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How to Use and Apply the OTPF-4

● OT Domain
○ Occupations
○ Context
● OT Process
○ Evaluation
◆ find out what the client wants and needs to do
◆ determines what the client can do and can be done
◆ identifies support and barriers to health, well-being, and

◆ Occupations are both a means and an end.
◆ S
◆ Occupational Profile
◆ summary of the client’s occupational history and

experiences, patterns of daily living, interests, values,

needs and relevant context
◆ gathers info abou the client
◆ occupations, contexts, performance patterns, and client

factors (values, beliefs, and spirituality)

◆ information on the client, chief complaint, goals, doctor’s

orders. precautions, medical history, family history, family

background, occupational history, living situation, routines
◆ O
◆ analysis of occupational performance/occupational

performance analysis (OPA)

◆ accomplishments of selected occupation resulting

from dynamic transaction among clients, contexts,

and occupations
◆ OTs identify the client’s ability to effectively complete

desired occupations
◆ assessment tools; assessment of performance skills and

client factors
◆ FIM - to see how much progress the client has

◆ COPM - detects changes in a client’s self-perception

of occupational performance over time

◆ Dynamic Performance Analysis - observation-based

process designed to identify performance problems or

breakdown; literally observing the client
◆ is the performance competent?
◆ where in the performance is there a breakdown?
◆ does the client know what to do?
◆ does the client want to do it?
◆ can the client do it?
◆ do they have the capacity? (strengths)
◆ are the occupational demands/supports

◆ are the environmental demands/supports

◆ A
◆ we assess what outcomes we want for the client
◆ good prognosis, guarded prognosis, poor prognosis
◆ see the connections in the “s” and “o”
◆ P

◆ consists of services the OT provides in collaboration

with the client

◆ intervention plan
◆ directs the actions of the OT
◆ describes the approaches
◆ observable problems, occupations to be targeted,

activities, recommendations
◆ activities
◆ preparatory methods - targetting the client factors
◆ purposeful activities - target performance skills

– positions:
◆ occupation-based activities - target occupations
○ Intervention
◆ process of putting the intervention plan into action
◆ happens after acquiring information
◆ intervention review
◆ continuous process of reevaluating and reviewing the plan,

effectiveness of delivery, and progress towards outcomes

○ Outcome

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