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Chapter 1: The Nature of Mathematics

Many people define mathematics through numbers and operations. Competence
in computational skills (performing arithmetic operations with speed and precision) has been
unseemly view of mathematics restrains us to understand and appreciate the nature of this body
of knowledge.
So, what is mathematics all about? Mathematics is not all about numbers and operations.
It goes beyond arithmetic. It is more about reasoning, making logical inferences and
generalizations, and seeing relationships in both the visible and invisible patterns in the natural
world. As this section progresses, we will be able to further explore the importance of
mathematics in our daily life and acquire a complete understanding and appreciation of its
existence in our world.

Mathematics as a Science of Patterns

The characterization of mathematics as the
British mathematician G.H. Hardy.
As mentioned by Collins, regularity is the fact that the same thing always happens in
the same circumstances. A pattern is a visible regularity in the world or in a man-made design

world, the patterns of counting, measuring, reasoning, motion, shape position, and prediction,
reveal the
Pattern recognition is a key determinant of logical, verbal, numerical and spatial abilities.
The following are some of the commonly used patterns today: the logic patterns, symbol
patterns, number patterns and word patterns.

Logic Patterns
One kind of logic pattern deals with the characteristics of various objects. Another kind
deals with order. Some patterns appear in sequence while some possess similar attributes.
These types of pattern are common in aptitude tests. To construct or solve a pattern, find the
rule for the pattern, understand the nature of the sequence, and analyses the difference between
two successive terms.


Explanation: As the sequence progresses the number of dots alternates in opposite section of
the rectangle. For example, the top of the first rectangle has 4 black dots and the bottom of the
second rectangle has 2 black dots. The top of the third rectangle has 4 black dots and the bottom
of the fourth has 2 black dots and so on. Conversely, the number of black dots in the bottom of the
first rectangle has 5 black dots and the top of the second rectangle has 3 black dots and so
on. Therefore, the correct answer is D.

So, when responding to this question during abstract reasoning tests we can see that it is

Explanation: The closest shape to the left wall of the tile disappears in each step of the sequence.
The second and third shapes move one step forward and new shape comes to fill out third place.
Hence the next in the sequence must be C.

What do you think comes next?

Number Patterns

Mathematics is very useful in making predictions. Working with number patterns

leads directly to the concept of functions in mathematics. It is important that students are able to
recognize number patterns to help them develop their problem-solving skill.

The first step in determining the rule that defines the pattern is to look for
differences between two consecutive numbers. The number pattern helps make a generalization
of how the numbers are arranged in a sequence. If there is no logic (addition, subtraction,
multiplication, division, squares, cubes, primes, etc.) in the differences, find other operations
used in the pattern.


1. What is the next number in the sequence: 5, 7, 10, 15, 22, __________ ?

Answer: The differences between each pair of consecutive terms in the sequence are as
follows: 2, 3, 5, 7. These primes are added to the previous number to get the next
number. 5+2=7, 7+3=10, 10+5=15, 15+7=22. Since the next prime is 11, you know that
22+11=33 is the next number in the sequence.

2. What is the next number in the sequence: 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, __________ ?

Answer: Notice that the numbers are all consecutive primes. So, the next number is

3. Find the next number in the sequence: 12, 13, 15, 18, 22, ____________.

Answer: By looking at the numbers, it can be found out that the logical rule is: Add 1 to
the first number, then add 2 to the resulting number, then add 3 to the resulting number,
then add 4, and so on. Hence, the missing number is 27.

Patterns in Nature

Mathematics reveals hidden patterns that help us understand the world around us.
Patterns in nature are visible regularities of form found in the natural world. Some natural
patterns include symmetries, trees, spirals, meanders, waves, foams, tessellations, cracks and

Some Examples of Patterns in Nature

Mathematically, symmetry means that one object becomes exactly like another object when
moved in some way: turn, flip or slide. Two objects are said to be symmetrical if they have the
same size and shape while one object has different orientation from the other. When objects are
not symmetrical, they are asymmetric.

Spirals are another common pattern in nature that we see more often in living things.
A spiral is a curve which emanates from a point, moving farther away as it revolves around the

Tessellation or a tiling is when we cover a surface with a pattern of flat shapes so that
there are no overlaps or gaps.

Stripes and spots are often of the same width or size and color. Some of these are
observed in external appearances of animals.

A fractal is a pattern that the laws of nature repeat at different scales. It is an object or
quantity that displays self-similarity, in a somewhat technical sense, on all scales. It can be also
thought of as a never-ending pattern.

The Fibonacci Sequence

Fibonacci sequence Fibonacci

numbers are the numbers in the following integer sequence, called the Fibonacci sequence,
characterized by the fact that the next number is found by adding up the two numbers
immediately preceding it. These are the numbers 0, 1,

Certain plants show Fibonacci numbers in the growth of their branches.

The Golden Ratio

The golden ratio (denoted using the Greek letter ) is a special number approximately
equal to 1.618. This ratio is considered to be the most aesthetically pleasing to the eye and for
this reason it can be found to be used in many forms and places. For example, it can be found
in architecture within the building design as they are considered more attractive to look at using
this ratio.

This ratio can be observed in human parts of the body.

Nature of Mathematics

Because mathematics plays such a central role in modern culture, some

basic understanding of the nature of mathematics is a requisite in scientific literacy in the
modern world.

A science of measure- Measurement is an integral part of modern science as well as

of engineering, commerce and daily life. For example, measurement can represent
average weight of garbage from a community, the kilowatt usage of electricity of a
household, or the maximum profit a business can have on a particular product.

Intellectual game-Intellectual games are games that require significant intelligence and
cognitive effort. Discovering patterns in mathematics needs patterns of intellectual skills
that make one mathematical abstraction a reality.

The art of drawing conclusions- There are various examples of mathematical reasoning
that will be vital to draw conclusions and make generalizations about those ideas.

A tool subject- In many fields of human activity, mathematics is truly a highly powerful
instrument of investigation. Mathematics is applied in the fields of engineering, theoretical
and applied physics, and all other sciences. In business, an understanding of mathematics
will be very helpful to understand interests, yields, amortization, production optimization,

A system of logical procedure- Problem-solving is an important component

of mathematics.

An intuitive method- Mathematicians have traditionally regarded intuition as a way of

understanding proofs and conceptualizing problems. Proving theorems is not mechanical,
proving theorems does require formal manipulation. Yet, it also requires the use of
intuition, the ability to see what is reasonable or not, and the ability to put all these

Importance of Mathematics in Life

Mathematics is inevitable. Our daily life engages mathematics from cooking, going to
school or work, managing our money, etc. You have actually numerous reasons why you
should study mathematics.

1. Shopping at Grocery Stores and Supermarkets

The most obvious place where you would see the application
of basic mathematical concepts is your neighborhood

Customers visit the stores, see such Schemes, estimate the

quantity to be bought, the weight, the price per unit, discount,
calculations, and finally the total price of the product and buy
it. The calculations are done based on basic mathematical
concepts. Thus, here also, math forms an important part of
our daily routine.

2. Hospitals

Every hospital has to make the schedule of the timings of the

doctors available, the systematic methods of conducting any
major surgery, keeping the records of the patients, records of
success rate of surgeries, number of ambulances required,
training for the use of medicines to nurses, prescriptions, and
scheduling all tasks, etc. All these are done based on
mathematical concepts.

3. Baking and Cooking

Eating as necessity requires the skill of cooking or baking. To

achieve the expected taste of your food, you must distinguish
the difference between a quarter from a half tablespoon. Yes,
you do math in cooking!

4. Weather Forecasting

The weather forecasting is all done based on the probability

concepts of maths. Through this, we get to know about the

or rainfall will come.

5. Base of Other Subjects

Though math is itself a unique subject, but, you would be

surprised to know that it forms the base for every subject.
The subjects like physics, chemistry, economics, history,
accountancy, statistics, in fact, every subject is based upon

6. Management of Time

Managing time is one of the most difficult tasks faced by a lot

of people. An individual wants to complete several
assignments in limited time. Not only the management, some
people are not even able to read the timings on an analog
clock. Such problems can be solved only by understanding
the basic concepts of math. Math does not only help us in the
management of time but also to value it.

7. Doing Exercise

Getting in shape and staying fit means achieving your health

goals. Maybe you want to meet a personal goal by the end
of the month. You need a math to know how many more
reps to curl, or how many seconds to cut off your mile time,
or how many more pounds to lose to achieve that goal.


CLASS SCHEDULE: ___________________ DATE:

Activity 1

I. Identification: Identify the term described in each statement.

______________ 1. Refer to infinitely complex patterns that are self-similar across

different scales
______________ 2. A curve that emanates from a point, moving farther away as it revolves
around the point
______________ 3. Patterns observed in the external appearances of plants and animals
______________ 4. Comes and
which means that one object becomes exactly like another object when
moved in some way.
______________ 5. Contains elements that can be counted and terminates at certain
natural number.
______________ 6. Refer to visible regularities in the world or in a man-made design
whose elements repeat in a predictable manner

II. Determine the next figure of the following sequences.

6. 7.


1. RECORDED VIDEO. Define three (3) patterns and feature in your video examples of nature
that exhibit those patterns. The video shall not be longer than five (5) minutes.

2. Make a reflection paper of 250 words about the importance of mathematics in your life.

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