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Automated analysis of consumer transcripts

Datops Technologies

Media & Business Intelligence

Automated Analysis of Consumer Transcripts

INPUTS : Capture of transcripts on audio channels Email and newsgroup message processing OUTPUTS : Indexation and archive dmo see dmo

Content analysis of consumer transcripts

Media & Business Intelligence

Automated Analysis of Consumer Transcripts Inputs - Capture of transcripts on audio channels

VERBATIX : INPUTS --Capture of transcripts on audio channels


Media & Business Intelligence

Automated Analysis of Consumer Transcripts Inputs - Capture of transcripts on audio channels

The transcript is captured directly on the Call Centres audio channels. The voice recognition technology uses the most reliable possible identification of the essential elements of the speech

Media & Business Intelligence

Automated Analysis of Consumer Transcripts Inputs - Capture of transcripts on audio channels

Two main qualities to preserve in the customers feedback : Context Reliability/spontaneity

One of the principal qualities which must be kept by content analysis is the richness and spontaneity of the consumer feedback. The tools must preserve the original content of the transcripts as much as possible without reduction or simplification. The high resulting quality thus makes it possible to use this analysis as a complementary tool to your usual customer surveys.

Media & Business Intelligence

Automated Analysis of Consumer Transcripts Inputs - Capture of transcripts on audio channels

Two main qualities to preserve in the customers feedback : Context Reliability/spontaneity Semantic Network : Linking the current consumer transcripts to the existing Semantic database (Blue color)

Semantic Network : Building associations (associations of idea or qualitative relationships) according the consumer transcripts, in a spontaneous way (yellow color)

Media & Business Intelligence

Automated Analysis of Consumer Transcripts Outputs - Content analysis of consumer transcripts

VERBATIX : OUTPUTS -- Content analysis of consumer transcripts

Precise understanding of consumers likes and dislikes Detection and follow-up of trends and weak signals for marketing purposes

Media & Business Intelligence

Automated Analysis of Consumer Transcripts Outputs - Content analysis of consumer transcripts

The Aim
from Insights to Outsights Analysis of consumer insights and identification of positive and negative consensus

Statistical and logical processing :

to highlight Consensus And Dissensus

A table with two entries (a matrix) :
columns : consumers lines : items Coloured tonality scale : from the most positive (green) to the most negative (red) through the neutral (yellow). White colour means the consumer hasnt quoted the item.

OUTPUTS Matrix of Consensus Product/Brand Profiles Mental connections

The Aim
from Insights to Outsights Analyse of consumer insights and identification of positive and negative consensus

Tone measurement

Semantic network


Media & Business Intelligence

Core Technologies
Tone measurement Tonality is processed in several steps : 1- The first step relates to the treatment of the documents published over a given period and includes: Detection of words or compound patterns comprising various positive or negative levels of connotation (among approximately 15000 elements). Determination of the zone of influence of these connotations (within the sentence). Application of linguistic rules correcting the ambiguous forms (negative sentences, conditional sentences) Identification of the proper names to which does impact the connotation. 2- The second step thus determines a averaged tone for each proper name (example: brand name), thus a measurement of the global tonality of the documents (corresponding for example to the global context of the brand name in consumer transcripts).
Media & Business Intelligence Examples of words or compound terms : Profit warning Recover Recover damage -3 1 -2

Examples of rules : Increase, reduction in the tonality for linguistic forms such as: despite, boost, slightly. Cancellation of opposite tonality

Automated Analysis of Consumer Transcripts Outputs - Content analysis of consumer transcripts

from Insights to Outsights

Matrix of Consensus

Analysis of consumer insights and identification of positive and negative consensus

Positive Consensus


Negative Consensus

Media & Business Intelligence

Automated Analysis of Consumer Transcripts Outputs - Content analysis of consumer transcripts

from Insights to Outsights

Product / Brand Profiles

Qualitative analysis of the image components of brand or product

Product detailed profile positive Product global profile


Product detailed profile positive Product global profile

negative Consensus %

negative Consensus %

Media & Business Intelligence

Technologies for consumer verbatim analysis Outputs - Content analysis of consumer verbatim
from Insights to Outsights

Product / Brand Profiles

Benchmark of brands or products
Benchmark of several products global profiles


Media & Business Intelligence

Automated Analysis of Consumer Transcripts Outputs - Content analysis of consumer transcripts

from Insights to Outsights

Psychological connections
Positive Connections

Psychological connections revealed

Negative connections

These Maps are displayed by a Factor Analysis : a projection of the semantic network of positive consensus is done on the most representative plan Media & Business Intelligence

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