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The only kind of men who advocate crying are the men without the self-control to prevent

themselves from crying.

For them crying is not a choice. They can't stop themselves.

They lack discipline, the foundational pillar of masculinity, and attempt to convince you down to
their level.

The primary element of masculinity is to do what you don't want to do.

It's acting without motivation, decisions based on discipline.

You train when you don't want to train.

You smile when you don't want to smile.

You sink with the Titanic when you don't want to swim.

I will admit I don't feel like training every day.

But I do it anyway.

I work every day even though I'm a multi-millionaire.

Every single waking hour is CONSTRUCTIVE towards WORLD CONQUEST.

Why else am I awake? If not to work towards having everything I want?

You will never make it far as a man until you master the ability to act against your emotion.

To train when you don't want to just as hard as you do when you DO want to.

TEACHING men to cry when they feel like crying is teaching these exact same men to kill when
they feel like killing.

Men without emotional control are DANGEROUS.

Sure, cry if something terrible happens to you every few years.

Certainly don't make crying a habit.

And stay away from anybody who does.

They do not have opinions that will better your life.

Learn from people who are where you want to be.

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