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School Rizal National High School Grade Level 8

Teacher David Jess A. Ling-oy Learning Area English
Time & Dates March 22, 2023 Quarter 3
8:30- 9:30am
1:00- 2:00 pm
2:00- 3:00pm
I. Learning Target/Specific
A. Content Standards The learner demonstrates understanding of: Southeast Asian literature
as mirror to a shared heritage ; coping strategies in processing textual
information; strategies in examining features of a listening and viewing
material; structural analysis of words and propaganda techniques; and
grammatical signals for opinion- making, persuasion, and emphasis.
B. Performance Standards The learner transfers learning by composing and delivering a
persuasive speech based on an informative essay featuring use of
properly acknowledged information sources, grammatical signals for
opinion-making , persuasion, and emphasis, and appropriate prosodic
features, stance, and behavior.
C. Learning Competencies/ Determine various social, moral, and economic issues discussed in the
Objectives text listened to (EN8LC-IIIh-7.4)
At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:
A Define the meaning of empathetic and critical listening;
b. Determine the types of listening applied in the text listened to; and
c. Evaluate a particular issue by listening and answering questions

II. Learning Content Determine various social, moral, and economic issues discussed in the
text listened to
III. Learning Resources Textbook and Websites
A. References  “Literary Terms.” (2019). Retrieved from:
 “Types of Conflict That Can Be Found in a Narrative.” (2013).
Retrieved from:
 “LitCharts.” n.d. Retrieved from:
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages N/A
2. Learner’s Materials N/A
3. Textbook Page N/A
4. Additional Materials from LR Portal Modules
B. Other Learning Materials PowerPoint, Television, Timer
IV. Procedure
previous lesson a.) Greetings
or presenting the Good morning, class! It’s English O’clock!
new lesson Good morning, Sir!
b.) Prayer

May I ask someone who shall lead the

(Yna will volunteer as the leader and the
prayer shall commence.)

c.) Attendance
Would you mind to check the attendance
today, class secretary?

(The students’ attendance will be checked

by the class secretary.)
d.) Arrangement of Chairs

Kindly, arrange your chairs and sit properly.

(The class will arrange their chairs and will

sit properly.)
Class, let us the start the discussion with an

Would you mind reading the given

instructions projected on the screen,
(Johny will read the instructions.)

Task 1: “ Word Search”

Directions: There are nine words that are

hidden in a letter grid. The students will
need to find those nine words as fast they
can. There will be three volunteers in the
class to do this activity.

1. Vulnerability
3. Trust
5. Comfort
6.Open- minded
7. Judgements
8. Systematic
9. Reasoning

Class, what did you noticed on our activity?

(Echo will raise her hand.)
Sir, I think those words are related to the
mental and emotional aspect of a person.

Class, our topic is connected to developing

your listening capabilities as a person.
Presentation of Lesson
Now for us to really be acquainted with the
lesson, it is good for you to know the Most
Essential Learning Competency that we
shall be enhancing this day. Please read
what is shown on the television screen.
Determine various social, moral, and
economic issues discussed in the text
listened to (EN8LC-IIIh-7.4)
Class, here are the learning objectives that
we have today. Thus, it means that at the
end of our class, you are all expected to do
these tasks. May I ask Leonardo to read the
learning objectives projected on the screen:

At the end of the lesson, students are

expected to:
a. Define the meaning of empathetic and
critical listening;
b. Determine the types of listening applied
in the text listened to; and
c. Evaluate a particular issue by listening
and answering questions
C. Presenting Class, what comes in your mind when you
examples/ hear the word empathy?
instances of the
new lesson (Coleen will raise her hand.)

Sir, when we say empathy, it is the ability

to understand one’s feeling without having
any judgements of what he or she says.

That is right! Coleen, when we say empathy

it is the ability to understand another person
thoughts or feelings in a situation from their
point of view.

Here is the example of empathy:

Task 1: I Can Relate!

Guide Questions:

1. What can you say about the depicted

2. Have you ever felt being comforted by
someone? In what way?
3. How would you describe your
relationships with your colleagues?
4. Do you consider yourself to be an
empathetic person? Why?

D. Discussing new Class, our topic for today is all about the
concepts & types of listening.
practicing new
skills #1
Class, the third type of listening is
empathetic listening.

Would you mind reading the definition of

empathetic listening, Carlo?
 Empathic listening is the process of
making an emotional connection
with someone who is speaking.
This enables you to put yourself
into their shoes, and feel with them.

 A complete lack of judgement.

Empathic listening requires you to
put aside your own opinions and
views and concentrate wholly on
the speaker.
 Giving your full attention. As with
any kind of effective listening,
empathic listening requires you to
give the speaker your full attention.

 A focus on both facts and feelings.

Empathic listening means being
aware of, and understanding, the
speaker’s feelings and emotions,
as well as the words that they are
 Giving the speaker space to speak.
You do not need to fill every pause.
Empathic listening gives the
speaker time and space to gather
their thoughts and speak again if
they wish to do so.
The last type of listening is critical listening.

Would you mind reading the definition of

critical listening, Prince?  To be able to analyze and evaluate
the credibility of the writer’s
 In critical listening, you distinguish
between facts and opinions of the
 To be able to analyze the pieces of
evidence used to support
arguments or claims before you
agree or disagree to the ideas of
the speaker.

Task 3: I Care For You!

Instructions: Listen to the father- daughter
intimate conversation about a particular
problem. Afterwards, they will answer the
given guide questions.
Guide Questions:
1. What is the problem of her daughter?
2. What did the father do to address the
concern of her daughter?
3. What type of listening is presented on
the audio clip? Why?

E. Discussing new Task 4: To Support or Defend

concepts & Instructions: Listen to the arguments of
practicing new both sides regarding the issue of death
skills #2 penalty. Afterwards, they will answer the
given guide questions.

Guide Questions:
1. Based on the arguments of the two
speakers you have listened to, who do you
agree with? Why?
2. Is there a need to legalized death
penalty to prevent crimes in our society?
3. What type of listening can be applied to
the text listened to?
F. Developing Ariel, would you mind reading the
Mastery instructions shown in the screen?
By Pair Activity
Task 5: Causes and Effects
(Ariel will read the instructions.)
Instructions: The students will listen to a
particular moral issue. Afterwards, they will
answer the given guide questions.
Emma's Story: Cyberbullied by a Best Friend -

Answering the guide questions:

1.What issue presented on the text

listened to?
2. What are the possible solution to solve
this problem?
3. What type of listening can be applied to
the text listened to ? Why?
G. Finding practical At this point, class what do you think is the
applications of importance of empathetic listening?
concepts and skills
in daily living Yes, Daisy?

(Daisy will raise her hand.)

Sir, I do believe that empathetic listening is

helpful to someone that needs comfort and
healing to overcome his/ her problem.

Excellent, answer! Class, empathetic

listening is giving your full attention to
understand someone’s feeling or emotions.

Class, what do you think is the importance

of critical listening?
(Nilo will raise his hand.)

Sir, the importance of critical listening is

that it could enhance the critical thinking
skills and capabilities in analyzing a
particular problem.
That is right! Critical listening is helpful in
discriminating facts and opinion when
someone is speaking.
H. Making At this point, let us recall the topics we have
generalizations/ discussed today.
Class! Would you mind defining what is
(Moira will raise her hand.)

Sir, empathy is the ability to understand

one’s feeling.

Class, what is empathetic listening?

(Angelica will raise her hand.)

Sir, when we say empathetic listening, it is

concentrating to the thoughts and feelings
of the speaker, without having any

Class, what is critical listening? (Juliet will raise her hand.)

Sir, comprehensive listening involves the

ability to discriminate between facts and
I. Evaluating At this point, let us assess the students’
Learning understanding on our topic for today.

Kyle, would you mind reading the directions

shown in the screen? Group Activity

Task 6: Resolve it!

Directions: Listen to the story on how to
overcome depression during difficult times.
Identify the issue presented in the story
and answer the questions that follow.
Guide Questions:
1. What issues does audio clip present?
2. Why is this condition hard for everyone
suffering from it?
3. How can you fight depression according
to the speakers?
4. What type of listening can be applied to
the text listened to?
TEACHING STRATEGIES: Inquiry-based instruction, Reinforcing effort, Differentiation, and inductive


Practice Teacher Cooperating Teacher

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