IT74 (Lecture) - Homework

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IT74 (Lecture): Homework #1

Name: Giah Doreen B. Mesiona

Date: October 5, 2020

I. Briefly discuss the following:

1. Why computers are important in your field of study?

In this modern world, having a computer is a necessity. Also, in my field of study,
computer is really important. Knowing how to use a computer gives you more
advantages in your studies. As my course is inclined with business, we all know that
businesses nowadays use different software to organize the company or the
business’ files and transactions. So as a student I need to learn the basic knowledge
on how to use and run applications and software that would help me in my future job.
In my course also, there would be a lot presentations to be made, reports to present
and documents to comply. In gathering different information from different sources,
computer always help me out. It lets me find the accurate information that I need in
my studies. It also helps me figure things that I can not understand. With the use of
computer, I can easily formulate illustrations that would deeply explain the lesson that
I don’t understand. It also let me portray myself as someone who is working on a
company already. It makes my assignment and works more organized before printing
it out. Having a computer is what each and every student would ever wanted to have.
For it is accessible and it can easily be learned.

2. Discuss the frequency of your usage and experience in using the selected devices.

Select at least 2 devices:

1. Mobile Phone 7. Headset (attached with microphone)
2. Laptop 8. Headphone or earphones (no attached
3. Desktop computers microphone)
4. Webcam 9. Flash Drive
5. Printer 10. External Hard Drive
6. Scanner 11. Power Bank

Selected devices (at least 2 devices):Mobile Phone and Laptop

 Mobile Phone
These past few weeks, since the classes had started, I have been using my phone
about 15-16 hours a day. It is so tiring facing your mobile phone for this long period of
time. Even if you are just sitting and reading your handouts. It also hurts my eyes.
Even if I turn the eye comfort mode of my phone, it still hurts.
 Laptop
I do not personally own a laptop so I only use laptop about twice a week. I use the
laptop of my cousin. It is a hassle for me not owning a laptop especially that most of
our assignments now are done using google documents. It is so hard for me to
access google documents in my phone because this mobile phone of mine does not
support google apps. When I am given the time to use my cousin’s laptop, I really use
it wisely. It is more easier to do my assignment using the laptop than using the mobile
phone. It still hurts my eyes but not the same pain when I am using my mobile phone.


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