de ek nekron, athanasian pareshes to geni ton Anthropon, os monos Pantodinamos.

Praise Him Only

for His Mighty Acts; praise Him according to the greatness of His Majesty.

Begotten Word of God: without being parted from the Fathers Bosom, Thou came on earth through Love for mankind, becoming Man without change, and althou impassible in Thy Godhead, Thou endured Cross and Death in the Flesh; but Risen from the dead, Thou granted the human race Immortality, as Thou alone art All Powerful!

tis rizis Iesse, ke ex osfios tou David, i Theopes Mariam, tiktete simeron imin, ke neourgite i simpasa ke Theourgite. Singharite omou, O Ouranos ke i gi. Enesate aftin, e patrie ton ethnon. Ioakm evfrenete, ke Anna panigirizi kravgazousa. I stira tikti, tin Theotokon, ke trofon tis Zois imon.


us is born today Mary the child of God, as the Branch of Jesses Root, and as the Fruit of Davids loins, and re created and Deified is all Creation. O Heaven and earth: rejoice in unison! Sing praises to Her, O all you Gentile clans. Joachim is exultant, and Anna keeps festival, crying out: The barren Woman bears the Theotokos, the Nourisher of our Life.

Resurrection Evlogitaria, Trisagion Hymn, Theotokion & Small Litany Resurrection Evlogitaria, Theotokion & Small Litany

I p e r k o i Tone 4


tis Sis Paradoxou Egerseos, Prodramouse e Mirofori, tis Apostolis ekiritton Hriste, oti Anestis os Theos, parehon to kosmo to Mega Eleos!

Myrrhbearers proclaimed to the Apostles the News of Thy Wondrous Rising, O Christ: that as God Thou hast Risen, granting the world Thy Great Mercy! A n a b a t h m i Tone 4


Stihera of the Nativity of Theotokos


Enite O

Afton en timpano ke horo. Enite Afton en hordes ke organo. tou paradoxou Thavmatos! I Pigi tis Zois, ek tis stiras tiktete. I Haris Karpogonin, lampros aparhete. Evfrenou Ioakim, tis Theotokou genitor genomenos. Ouk estin allos os Si, ton gigenon gennitoron Theolipte. I gar Theodohos Kori, tou Theou to skinoma, to Panagion Oros, dia Sou imin dedorite.


Him with timbrel and dance, praise Him with strings and flute! That the Fountain of Life from a barren wife is born, that Grace, fulgent, may commence bearing its Fruit henceforth. Be Joyous, O Joachim, having become the God bearers Progenitor! There is no one else like Thee in generations of Paternity, O Godly One, for the God receiving Maiden, the Tabernacle of our God, the Mountain All Holy, has been bestowed to us through Thee.

Ek neotitos mou polla polemi me pathi. All aftos antilavou ke soson, Sotir mou.
gar piri

What a paradoxical Miracle!

I misountes Sion, eskinthite apo tou

Kyriou, os hortos esesthe apexirameni.

Since my youth, many are the passions that trouble me, but Thou, my Saviour, come help and save me. (2)


who hate Zion depart in shame before the Lord, for you shall be as grass withered by fire. Son and to the Holy Spirit. Now and ever, and unto the Ages of Ages

Doxa Amin Agio

Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. Ke nin ke ai ke is tous eonas ton eonon.

Glory to the Father, and to the Amen By the


Afton en kimvalis evihis. Enite Afton en kimvalis alalagmou. Pasa pnoi inesato ton Kyrion. tou paradoxou Thavmatos! I Pigi tis Zois, ek tis stiras tiktete. I Haris Karpogonin, lampros aparhete. Evfrenou Ioakim, tis

Praise Him with tuneful cymbals,

praise Him with cymbals of jubilation! Let every breath praise the Lord!

Pnevmati, pasa psihi Zooute, ke katharsi ipsoute, Lamprinete, ti Triadiki Monadi Ierokrifios.

Holy Spirit shall every soul be given Life and be elevated through Purification, and be made Radiant through the Mystery of the Triune Unity.

What a paradoxical Miracle!

That the Fountain of Life from a barren wife is born, that Grace, fulgent, may commence


B Ekekraxa Si, Kyrie, thermos ek vathous psihis mou, kami genestho, pros ipakoin ta thia sou ota.


To Thee, O Lord, have I fervently cried from the depths of my soul. Let Thy Divine Hearing hearken to me.

12 Tone 4 Before Elevation of Holy Cross 11 September 2011

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ton Kyrion Elpida pas tis kektimenos, ipsiloteros esti, panton ton lipounton Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. Ke nin ke ai ke is tous eonas ton eonon.

All who have placed their trust in

the Lord shall transcend all sorrows.

Proipe tis Filis!

foretold., His Beloved Ones!

E x a p os t e i la r io n N a t iv i t y o f T he o t o ko s - T o n e 2


Doxa Amin Agio

Glory to the Father, and to the

Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto the Ages of Ages.

Pnevmati anavlizi ta tis Haritos Rithra, ardevonta, apasan tin Ktisin pros Zoogonian. kardia mou pros Se, Loge, ipothito, ke ouden thelixi me ton tou kosmou terpnon, pros hamezilian.

Amen The

ta perata, tis ikoumenis simeron, en ti Gennisi Sou Kori, Theokiitor Maria, ke apirogame Nimfi. En i ke ton fisanton Se, to lipiron dielisas, tis ateknias onidos, ke tis promitoros Evas, tin en to tiktin kataran.


Holy Spirit overflows the Streams of Grace and waters all Creation with Regenerating Life.

the reaches of the world are festive and most jubilant because of Thy Birth, O Mary, Maiden, Theotokos and Virgin Bride who knew no man. Being born, Thou hast reversed the sad reproach of barrenness on Thy Parents, and the Travail of childbirth on Eve, our ancestral Mother.
Tone 4

Lauds - Psalm 148




Let my heart rise to Thee,



O Logos. Let not the pleasures of the world lead me to be of this earthly life.

pnoi enesato ton Kyrion. Enite ton Kyrion ek ton Ouranon. Enite Afton en tis ipsistis. Si prepi imnos to Theo. Afton, pantes i Angelli Aftou. Enite Afton, pase e Dinamis Aftou. Si prepi imnos to Theo.


tin Mitera aftou os ehi tis storgin, epi to Kyrio T h e r mo t e r o n filtron hreostoumen Patri ke Io ke Agio Pnevmati. Ke nin ke ai ke is tous eonas ton eonon.


everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord from the Heavens; praise Him in the Highest. To Thee praise is due, O God.

each of us Loves our Mother, even more so should we Love the Lord with fervour. to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit. Now and ever, and unto Ages of Ages.


Praise Him, all His Angels; praise

Him, all His Powers. To Thee praise is due, O God.

Doxa Amin Agio


Resurrection Stichera

- Psalm 150

Tone 4

Tou O

Pnevmati Theognosias plountos, Theorias ke Sofias. Panta gar ta Patroa Dogmata O Logos Ekkalipti.

Amen Through

piise en aftis frima engrapton. Doxa afti este pasi tis osiis aftou.


execute upon them the Judgement that is decreed; such Glory will be for all His Holy Ones. Powerful Lord Who endured the Cross and Death, and Arose from the dead, we Glorify Thy Resurrection!

the Holy Spirit comes the Wealth of Divine Vision and Wisdom, for the Logos reveals the Fathers Teaching. O Lord, and Help us, and Deliver us, for Thy Names sake. [2] God, we have heard with our ears, and our Fathers have told us.

Stavron ipominas ke Thanaton, ke Anastas ek ton nekron, Pantodiname Kyrie, Doxazomen Sou tin Anastasin. ton Theon en tis Agiis Afton. Enite afton en Stereomati tis Dinameos Aftou. kataras, ileftherosas imas, ke en to thanato Sou, ton tin fisin imon tirannisanta, diavolon katirgisas: en de ti egersi Sou, Haras ta panta eplirosas: Dio voomenSi: O Anastas ek ton nekron, Kyrie Doxa Si!


P r o k e i m e n o n Tone 4


Praise God in His Saints;


Kyrie, Voithison imin ke Litrose imas, eneken tis Doxis tou Onamatos Sou. [2] Theos en tis Osin imor ikoosamer.


praise Him in the Firmament of His Power. [2]

En to Stavro Sou Hriste, tis arheas By Thy Cross, O Christ, Thou hast
freed us from the ancient Curse, and by Thy Death Thou hast destroyed the devil who tyrannised over our nature, by Thy Rising Thou hast filled all things with Joy: Therefore we cry unto Thee: Lord, Risen from the dead: Glory to Thee!


Kyrie, Voithison imin ke Litrose imas, eneken tis Doxis tou Onamatos Sou


O Lord, and Help us, and Deliver us, for Thy Names sake.

(P r a i s e s T o G o d & S m a l l L i t a n y


afton en iho salpingos. Enite afton en psaltirio ke kithara.

Praise Him with the sound of the

trumpet; praise Him with lute and harp

Tone 4 Before Elevation of Holy Cross 11 September 2011

Tone 4 Before Ele vation of H oly Cr oss 11 September 2011


tou sarki prospagentos Hristou tou Theou ke triimero egersi ton komon fotisantos.


he came out on the third day, he symbolised the world transcending Resurrection of Christ, nailed upon Thee in the Flesh, and Illuminating the world by His Third day Resurrection.

Gospel 2: Mark 16:1 - 8

The Holy Myrrhbearers Witness The Empty Tomb Of Our Risen Lord Jesus Christ


diagenomenou tou Savvatou Maria i Magdalini ke Maria i tou Iakovou ke Salomi igorasan aromata ina elthouse elipsosin afton. lian proi tis mias Savvaton erhonte epi to Mnimion, anatilantos tou iliou. elegon pros eaftas. Tis apokilisi imin ton lithon ek tis thiras tou mnimiou? anavlepsase theorousin oti apokekiliste O lithos. In gar mega sfodra.


when the Sabbath was past, Mary Magdalene, Mary the Mother of James1, and Salome bought spices, that they might go and anoint Him.


prostagma tirannou dissevous laous eklonise, pneon apilis ke disfimias Theostigous. Omos tris pedas ouk edimatose thimos thiriodis, ou pir vromion. All antihounti drosovolo pnevmati piri sinontes epsalon. O iperimnitos ton Pateron ke imon Theos, Evlogitos I!




mad command of the infidel tyrant shook the Nations, breathing forth threats and blasphemies loathed of God. But the three Youths were not terrified by the bestial terror, nor the consuming fire; for being together amidst the fire blown forth by a Dewy Breeze, they sang: O Thou exceedingly praised: Blessed art Thou, God of our fathers! praise, we Bless and we worship the Lord!


Very early in the morning, on the

first day of the week, they went to the Tomb when the sun had risen. And they said among themselves: Who will roll away the stone from the door of the Tomb for us?

Ke Ke



Enoumen, Evlogite,

Evlogoumen Proskinoumen ton Kyrion!


We O

pedes tis Triados isarithmi, dimiourgon Patera Theon. Imnite ton sigkatavanta Logon ke to pir is droson metapiisanta. Ke iperipfoute to pasi zoin parehon Pnevma panagion is tou eonas.

The Katavasia of the 9th Ode

ye Youths, equal in number to the Trinity, Bless the Father, the God Creator: Praise the Word Who condescended and turned the fire to a Dewy Breeze; and exalt more and more the All Holy Spirit, Who grants Life to all for evermore!

iselthouse is to Mnimion idon neaniskon kathimenon en tis dexiis, perivevlimenon stolin lefkin, ke exethamvithisan. Mi ekthamvisthe. Isoun zitite ton Nazarinon ton estavromen. Igerthi, ouk estin ode. Ide o topos opou ethikan afton.

when they looked up, they saw that the stone had been rolled away for it was very large. And entering the Tomb, they saw a young man clothed in a long white robe sitting on the right side; and they were alarmed.

O de legi aftes.


he said to them: Do not be alarmed. You seek Jesus of Nazareth, Who was crucified. He is risen! He is not here. See the place where they laid Him.


is, Theotoke, Paradisos, ageorgitos vlastisasa Hriston, if ou to tou Stavrou Zoiforon en gi pefitourgite dendron. Di ou nin ipoumenou Proskinountes Afton, Se Megalinomen.

Thou art the Mystical Paradise, O

All ipagete ipate tis Mathites aftou ke to Petro oti praogi imas is tin Galilean. Eki afton dpsesthe, kathos ipen imin.

So go, tell His Disciples - and Peter - that He is going before you into Galilee; there you will see Him, as He said to you.

Theotokos; for that Thou, being Untilled, budded forth Christ, by Whom was planted on earth the Life giving Tree of the Cross. Wherefore, as we adore It being elevated, we magnify Thee. S e c o n d E x a p o s t e i l a r i o n Tone 2


exelthouse efigon apo tou mnimiou. Ihe de aftas tromos ke ekstasis, ke oudeni ouden ipon. Efovounto gar

Kontakion of the

they went out quickly and fled from the Tomb, trembling and amazed. And they said nothing to anyone, for they were afraid. R e s u r r e c t i o n Tone 4



lithon deorisase, apokekilismenon, e Mirofori eheron. Idon gar neaniskon, kathimenon en to Tafo, ke aftos taftees efi. Idou Hristos egigerte. Ipate sin to Petro tis Mathites. En to Ori fthasate Galileas, eki imin ofthisete, os


when the Myrrh bearing Women saw the stone rolled, they rejoiced; for they saw a Young Man sitting at the Tomb who said to them: Behold! Christ has Risen! Tell the Disciples - with Peter - to hasten to the Mountain; for there He shall appear to you as He

Sotir ke Ristis mou, apo tou tafou, os Theos Anestisen, ek ton desmon tous gigenis, ke pilas Adou sinetripse, ke os Despotis, ANESTI TRIMEROS.


Saviour and Deliverer, from the Tomb as God raised from their bonds those born of earth and smashed the Gates of Hades and, as Master, AROSE


10 Tone 4 Before Elevation of Holy Cross 11 September 2011

Tone 4 Before Ele vation of H oly Cr oss 11 September 2011

I k o s o f t h e R e s u r r e c t i o n Tone 4


anastanta ek nekron, Hriston ton zoodotin, triimeron ek tafou, ke pilas tou thantou simeron sinthlasanta, ti dinami ti aftou, ton Adin te nekrosanta, ke to kentron tou thantou sintripsanta, ke ton Adam sin ti Eva eleftherosanta, imnisomen pantes i gigenis, evharistos voontes enon ektenos: Aftos gar os monos KRATEOS, THEOS KE

Let all of us who are born of earth

sing the Praises of Christ the Governor of Life Who Rose from the dead on the Third Day from the Tomb, and by His Power today smashed the Gates of Death, put Hades to Death and crushed the sting of Death, set Adam free with Eve, as with Thanksgiving we cry aloud our Fervent Praise: For He as alone THE MIGHTY GOD

Tes ton Agion Sou Presvies, Hriste By

O Theos, eleison imas.


death. the Intercessions of Thy Holy Saints, O Christ our God, have mercy on us. Amen
- Tone 3

The Katavasia of the Holy Cross



Kontakion Nativity of Theotokos

haraxas Mosis ep evthias, ravdon tin Erthron dieteme to Israil pezefsanti. Tin de epistrepitikos Farao tis armasi krotisas inosen, ep evrous diagrapas to aittiton oplon. Dio Hristo asomen, to Theo imon, oti Dedoxaste.



ke Anna onidismou ateknias, ke Adam ke Eva, ek tis fthoras tou Thanatou, ileftherothisan, ahrante, en ti Agia Gennisi Sou, aftin eortazi ke O laos Sou, enohis ton ptesmaton, litrothis en to krazin Si, i stira tikti tin Theotokon ke TROFON TIS ZOIS IMON.


and Anna from their infertile stigma and Adam and Eve from their mortalitys ruin have been set free, O Immaculate Maiden, by Thy Holy Nativity. For this Thy people celebrate, being Redeemed from the guilt of transgression, they cry to Thee: The barren Woman bears the Theotokos, THE NOURISHER OF OUR LIFE!


Moses having struck horizontally with his rod, cleaving the Red Sea and causing Israel to cross on foot, then having struck it transversely bringing it together over Pharaoh and his chariots, traced the Cross, thus symbolising that Invincible Weapon. Wherefore, we praise Christ our God, for He has been Glorified.'



is tipon tou Mystiriou paralamvanete. To vlasto gar prokrini ton ireas. Ti stirevousi de proin Ekklisia nin exinithise xilon Stavrou is kratos ke stereoma.


The Synaxarion of 11 September


rod is taken as a symbol of the Mystery; for by its budding, it designated the Priest. But now the Tree of the Cross has blossomed forth with Might and Steadfastness to the hitherto barren Church.



IA tou aftou minos, Mnimi tis Osias Mitros imon Theodoras tis en Alexandria. afti imera, Mnimi tou Osiou Patros imon Evfrosinou tou Magirou. afti imera, Mnimi ton Agion Martiron, Diodorou, Diomidous ke Didimou. afti imera, Mnimi tis Agias Martiros, Ias, presvitidos tin ilikian.

On the 11

Ti Ti


Agios Dimitrios ke Evanthia i sizigos aftou ke Dimitrianos O Iios afton limo teliounte.

day of this month, we Commemorate our Righteous Mother, St Theodora of Alexandria. On this day, we Commemorate our Righteous Father, St Euphrosynos the Cook.# On this day, we Commemorate the Holy Martyrs, St Diodore, St Diomedes, and St Didymos of Laodicea in Syria. On this day, we Commemorate the Holy Martyr, St Ia, who was Martyred in old age; and the 9000 Holy Martyrs who accompanied her in Persia. On this day we Commemorate St Demetrios, his wife, St Evanthia, and St Demetrianos, their son, who were starved to


Kyrie, tis Ikonomias Sou to mystirion, katenoisa ta Erga Sou ke edoxasa Sou tin Theotita.



have heard, O Lord, of the Mystery of Thy Dispensation, and have contemplated Thy Works. Wherefore, have I Glorified Thy Godhead. Thou Thrice Blessed Tree, whereon the Lord Christ the King was stretched, and through which he who was beguiled by the tree fell, having been beguiled by Thee, by the God Who was nailed upon Thee in the flesh, Who grants Salvation to our souls. Jonah in the belly of the whale stretched forth his hands in the form of a cross, he foreshadowed clearly the Passion of Salvation; and when

Trismakariston xilon! En O etathi Hristos, O Vasilefs ke Kyrios. Di ou peptoken O xilo apatisas, to en si deleasthis Theo to prospagenti sarki, to parehonti tin irinin tes psihes imon.




thiros en splaghnis palamas Ionas stavroidos diekpetasas, to sotirion pathos prodietipou safos. Othen triimeros ekdis, tin iperkosmion anastasin ipexografise


Tone 4 Before Elevation of Holy Cross 11 September 2011

Tone 4 Before Ele vation of H oly Cr oss 11 September 2011

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