Harrison Mikayla-Lessonplan1final

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STEM 434/534 Lesson Planning Template Spring 2021

(Complete answers in Purple font)

Name: Mikayla Harrison Grade: 2nd Topic: Matter (liquids to solids)

Brief Lesson Description:

In this lesson, student will investigate and experiment with different liquids to see understand how they react when they are put in a
freezer. Students will be using different liquids to try and make them become solids. The anticipated time allotted for this lesson is 5 days.

Specific Learning Outcomes:

 Students will be able to describe how a liquid turn into a solid.

 Students will be able to identify the differences between a liquid and a solid.
 Students will observe how different liquids react when they are put in a freezer.

How did this lesson develop as a result of your examination of research and data about employing culturally sustaining pedagogical
strategies? (Think equal opportunity, student interests, race, gender, disabilities etc.)

This lesson supports culturally relevant pedagogy because it allows students to use their knowledge about the states of matter, more
specifically, how liquids turn to solids. All students will be included in this lesson and given equal opportunity to participate. This lesson will
attract the student’s attention because they are able to see the different stages that the different liquids go through to become a solid. This
is also something that students can experiment with at home with their parents.

Narrative / Background Information

Prior Student Knowledge:

 Students will already know the three states of matter: Solids, Liquids, and Gases.
 Students will already be able to describe the differences between solids and liquids.
 Students should be able to provide examples of different liquids and solids.

Science VA SOL Health VA SOL NGSS (You may have to look to a different
grade level for the connection)
2.3 The Students will investigate and Body Systems
understand that matter can exist in different K.3 b) describe ways to protect the 5 senses 2-PSI-1-3. Make observations to conduct an
phases. Key ideas include evidence-based account of how objects
(We will discuss how to safely protect the 5 make of a small set of pieces can be
b) Heating and cooling can change the phase senses when conducting experiments) disassembled and made into a new object.
of matter.

Science & Engineering Practices: (You must tie engineering practices into your plan)

 Planning and conducting investigations.

 Interpreting, analyzing, and evaluating data.

Possible Preconceptions/Misconceptions:

 Not all liquids freeze.

 Not all liquids freeze the same way.
ENGAGE: Opening Activity – Access Prior Learning / Stimulate Interest / Generate Questions: (Discrepant events are awesome to use
Day 1

 Book- Many Kinds of Matter: A Look at Solids, Liquids, and Gases by Jennifer Boothroyd
 KWL chart

What are the three states of matter?

Can an object change its state of matter?

1. Ask students “What happens to your ice cold drinks in the summertime?”
2. Go around the room and have students say what state of matter different objects are then, create a croup KWL chart and write
their observations in the “know” column.
3. Ask the students ”What can make objects change its state of matter?” Record again in the “Know” column.
4. Ask students “what Do you want to know about objects changing matter?” record in the “Want” column.
5. Read the book “Many Kinds of Matter: A Look at Solids, Liquids, and Gases” by Jennifer Boothroyd. Have students think about
what they already know and what they want to know more about from the KWL chart.
6. When finished with the book, have students review the chart. Ask them if any of the questions that they had in the “Want”
column were answered in the book.
7. As a class, fill in the “Learned” column of the KWL chart with what the students observed from reading the book.

EXPLORE: Lesson Description – Materials Needed / Probing or Clarifying Questions:

Day 2
Freezing liquid experiment

 Freezer
 Water
 Vegetable oil
 Milk
 Soda
 Plastic cups
 Plastic wrap
 White sheet of paper
 pencil

1. As a class, discuss the question “How does liquid freeze” and have them explain their thoughts.
2. Pass out sheets of paper to each student and have them fold it ¼ of the way and draw a line and then draw a line down the
middle of the paper below that line.
3. Let students observe different the liquids that will be used and have them write down their predictions on what they think will
happen to each liquid when it is put in the freezer on the top section of the paper.
4. Provide all required materials to each student and have them pore the different liquids from each cup and label each with what
liquid it is along with the student’s name, and then put them into the freezer.
5. Below the predictions on the left half of the paper, have the students write down what they observed about each liquid before
putting it into the freezer. Have them label that side “before”.

Day 3
Reviewing results

 Cups with different liquid form freezer from previous day
 White sheet of paper from previous day
 Pencil
1. Have students take their cups of each liquid out of the freezer and bring them to their table
2. Students will use the paper from yesterday and label the bottom right side of it “after” and write down they observations of what
happened to each liquid overnight in the freezer.
3. As a class, discuss the different things that they observed both before and after freezing.
4. Ask students questions like “Did all of the liquids turn into solids?” and “What happened to make the liquids turn into solids?” to
discuss what exactly happens when an object changes its state of matter.

EXPLAIN: Concepts Explained and Vocabulary Defined:

Cont. day 3

1. Show BrainPOP video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I9JDgLcEBwg

2. Review KWL chart from day one. Add any new observations from the video in the “Learn” Column.
3. Discuss different vocabulary words that they observed. Provide examples.


Use examples in the room and go over the meaning of each vocabulary word.

Matter- any object that takes up space.

Solid- molecules are close together in a limited area.
Liquid- molecules are moving loosely around. They assume the shape of any container.
Freeze- to decrease the temperature of a liquid so much that it turns to a solid.

ELABORATE: Applications and Extensions:

Day 4 (part 1)

 At-home experiment sheet
 Rubric checklist
 Any appropriate liquid from home not previously used for other experiment.

1. Give students an at-home experiment sheet. Explain that they will go home and conduct their own experiment of changing a solid
to a liquid.
2. Students will complete the experiment sheet and create a seesaw video explaining what you observed and how you got your
3. Provide examples of liquids that the students can use from home.

Day 5 (part 2)

1. Students will provide their at-home experiment results and show their picture to their classmates.
2. Have students explain why they chose that liquid and what they observed.


we already know that liquid becomes solid when it freezes. We could extend this lesson by talking about what makes solids become liquids
and how liquids become gases.


Formative Monitoring (Questioning / Discussion):

Students will be evaluated throughout the lesson by what they contribute to the class discussions and KWL chart and the completion of
their in-class experiment, and lab sheets.

Summative Assessment (Quiz / Project / Report) (Include a rubric):

Students will be assessed on the completion of their at-home experiment as well as the results that they record and present to their
classmates via seesaw video. Students will be provided with a rubric checklist to use as a guide for this assessment.

Plan for differentiation: (Be sure to specifically address the following learners)
 Students with high-incidence disabilities (e.g., autism, ADHD, mild learning disorders)
-For students with high-incidence disabilities such as ADHD, I will make sure that they are seated in the front during class
discussions and during experiments to eliminate possible distractions. Students with learning disabilities will be monitored and
given additional assistive technologies. I will also ensure that the parents are informed of this lesson as well to help them prepare
the student before it begins and throughout the lesson.
-For ELL students, I will ensure that they are given visuals when explaining concepts during the lesson. I will also monitor them
and provide them the material in both English and their spoken language. I will also translate the instructions for the parents, so
they know what is going on and what is required during this lesson.
 Gifted learners
-I will provide gifted learners with more extensive questions during the lesson to keep them engaged. I will also group gifted
students with students who may need more support if necessary. Gifted students will also be given additional activities to keep
them occupied during the lesson if they have already completed everything else.

Elaborate Further / Reflect: Enrichment:

 How will you evaluate your practice?

I will evaluate my practice by my student’s assessments and how my students engage in the lesson.
 Where might/did learners struggle in the lesson?
Students may struggle in this lesson with when trying to explain how objects change state of matter.
 How can the lesson be strengthened for improved student learning?
I will use as many well-known vocabulary words as possible and examples of objects to explain the new information to help make
this lesson better and easier to follow.
 Did the lesson reflect culturally sustaining pedagogies? If not, how can this be enhanced?
This lesson reflected culturally sustaining pedagogy by using different examples of objects that are used in different cultures.

Book: Many Kinds of Matter- A Look at Solids, Liquids, and Gases by Jennifer Boothroyd
Materials Required for This Lesson/Activity
Quantity Description Potential Supplier (item #) Estimated Price
1 gallon Milk Walmart $3.06
1 gallon Water Walmart $1.16
1 bottle 2-liter of coke Walmart $2.48
1 bottle 48oz vegetable oil Walmart $3.64
1 Plastic wrap Dollar store $1
1 Freezer Best Buy $129.00
100 ct Plastic cups Dollar store $1
1 (24ct) Pencils Dollar store $1
2 Printer paper Walmart $20.54
1 Book: Many kinds of matter by Amazon $9.99
Jennifer Boothroyd
1 BrainPOP video YouTube Free
15 Experiment worksheet Made by teacher and printed Free
1 KWL chart Made by teacher Free
15 Rubric checklist Made by teacher and printed Free
1 Interactive White Board (IWB) Provided by school Unknown
KWL Chart:

KWL Chart (Matter)

Know Want to know Learned

Freezing liquid lab sheet:

Freezing Liquid Lab Sheet

The “Big” question:


What did you observe?


Draw what you observed from beginning to end:


Matter Rubric- Freezing liquid

Area of scoring 1 2 3 4
“Big” Question and There is no “Big” A “Big” question is A “Big” question A “big” question is
Hypothesis question and present but no and hypothesis are present and a well
hypothesis. hypothesis. present. thought out
hypothesis is stated.

Experiment Experiment Experiment Experiment Experiment

observations and observations and observations are observations are observations are
illustrations illustrations are present but no present and clear, detailed and clear and
not present. illustrations. and illustrations illustrations are
are present. present and easy to
Experiment No experiment Experiment Experiment Experiment
conclusion conclusion is conclusion is conclusion is conclusion is clearly
present. present but missing present with some stated and supports
details. data to support it. data.

Seesaw Video Seesaw video is Seesaw video is Spoke clearly and Spoke loudly, clearly,
not present. present, but the video was and with expression.
speaking is unclear somewhat creative The video was very
and did not include and engaging. creative and engaging.
all parts of
Total Score: /16 Notes:

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