Diagnostic Test

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Diagnostic Test

A. Which among the 5R techniques can best minimize the following waste? Choose your answer
form the box below and write it on a separate sheet of paper.

1. used paper
2. broken chair reduce
3. old clothes recycle
4. plastic bags repair
5. aluminum cans

B. Match the property in Column B that is exhibited by the materials shown in Column A.

Column A Column B
1. gold bracelet a. flexibility
2. rubber ball b. flammability
3. can of kerosene c. ductility
4. galvanized iron d. malleability
5. bottle e. brittleness

C. Write R if the statement shows a correct practice of disposing material and write W if it is not
good practice.

___1. Discarded tin cans should be buried in the ground.

___2. Dried leaves should be burned.
___3. Recyclable materials can be sold to junk shops.
___4. Kitchen wastes such as fruit peelings and others can be thrown in compost pit.
___5. After eating candy, its wrapper should be kept in the bag.

D. True or False. Write True if the statement is correct and False if is not.

___1. Cooked food lasts longer when placed inside the refrigerator.
___2. Wet soil drying under the sun is a physical change.
___3. When cement is mixed with water, heat is released which is indicates a physical damage.
___4. Removing air from a flaming material will cause the flame to die out.
___5. Ice formation is an example of phase change.

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