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Bachelor of Science in Criminology

Alaminos City, Pangasinan

Name: Consul Rodel T.

Course & Set: 3rd Year BS Criminology Set B
Forensic 4 MWF 8:00-9:00 am
Date: April 16, 2023

Reaction Paper in the Movie “Catch me if you Can”

The film Catch Me If You Can In the event that is about Honest Abagnale Jr who is a
popular really take a look at extortion. Frank plays a variety of scam roles in the movie, and you
can see how he made millions by writing fraudulent checks.
I relate in this film to the topic we study today because is Addressed Report Assessment
particularly on the point fraud. Because creating, altering, or imitating things or documents is a
forgery. Money, art, documents, diplomas, and identification are the most common subjects for
forgery. Imitations frequently go with other misrepresentation like application, protection, or
actually look at extortion, monetary character takeover, etc and that was precisely exact thing
was Forthcoming Abagnale doing.
There are numerous financial connections in Catch Me If You Can. You can see how
Frank Abagnale was able to manipulate the components of the check for his own benefit in the
movie, which also provides a good illustration of what those components mean and stand for and
the routing number was demonstrated in the movie and my comprehension of how a person
commits forgery was enhanced by the movie.

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