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GAD ESE Practical List (28/06/2021)

1. Write a program to implement the namespace Student in your Application.

2. Write program for finding greatest among three numbers
3. Implement the program using if-else statement to find the number is even or odd –
4. Implement the program using Select Case statement to count the number of Vowels
in A to Z alphabets.
5. Develop a program for performing arithmetic operations –
6. Write a program using While statement to print the prime numbers between 1 to
7. Write a program using While statement to print even-odd numbers between 1 to 50
8. Write program using For Next loop statement tot find the Armstrong numbers
between 1 to 500.
9. Write a program to change the background color of the form when user clicks on
different buttons.
10. Write the program using RadioButton to change the bulb state ON/OFF.
11. Write a program to change the ForeColor of the text in Label using different
RadioButtons such Red, Green, Blue.
12. Write a program to select multiple subjects for single semester.
13. Write program using picture box control to load an image at run time.
14. Write a program to display the traffic signal using timer control
15. Write a program using ErrorProvider for username and password authentication.
16. Develop a program to calculate the Fibonacci Series of Give Number
17. Develop a program to print the reverse of any number using Sub procedure
18. Develop a windows application that will contain multiple tables in a single dataset.
19. Write a program to implement the concept of method overloading & overriding.
20. Implement windows application for employee details using overriding method

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