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Assignment in Human Resource Management

Dr. Eduardo Añonuevo

1. In any scenario, how do we increase motivation among employees and avoid low
employees retention

We can increase motivation in our personnel by doing the following:

a. Recognizing the contribution of our personnel – We have scheduled monthly or quarterly

program where we give recognition to the invaluable contribution of our personnel to our
company may it be from their exemplary performance, attitude or leadership. Particularly
those , nurses or doctors, who are cited by patients for their care and service rendered
during their admission. In the military side, we give awards and recommendation letters to
military personnel who showed bravery, leadership, or showed heroism and service over
and above the call of duty.

b. Giving incentives and benefits - This is a common practice in every institution where
monetary incentives, gifts, or privileges where given as a way to increase the morale of the
troops or personnel. In our institution, additional benefits such as hospitalization of
dependents, educational assistance, housing assistance or loans, skill-based benefits and
hazard pay where being given to military personnel.

c. Empowering the personnel through training and exposures. – Throughout the career of a
military personnel, there is a unit that handles the career growth of each soldiers. This unit
will ensure that every soldiers will undedrgo proper training and schooling in oprder to be
promoted to next higher rank. Additional specialty trainings are also available for those
who wants to have or showed interest in specialty training like airborne training, bomb
disposal, and likes. In the side of medical training, we are encouraged to undergo
subspecialty training to enhance the capability of our hospitals. Administrative education
and training are also pushed by medical services in order to have pool of doctors that will
someday be capable and equipped to managed the military hospitals.

d. Activities that promote the welfare of the personnel in line with the values of the
unit/institution – Each unit have activities such as family day, annual physical examination,
mental health evaluation and support, sports and recreation facilities, healthy options in
the canteen that promotes health awareness. This is also extended to their dependents
and civilian personnel.

e. Occasional talk to men or conference briefing regarding their issues and concerns –
This is a traditional activity that promotes check and balance to the administration of the
current commanding officer. During this time, the issues and concern of the unit is being
tackled in a more informal way and the personnel have the freedom to speak their
2. In all the managerial functions (planning, organizing, staffing, directing, controlling and
budgeting), which among is/are sensitive to handle and why?

Each functions has each own challenges. For me the most challenging would be the
budgeting because of the issues and legalities regarding proper handling of budget. Aside
from the uncontrollable price hike of commodities and services, there are also legal
considerations regarding procurement. Most of the administrative cases that are being
filed is because of improper handling of budget. We need to think ahead of time and
consider inflation during budget conferences.

3. In the event you are faced with a problem and risks are inevitable, what remedies or
measures to be taken? Cite scenarios if possible.

Administrative duties are not without risk because we cannot please everyone particularly
if we are operating in a particular budget (may it be big or small). I think the best way to
handle administrative problems is to follow the current implementing rules and regulation
regarding such problem. For example, in procurement, may it be personnel (hiring) or
equipment and supplies. The best way to solve the problem is always to consult the IRR
and avoid cutting corners. These measures are written in black and white and all actions
and reports should also be documented. As long as the course of action is covered by
policy, we should not be afraid to implement such project or program. If there are problem
with the IRR, we can always file reports and ask legal opinion on how to go on.

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