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CHAPTER CARBON AND ITS COMPOUNDS Syllabus > Carbon aud its compounds Covatent bond ing in carbon compounds, versatile nature of carbon, omolo- {gousseries Nomenclature of carbon compousids containing fuctioual graps (halogens, alcotols, ketones, laldeliydes, alkeues and alkynes), differeuce between saturated aud wusaturated hiydrocarbous. Chemical properties of carbon compoiinds (combustion, oxidation, addition aud substitution reactions. Evauol and ‘etianoie acid (ouly properties and uses), soaps and detergents. Quick Review > ‘The elementearton is non-metal. Its symbol is C > Carbon s a versatile element the perentage ofcarbon presentineartherwst TOPIC fm form of mineral is 0.02% and in atmosphere as CO, i DOS. Caran and > All the living things, planis and animals are made up of carbon based compounds Carbon always from cavalentbonds roric-2 ‘The atomic number ofeatbon is 6 Cartan Campounds, Soapand Electronic configuration + Detergents P86 KL ce 2 4 Hw eaibonattain noble gas configuration ? () Carbon & tetravalent it does not form joni hand by either lesing four electrons (C!") er by gaining four tis because, it s difficult te hold urextaelectronand would require largeamountof energy in form hon by sharing of its electron with the electrons. of o¢her on atomor withother elementand attain nable gas configuration, (i) The atoms of other elements like hydiogen, oxygen and nitiogen, chlorine also form bonds by sharing of electrons (ll) The bond formed by sharing of lectrors between same or different atoms is covalent bond, > Covalent Bond: A covalent bond is formed by shating ofelections between atoms, Inacovalentbond, theshaved air of electrons belongs to the valence shell ofboth the atoms. > Carbon forms covalent bonds, > Conditions for Formation of a Covalent Bond + () The combining atoms should have 4 to 7 electrons in their valerce shel (i) The combining atoms should rot ose electrors easily (uyThe combining atoms should gain electrons readily. (Gv) The difference in elechoregativites of two bonded atoms should he low. > Properties af Covalent Compounds: () Physical states: They are generally liquid or gases (Gi) Solubility ‘They are generally insoluble in water ard other polarsolvents as benzene, toluene et. (Gi) Melting and boiling points: They generally have low meltingard boiling points (Gv) Electrical conductivity : They do not conducteleettical current, > Steps for Writing the Lewis Dot Structures of a Covalent Compound : () Weite the electronic configuration of all the atoms present in the molecule (ii) entity how many elections are needed by each atom to attain noble gas configuration. sme covalentcompounds may exis tas solid itsoluble inorganic solvents such 70 J ‘Ozweal CBSE Question Bank, SCIENCE, Class ~ 10 (it Share the electrons between atoms insucha way thatall the tome ina molecule have noble gasconfiguration, (Gv)Xeep inmind that de shazed electors arecounved in the valerve shelofboth the atom sharing it @ a @ @) Hydrogen atom (.) Hydrogen stom Onyge tan oan Nirogn atom @) Niven tom ‘Tarce shared pair of electron NeN tiple boadbebween nitrogen atoms Saturated and Unsaturated Catbon Compounds (Compounds mace unofinidiogenandcatton are called hydrocarbon, ‘There are acyclic carbon compounds which rm opencarbon chairs. Tiydrocarbon Saturated Unsaturated > ‘Single bond between carbon atoms > Doubk or triple bond between carton atoms. > =cuc- > -C=c- =Cac- > allanes > Alkenes Aligynes General formulae CH, 2 CH, CH. Electron Dot Structure of Saturated Hydrocarbons Ethane CH CARBON AND ITS COMPOUNDS (71 Electron Dot Structure of Unsaturated Hydrocarbons Ethene CH, Bthyne CE, EH GOS OSD He ee “a s a vont H-c-C-H 4 1 NORA NOE NA ALE I | Benzene caralso be represented as O-3-O-O TUPAC name of hydrocarbon consists of ho parts. It involves : () Word root : Number ofcarbors in the lngestcaibon chain. ‘Number of carbon atome “Word root (Greek name) 1 ‘Meth a Bth 3 Prop 4 But 5 Fent 6 Hex 7 Hept 8 Ose 9 Non 1 Dec (i) Suffix Ie depends on the type of carbon carbon bond for einge bond. suffix bane) for double bond, suffi ie ene: and for tiple Bond sities — yr > Types of Formula for Writing Hydrocarbons : () Molecular formula :It irwolves the actual number ofeach type ofatom presentin the compound. (i) Structural formula :The actual arrangement of atoms is writlen instructural formula, (l)Condensed formula + Its the shortened form of the structural formula, Functional Groups > Inhydrocartonchain, one or more hydrogenabm s replaced by other atoms inaceordance with their valercies ‘These are heteroatom. > ‘These heteroatom or grotpofatoms which male carbon compound reactive and decides its properties are called funstional groups. 72) Ozweal CBSE Question Bank, SCIENCE, Class ~ 10 v Hetero atom Functional group Formula of functional group Dier Halo (Chloto/Bromo) —O=5 1. Akehal on 2 Aldehyde —cHO 3. Keone Carboxylic acid ° HI —c-0H Double bora 1. Allene group ce ‘Thiple bond 2._Alkyne group =c_ Homologous Series :Aseres oforganic compounds Inwhkheverys uceding member difism hom the previous ore by CH.or 14am iscalled homologous series. The mole ular formula ofall the members ofa homologous series can be derived from a general formu, Properties of a homologous series : As the molecular mass incresses in a series, physical properties of the compounds show a variation, hutchemical properties which are determined by a functional grotip temain the same withina series. Homologous series of alkanes : General formula: CE, ., where n = numberofeartonatpms. CH, CH, CH, Homologous series of alkenes : General formula : C,H,,, where = number ofcarson atoms, CH, CH. CH, Homologous series of alkynes : General formula :C,H,, ., where n = number ofearbonatoms. CH, CH, CH, Chemical Properties of Carbon Compounds (3) Combustion +20, EON, CO, + 25,0 + Heat + Light Carbon and its compounds are wed as fuels because they burn in air releasing lot of heat energy: Saturated hydrocarbon generally burn in air with blue and non-sooty flame. Ursaturated hydrocarbon burs in air with yellow scoty flame because percentage of carbon higher than saturated hydroearhon which does not getcompletely oxidized in ait. (©) Oxidation Akobol can be converted to carboxylic acid in preserce of oxidizing agent allaline KMnO, (potassium [ermanganate) or acidic potassium dichromate. ca3ci3 0H anges” crLCOOEE Bthanel Bthanoic acid (©) Addition Reaction : 8 Unsaturated hydiecarhon add hydrogen in the presence of catalyst palladium or nickel. Vegetable ois ae converted into vegetable ghee ising ts process, Its albo called hydrogenation of vegetable il (2) Substitution Reaction: CH, + cl, lS CHE + HEL Soaps and Detergents Soaps sodium or potassium saltof lang chain carhonylie avid. .g, C, F,COCNa” Soaps are elective only insoft water Detergents are ammonium or sulphonate saltoflong chainof carboxy: ail Detergents ame etistive in both hard andl soft water Soap molecule lus : (Ione (byerophile) past (i) Long hydrocarbon chain (hycrophobis) part CARBON AND ITS COMPOUNDS [73 Hydrophilic Hydrophobic end end Structure of soap molecule Cleansing Action of Soap > ‘Most dirt i olly in nature and hysrophebic end attaclus itself withslirt and the ionic end is surrounded with molecule of water. Ths result in formationota radial structure called micelles, > Soapmicelles helps to dissolve dirtand grease inwater ard cloth gets cleaned. Nat Nat Nat Oil droplet Nat Nat Nat > ‘The magnesium and calcium salt presentin hard water react with seap molecule to form insoluble productealled scum. This scum create difficulty incleansing action. > By use ofdetergent, insolule scum nat formed with hard water and clathe get leaned effectively. Know the Terms > Catenation :‘The self linking property of carbon atoms through covalent bonds to form long ebairs and rings is called catenation. > Telravalency :‘Tetravalency & the slate of an alom in which thete ate four electrons available with the atom for covalent chemical bonding. Carbon hae a valency of four So, its capable of making bonds with four other atoms of carbon or any ather element > Electronegativity :Ttis the ability ofan atom to attract a shared pairs ofelectrane towards itselé If the atoms forming a covalent bond have different electronegatwvities, the atom with higher electronegativity pulls the shured pair of electors towards itselt Thus, the atom with the higher electonegativity develops a artis negative charge and the atomith the Inver electionegasive develope partial positive charge. This bond with some polarity is ealled polar covalent bond. > Isomerism : The compounds which possess the same molecular formula but diferent structural formule, ate called isomers, and the phenomenon is knownas isomerism. Forexample, butane witha mole:ular formula CE, Tas two isomers, Te ees, — ca, cH, —cH—cH, w-butane | cH, bho-butare > Homologous Series :It sa family oferganiccompounde having the same functional group inwhich the formulae of successive members ditter by - CH, group. For example, CH, CH, C,H, CH, ett. Al the members of a homologous series have similar strustutes arc same chemical propertes > Oxidation: Oxidation means contolled combustion. For example, wherethanalis heated with alkaline potassium ermangarate solution or acidified polssium dichromate solution, it gets oxidised to ethanox avid. (CH,CH_OH — A MOtiEet —_, CH.COOH > Esteritication Reaction : When an organi: acil reacts withanalzohol in the presence of acid catalyst it produces a sweet smelling (fruity smell substance ealled ester, The reaction is known as esterification reaction, cHCOOH «+ «CHOH #24 cHoooGH + HO Behanate acid Ethanol thy acetate (este) > Saponification Reaction : Bstets react in the preserce of an. acid or a base to give back the alcohol and the carboxylic acid. This teaction is known as saponification because it s used in the preparation of scap. CH,COOCH, M4. CH,COOH + CH.OH, > Soaps and Detergents : Soars are sosium and potassium salls of long chain (higher) fatty acs suchas stearic acid, palmitic acid ete, Detergen's ate ammonium or sulphonate sall of long chain hydrocarbons, 74) TOPIC-1 (awl CBSE Question Bank, SCIENCE, Clase — 10 Carbon and its Properties, Homologous Series and IUPAC Names Very Short Answer Type Ques (2 mark each) FO.1. What is a compounds ? [Board Term, Fovelgn SettL 2016) ‘Ans.A homologous series the family of organic compound having the same functioral group, and the successive (adjacent) member of which difer by CH, unitor 14 mass unit 1 [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2016] 2. Witte the molecular formula of drst two ‘members of homologous series having function group -Cl. [Detni3vi/1, 2017] ‘Ans. The molecular umulaef twe corsecutive members ofthis series i CH,CI (Chloromethane) Cl(Chioreethare) [UO.3. Write the molecular formula of Girst two members of homologous series having functional group- Br. [Delhi31/1/2.2017) ‘Ans.The molecular formula for two corsecutive members ofthis sere are CHBrGromomethane) CHLBr (Bromee! [O4. Waite the molecular formula of dst two members of homologous series having functional group- OH. [Delhi31/14, 2017] ‘Ans. The molecular formula for two consecutive mem ofthis series is: CH.OH (Netharol) OH Bttana)) Wiite the molecular formula of the 2"! and the 3° member of the homologous series whose first memberis methane. [OD'31/1.2017] Ans. thane (CF homologou of cathon wey for ue. 1.6. Write the molecular formula of the 2"! and 30 member of the homologous series whose fist memberis ethane. [op 31/2, 2017] (JQ... Write the molecular formula of the 2nd and 3rd member of the homologous series where the first member is ethyae. [oD 31/3, 2017] [O.8. Write the next homologue of each of the following + OCH, WC, [Board Term (1, Delhi Set-L 2016) An.)CH, CH, ieee [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2016) [A] Q.9. Write the name and formula of the 2%! member of homologous series having general formula oH, [Delhi Set 2015], Ans. Name — Proper Formula — C,H, Mets [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015] 10.10. Write the name and molecular formula of the fist member of the homologous series of alkynes, [Board Term 1, Foreign Set-1, 2015] ‘Ans.Bthyne, GH, [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015]1 1 Q.11. White the name and formula of the 2%! member of homologous series having general formula CH. [Board Term 1, Delhi Set1L 2013] ‘Ans, Name — Ethane Formula — CFL [CBSE Marking Scheme-2013] FRQ.22.Molecular formula of a hydrocashon is CH. Daw its complete structure and w te its name. {Board Term Il 2013, 2012] Ans. HoH on The rane ofthe hytocerbon bs propare, [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2013, 12): 0.13.White next two members of the homologous ers: GH, GH. [Bosrd “erm Set 2) 215.12] ‘Ans, CH, CEE, [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012] 4+ [0.14 Which of the following belong to the same homologous wetes? {Board Terme, Set 2042) 2012) GH CH CH GH, Ans. Cy CH, ue [CBSE Marking Scheme 2032) 8 0215. How does carbon alain noble gas cnfiguaion ? (DDE 217] nan form bond by sharing ofits electrons ‘wth the elections of offer carbon atom or with Other elementard attain noble gas coniguration. 1 A1Q-16Name the first member of ketones. [DDE 2017] Ans. CARBON AND ITS COMPOUNDS: Ans. The first member of ketone ~ Propanane. 1 10-17. Why Carbon is tetravalent? [DoE 2017) ‘Ans. The outer mostshell af carbon atam contains ft valence electiors s0 the valency of carbon & four. tis tetravalent Iie ditticult to hold four extra electron and would require large amountof energy fo remove fur elections, sa, it form bonds 59. sharing electrons, 1 1-18. Wiite the name and formula of the 2°! member ‘of homologous series having general formula CH [Board Term I, OD SetlL, 2015] Ans.Propyne C,H, [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015) 1 1.19, What isthe ditterence between fio consecutive members in a homologous serles in alkanes in terms of () Molecularmass, (Gi) Number of atoms of elements. [Board TeruIL Set 2016}, 2012) ‘Ans. Difference in: (i) Molecular mass = Mamas 4 (ii) Number ofatoms of elements = CH, 4 [CBSE Marking Seneme, 2012] (G.0.20. The molecular formula OC’ is CgHy, and Bis Cyl Name the homologous series to which tuugy Belong. [Board Tern, Set 2022) 2012) Fh, 4 belongs to alkene as general formula of alkene H, % [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012] o.21.Name the tollowing compounds: [Board Term 11, Delhi Set 2016) Ht \ (i) CHACH-OF (iy CHC =0 ‘Ans. ( Ethanol, (ji) Etharal wou [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2016} [01Q.22.Which element exhibits the property of catenation to maxiuaum extent and why ? [Board Term 1L Delhi Set-1.2016] ‘Ans. Catton. due ly strong CC ond. 1 [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2016] 10.23. What is eatenation ? 1ppe 2017) ‘Ans. The self linking property of carbon atoms through covalent bonds to form long chains and rings = called catenation, 1 [01.24. Waite the name and molecular formula of the fourth member of alkane series. [Board ‘erm, Foreign Setll 2016) Ans. Butare, C Hy. s+6 [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2016] 10.25.Select saturated hydrocarbons fromthe followings :C,H,2 Gy? CMe Hyg CH, [Board Term IL, Dethi Seti 2016] [75 Ken [CBSE Marking Scheme. 2016) (A) 0.26. white the name and structure of an alcohol with duce carbon atoms in its molecule, [Boand Term 0.0, Set 2016] Ans. CH, CH. Ans.Proparol Hon It Been hun or cH, —cH, —cH,—on 1 (Al 0.27. Waite the name and structure of an alcohol with, four carbon atoms in its molecule, [Board Term IL, OD. Set 11, 2016] HHH iti rm Ans.Butanol HHH OH (CH, —CH,—CH, —OH 1 [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2016) (A) Q.28. Write the name and structure of an aldenyde ‘with four carbon atoms in its molecule. [Board Term IL OD. SetItL, 2016) ‘Ans Butanal, CH, —CH,— CH, —CHO. or CH, Iotot od ee Q.29.Wnite the name of each of the following functional groups: [Foreign Set ll, 2015] (0H ooo ° Ans. (a) Alesha! (b)Xetore. May [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015] .Q.50.Wnte the number of covalent bonds in the molecules ofbutane C,H. (Boand Tetm Il, OD Set 2015] ‘Ans. Thinteen covalent bonds 2 [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015] .Q.31.Name the process of converting vegetable oil ta vegetable ghee. [Board Term il SQP-2016] ‘Ans, Hydrogeration. 1 [CBSE Marking Scheme 2016] 76) (Qawael CBSE Question Bank, SCIENCE, Clase — 10 .32.Walle the number of covalent bonds In the molecule of thane. {Board Term If 0.0. Set 2015} ‘Ans, Seven covalent bonds. 1 {CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015} 11Q-38.Wite the number of covalent bonds in the molecule of Propane, C,H, [Boud Term, 0.0. ett 2015] ‘Ana. Ten covalent bores, 1 [CBSE Marking Scheme. 2015] (FIO.34. Name the process by which unsaturated fats are changed to saturated fas, {Board Teen I Foreign Set-L 2015) ‘Ans. Hydrogenation, 1 [CBSE Marking Scheme 2015] [FJQ.35.Name the Cunctional group present in CH,COCH, and state the name of this compound. [Board Tevmt Set 2018)2012], ‘Ans. Functional group :Ketone, name of the compound Propanore. yes {CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012} (FIO.36. Name a functional group present in (@ CH,CHO, (l) 6H,COOH, [Board Termt, Set 2021)2012), ‘Ans. (i)Aldebyde fl) Catbesyiic acid wee {CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012} Short Answer Type Questions-| FF. Q.37. White the molecular formula of the following + (i) Hexane, (i) Benzene [Board Term Ans. (1) Hexane : GH, (i) Beraene : CE, [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012]74+74 (0.38, Write the formula of functional group : (i) aldehyde, (i) alcohol. [Board TensmtL, Set (2018), 2012] Set (2025) 2012) H ns 0 i Am. ()Akiehyde:— OS (iy Alcohol: — OH % [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012) 0.39.Given below are the formulae of some fhinetional groups : Write the name of these functional groups. [Board Term Il, Set (2015)-2012] Ans. Aldehyde, ketone. [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012]74+74 Q.40, Mention the percentage of carbon in earth's crust. [Board TeruvIL 2013, 2012] [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012, 18}1 Ans.0.02% (2 marks each) [D1Q41. What ate hydrocarbons? Give examples. [ops 2017) Ans.The compound containing the molecules of hhyehogen and casbon are known as Fydrocer bors Hydrocarbons are organic compounds that are made ofonly hydrogen ardicatbon atome Bumpls— Natuial Gis, Methane, Propane Akatol. +1 [FlQ.2. Why does carbon atom forms a large of compounds? [DDE 2017) ‘Ans.Carbon & an element which shows a unique property of catenation, makes it possible to form a huge number of compound. Its the property by which itean make bonds with carbon atoms, to form bong chairs. 2 12.3. Covalent compounds generally don't conduct electricity: Why? [DDE 2017) ‘Ans.A covalent bond is formed between non-metal ‘oma, wrhicheambine together hysharingelectrars Covalenteompounds have no fee electrons ard no ions so they don't conduct electricity 2 [O44 Why carbon is unique im nature? [DDE 2017] ‘Ans.Due to its four valence electrons, carbon is the smallestelement that i able to make covalentbonds tp four different atoms im its neutral form. Becatse of thé, lage heavily branched compounds ean be rade by-stringing together carton and afew other ronmetallic atoms in various anangement. 2 [RIQ.5. What is a covalent bond ? What type of bond exists in (CCI, (i) CaCl, 2 Ans. The chemical bonds formed between two atoms by thesharing of electors between them is known as a covalent bond. The charing ofeketons betwoon the two atoms lakes place in such a way that both theatoms acquire stabk electronic configuration of their neares Enable gas 1 (CCl, — Covelentiord (i) GO, Borie bone usE 2.6. Why is it not easy for carbon to take pat in the formation of ionic compounds ? ‘Ans.lnones to form ionic bond, carbon atom either has {2 lose four electrons © form CH senor gain four electors to bam C* ions. ‘The boss or gain of four elections & not easy for cation sine energy needed every high 2 FHQ.7. (l)Whatisa tunctional group? (i) State nea properties of cathon which lead to huge ‘numberof carbon compounds we see around us [Board Term IL Set A, 2031] CARBON AND ITS COMPOUNDS ‘Ans. (i) Functional groupis an atom ora groupot atoms: ina carbon compound that gives the molecule its characteristic physical and chemical properties. It fs the site of reactivity in an organic compound. Poreample— ()Akobol s —OH (i) Carboxylic acid is — COOH. 1 (Uy Two properties of carbon which lead to huge number of earbon compounds we see around Us (@) Catenation (b) Tetravakerey. [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2011] +14 1-8. List two differences between saturated and unsaturated hydrocarbons. [Board Term 11, Set 81, 2011] Ans. 8. Saturated Unsaturated Ne. | Hydrocarbons Hydrocarbons @ [Hydrocarbons having single bonds between carbon atoms are called saturated Hydrocasbors, Hydiocarbons having fone or more multiple bonds between carbon atoms are called unsaturated ydreearbors. ‘They give yellow fame with a lot of black’ (i) | Gives a clean fame on burning. ‘smoke on burning. [CBSE Marking Scheme 2011] 2 Differentiate between addition reactions and substitution reactions shawn by hydzocasbons. [Boand TermiL, SetA1 2011) ‘Ans.(i) Reactors between unsaturated hydrocarbors: ‘with simple substances to form a singk saturated. productare addition reactiors. 1 mos. (i) Thoveteactiors im whichone oF more hydrogen of satimnted hydrocarbon & replaced by anatom or a group of ame are substitution reactions [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2011} O.10.¢) Write me name of the following fempaunde () HCOOH () CHCOCH CH, (i) Gephin why cabo generally form compounds by covalentbonds. [Board Term-II, Set BL 2011] Short Answer Type Questions-Il (77 Ans. ()(a)Metharoe seid, @)Bubsn2one. 444 {i Carbon gently army compounds by covslent fonds ecaise carbon can neither donate ot teept (out slachors Gr complting ts ec So, i shares is four electrons with eter atoms farmingcovalent bonds, [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2013]1 (AQ. 11. Write down structural formula of (a) Propanone. (b) Hexanal a [DDE 2017) Ano Popancne cH, t once tot .2.Wite molec eledonie and stata toma a etre Anwar 5 “ Bistondatormin Hos 2 6-8 (0) Hexanal CH CH) H % Structural formula: HG 1 HOH AHA B] Q.13. Write the name of the following compounds HO o “ (ui, «) [NCERT Exemplar} ‘Ans. (i) Pentaro acid (Ii) Butyne (i) Heptanal, (iv) Pentanel ween’ @ marks each) [Q.1. What is a homologous series of carbon compounds? List Ils any two charaeteristics. Wiite the name and formula of next higher homologous of HCOOH. [Delhi set comptt.1 2017) Ans. (2) A groupf organic compounds having the same Aumetional group and similar structunes im avhich any avo successive members ditferby CH. 1 78) (avail CBSE Question Bank, SCIENCE, Clase — 10 ) I members have similar chemical propertis (4) Thete is gradation in the physical properties. 4 (orany other) (o)Neme — Ethane aid/Acetic seid % Rormul —CH.COOH % [CBSE Marking Scheme] 1.2, What are covalent compounds? How are they ditferent from ionic compounds? List any two properties of covalent compounds. [OD Comptt.2017} ‘Ans. (a) The compounds thatare formed due tosharing of electrons between two atomscompounds aving covalentbonds 1 (b)lonic compounds ae formed due tansier of electtors from one atom to arothercompounds Taving ione bordscompounds having attraction betweenoppositely charged ions 1 (0)() They are poorconductor of electricity (@) They have low melting and boiling point, 4 (or any other) [CBSE Marking Scheme] }Q.3, Give reason why carbon can neither form C cations nor C! anions, but forms covalent compounds are bad conductors of electricity and have low melting and bolting points? [Dethi Set Comptt. 112017} ‘Ans. (a) Carboncannotiorm C* cation because removal of delections from a carbon atom would require a large amount af nergy. * (0) Catbon cannot form Ch anion because it would be difficult for the nurlets with 6 protons to hold on to Welectrors, % (c)Feree, carbon atoms share electrons forming covalent compounds 1 (a) Covalent compounds do not form iors/ charged particles and therefore do not conducteletrvity. 4 (e) Inter molecular foes of attraction are weal, hence Jow melting and boiling points, % [CBSE Marking Scheme] |Q.4. What is meant by isomers ? Draw the structure of two Isomers of butane, C,H, Explain why we cannot have isomers of first three members [Board erm IL Delhi Seti, of alkane series. nis} ‘Ans. Isomers are the compounds which have the same molecular d:mula butdifterentstructuial bamub. Isomers of Butans (Oa H H I al cor CEGEECESH | 1 | H HOH x—o— nutane Gay 4 H—-c-H 4 H Il 1 H—c—c- CH jl ' HHH iso-butane Wecannot hats laamen ofthe ee members ofthe alkane series because of Ue following Ls ottaomers (i The prtchainshoutd have the mort numberof carton ata (iy The brarchingcannotbe done rom the fit the listatsmeaenabmet tsuki, sled [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015] Q.5. What Is Structural Isometism? Draw isomers of Pentine CH, DDE?) [Ans.Stuctural Lometem, or constinatoral komersm, iba atmof worram inwhich moines wih the fame molec frm have diferent bonding ptr aed ama ganar Rae dec en Td Aad wA —Pentane H- He HOW H-C=C— ri HHAHH iso Pentane [A1Q.6. Draw thestructuresorthe follow ing compounds and identity the functional group present in them: ( Butanote acid ( Bromopropane (it) Butyne [Board Term IL, SetFFNBE6.2015), HOH OH ia Ans.(i) HC —C—C —C — OH toi HoH HO Carboxylic group - COOH, CARBON AND ITS COMPOUNDS HOHOH 1 1 Ho oer 1 1 HOH OH Halogen atom -Er HOH 1 (i) Hc cc S06 — | Hou ‘Triple bond C=C [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015}1=1+1 1.7. Weite the name of the folloaring compounds HHH OB {any three) INCERT Exemplar 2017} (But tyne (OPentrel Ans, (a) Pentanoie acid (@ Heptaral +161 1.8. Write the molecular formula of the following thelr electron-dot compounds and draw structures: () Btnane (4) Ethene (is) Etnyne An [79 (1) Bthene: CH, AAS (uy Boyne C8, ween FD [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015) 10.9. Write the name and structural formula of the compound formed when ethanol Is heated at AMS temperature with excess of cone. HSO,- Whats the role of cone. H,SO, in this reaction? ‘Also give the chemical equation forthe reaction. +e [Board Term I, Foreign Set. 2015] Ans, (Ethene H H \ 7 cae n7 NH 1 (0)Cone. FSO, set as a dehydeatingagent. 1 CHCHOH OREO HHO 1 [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015) (0.20. What is meant by homologous series of carbon compounds ? Write the general formula of (1) alkenes, and (ii) alkynes. Draw the structures lf the first member of each sertes to show the bonding between the two carbon atoms, [Board TermvIL, Outside Delhi Set-L IL 11-2014) [DDE 2017) Ans. homologous series © a series of organic ‘compounds that belongs to the same fumily (ic, Fossosses the same functional group) and show similar chemical properties. The memets of this series are called hamologues: they differ from eachother by the number of CEE, units in the main carbon chair, General Formula Alkenes :C.H, Structures The first member of alkenes i ethene and its stiuctue is given below, Allkynes : C5, 1 H-c=c-H4 1 4 ‘The Gist member of alkynes & ethyne and its structure is givenbelow HC CH LeLeAe (U 0.11. Whatishomologoussertes ofearboncompounds? ‘Write the molecular formula of fra consecutive members of homologous series of aldehydes. 80 } (Qawael CBSE Question Bank, SCIENCE, Clase — 10 State which partotthese compounds determines ‘uuete Q) physical and (i) chemical properties. (Board Term-H, Oulside Delhi Set-IL 2014] Ams A homolgots series is a serie: of organi: compounds which belong to the same familf (ie. possess same functiral group) and show similar chemical properties. The members ofthis series are called homologous and ditler from each other by the number of CH, units in the main carbon chain. Molecular formula of wo corsecutive members of homologots series of aldehydes CH.CHO and CH,-CH-CHO. In CH,-CHO compound, —CHO part and in CH—CH,—CHO, —CH.—CHO part will deter- ‘mine their physica land chemical properties. 141-1 1-12,State the meaning of functional group in a carbon compound. Write the finctional group present in i) ethanol and (i) ethanote aeld and also draw their structures. [Board Term IL, Detht Sett,2015} Ans.Functioral group is an atom or a group af atoms: that is bonded to a earbon chain, It detines the chemical property cf the organi compound, Compound | Functional ‘Structure Group tharel Hydmxyl | CCHLOR, CoH) Ethane acid [Carboxylic acid | CH,COOH (COOH) art 1-13,State the meaning of the functional group in fan organic compotind, Write the formulla of the functional group present in alcohols. aldehydes. ketones and carboxylic acids. [Board Term IL, Dethi Set-1t 2014] Ans.Functional group is an atom or a group of atoms: that is bonded to a earbon chain, It detines the chemical property cf the organic compound, Compound Functional Group Aleahol O# Aldehyde = CHO Keone ° Catbosgiis acid = cOOH, Tey [D)o.14. Write the name and general formula of 3 chain of hydrocarbons in whlch an addition reaction ‘with hydrogen can take place, Stating the essentlal conditions required for an addition reaction to occur write the chemical equation giving the name of the reactant and the product fof sucha reaction. [Board Term I, Delhi Set IL 11,2014] Ans. Name and general formula of hydrocarbons undergoing addition reaction with hydrogen : Name (General Formula Alkene CH Allgne CBs Essential conditions required for the addition reaction to occur: (Multiple bonds (double and tiple bonds) must be present between carbon atoms in the chain of bydrocarhon, (ii) Addition of hydhogen should be carried out in the preserve of aatalysteuchas niclelor phtinum. (Chemical Equation : CCH + H, Bthere HCH, Ethane CH=CH +28, HS cH, Bthyne cH, Ethene eae Q.15.(a) List tour characteristics of nomologous. (@) Draw the electron dot structure of caibon dioxide. [Board Term1t, Set2021, 2012] ‘Ans. (a) Four characteristies of homologous series are: ()Same furetional group. % (1) Similar chemical properties, % (ltt) Regular gradation in physical properties. % (Gv) Successive member differ by ~ CE, % Hes) 1 ICBSE Marking Scheme, 2012] (2.16, Carbon has the unique property to form bonds ‘with other atoms of carbon. Lio —c-c-c— I aoe T Fig a (Name the characteristic property of carbon as depicted in the fig. (U) Give reason for this unique property of carbon. (tH Draw the structure of eyclohexane. [Board Term 11, Set8XSVHLC. 2014), ‘Ans. (1) Catemation, (i) Carbon forms large number of compounds due to he following (@) Catenation : Cather forms bond with ether atoms of carbon. (&) Tetravalency : Catton share four electrons withother atoms, CARBON AND ITS COMPOUNDS rarer i al a S Hae h > wt [Lu wn 4 | OH i aets1 [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2014) J-17.Name and draw the chain structure and dot structure of first two alkanes, [Board Tenn fl, SQP 2013) Ans. () Methane WW (i) Ethane HOW H HC 0H i HOH 1% [W.0.18.41) Desine the term functional group. Identity ‘the functional group present in i ie @H-C—H,— wyH—E—C~0 H (di) What happens when 5% alkaline KMn0, solution {s added drop by drop to warm ethanol taken sn a lesttube 7 Slate the role of allaline KMn0, solution in ths reaction. [Board Termn Ml Foreign Set, 2016] Ans. () Functional. group- Hetero atom or group of ‘aos attached th the carton chain, whieh gives specific properties to the compounds, = called a furetional group. 1 (a) Aldehyde group, b) Carboxylic acid 4 + 6 (18) Acetic/Ethanoic acid ie formed. It an oxidizing agent we [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2016) }Q-19. What is meant by functional group in carbon compounds ?Writein tabular form thestructural formula and the nctional group presentiin the following compounds () Ethanol (i) Ethanole aeld. (Boand Term IL, Foreign Set-L 2015) [81 ‘Ans. An atom or a group of apmi/hetroatoms which determines the chemical properties of an organic compound is called functional group. 1 Name ‘Structural Functional Formula Group Ethanol HOH OH Lot H—c—c_o—H I HOH Ethanole HO = coor acid Lot H—C—c—on " | H —C—oHn [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015]1 +1 2.20. (i) [dentity, from the following the hydro carbons that can unclergo addition reactions: GH) Hy CH, CH). Justify your answer (Ud) Waite the name of the homologous serles to which, they belong te. [Board Term, Set 2008, 2012] Ans.(l) CH, CH, will undergo addition reactions ‘because they ate ursaturated compounds. 1 (1) CH,-Allyre 1 CH,-Allere [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012}1 (A.Q.21.An aldehyde as well as a ketone can be represented by Ue same molecular formula, say CHO. White their structures and name them, Stite the relation between the ty in the language ot science, [OD. Set 2016), Ans.() Propanal(aehyde); use HOHOH Lol Ho-¢—c—0 HOH (i) Propanone (Ketone); use H H whet (Al Q.22, Explain the followin; Ans.(i) Dus t the incomplete ionization of acetic (CH,COOED acid 82} (awail CBSE Question Bank, SCIENCE, Clase — 10 (i) CH, — CH = CH, undergoes addition reaction because of double bond. (il) Sufficient supply of ©, for complete combustion. [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015}1=1+1 [)Q.23. List two tests for expertmentally distinguishing between an alcohol and a carboxylic acid and describe how these tests are performed. [Board Term 11, 0.D. Set.2015] oR How would you distinguish experimentally bbebween an alcohol and a caiboxylic acid? ‘Ans.(i) ‘Test 1 (Litmus Test) : Take two strips ef blue litmus paper. Phce a drop each of the akohol and ccarboxylis acid om these strips separately, The blue litmus paper turns red in the case ofcarboxylie acid land remains unaflected in the ease aleohal. 1 (u) Test 2 (Sodlum hydrogen carbonate test/sodiumn carbonate test) : A pinch of sodium hydrogen. carbonate or sodium carbonate is added, to both separately. If brisk effervescence with the evolution ofa colorless gas is observed, itincicates the presence of carboxylic acid. % If no change is observed then it confirms the presence ofthe aleohol 4 (it Test 3 (Ester test or any other suitable test): (Any two) + 1% [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015] Detailed Answer: ()We can distinguish between an alcohol and a carboxylic acid on the basis of their reaction with sodium carbonate and sodium hydrogen carbonate Carboxglic acids reacts with sodium carbonate ane sodium hydmgen carbonate to evolve CO, gas that turns lime water milky. Akohol, on the other hard, do not react with, sodium carbonate and sodium hydrogen carbonate (ii) Akohol reacts with sodium metal to produce hydrogen ges with rapid ellervescence. On the other hand, carboxylic acid does notshow this type ofchemicalreaction with sedium metal. 14*114 Ans. Long Answer Type Questions [A] 0.24.4 carboxylic acid (molecular formula C,H,0,) reacts with an alcohol in the presence ofan acid catalyst to form 2 compound 'X’. The aleohol on oxidation with alkaline KMnO, followed by acidification gives the same eaboxvlic acid C,H,0,, Wie the name and structure of () carboxylic ad (i aleohol an (i the compound X. ——_[Baoni TermIL, Outside Delhi Set] Ans.() C\H,0, ;CH,-COOH- ethanok ace (i) HOM fetharol (ii) X's CHCOOCH, - ethyl acetate [ethyl ethannate -ester] 3 2.25. Why ishomologous series of carbon compounds so called ? Write the chemical formula of two consecutive memivets of any homologous series and slate the part of these compounds that determines their (I) physical and (1) chemical properties. [Delhi Set, 2015, Dethi Set 2023} ‘Ans. (i) All the members of a series have the same furetional group, similar structure and same general formula. (Any two) + % (i) CHOH. CHO ue (iti) The physical properties are determined by alkyl group/hydrocarbon partépart other than the functional group. # (v)The chemial properties are determined by furetional group suchas -OH group orany other ample fomany other homologous series. 4 [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015] 0.26. Write the names of the following : [Board Term-tl, Set (2024) 2012} ()CH,CH,-C= cH (i cH,CHOH cin cH,cocn, ‘Ans. (i) Butyre 1 (i) Etrancl 1 (Ui)Propanone [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012}1 (5 marks each) [o.1. Why are certain compounds called hydrocarbon 2 Write the general formuls for homologous series of alkanes, alkenes and alkynes and also draw the structure of the fist member of each series. Write the name fof the reaction that converts alkenes into alkanes and also write a chemical equation to shovs the necessary conditions for the reaction to occur [oD3wi2017)5 CARBON AND ITS COMPOUNDS [FIQ2. (i)Detine the term isomers’. (di) Draw two possible isomers of the compound with ‘molecular formula C,H, and write their names, (Ui) Give the electrom dot structures of the above two compounds. [NCERT Board Term I Delhi Set-L 2013] ‘Ans, ()'Thecompounds thatcontain the same molecular formula but diferent struc tutes ate called isomers ‘The isomers of a compound have different physical properties 1 (i) The two possible Somers of the compound with rmoleewlar formula CHO are HHO How Lid ion ot H—C—C—C—H = H—¢—c—¢— rot I I HOH H 4 (Propanal) (Proparore) og (Ui Bleetondotstructure of propanal, HHO He Gs Gs CoH HOW Bleetrondot structure of propanone HOH Hoc. O-G-H 4 4 2 [Q.3. Give two examples of covalent compounds which you have studied. State any tour properties in which covalent compounds differ fromionic compounds. [Board Term IL SQP. 2013) ‘Ans. Two exampkes of covalent compounds are ethanol, and ethanow acid yey Ditference between the properties of Covalent and. Tonle compounds + [ 83 Tonie Compounds 5s Covalent Compounds ‘They are noteolubke in organic solvent, | They are readily soluble i organic sohvent, (W |Theydonetionize. | They ionise in organie medium, (iil) [ They are baat They are good. conductorotheat | conductois of heat and electricity. and electricity. (v) | They have weak ree | They have strong force ofattraction between | of attraction between the molecule. the molecule. a (O44. (I) Give a chemleal test to distinguish between, safurated and unsaturated hydrocarbon. (i) Name the products formed when ethaite burns in. alr. Write the balanced chemical equation for the reaction showing the types of energies liberated. (Gi) Why is reaction between methane and chlorine in the presence of sunlight considered a substitution reaction? [OD Comptt. 2017] [Delhi Set 2015] ‘Ans. (i) Pass the vapours ofthe given samples fsaturated and ursaturated bydroeaibors into bromine water felon in ovo separate esttubes. The one which discharges the colour of bromine water is that of trsatirated hydrccatbon and the other represents satualed hydiceatbon, (Orany other testy, (0 On burning ethare in ait; the products obtained, are carbon dioxide and water, along with heat and light. 2 2RH,(g) + 70, (g) > ACO, (g) + OHLO () + Heat + Light i Itis corsidered a substitution reaction becatse the Hydrogen atoms of methane (CH, are replaced by chlorine atoms one by one, 11 0.5. a) State any tluee physical properties of caxbon, ‘compounds, (&) Carbon is statement. a vermatile element, Justify this [Board Term-I 2015] 84] (Qawail CBSE Question Bank, SCIENCE, Clase — 10 ‘Ans.(a)_ Three physical carbon, composinds are Properties of () Cateatin property (W Low motng ard bong point compared to ionic compan (iy Foor concuctom of electrtiy. (b)Carbon = a versatile element because it forms covalent honch. wih Inge rumber of elemeis ea eset alone [See teee by chainof bonds with ibelt 2 [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015] 12.6. Explain the ‘ollowing reactions with one ceimple tor each ping. televant chemical equations" (9 Hydrogenation rection (i) Oxidation rection. (iii) Substitution reaction, (4) Combustion reaction (v) Saponifcaton reaction. [Board Term 1, SetQNASXWE 2014) Ans.(i) Hydogenation reaction : It is the process in which unsaturated compound react with hydrogen in presence of nickel se catalyst t farm saturated compound, of Ne sees Rp 7 \ R seq (lt) Oxidation reaction : When there is an addition of ‘oxygen in the reaction, it is known as oxidation Vegetable Ghee reaction, 1 CH.CHLOH + [0] —ttals_, CH,COOH + HO than Bthanoie acid (Git Substitution reaction + Those reactions in which, an atom or group of atoms of a compound are replaced by other atom or group of atoms ae called substitution reactions cag) + CY) CHAI Methane Chlorine Chloromethane + Hg Hydrogen chloride 1 (iv)Combustion reaction : Ethanol highly inflammable liquid, ie, it catches fire very easly. It bums with blue flame in presence of oxygen to form sathom dioxide are water CHOH + 30, 3 Ezhanall Onygen aco, + a0 Carton dioxide Water (©) Saponification reaction :Ttis the reaction inwhich fan ester reacts with sodium hydroxide to form socdjumsalls of acid and alzahol cHCOOCH, + NaOH - Bthylethanaste Sodium hystmoxide CHCOONa «+ = CHOH Sediumethanaate Ethanol 1 ICBSE Marking Scheme, 2014) FQ.7. Describe the following chemical properties ff catbon compounds briefly and give one chemical veactlon for each + [Board Term I SeLUV6TFLN, 2016} (0 Combustion (i) Adaition (6 Substitution (is) Estentieation (6) Oxidation Ans.) Combustion + CH,+ 0, CO, + HLO + Energy + Light (i Adaition cH, = cH, +H, Poon Substitution cH,+ a, (iv) _Esteritication CH,COOH + CHOH 2, cHCOOGH, + HO (©) Oxidation CHOH rm) cac+Ha CH,COOH. 14is.4141 [CBSE Marking Scheme. 2016) Q.8. (a) Draw the structure for the following. compounds : (2-Bromopentane, (ti)2-methy! propane. (Uh Butanal, (iv) 1-Hexyne. (0) Draw the electron dot structure for ethanoie acid. [Board Term UL Set 2020), 2012) ‘Ans. (a) ()) CH, —CH, — CH, —CH— CH, 1 1 Br (4) CH, —cH—cH, Il 1 (ltt) CH,CH,CH.CHO 1 (HC = C-CH,-CH, -CH,- CH, ()Blectrons dot structure of ethanoie acid fot 1 [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012) CARBON AND ITS COMPOUNDS: 9. Explain why caxbon forms compounds mainly by covalent bonds, Explain in brief two main reasons for catbon forming a large mumber of compounds. Why does carbon form strong bonds with most other eleinents ? [Board erm I, Delhi Set, 2015} oR ‘What are the two propeities of carbon which lead to the huge number of carbon compounds we see around us? ‘Ans.(i) Catbor has 4 electrons in its outermost shell and needs to gainor lose electors toatainnable gasconfigation. 1 i) Lsingor gaining deletions isnot possible due to energy considerations; hence itshates electors to form covalenttoneds 1 ‘Two reasons compounds : (1) Catenation : The tnique abby of carbon to farm bores with other atoms of cazbon, giving rise t long chairs af ditcrentiypes ofcompounds. 1 (iy Tetravateney + Since carton hus a valency of 4 sts capable af Sanding with four other atoms of carbon or atoms of element like oxygen. Fydrogen, nittogen sulphur chlorine ets 1 ‘The veason for the formation of strong bonds by carbon i its smalls ize which enables the nucleus fo Fold on the shated pairs ofelectrons strongly [CBSE Marking Seheme, 2015] Detailed Answer: Sinwe eatbon has a valenzy of four its capable of ‘ending with four other atoms of carbon or atoms of some other monovalent elements. In otder satisy its tetravalency carbon can form double of triple bonds also with other Catoms of with oxygen, nitrogen ete. Reasons for eatbon forming a large number of compounds are: (0) Catenation : Carbon bas the unique property er ality to form bonds with other atoms of carron, gWing Tee to lange molecules. This properly = called catenation. These compounes may have long chains ofcarbon arched chains ofcazbonoreven catbon atoms arrange rings. (Gi) Tetravalency : Carbon has four valence electors inits valence shell a the valency of carson xn Due to this valerwy, carbon s a bavalent element and it asthe capsbllty of satsying it tetavalent by sharing i ekctors with some monovalent elements and forming covalent bonds (ii) Garton exhibit catenation much more than any other element due to its smaller size which makes the C— C bonds strong while the bonds between any otherelementare comparatively weaker dus © is large size 16262 (A1Q.10. Elements fooming lonte compounds attan noble gas electronic configuration by either gaining OF losing electrons trom thelr valence shell. Explain giving reason why carbon cannot asin for large number of carbon [85 such 2 configuration in this manner to form sts compounds. Name the type of bonds formed in {onic compounds and in the compounds formed. by carbon. Also explain w ith reason w hy carbon compounds are generally poor conductors of eleclicity. [Board Tern If Delhi Set, 2015] oR Elements forming ionle compounds attain noble gas configuration by either gaining ot losing electrons fom their outermost shells. Give reason to explain why carbon cannotattain noble gas configuration in this manner fo form ls compounds. Name the type of bonds formed im ionic compounds and in the compounds formed by carbon. Also give reason why carton. compounds are generally poor conductors of clectieity. [Board Term, Outside Delhi Set 1.2014) Ans, Carton has 4 electrons in its outermost shell It cannot bse 4 electors to form Ci because very high energy is equired to remove deletions. 114 In cannot gain 4 electors © form CH iors Decatse itis ciffcullfor 6 protons t hold on to 10 electrons, % ()Ioni:/Blectovalent Boras % (i) Covalent bonds, % (iii)There are no charged particles in carbon compounds and hence poor conductors of electricity, 1 [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015) |A1Q.11-List two reasons for easbon forming 2 large number of compounds. Name the type of bonding found in most ofits compounds. Why does carbon form compounds mainly by this kind of bonding. Give reason why the carbon, compounds (0 Generally have low melting and boiling polats. Gi) De not conductelectrcity in molten state, [Board Term-ll, Outside Delhi Set-, IIL, 2014] Ans. Two of the main reasons because of which eubon forms a large number of organic compounds are L Tetravalent nature of carbon, 2. Greater C-Chond strength Carbon compounds are formed by covalent bonds. (0 Cabon compounds have low melting and boiling point because these compounds are bonded with fovalentbond and also fotves of attraction betveen, ‘hese molecules ate not vety strong. Ud Because carbon compounds are covalent in nature, they are bad conductors of electricity they lack free electrons. DeLs2 (A1Q.12. State the reason why eaibon can neither form Cations nor Ch anions but forms covalent compound, Also state the reason to explain why covalent compounds (W ate bad conductors of electricity. (W have low melting and bolting polnts. [Board TermlL, Deli Sett, 11 2014] ‘Ans. Atomic number of eaibon is six. This means that it hhas fourelectronsinits outermost shell and itneeds 86 | (awl CBSE Question Bank, SCIENCE, Clase — 10 four more electrons to attain noble gas electronic configuration. It does not form C’* eation, as the removal of four valence electrons wil require a hhuge amount of energy. The cation formed will have six protons and two electrons This makes it highly wislable. Carbon i unable to form C anion. as its nucleus with ste protons will not be able to hhold ten electrons. Thus, cuubon achieves noble gas electronic configuration by sharing. its four TOPIC-2 electrons with other elements. forms covalent compounds (Covalent compounds am bad conductors of clectrity due to lade of fee elections. {uy Covalent compounds are formed by covalent bonds and it hasbeen found that the intermolecular forces of attraction in. covalent compounds are weak. Thus, Heir melting and boiling points axe quite dows aebe Carbon Compounds, Soap and Detergents Very Short Answer Type Questions (1 mark each) [Q-t. How many covalent bonds are present in pentane (CH, [DDE 2017) ‘Ans. Sixteen (16) Covalent bord 1 |Q.2. Name the simplest ketone. ‘Ans, The simplest ketone i acetone.e.g, CH,COCH, 1 [FJQ.8. What is the common name of CH,COOH? [Board term 11, 2014, 2012) ‘Ans. Acetic acid or vinegar [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012]1 (F1Q-4, Name the gas evolved when ethanole acid i added to sodium carbonate? DDE 2017] ‘Ans.2CH, COOH + Na, CO, -+2CH, COONa + HO + 00.1 a m4 10.5. Wiite balanced Chemical equation of Aehyaration of ethanol by hot cone. F150, [pDE 2017) L+HO. 1 Ans. CH LOH > CH, [AIQ.6. Why is ethanol used in making of tincture, odine. cough syrup, tonle ete () What is the role of conc. H,50, in making ethane from ethanol ? [Board Termll, SOP2013] Ans.(a) Bthanal is a solvent sed to make tincture fof Indine becstite the cell membrane af micro- organisms is made up of lips and ethanol & a the solvent which can dissolve the lipié of easily and ull the micro-organisms that may be pathogenic () Coreentvated sulphuric acid acts as dehydrating agent ie. removes water molecule from ethanal and ako catalyse the reaction and convert ethanol toethane. yok 1.7. Amorganic compound burns with a sooty Dame, Is it saturated oF unsaturated compound ? Justiry. [Board Term 11 2013, 2012) Ans.It is ursaturated compound because they have more carton. Itsums with sooty orsmoky flame. [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012}1 1-8. Draw the electron dot structure of nitrogen molecule. [Board Term 11, 2015, 2012] Ame CNN [case Marking Scheme, 2012}1 (UQ.9 tm an organic compound. which part largely determine its physical and chemical properties ? Ans.The alkyl part (carbon chain) of an organic compound ‘determines its physical properties whereas the furetioral group determines its chemical properties 1 Q.10, What happens when methane is burnt in air ? ‘Ans. Methane burns inair with the formation of carbon dhoxide and wate: CH,420, 9C0,+26,04 Hestenergy 1 FF Q.11. Complete the following reaction CH,COOH+Nalico, > (Board Term IL 2013, 2012] Ans. CH,COOH + NaHCO, + CH,COONa + HO+C0, [CBSE Marking Scheme. 2012] 1 (Fi Q.12. White the chemical equations for the conversion ff ethanol to ethanote acid in the presence of KMnO,, [Board Term IL Set-8XSVHLC, 2013] Ans. CH,CHLOH _S4#0.191, CH,COOH, Bthanol Bthanoie acid [CHSE Marking Scheme, 2014) 0.23. What happens when bromine water is added to ethene gas? Ans.Bthene gas decolouries the brown colour of ‘bromine water. 1 Q.s.way i pure ethanoic acid called glacial ethunoic acid (or glacial acetie acid)? [pe 2017) ‘Ans. When pure ethanoic acid i cooled, if feazes to forma colourkss, ioe-like liquid. This pure ethanoie ‘acid iscallec ethanase aoid [ar glacial acetic acid). 1 CARBON AND ITS COMPOUNDS [87 Short Answer Type Questions-I (2 marks each) (FIQ.1. What is meant by saponitiation ? Give an example. [CERT] Board Ten 1, Set 1, 2011] ‘Ans. When an ester weacts with water in presence of a Insse, 9 salt of carvowyle acid and an alahol are produced, Such a reaction iscalled saponification. 1 For eample :Whenethy1ethanoate is heated with atclutionofsedium hydrexile seditmethanas te andethanolare prodized. | 4 CH.COOCH, + NaOH —44 cHCOONs + CHOB. [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2011] 4 (FIO.2. Which is better for health butter or vegetable oil? Why? TODE 2017) ‘Ans. Butters mestly made upof heart healthy saturaled fat and s low in polvsaturated fat. Siturated fa ate good for health, A vegetable oll is a trigheeride extracted from a plant that are bquid attcom temperature. There oil contain very [a amount of biologically active ft called Omega 6 polyursaturated faty aids, which are harm in exes. 2 (O.3. () Whatis vinegar? Give its use (6s) Why does earbon form compounds having low melting and boiling points ? [Boand TermIl, SetA2, 2011] ‘Ans. (i) 5 t 8% solution of acetic acd in wate is called ‘Vinegar. Its used as a preservative in pickles. (it) Carbon compounds have low melting and boiling ont because ice of atlaction between caibon compounds are not very sttong, [CBSE Marking Scheme,2011]1+1 Od. Give a chemical test to distinguish between butterand cooking oll [Board Term 11 Set 1.2011] ‘Ans. Buller and cooking oil can be distinguished by ising alkaline KMrO,, Being unsaturated only cooking oil dacolourses the piriecolour a aleline KNinO, where as butter does nat, because it saturated, Bromine water test & ako sed where browncolour is discharged by the cocking oi, [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2011]1+1 (WQS. List any four disterences between soaps and etergents. [loan Term SetA1, 2011] Ans. S.No. Soaps Detergents (| They ate scciumsals | These are sodium or of Jong chain fatty | potassium sall of aie sulphone acids of hydrocarbons, (i) |Seaye canratbe wed | Detergents work well ard water with ‘hard and soft ater both (i) | Thay am Bally Theyare ron biodegradable biodegradable, vy) [They take time to daelve in wale [CBSE Marking Scheme, aT avE6 E07 .6. Why Is ethanol used in making of tincture iodine cough syrup, tone ee (2) What & the role of conc. H,SO, in making ethane trom ethanol? (DDE 2017] Ans.(2) Btharol is a eolvent wed co make tinenine of Iodine because the cell membrane of tnicto- Srginisms is made up of lipics and ethanol # a thesolvent which car cbsale th lipid ofthe cell rmemibrne eoily and ill he microorgariems that ray be pathogen (h)Conventated siiphurie acid acts as dahydating agent ie. removes water molecule fiom etharol and also catalyse the reaction and convert ether] teethane 4% WO.7. () What fs a catalyst 7 Wiite the chemical uation to repreacht the npdrogenation of ethene, (i Which of te following compounds belong to the same homologous series? €,f1y C.1,0, CHO. cH. ‘Ana. (§ Catlyst a a subriance that cause a reaction tb ‘cour or proceed ata different raw without being ‘They dissolve faster in water affected ite. CH=CH, Mths | CHE, 1 (i) Hand CH, “tH 1Q.8. Identity the functional in following — (@) HCHO (©) CH, COOH (@) CH,CHOH (@ cH.coce, Ippe2017) Ans. (a)Aldehye (b) Corboseylie eid (© Aleohol (a) Acstone K+Keuen (U.2.9. Complete the following reactions. @) CH, + 0,5 & CHa, [DDE 2017), Ans.(a) CH, +O, CD, + 240 + Heat + Light (oy ce, + cl, Sm, a a+ aed 2.10.(a) Complete the following reactions: CH+Cl, SH eC (H)CHCHOHteters, LO () How is scum tormed ? [Board Term It, Set B1,2011) ‘Ans, (a) Complete reactiors are — (cH+cl, SH, CHC (uy CH CHLOH Ht HC=CH+HO (+4) 88} (Qawael CBSE Question Bank, SCIENCE, Clase — 10 (©) When soap resets with hard water, the minerals present in water react with soapand forma white Surdysubstance knownas scum, It reduces the cleansing ability of soap, [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2011] 4 + 4 [Al0-11.(4) What would be observed on adding 2 5% alkaline potassium permanganate drop by drop to some warm ethanol Laken in a testtube ? (ii) Write the name of the compound formed during the chemical reaction. [Board Term [1 Set A1, 2011] ‘Ans.(1) Colour of KMnO, disappears because it takes partin the oxidation of ethan. 1 (U) Bthanol i oxidized to produceethanoie acid, 1 [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2011] [A)Q-12.(0)An organic compound’ reacts with sodium metal to form sodium ethoxide and a gas "Y’. Identity’ and "Y'. (i) What happens when ethanol is heated at 443 K with cone. H,SO,? [Board Term II, Set A1.2011] ‘Ans. ()2CHLOH + 2Na 2CHONe +H, +i XX’ etharoland Y is hydrogen. (UW) CH,CHOH Sg CH, = C+ HO 1 [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2011) 1-13.An orgamle acid ‘X’ 1s a guid whieh often freezes during winter time in cold counties. Ithas molecular formula C,1,0,..On warming with ethanol in the presence of 2 few drops of cone. HSO, 4 compound Y with sweet smell is formed. () [dentity x andy’. (i) Write chemical equations for the reactions lnvolved. [Bound Term IL, SetA 2011) Short Answer Type Questions-II Ans. (a)'X'is CH,COOH and ()CH.COOH + CHOH , cH.cooc H, +HO [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2011] 9.14. (i) Deserbe the mechanism of cleansing action otsoaps. (Wy dosoaps wot work in hand water? [Board Teran tl, SetA1, 2021], Ans.) Seap molecules form micelles where ionic end of seap dissolves in water while carbon chain dissolves inci, The emulsion in water thus formed haelps in dissolving the dit in water and we can wash ou clothes clean, 1 (ii) Soaps react with cakium or magnesium ions fo frm an irsakible substance which result in ‘wastage ofsoap. [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2011] [F.Q.15.Why is the conversion of ethanol to ethancic acid an oxidation reaction? [kvs 2027) [Ans.Since the conversion of ethanal t ethanok acid involves the addition of eaygen to ethanel it s an oxidation resetion. CHCHLOH PL CHCOOH Etrarsl) ——_Ethanoic aid) 2 (A) Q.16. What is meant by denatured alcohol? What is theneed to denature alcohol? [KVS 2017] ‘Ans.Ethyl akobol mixed with methyl alzobol is called deratured alcohol. ‘Methyl alcohol is added to ethy1 alcohol inorder to male it uns for drmking purposes. Lea FQ.17.Why soap is not suitable for washing cloth ‘when water is hard? [DDE 2027] |Ans.The magnesium and calsium salt present in har water react with soap mokcule form insoluble product called scum. This scum create difficulty in learsing action, 2 (S marks each) [A)Q.1, What is an oxidising agent ? What happens when an oxidising agent is added to propaitol? Explain with the help of a chemical equation. [Board Term 11, Delhi Settl, 2016] [DDE 2017] Ans, ()Itis asubstance which ean give oxygen to other as : (CHC. CH—OF a MI an Pe (iii Propanol is oxidised to Propanoie acid. 1 [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2016) [F1Q.2. What is meant by hydrogenation ? With the help of a chemical equation. explain the role of this reaction in industry. [Board Term i, Set-205,2012] oR What Is hydvogenation ? What is its Industelal application ? INCERT] Ans. Hydrogenation: The process in which sinsaturated compounds reacts with hydrogen in the presence of nielel (a a catalyst} t form saturated compounds are called hydrogenation, 1 ‘The action 6 commonly ued in the hydrogenation of vegetsble oils. Vegetable oils have long unsaturated carbon chains, which are converted into vegetable ghee ie. saturated fatty acids 1 IN Y R I catalys tot coc +H, Nice, yg ou L™ Hy tot R R RoR oa [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012) ROR CARBON AND ITS COMPOUNDS (o3. Uy Ditterentiate between alkanes and alkenes. Name and draw the structure of one member of each, [Board TermrIL Foreign Set-1 2014] (ji) Alkanes generally burn with clean dame, Why ? [Board Term If Dethi Set-1L 2013] Ans. (i) Difference between alkanes and alkenes. S.No. (| Inall he compounds, carbonand hydrogen, are attached with tingle bonds, (| Member — Methane CH) CH yy fl HAoow 4 ‘Alkanes Alkenes ‘These are unsaturated hydrocarbons which have one or move double bonds, ‘Member —Bthene (CH, cH, | H-c=C-H Tea (i) lanes are saturated hydrocarbore which always. Sur with a clan hue flame hecatse complet= combustion lakes place insutfcient oxygen. give CO, and ELOwvith the Hberationof large amauntot heat and light 1 A}Q-4. Explain why itis diticutt to wash clothes with soap when water is hard. How do detergents help in overcoming this problem ? [Board Termll, 2012] ‘Ans.In hard water, soap reacts with calcium and. magnesium salls whichave present in hard water and form insolubye substances called scum. 1 Detergents are ammonium or sulphonate salts of long chain carboxylic acids. The charged: end of these compounls do not form insoluble precipitates with calevum and magresitim tons in. fardwater. (CBSE Marking Scheme, 2012]2 ).5. Differentiate between Soap and Detergents. [DDE2017), Ans, [89 Ans. Ditterence between Soap and Detergents S.No. SOAP DETERGENTS Soap is the Sedium Fatassiuum salt of f@ higher fatty acid like Balmiti, Sleie or Stearic acid. w Detergents are the Sodium salts of 3 long chainbenzenesulphoris acid ora long hydiogen sulphate, (@ [When used with hand watera lotof it fs wasted intemoving Ca / Mg salts as curdy ppe edirme good latherwwith band waterand thus can be salely used evenwith hard water, Its excess creates pollution problem in vers since its not fully biodegradable. (iid [Tt is completely oxidised to CO, BY bacteria present in sewage and so it does rt ereate any pollution problems Roe. Tete Write the molecular, electronic and structural formulae of ethyne. [Board Term IL, Delhi Set-GFUTBS6, 2015) OR Draw the electron dotstructure of ethyne and also draw ils structural formula, [NCERT Exemplar] Ans. Molecular formula ofethyne = C. Electronic formula = H-+C3iC++H Structural formula = H—-C=C—H ICHSE Marking Scheme, 2015]1+2 2.7. Write [URAC names of — @) Hes cH (©) CH,CH,CH,OH (©) CHCHO. [DDE 2017] Ans. (a) Eehyre (0) Propanol ( Bhanol dened |Q.8.Wite the structural formula of ethauol. What happens when itis heated with excess of cone. H,SO, at M13. K? ‘Write the chemical equation for the reaction stating the role of conc. H,5O, in this reactionfOD 31/1 2017] 3 [F1Q.9. Distinguish between esterification and saponification reactions with the help of the chemical equations for exch, Slate one use of each (i) esters, and (ii) saponitication proce fo 3ya2017)3 90 J Ozwsal CBSE Question Bank, SCIENCE, Class ~ 10 Ans Detailed Answer, Inesterication,acarboxylie acid and inalechelreaetto formester in presence ofaeid. tis reverse ofsaponifiation, RCOOH + ROH 5 RCOOR'+ HO RCOONa + ROH Feter Insaponification. an esr reacts with a strong base or an acid to give alcohol ane carboxylic acid RCOOR' + NaOH -)RCOONa ROH 2 Soap. () Use of esters As ester have fragrant odours, they are used as a constituent of perfumes, essential lls, food flavourings et: (48) Use of saponification proces: Inthe manulactuting of scap usedaas clearing agent. 1 0.23, The structural formula of an ester Is ‘Ans. CELCOOH + Na,CO,—> 2RH,COONa+ H,O + CO, ‘Write the structural formula of the acid and Water Geen the alcohol trom which it might be prepared. CH,COOH + NaHCO, —> Naune the process of formation of ester. ‘elim iyiogn CH,COONS + HO + CO. [Moand Term-Il, DelhiSe-U V6TFLN, 2015} am cs ena ‘Ans, CH,COOH + CHO CH.COOCH, + H,O denis Acid Alcohol Ester CH,COOH+ NaOH —s CH,COONa + HO Ho sedan tere Wier binant db bon a eae (Any tlee reaction) 1+1 +1 [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2016] thanoie acid ‘Process Esterifeation i41+1 A1Q.20.When ethanol reacts with ethanoic acid in the presence of conc. H,S0,,a substance with [Wg.24.Write three ditterent chemical reactions ee Stet is motucedAaelecs Unc lelow tags showing the conversion of ethanole acld to sodium ethanoate, Write balanced chemical (1) State the class of compounds fo which the fruity equation in each case. Write the name of the smelling compounds belong. Write the chemical reactants and the products other than ethanole equation for the reaction and write the chemical acid and sodium elhanoate in each case, name of the product formed. [Board TermIL O.D.Set{IL, 2016] il) State the role of conc. H,SO,- [Board Term Il Set, 11 2016), CARBON AND ITS COMPOUNDS: [91 Ans. (i Estes Detailed Answer ceil neon Saturated compounds — C,H, (Compound Y) — é ‘undergo substitution reaction. I) Ursatuated compound — CH, (Compound X) (CH, —C—OH + CH,CHOH ee fe core For example, Lbutene and 2butene will ack a chlorine molecule (Cl) to form 1, 2-ichiorobutane and 2, 3cichlorobutane respectively. 1 ‘The reaction wil be ‘undergo addition reaction at the multiple bores Cone 50, ° cH, —C—0—CH,—cH, 4 Produstschemicalname—Bthylethancate CH, CH, CH= CH, +C1, 4CH, Cry, -cHI) (0) Cone. F150, act asa dehyalating agent (Helps in ~cHCI the rewovalofwater ried inte teaction) 1 orCH,-CH = CH-CH, +0, 4CH, CHC) {CBSE Marking Scheme, 2016} ~ CHIC) - CH, J-11.Name the compound formed when ethanol 3 fs heated in excess of conc. sulphuric acid at J 9.14. Complete the following chemical equations: 448 K. Also weite the chemical equation of tne 21 m % v reaclionstating the role of conc. sulphuric cid (1) CHLCOOC,H, + NaDH init. Whatwould happen ithyarogenisadded (i) CH,COOH + NaOH > to the product of this reaction in the presence (ii) CHLOH + CH,COOH S189. of catalysts such as palladium ornickel ? pein 007) [Bousd erm Il, Det Set, 2016) Ans. ( CE,COOCH, + NaOH -+ CH, COON Ans. () Ethene 4 y Bs sy con so. + CHOR (9) CHOH SEHR C= CH + HO 4 (Uy CELCOOHT+ NAOH + GH.COONA + H,0 Ethene (i) CHLOE + CHLCOOH — t= 1. {ip Cone. 1.50, acts as a dehycrating agentemoves a « water om the reactant 1 CHLCOOGH, + HO aie (0) Ethane/CH, willbe formed. 1 [CBSE Marking Scheme] [CBSE Marking Scheme.2016] A) Q.15.An organic compound ‘P’ is a constituent of (AlQ.12. Waite the name and molecular formula of an wine. 'P’ on reacting with acidified K,Cr,0, organic compound having ils name sulted ‘orus another compound ‘Q’, When a plecé of wie ana having two arbom slows litle soxlium is added to'Q' 2 gas R’ evolves which ‘molecule. Write balanced chemical equation to ‘burns witha pop sound. Identity PQ and Rand Indicate whut happens w hen ils conmpoundie write the chemical equations of the reactions heated with excess conc. H,5O, and the name lnvolved, — [Board Term {Foreign Set 2026] of main product formed. Also slate the role of Ans. P-Etharol, QEthanoie acid, RErogen cone. £10, inthe action. ee aber [Board Term 1, Foreign Set. 2016] Pee eee ‘Ans. Bthanol, H,OH 1 2CH,COOH + 2Na—+ 2CH,COONa +H, 1 cH St, 1 [CBSE Marking Scheme 2016) 7 Q.16.Write chemical equation of the reaction of Role of cone, HSO,— It act as a debyttating ethanoic acid with the following = agent 1 (Sodium {CBSE Marking Secheme,2016) (li) Sodium hydroxide (AlQ.13. Wo carbon compounds X and Y have the (ll) Ethanol molecularformula C,ll,and CH, respectively. Wille the name of one man product of each Wihleh one of these 1 most likely to show eaction. [Board Termell, O1D. Set, 2016] addition reaction? Justify your answer. Als give the chemfeal equation to explain the Ans.) 2CH,COGH + 2Na —32CH,COONs +H, [Process of addition reaction in this e2se, ‘Sodium etharoate/Sadium acetate f+ % [Deni 30442017] (uy CEE,COOHT + NaOH —> CH,COONa + FLO ‘Ans. CH, it san unsaturated hydmcatton due to Sodium etharnate/Sodium acetate + % the preseree ofa double bord, Tei (i) CHCOOH + CHOH— CH,COOCH, + HO cH eH, MN Ethyl ethanoate/Ester'é + 4 CH+H, > Hy 14 Catalyst [CBSE Marking Scheme 2016) FH Q.17.0n dropping a small piece of sodium in a test. tube containing carbon compound ‘X’ with ‘molecular formulla C.H,O. abrisk effervescence 4 Equation (orany other) = 4 [CBSE Marking Scheme] 92) (Qawael CBSE Question Bank, SCIENCE, Clase — 10 is observed and a gas Y' is produced. On bringing a burning splinter at the mouth of the testtube the gas evolved burns with a pop sound. Identify 'X’ and 'Y'. Also write the chemical equation for the reaction. Write the name and structure of the product forined. ‘when you heat *X’ with excess conc. sulphurie aid. [Board Term IL, OD. Set 2016] ‘Ans.X— CHLOH YH gas wee 2CH,OH + 2Na—9 2CH.ONa + 1 2 Ethene, GH was [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2016) [0-18 When we take 1 ml ethanol and 1 ml ethanoie acid along with a few drops of concentrated sulphuric acid in a testtube a sweet sinelling substance is formed. Name the compound and give the balanced chemical equation for the reaction. What do we eall the reverse reaction to give back alcohol and carboxylic acid which 4s used in the preparation of soap ? [Board TermIL Delhi Set. FF7NBE6.2015) Ans. ° 1 Cone S01 mat ch, —¢ —[oW= H]—ock,cH, Ethanoic ao Ethanol ° I Ch —C—OcH,CH, + 1,0 Ethyl acetate Werer Reverse reaction = Saporification aed [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2015] 1.19. "Wwe carbon compounds X and Y have the molecular formula CH, and C,H, respectively. Which one of the tw70'1s most likely to show addition reaction? Justify your answer, Also give the chemical equation to explain the [process of addition reaction in this ease, [Detnisv1/2.2017] Ans. () CH. /X 1 (ti) Tis an unsaturated compound /due to the presence ofa double bond. 1 (HCH +B EE oy A (or any other) [CBSE Marking Scheme] Detailed Answer Saturated compounds — C,H, (Compound Y) undergo substitution reaction, Unsaturated compound — C,H, (Compound X) undergo addition teaction at the mukiple bonds, For example, propane will adda chlatine molecule (CL) form 1, 2divhloropropane. ‘The reaction will be CH,-CH= GH, + C+ CH, CHICD- CHL aeied 0.20. Complete the tollowing chemical equations () CH,COOH + Na,Co, > (i) CHL +0, > (Ui) CHLOH = Na [Dein3113 2017) Ans. (}2CH,COOH + Na,CO, 2CH,COONa + FLO. +CO,1 (i) CH, + 20, 4C0, + 210 1 (i) 20H + 2Ns 32 GHLONa +H, 1 [CBSE Marking Scheme] (2.22, With the help of an example, explain the process of hydrogenation, Mention the esseutial conditions for the reaction and state the change lu physical property with the formation of the product. [Board erm Delhi Set 2015] Ans.The addition of hydrogen to an unsaturated Iydiocarhon to get a saturated hydrocarbon i called hydrogenation, Example : Vegetable oils such as groundnut ol, collon seed oib and mustard olls are unsaturated and alk contain double bonds (C=C). They are in the liquid ste. On hydrogeration (addition of hyttrogen) in the presence of nickel as catalyst ‘vegetable oil prod uzes vanaspati ghee. This is solid abioom temperature, Ne How cal 11 c=c +H, Netavt, ao ca Y Heat it a R ROR Vegetable o Vanaspati shoo (Lei state) (Sole state) ‘The essential condition tor the reacsonis presence of nickel asa catalystand temperature. Change observed im the physisal_ propery during hydrogenation is the change of the ‘unsaturated compound from the liquid state tothe comes ponding saturated compound in the solid statw/ils boiling on melting point will increase.A +2 [CBSE Marking Scheme. 2015) (UO.22.Write the name and structural formula of the ampotind ebtained when ethanol is Rested 2¢HBK with excess of conc. H,SO,. Also wate ‘hemical equation foe the Testing stating the tole of cone. H.SO, init [Board Term 11, Dethi Sebi, 2015) ‘Ans.The rame of he compoure formed i Ethene ard ite stnictirl formulas 4 Lot H—b-G-n Chemical equation: cezcrgoH SSE cH acts Etharal Ethene Role of $0, :Ttworks asa catalyst itt the reaction to lose Water molecule fo form alkene. [CBSE Marking Scheme, 2025]1+1+1

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