Narrative Report On The Re-Echo Seminar On The Implementation of PROJECT ARTT Anchored On The Learning Recovery Program (LCP)

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Narrative Report on the Re-echo Seminar on the Implementation of PROJECT ARTT Anchored
on the learning Recovery Program (LCP)

For all we know, reading is a tool a person gets information from written letters and
words. A person can read using sight or sight or touch, such as when a vision - impaired reads.

Reading is actually a complex, multi-part process; reading in the classroom takes many
forms, but it is often used as a way of introducing grammar or vocabulary items. We can say
that reading is one of the most important elements of education. Understanding what we are
reading is a key and is certainly the main points of teaching reading in a class.

To cascade knowledge and information obtained during 2-day - Division Seminar in the
Implementation of Project ARTT, the Balingoan District headed by Doc. Aileen F. Dabon
conducted a Re-echo on the said seminar on October 20, 2022 at Mantangale Elementary

The activity started at 8:00am with Dr. Aileen F. Dabon, OIC, school heads and school
reading coordinator, and OCT's. Before the training proper, Dr. Dabon discuss the Rationale and
RM 153, 3 2020 re enforcement No Read, No Mov Policy and also gave her words of
encouragement to participate to keep abreast with the technology in and use it to enhance
reading ability of Learners.

The training proper followed shortly with the discussion on Wonder AIM-ELLN by Maria
Lyra L. Reycitez, District ELLN coordinator, and a teacher of Balingoan Central School. Mrs.
Rovelyn B. Ponce, a grade 2 teacher, teacher of Balingoan Central School followed the
discussion with the topic Reading Carousel. The next topic was all about Utilization and
Integration of Tablets with Reading activities was discussed by Mr. Clark Clyde M. Querequere,
District ICT coordinator. One good thing about face to face seminar is that questions are
answered immediately by facilitators.

In the afternoon session, Mrs. Elvira E. Panulaya, District Reading Coordinator discussed
about Power V - 200. The last topic about the Introduction to Read - Me - E reader application.
It's features and How to use it and timeline of activities (PROJECT ARTT) was discussed by Mr.
Clark Clyde M. Querequere. After all the topic are done, there was an open forum and
Revisitation on School Reading Initiatives.

The session ended at 4:00pm after giving of impression and awarding of certificates to the
Resource Speakers.

Prepared by:

Elvira E. Panulaya
Master Teacher II
District Reading Coordinator

Noted by:

Aileen F. Dabon,
PS Distriict Incharge

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