Bio Ethics

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Ethics is used worldwide in large companies and

small businesses. Promoting ethics in the workplace
The word ethics is derived from the Greek word “ethos”, provides employees a sense of worth and trust that
which means custom or guiding beliefs. Ethics is defined can help the business and the employees succeed.
as a set of rules or principles that govern right conduct
and is designed to protect the rights of a human being.
Ethics is a branch of philosophy; it is moral philosophy IMPORTANCE OF ETHICS IN NURSING
or philosophical thinking about morality, moral PROFESSION
problems, and moral judgements. Nursing ethics
provides the professional standards for nursing Nursing ethics is a branch of ethics that deals with the
activities, which protect the nurse and the patient. activities involved in the field of nursing.

 Ethics may be defined as the system or code of
conduct and morals advocated by a particular
individual or group. It is also the study of acceptable
conduct and moral judgement.
 Ethics is a system of understanding determinations
and motivations based on an individual’s
perceptions of right and wrong. It is not determined
by strict rules or rigid guidelines, and although it is
relatively stable, it can change over time.
Importance for the Nurses
PROFESSIONAL ETHICS  Ethics Provides Framed Ethical Principles to Do
1. The concept of professional ethics partly deals with Proper Nursing Care:  It helps to act as a guide for
what a professional should or should not do in the the nurse and provides the code of conduct of
workplace. ethical behaviour.
2. Professional ethics is a set of standards adopted by  Ethics Protects the Nurse from All Legal and Ethical
a professional community and it encompasses a Issues:  Every nurse is obligated to follow the ethical
greater part of a professional’s life. principles and the code of ethics. As per the rules of
3. Professional codes of ethics regulate the manner in ethics, a nurse should abide by the rules and
which professionals conduct themselves while in the regulations of nursing practice and hospital polices.
workplace and include concepts such as professional Since the nurse is in his/her ethical tract, it acts as a
respect, avoidance of dishonesty or fraudulent shield and protects the nurse from getting trapped
activity, such as plagiarism, and the professional into the medico-legal issues.
development of the individual. Another important  Ethics Controls, Modifies, and Molds Good Ethical
aspect is the enhancement of the profession and the Behaviour in the Nurse:  Following ethical principles
industry within which the professional works. will help not only the nurse but also all health care
4. Nursing ethics is concerned with a professional providers to modify and control their behaviour
conduct and behaviour that helps a nurse to carry out towards patient care since all ethical principles are
the nursing care in a manner that results in good to grounded and framed to the benefit and protection
the mankind and community. of the society. A nurse should strictly follow the
5. A professional has more moral responsibilities than ethical principles of accountability and responsibility
those held by the population in general. This is in nursing care.
because professionals are capable of making  Ethics Helps the Nurse to Attain Professional and
judgements and acting on informed decisions in Personal Satisfaction:  A nurse should follow the
situations that the general public cannot, because code of ethics and hospital policies.
they have not received the relevant training. For  Ethical Values Help in Better Decision-making:  If
example, a layman could not be held responsible for an institution or management has enforced a
failing to act to save a car crash victim because he/she standard and strong ethics, its principles will
does not have the relevant knowledge. In contrast, a definitely help in decision-making.
fully trained doctor (with the correct equipment)  Ethics Leads to Profits:  Both ethics and profits go
would be capable of making the correct diagnosis and together. Without doubt, any management that
carrying out the procedure and it is wrong if he/she sticks to strong ethical principles will yield only
failed to help in this situation. profit, since these principles work out only to
6. In the workplace, managers and supervisors should stabilize the unity.
set the standard for ethics by showing respect, being
honest, and promoting trust. If the management team
uses unethical forms of communication, the team and
business can fail.
Importance within the Horizons of the Nursing CODE OF ETHICS
Profession The code of ethics states the kind of conduct expected
The ethical principles in the nursing profession help in from the members of a profession and the
the following: responsibilities of its members towards those whom
1. Maintain a trustworthy relationship among the they serve, their co-workers, the profession and the
health care team society as a whole. It would be easier in decision-making
2. Evaluate the performance of nursing care by if the member understands what the wrong or right
checking for any impaired practice, acceptance of any behaviour in different situations is.
forms of rewards, tokens, or goodies from the
 The ICN Code of Ethics gives a general description of
patients or their relatives, and the maintenance of a
the following:
therapeutic relationship with patients.
1. What a nurse does
3. Maintain confidentiality and ensure that the details
2. How nursing service should be given
of the patients are recorded accurately and are kept
3. To whom service is given
4. Not practice any illegal or criminal offense or allow Nursing Branches Involving Ethical Issues
it in the nurse’s presence. Ethical issues are involved in the following branches in
5. Maintain good morale. nursing:
6. Respect all cultural issues of the patient. 1. Nursing research
7. Use the power and potentiality to upgrade the 2. Nursing education
professional growth properly. 3. Nursing administration
4. Nursing management
Nursing is not possible without ethics
5. Intensive care unit
Ethics in Nursing Profession 6. Operation theatre/surgical nursing
Ethics is important in the nursing profession for the 8. Community health nursing
following reasons: 9. Child health nursing/Pediatrics
 Ethics is used to guide the professional behavior of 10. Mental health nursing/Psychiatric Nursing
the nurses. 11. Maternity nursing
 It helps the teachers to identify what needs to be
taught for the nursing students.
 It can be used to prevent a nurse from practicing if ETHICAL THEORIES
his/her conduct is poor and clearly below the
Each moral theory holds a specific approach in how to
standards set by the code.
handle life’s decisions. Throughout history, a few moral
 It can be used to protect a nurse who is falsely
theories have surfaced and have been analyzed for their
accused of doing something wrong.
strengths and weaknesses. A moral theory often shapes
 It can also be used as a guide for direction when
a person’s attitude toward others, belief system and life
legal action must be taken in a lawsuit.
Nursing ethics provides the professional standards for
Utilitarianism is a moral theory that implements fair
nursing activities, which help to protect not only the
choices in an effort to ensure the least amount of harm
nurse but also the patient. In 1973, the International
is done to all parties involved. The utilitarianism
Council for Nurses (ICN) adopted the code of ethics and
approach requires that you decide what course of
implemented a rule that all nurses must follow this
action needs to be done and evaluate the outcomes of
code. The main objectives of the code of ethics as
each action. By focusing on the outcome of each action,
described by the ICN are as follows:
utilitarianism demands that you decide on what course
 Promote health and well-being
of action based on the benefits or harm of the actions
 Prevent illnesses and complications
without regard to the cost of the action.
 Restore the health and alleviate the suffering of the For example, Julie walks into a hostage situation. There are 20
patient without any complications hostages and she is told that if she shots one hostage, she will
save the lives of the other 19. Utilitarianism would support
A nurse should maintain the dignity of the nursing
Julie’s killing of one of the hostages because the other 19 lives
profession in any situation and should not be influenced are a greater benefit, regardless of the fact that the cost
by the social status of the patient or money and get would be one person’s life.
involved in corruption. This is possible only by following
nursing ethics.
Deontology focuses on the consequences of your Virtue is very distinct from other ethic theories in that it
actions and believes that when faced with life choices, looks at a person’s individual character, not necessarily
you should operate according to responsibility and his actions. When observing an unethical position, the
obligations. A deontologist believes that morality is a virtue theory considers the person's reputation and
responsibility for everyone as well as a duty. purpose for committing the act. If a high school student
For example, if a man steals three loaves of bread and a is temperate, modest, witty and intelligent and
gallon of milk to feed his family, it would be supported by plagiarized on a class writing assignment, the virtue
deontology because of the moral responsibility and theory would analyze the student's past personality
obligations of the man to care for his family. traits and interpersonal skills in order to determine
Sometimes deontologists are unable to determine whether the student is truly guilty.
certain courses of action as moral or not. A coffee shop Relativism
owner who requires his employees to dress in black Relativism is a theory that deems your moral obligations
cannot be identified with the deontology theory simply and beliefs to be based on the individual environment.
because the requirement is the owner’s preference and For example, in American culture cannibalism is
whatever governs such preference is neither moral nor considered taboo, while in other cultures the act of
immoral. consuming other human flesh is accepted as a sacrifice
DEONTOLOGY or ritual. Relativism determines morals and ethics
Deontological ethics, or deontology, is the normative according to the society that is being observed.
ethical theory that the morality of an action should be Relativism argues that every society and culture
based on whether that action itself is right or wrong believes differently and thus, each culture must be
under a series of rules, rather than based on the evaluated according to its particular cultural patterns
consequences of the action. and influences.
It is sometimes described as responsibility,
commitment, or rule-based ethics.
A moral obligation may arise from an external or BIOETHICAL ISSUES
internal source, such as a set of rules inherent to the
Medical technology has mushroomed, providing an
universe (ethical naturalism), religious law, or a set of
ever-increasing array of diagnostic and interventional
personal or cultural values (any of which may be in
modalities that can diagnose and treat illnesses that
conflict with personal desires).
were believed to be lethal only a few years ago.
TELEOGY Bioethics represents a particular branch of ethics within
teleological ethics, (teleological from Greek telos, the field of health care.
“end”; logos, “science”), theory of morality that derives
Bioethics affects all the health professionals who seek
duty or moral obligation from what is good or desirable
knowledge to improve their skills; at times, they are
as an end to be achieved. Also known as
trapped in legal and ethical issues and their minds are in
consequentialist ethics, it is opposed to deontological
an ethical dilemma regarding taking any decisions
ethics (from the Greek deon, “duty”), which holds that
concerning the ethical issues involved in the bioethics.
the basic standards for an action’s being morally right
Therefore, it is important for a nurse to learn and
are independent of the good or evil generated.
practice bioethical issues and management.
Teleological theories differ on the nature of the end that
actions ought to promote. Eudaemonist theories
 It is a branch of science that deals with the ethical
(Greek eudaimonia, “happiness”), which hold that ethics
and moral implications of new biological discoveries
consists in some function or activity appropriate to man
and biomedical advances.
as a human being, tend to emphasize the cultivation
 It is a branch of ethics, philosophy, and social
of virtue or excellence in the agent as the end of all
commentary that discusses the life sciences and
action. These could be the classical virtues—courage,
their potential impact on society.
temperance, justice, and wisdom—that promoted the
Greek ideal of man as the “rational animal”; or the  It deals with the study of value judgements
theological virtues—faith, hope, and love—that pertaining to human actions in the fields of biology
distinguished the Christian ideal of man as a being and biotechnology.
created in the image of God.  It is a study of the moral and ethical choices that
scientists and doctors face in medical research and
in the treatment of patients.
 It is a branch of science that explores the moral and
ethical questions surrounding life, health, science,
medicine and environment.
 It is a study of right and wrong in biomedical The code of ethics states the kind of conduct expected
advances and activities such as genetic engineering, from the members of a profession and the
organ transplantation and the care of terminally ill. responsibilities of its members towards those whom
they serve, their co-workers, the profession and the
society as a whole.

The ICN Code of Ethics gives a gen description of the ff:

1. What a nurse does: the fourfold responsibility of
promoting health, preventing illness, restoring health
and alleviating suffering.
2. How nursing service should be given: unrestricted
by the considerations of nationality, race, creed,
color, age, sex, politics or social status; coordinated
with related groups.
3. To whom service is given: the individual, the family
The hidden part of the ice can be revealed only when and the community.
diagnoses are made, that is, through in-depth
The body of the code is made up of five sections.
understanding of the bioethical principles and
Nurses and People. This code is concerned with a
awareness of such issues.
nurse’s actions towards the people. Here, the term
PURPOSE AND SCOPE “people” refers to the patients for whom care is
The purpose and scope of bioethics are as follows: provided. A nurse’s responsibilities based on the ethics
1. To reveal the hidden bioethical issues, for example, are as follows:
abortion, surrogate mother, euthanasia. 1. Hold the personal information of patients in
2. To measure the safety limits of any bioethical issue. confidence and use judgement in sharing this
3. To create a new ethical law based on the bioethical information.
issues. 2. Provide nursing care with prime responsibility for
4. To solve the bioethical issues and dilemmas that those who need care.
arise in health care. 3. Provide care for patients without considering their
5. To evaluate the range of bioethical ethical issues caste, creed, etc. and give respect to their values,
involved while performing any patient care as mild, customs, and spiritual beliefs.
moderate or severe, because it is important to
Nurses and Practice. A nurse should adopt standard
analyze whether the depth of the issue is simple or
nursing practices while providing nursing care and
complex. It is better to safeguard the nurse and the
should maintain the highest quality possible within the
patient at the earliest, that is, at the simple or mild
reality of the specific situation. The following are the
stage of the issue.
principles stated in this code with respect to a nurse’s
6. To do any research on humans, it is important to
analyze whether at any time during the research
1. Have a personal interest in updating his/her
process, any injury or harm might be caused to the
knowledge and should ensure it by continual learning.
individual or to the society.
2. Always provide evidence-based care with the help
of continuous research activities.
NURSE CODE OF ETHICS 3. Apply the scientific principles specific for each
nursing procedure as learnt and modify, verify the
Nursing Branches Involving Ethical Issues same, and act according to the hospital practices.
Ethical issues are involved in the ff branches in nursing: 4. Never ignore any patient while on duty.
 Nursing research 5. Should not commit any malpractice or be negligent
 Nursing education while working.
 Nursing administration 6. Avoid absenteeism in working hours.
 Nursing management 7. Be physically, mentally, and socially alert at all
 Intensive care unit times during practice.
 Operation theatre/surgical nursing 8. Accept and delegate the responsibilities with
 Medical nursing proper judgement and expert guidance.
 Community health nursing 9. Always maintain standards throughout the life of
 Child health nursing nursing practice.
 Mental health nursing
 Maternity nursing
 Nursing procedures
Nurses and Society. This code reflects on the International Code of Nursing Ethics
responsibilities of a nurse towards the society and The ICNE states the following:
states the following:  The fundamental responsibility of a nurse is to
1. Educate the public and create awareness about the conserve life and to promote health. Every nurse is a
various health problems as and when needed. teacher of health by example.
2. Initiate and support activities to meet the health  A nurse must be adequately prepared to practice
and social needs of the public. nursing and be willing to continue to learn new
3. Act as an initiator, supervisor and supporter of any ideas by reading and attending meetings.
health program implemented for the benefit of the  A nurse must learn to respect authority.
society.  A nurse must carry out the doctor’s orders
4. Inform the higher authorities in time about any accurately and sustain confidence in the doctor and
abnormalities or contagious diseases noticed during all members of the health team.
nursing care.  A nurse should report any unusual condition or
symptom to the doctor or the nurse in charge.
Nurses and Co-workers. Nursing is always a teamwork.
 The religious beliefs of a patient should be
An individual can never provide complete care. He/she
needs the support and guidance of the co-workers. This
 All information given to a nurse should be held in
code aims to do the following:
1. Create “espirit de corps” among the workers.
2. Have a positive and healthy relationship with the  When a patient requires continued nursing care, the
co-workers. nurse must remain with the patient until adequate
3. Maintain dignity and give respect to the co-workers relief is available.
at all levels.  A nurse has the obligation to give conscientious
4. Safeguard patients and co-workers by taking service and, in return, is entitled to just
appropriate actions, especially in case of accidents, remuneration.
disasters, bioterrorism, bomb explosions, etc.  A patient should always be called by his full name.
 Punctuality is very important for a nurse.
Nurses and the Profession. Nursing has its own  Obedience is very important in observing rules and
scientific background and its own nursing foundation. regulations.
This is why it is called as the nursing profession. It has  Every nurse must have respect for authority and for
its own professional bodies and associations, they rules and regulations.
provide training on the policies and procedures involved  Manpower, money and material supplies should be
in the nursing profession and implement updated blended fairly as per the hospital needs to meet the
standard principles of nursing practices, which all the demands of the patients. Any inequality in
nurses should abide by and follow. This code reflects on manpower, money and material will affect not only
the responsibilities of a nurse towards their profession the nursing care but also the entire management
as follows: process in the hospital.
1. Be active and alert at all times as a nurse plays a
major role in caring for the patient. Use professional
knowledge in the administration of nursing care.
2. Update the standards of practice and improve the
quality of care through research activities.
3. Provide care equally to all categories of people, and
establish good and healthy social and economic
working conditions.
4. Adopt high qualities of nursing care through all
stages of his/her nursing practice, that is, novice,
practitioner and expert.
5. Be an active member in a nursing organization.

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