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1. What is the ratio of compressions to breaths when performing Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)?

A. Radio Button15 breaths: 1 compression

B. Radio Button20 breaths: 2 compressions

C. Radio Button30 compressions: 2 breaths

D. Radio Button30 breaths: 2 compressions (adults) & 15 breaths: 1 compression (children)

Answer: C

2. A patient on the cardiac telemetry unit unexpectedly goes into ventricular fibrillation. The advanced
cardiac life support team prepares to defibrillate. Which of the following choices indicates the correct
placement of the conductive gel pads?

A. The left clavicle and right lower sternum.

B. Right of midline below the bottom rib and the left shoulder.

C. The upper and lower halves of the sternum.

D. The right side of the sternum is just below the clavicle and the left of the precordium.

Answer: D

3. ABCs of CPR are as follows:

A. Airway, Breathing, Circulation

B. Airway, Breathing, Compression

C. Airway, Breathing, Combustion

D. Both A and B

E. Both B and C

F. A, B, and C

Answer: A and B

4. How would you manage a deep, bleeding cut on the palm?

A. Hold the injured hand under running water

B. Apply direct pressure to the cut, elevate the arm, then bandage the hand

C. Apply a pressure immobilization bandage to the arm

D. Apply a tourniquet bandage to the armRest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation (R.I.C.E.)

Answer: B
5. You're at practice for your soccer league when you notice one of your teammates is struggling to keep
her energy up and looks a little pale. You ask if she's feeling okay, to which she admits that she's a little
nauseous and dizzy. Although she insists she wants to keep playing, you recognize the signs of heat
exhaustion and urge her to sit down on the sidelines. Which of the following five (5) steps should you take
to help care for your teammate's condition?

A. Have her "walk it off".

B. Tell her to remove any extra clothing.

C. Spray her with water.

D. Giver her salt tablets.

E. Fan her.

F. Giver her a cool electrolyte-based sports drink if available.

G. Encourage her to rest.

H. Have her lie flat on the ground.

Answers: B,C,E,F,G

6. Pretend with your child that you are two kids hiking in the woods. You stop to eat your sack lunch. Your
dad packed you tuna fish sandwiches, a bunch of grapes, and a bag of cookies. You're anxious to get
back to hiking, so you and your friend eat quickly. As you are wolfing down your tuna fish sandwich, you
notice your friend pop a few grapes in his mouth, get a funny look on his face, and then grasp his throat.
He's not talking, and he doesn't seem to be breathing. What should you do?

1. Obtain consent from parent or guardian, if present.

2. Check the scene, check the person.

3. Have someone call 911.

4. Give five quick, upward abdominal thrusts.

5. Lean the person forward and give five back blows with the heel of your hand.

A. 12345

B. 21345

C. 23154

D. 31254

Answer: C
7. While eating dinner, a friend suddenly starts to cough weakly and makes high-pitched noises. What
should you do?

A. Lower him to the floor, check for and remove an object if it is visible at the back of the throat, and give
breaths and up to 5 abdominal thrusts.

B. Give abdominal thrusts until the object is dislodged or he becomes unconscious.

C. Encourage him to continue coughing to try to dislodge the object.

D. Open the airway using the head-tilt/chin-lift technique.

Answer: B

8. You have checked the man for responsiveness by tapping and shouting, and he is unresponsive. A
bystander is calling 911. What is your next action?

A. Place him in the recovery position

B. Wait for EMS to arrive

C. Open the airway

D. Just stand by his side

Answer: C.

9. You are performing abdominal thrusts on a conscious child. She suddenly becomes unconscious and
you lower her to the ground. You call 911, tilt her head back, and look in her mouth. You don't see any
obvious object that could be swept clear. You check for breathing and find that she is not breathing. You
attempt two rescue breaths. No air will go in, so you reposition the head and try two breaths again. The
air still will not go in. What steps of action come next?

A. Perform another sweep inside the mouth to remove the object

B. Provide 30 chest compressions in the center of the chest. Then, check the mouth; if clear, provide two
rescue breaths.

C. Provide continuous chest compressions until help arrives

Answer: B

10. Because the unresponsive man is not breathing, you give 2 breaths that make the chest rise. No
signs of life are present. What is your next action?

A. Give 30 chest compressions at a rate of 80 per minute, followed by 2 breaths

B Give 30 chest compressions at a rate of 100 per minute, followed by 1 breath

C. Give 30 chest compressions at a rate of 100 per minute, followed by 2 breaths

Answer: C
1. While dining out in a restaurant you hear a mother cry out that her six-month-old child, who was
given some marbles by an older child, is gagging. His mouth area is turning blue and he’s unable to take
a breath or cry out. What would you do first in this scenario?*

A. Begin CPR

B. Attempt rescue breaths then compressions

C. Deliver back blows and chest thrusts

D.Blind finger Sweep

Answer: C.

2. After finding an unresponsive child, yelling for help, and confirming the child isn't breathing what
would be your next course of action?*

A. Leave the child and search for an AED

B. Deliver rescue breaths as most cardiac arrests occur due to breathing problems

C. Begin back blows and chest thrusts

D. Deliver 30 chest compressions

Answer: D

3. After finding someone who is unresponsive, has a pulse but does not appear to be breathing, you find
you are unable to give them CPR, what do you do next?*

A. Begin CPR

B. Repeat the head tilt/chin lift maneuver and attempt the breath again

C. Abdominal thrusts

D. Heimlich maneuver

Answer: B

4. Arriving first at the scene, you find an unresponsive person with no pulse that has thrown up. You feel
CPR is not something you are comfortable giving them. What would be the next best thing for you to

A. Wipe off the face or cover it with a shirt

B. Compression-only CPR

C. Go and get help

D. Do not initiate resuscitation

Answer: B

5. . If an open wound continues to bleed after applying direct pressure:

a. Add additional dressings and continue to apply direct pressure.

b. Do not remove any blood-soaked dressings.

c. Ensure that 9-1-1 or the local emergency number has been called.

d. All of the above.

Answer: D

6. . A young woman is having trouble breathing and, based on your check of the person, you suspect
that she is having a severe allergic reaction to a bee sting. What should you do?

a. After about 15 minutes, call 9-1-1 or the local emergency number.

b. Call 9-1-1 immediately and care for the person until EMS personnel take over.

c. Give the person a cool drink.

d. Give the person abdominal thrusts.

Answer: B

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