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Performance planning

⚫ Performance planning is a systematic and structured

approach to successfully achieve the desired goals of an
individual or team throughout the assessment year. A plan
is chalked out for the team or an individual(s) keeping in
mind the broader objectives of the organisation.
⚫ The performance planning is all about exploration of
what individuals need to do and know in order to improve
their performance and develop their skills and
⚫ It is also about knowing how their managers can provide
the support and guidance they need. The whole process
requires competence mapping and potential development
Methods of Performance Planning
⚫ 1. Task Analysis: Task analysis offers a great deal of
information about the jobs under study and the kind of skills,
knowledge, or attitude required to accomplish these jobs.
⚫ Key Performance Areas: It is the pre-condition for
appointment to a specific role or position within the
⚫ KPA is singular in approach and works at the level of
individuals, i.e., instead of groups, individuals are assessed for
their key functional areas. Ascertaining KPAs and laying down
measurable targets for it is one of the several ways of planning
employees’ performance.
⚫ 3. Key Result Areas: In these areas, instead of particular jobs,
goals are meant to be achieved. It is a comparatively broader
zone of employee action which is based on departmental
objectives in order to achieve their long-term goals.
⚫ 4. Action Plans: Action plans lay down mutually agreed on
short-term courses of action for putting into effect a
performance improvement plan. It schedules specific jobs to be
carried out so as to achieve organizational goals.
⚫ 5. Goal Setting Exercise: Goals directly regulate human
action and behavior. The theory of goal setting proposes that
people with set goals are directed more towards their work as
compared to those people who are without any set goals.
⚫ Preparation of Performance Plans
⚫ Performance plans are usually prepared at the beginning
of the annual review period, or when an employee first
starts their new job. When preparing for the initial
planning, the meeting should be undertaken by both the
supervisor and the employee.
⚫ Identification of Key Success Factors
⚫ When identifying key success factors, the performance
objectives and results to be achieved should be focused on
results. They are set in order of priority. The measures
should be specific to each task, with clear standards which
include dates and times when appropriate.
⚫ Setting Departmental and Individual Objectives
⚫ After setting the organizational goals and objectives, the
next task is to define departmental goals and objectives.
The departmental objectives are further categorized into
individual goals which include the key duties and
responsibilities to achieve the final goals of the
⚫ Providing Regular Feedback
⚫ The next step in the process is providing regular feedback
where the supervisor should be maintaining a log of
performance facts, which will ensure that important issues
are given the attention that is required and will help the
formal review proceed in a more focused and potentially
more positive way.
⚫ Performance Review
⚫ Reviewing performance gives the supervisor and the
employee the opportunity to look at results that have been
achieved in relation to the original plan. Accordingly, the
standards of performance were established. At this
meeting, you should review all performance records and
assess each task.

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