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The Hindu News Analysis – 08th December 2022 – Shankar IAS Academy

Page Number*
No. News Articles

State’s capital expenditure likely to rise three-fold in 3

1 2 - - - -
years: Finance Minister

2 The debate around conjugal visits for prisoners T&C 1 8 T&C 1

Cyclone Mandous brewing over Bay of Bengal likely to

3 1 - - - -
impact T.N.

4 BIMSTEC as key to a new South Asian regional order 6 6 6 6 6

*C – Chennai; B – Bengaluru; D – Delhi; H – Hyderabad; T – Thiruvananthapuram

The Hindu News Analysis – 08th December 2022 – Shankar IAS Academy
S. Page Number*
News Articles
5 Why is Parliament silent on voiding of NJAC, asks V-P 1, 8 1, 8
1, 8 1, 8

6 Putin declines ‘no first use’ pledge on atomic bombs 11 11 13 11 11

7 Need for an effective tourist police 7 7 7 7 7

Big industries don’t observe uniform labour standards in

8 10 10 12 10 10
India, says BMS at ILO meet
9 Prelims Practice Questions
@ end of the video
10 Mains Practice Question
*C – Chennai; B – Bengaluru; D – Delhi; H – Hyderabad; T – Thiruvananthapuram
Pg: 2 – C;
Revenue expenditure

• Expenditure incurred to meet day to day and

regular needs.

• Does not yield any revenue in future.

• Does not create physical or financial assets.

• Example:

Interest paid

Expenditure towards law and order


Subsidies and grants.

Pensions and salaries

Grants to foreign government

Capital Expenditure

• Creates permanent assets - physical or


• Includes spending for reduction in financial


• Examples:

Investments - machinery, shares, and


Loans to states/UTs/PSUs.

Disbursements - repayment of public debt,

loans and advances.

• High Capex - aids in economic growth.

Quiz Question – 08/12/2022
Q. Capital expenditure results in which of the
1. Creation of physical assets.
2. Reduction in financial liabilities.
3. Creation of financial assets.
4. Induces growth.
Select the correct answer from the code
given below.
a) 1, 2 and 3 only
b) 1 and 4 only
c) 2, 3 and 4 only
d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
Text and Context Page 1 – C, B, H, T;
Pg: 8 – D;
Part A — Preliminary Examination
Conjugal rights
Paper I - (200 marks)
• Rights and privileges in a marriage or
• Current events of national and international
importance. among a married couple.

• Indian Polity and Governance-Constitution, Political • Includes the intimate rights - comfort,
System, Panchayati Raj, Public Policy, Rights Issues, companionship, affection, and sexual
etc relations.

Part B — Main Examination


General Studies-II: Governance, Constitution, Polity,

Social Justice and International relations.

• Government policies and interventions for development

in various sectors and issues arising out of their design
and implementation.
All-India Committee on Jail Reforms (1980-83)
Model Prison Manual 2016
• Identified prisoner rights.
• Prison administration
Right to Human Dignity:
Ensure prisoners’ human rights are
respected. Right to non-deprivation of fundamental
rights as guaranteed by the Constitution.
Prepare prisoners to lead reformed and
socially rehabilitated life. Right to Communication:

Right to communicate with outside


Right to periodic interviews - see or

communicate with family/relatives,
friends and legal advisers - once in a
Conjugal visits

• Allowing prisoners to spend some time with his/her spouse in

privacy, in the precincts of prison.

• Need:

Can be considered fundamental right of prisoners and their


Spousal relationship remains unchanged by conviction.

Handling aggressive sexual behaviours of prisoners:

Sexual gratification theory.

Research supports the theory.

For reducing stress levels and enabling smooth re-entry

into the society.
Stand of Indian Judiciary
Indian scenario
• Sunil Batra v. Delhi Administration (1980)
• No statutory law providing conjugal visits.
Liberated the jail inmates from the
Opposition by Govt.
atrocities inflicted through mental torture,
1. Availability of parole and furlough provisions psychic or physical pressure.

Enables spending time with family. Upheld prisoners’ right to invoke Article 21

2. Not granted in law . Allowed liberal visits by family and friends.

3. Current limited prison infrastructure. • Francis Coralie Mulin v. The Administrator,

4. Security concerns like smuggling of Union Territory of Delhi (1981)

contrabands. Expanded “personal liberty”.

Prisoner or detenue has all the fundamental

rights and other legal rights available to a
free person.
Punjab example

• Jasvir Singh and Another v. State of • Forerunner in providing conjugal visits in

Punjab (2014) prisons - 2-hour visits.

Allowed conjugal visits and artificial

insemination for inmates.

Held that right to procreation survives

incarceration and comes under the
ambit of Article 21.

• 2018 - Madras High Court allowed

conjugal visit:

Conjugal visits are "a right and not a

International scenario

• United Nations Standard Minimum Rules for

the Treatment of Prisoners.

• Countries allowing conjugal visits - Russia, Conclusion

Germany, France, Belgium, Spain, Philippines,
• India needs law allowing conjugal visits –
Canada, Saudi Arabia and Denmark.
with terms and conditions.
Practice Question – Mains
Q. Punjab recently became the first Indian
state to allow prisoners conjugal visits. Do
you think every State should follow the
same path? Also discuss the pros and cons
associated with such visits.
(150 words, 10 marks)
Pg: 1 – C;
Why Bay of Bengal is more prone to cyclones
compared to Arabian Sea?
• A system of winds - rotating
• Intense heating of Bay of Bengal.
inwards to LP area.
• Bay of Bengal - concave and shallow.
• Anticlockwise - Northern Hemisphere
Strong winds help pile up water.
• Clockwise - Southern
• No land boundary between Indian and Pacific Ocean.
• Large land mass present between BoB & Arabian Sea.

• Arabian Sea lacks constant freshwater flow.

• Post Monsoon North East Wind push the tropical depression

into Indian East Coast..
Practice Question – Prelims
Q. Which among the following countries are
bordering Arabian Sea?
1. Yemen
2. Pakistan
3. Oman
4. India
5. Iraq
Select the correct code for the codes
given below.
(a) 1, 2, 3 and 4 only
(b) 2, 3, 4 and 5 only
(c) 1, 3, 4 and 5 only
(d) All the above
Pg: 6 – C, D, B, H, T;
Part A—Preliminary Examination
Paper I - (200 marks)
Current events of national and international

Part B—Main Examination

General Studies‐II: Governance, Constitution,
Polity, Social Justice and International
• India and its neighborhood- relations.
• Bilateral, regional and global groupings and
agreements involving India and/or affecting India’s

• South Asian Association for Regional


• SAARC Charter - 1985

• Secretariat - Kathmandu, Nepal

Objectives of SAARC

• Promote welfare of people of South Asia & to

improve their quality of life

• Accelerate economic growth, social progress &

Decision-making in SAARC
cultural development & to provide opportunity to
all individuals to live with dignity & to realize • Decision making - based on unanimity
their full potentials • Meeting of Heads of State or Government

• Promote & strengthen collective self-reliance - Highest decision-making body.

among countries of South Asia

• Contribute to mutual trust, understanding &

appreciation of one another's problems

• Promote active collaboration & mutual assistance

in economic, social, cultural, technical and
scientific fields

• Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral

Technical & Economic Cooperation

• Bangkok Declaration - 1997

• Comprises of seven Member States

Issues with SAARC

• Trust deficit between India & Pakistan

Unanimous decisions made impossible

• Fear of dominance of smaller countries by

larger countries in the grouping

• No meeting after 2014

Advantages of BIMSTEC
• Admission of new members to the group made
• Depends on how India & other countries
possible – Article 6 of BIMSTEC charter
in the grouping are going to take
• Can act as a link between South & Southeast forward it
• Author suggests a high-quality FTA
• India – ASEAN trade integration. offering deep economic integration
Previous year Question – Mains (2022)
Q. Do you think that BIMSTEC is a parallel
organization like the SAARC? What are the
similarities and dissimilarities between the
two? How are Indian foreign policy objectives
realized by forming this new organization?
(150 Words, 10 Marks)
Pgs: 1, 8 – C, B, H, T;
Pgs: 1, 10 – D;
VP as Chairman of RS
Role of VP as Chairman of RS
• Article 63 - Vice-President of India.
• Presides over RS meetings
• Articles 64 & Article 89 (1) VP as ex-officio
• Guardian of prestige & dignity of the
Chairman of RS.
• Vice-President - Executive.
• Principal spokesman of the House.
• Chairman of RS – Legislature.
• Represents collective voice to the outside
• Dual capacity & holds 2 distinct & separate
• Gives rulings on privilege matters & other
• Ensures proceedings conducted - procedural points.
constitutional provisions, rules, practices &
• Chairman - no vote.
Only casting vote during equality of votes.
• Ensures maintenance of the decorum.
• Rulings constitute precedents - binding
• Custodian & guardian of rights & privileges
of House & its members.
Not bound to give reasons for decisions.
• Presides during Question Hour.
Rulings cannot be questioned or
• Ensure enforcement of Members' rights of
asking questions & receiving complete
replies. To protest against chairman’s ruling -
contempt of the House.
• Assisted by Deputy Chairman - RS member &
elected by RS.

Deputy Chairman presides over RS –

Chairman’s absence.

Performs duties of Chairman – VP acts as

President or VP post vacant.

• RS Secretariat headed by a Secretary-


To assist Chairman in the discharging the

Pg: 11 – C, B, H, T;
Pg: 13 – D;
Part A—Preliminary Examination No first use policy

Paper I - (200 marks) • Commitment to never use nuclear weapons

• Current events of national and international first
Not as preemptive attack/ first
Part B—Main Examination
strike/response to non-nuclear attack
General Studies‐ II: Governance, Constitution,
Polity, Social Justice and International relations.
• Effect of policies and politics of developed and
developing countries on India’s interests, Indian
Need for nuclear weapons
• To retaliate against nuclear attack States
• No first use policy – declaratory nature Korea

Pledged countries can attack with

nuclear weapons
Israel France

India China

Countries having No first use policy

• China

• India

Exception - response to chemical or

biological attacks.

Countries not having No first use policy

• France • Russia

• North Korea • United Kingdom

• Pakistan • United States

India’s nuclear doctrine
1. Building and maintaining a credible minimum deterrent;
2. Nuclear weapons used only in retaliation against a nuclear attack on Indian territory
or on Indian forces anywhere;
3. Massive nuclear retaliation to a first strike and designed to infliction of unacceptable
4. Authorisation of nuclear retaliatory attacks only by the civilian political leadership
through the Nuclear Command Authority.
5. Non-use of nuclear weapons against non-nuclear weapon states. In the event of a
major attack against India, or Indian forces anywhere, by biological or chemical
weapons, retainment if the option of retaliating with nuclear weapons;
6. Continuance of strict controls on export of nuclear and missile related materials and
technologies, participation in the Fissile Material Cutoff Treaty negotiations, and
continued observance of the moratorium on nuclear tests.
7. Continued commitment to the goal of a nuclear weapon free world, through global,
verifiable and non-discriminatory nuclear disarmament.
Practice Question – Mains
Q. Do you think India’s nuclear doctrine is
based on No first use policy? If yes, justify
your opinion by explaining the nuclear
doctrine of India.
(150 words, 10 marks)
Pg: 7 – C, D, B, H, T;
National Conference on Tourist Police Scheme

• Ministry of tourism

• To discuss best practices of tourist policing

inside India

• Tourist police - state government.

• Ministry of Tourism - Financial assistance

• Develop a dedicated team of Police personnel by

States/ UTs to work towards safeguarding
tourists & providing them with security
Objectives of conference Practice Question – Prelims

• To bring Ministry of Tourism, Home Affairs, Q. With reference to tourist police scheme,
Consider the following statements:
Bureau of Police Research & Development and
State / UT Govts on the same platform. 1. Under the scheme, a pool of trained
policemen would be made available to
• Template of tourist police. render policing service to the tourists
and would control the crimes at the
Preparation of Standard Operating
places of tourist interest.
Procedure (SOP)
2. This scheme will be implemented by
Development of a training program for the Ministry of Home Affairs to
Tourist Police maintain uniformity.
Which of the statements given above
Suggestion for Uniform of Tourist Police. is/are correct?
a) 1 only
b) 2 only
c) Both 1 and 2
d) Neither 1 nor 2
Pg: 10 – C, B, H, T;
Pg: 12 – D;
International Labour Organization (ILO) • Eestablished in 1919

• Only tripartite U.N. agency. Treaty of Versailles.

• Brings together governments, employers & League of Nations.

• 1st affiliated specialized agency of UN in 1946.
• 187 member States.
• Headquarters - Geneva, Switzerland.
• Decent work for all women and men.
• Basis - tripartite principle.
Sets labour standard
Negotiations – govt. representatives, trade
Develops policies
unions & member-states’ employers.
Devises programmes
• International Labour Office
Organisational Structure
Permanent secretariat of ILO.
• International Labour Conference

Sets International labour standards & Focal point for ILO’s overall activities.

broad policies • Regional meetings

Meets annually in Geneva. ILO member States meets periodically.

International Parliament of Labour. To examine matters of special interest

to the regions concerned.
• Governing Body

Executive council

Meets 3 times/year in Geneva.

Takes policy decisions & establishes the

programme & budget.
Objectives of the ILO

• To promote & realize standards & Functions

fundamental principles & rights at work.
• Creates coordinated policies & programs.
• To create greater opportunities for
women & men • Ensures adoption of international labour
To secure decent employment.
• Assists member-states in solving social & labour
• To enhance coverage & effectiveness of
social protection for all.

• To strengthen tripartism & social • Ensures protection of human rights

dialogue. • Does research & publishes works on social &

labour issues
Practice Question – Prelims
Q. Which of the conventions are ratified by
1. Worst forms of Child Labour Convention.
2. Abolition of Forced Labour Convention.
3. Freedom of Association and Protection of
Right to Organise Convention.
4. Minimum Age Convention
Choose the correct code from the options
given below.
(a) 1, 2 and 3
(b) 2, 3 and 4
(c) 1, 3 and 4
(d) 1, 2 and 4
Practice Question – Prelims
Q. With reference to tourist police scheme,
Consider the following statements:
1. Under the scheme, a pool of trained
policemen would be made available to
render policing service to the tourists
and would control the crimes at the
places of tourist interest.
2. This scheme will be implemented by
the Ministry of Home Affairs to
maintain uniformity.
Which of the statements given above
is/are correct?
a) 1 only
b) 2 only
c) Both 1 and 2
d) Neither 1 nor 2
Practice Question – Prelims
Q. Which among the following countries are
bordering Arabian Sea?
1. Yemen
2. Pakistan
3. Oman
4. India
5. Iraq
Select the correct code for the codes
given below.
(a) 1, 2, 3 and 4 only
(b) 2, 3, 4 and 5 only
(c) 1, 3, 4 and 5 only
(d) All the above
Practice Question – Prelims
Q. Which of the conventions are ratified by 8 Core Conventions of ILO
India? • Forced Labour Convention
• Abolition of Forced Labour
1. Worst forms of Child Labour Convention. Convention
• Equal Remuneration Convention
2. Abolition of Forced Labour Convention.
• Discrimination (Employment
3. Freedom of Association and Protection of Occupation) Convention
Right to Organise Convention. • Minimum Age Convention
• Worst forms of Child Labour
4. Minimum Age Convention Convention
Choose the correct code from the options • Freedom of Association and
Protection of Right to Organised
given below.
(a) 1, 2 and 3 • Right to Organise and Collective
(b) 2, 3 and 4 Bargaining Convention
(c) 1, 3 and 4
(d) 1, 2 and 4
Quiz Question – 08/12/2022
Q. Capital expenditure results in which of the
1. Creation of physical assets.
2. Reduction in financial liabilities.
3. Creation of financial assets.
4. Induces growth.
Select the correct answer from the code
given below.
a) 1, 2 and 3 only
b) 1 and 4 only
c) 2, 3 and 4 only
d) 1, 2, 3 and 4
Practice Question – Mains
Q. Punjab recently became the first Indian state to
allow prisoners conjugal visits. Do you think Practice Question – Mains
every State should follow the same path? Also
discuss the pros and cons associated with such GS – II
visits. Q. Punjab recently became the first
(150 words, 10 marks) Indian state to allow prisoners
conjugal visits. Do you think every
Practice Question – Mains State should follow the same path?
Also discuss the pros and cons
associated with such visits.
Q. Do you think India’s nuclear doctrine is based on
(150 words, 10 marks)
No first use policy? If yes, justify your opinion by
explaining the nuclear doctrine of India.
(150 words, 10 marks)

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