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NAME: ___________________________________ GRADE & SECTION: ___________________ SCORE: ______

DIRECTIONS: Answer honestly! Write your answers at the back of your test papers. (Do not forget to write your
I. Identification (What am I?)
1. The purpose of this research is to understand and explain the phenomenon under investigation.
2. The purpose of this research is to help people understand the nature of human problems.
3. This research studies the processes and outcomes aimed at an attempted solution.
4. This research aimed at solving specific problems within a program, organization, or community.
5. It refers to an organizing scheme for the data that place them in orderly patterns.
6. It takes place when you discover a new theory to underlie your study.
7. A people oriented approach focuses on discovering the real concept.
8. A combination of research designs, data collection, and data analysis techniques.
For items 9-11. Answers will be based from characteristics of research.
9. The data you gathered must be analyzed critically so that there is no error in coming up with
10. Your research must be based on observations and experimentations of theories.
11. Your research follows orderly and sequential procedures.
For items 12-14. Answers will be based from the Important Ethics in research.
12. Strive for honesty in all scientific communications.
13. Honor patents, copyrights, and other forms of intellectual property.
14. Protect confidential communications, such as papers or grants submitted for publications.
For items 15-18. Answers will be based from the characteristics of a Qualitative Research
15. Specific ides will lead to generalizations or conclusions.
16. Data analysis results show an individual’s mental, social, and spiritual understanding of the world.
17. A qualitative researcher prefers collecting data in a natural setting.
18. Qualitative research allows you to approach or plan your study in varied ways.
19. It is called the rationale of research that provides details on what and how the study will contribute
and who will benefit from it.
20. This is used in research to outline the problems that will be addressed by the study.
21. Research is important because we’ll be able to know the opinions of other people on a certain
22. Research is costly; therefore, it often creates problems than finding solutions to problems.
23. Research predicts what happens in the future.
24. Qualitative research generally uses smaller pools of participants than quantitative research.
25. Qualitative research focuses of specific things.
26. Qualitative research uses numerical.
27. The qualitative research method is flexible.
28. Qualitative data are easy to analyze.
29. Qualitative research is used to describe and express the relationship through numbers.
30. Research must always give correct or accurate data.
III. Enumeration
31-35. Give at least 5 Strengths of a qualitative research.
36-40. Give at least 5 Weaknesses of a qualitative research.
41-45. Give at least 5 Characteristics of a qualitative research.
46-49. What are the four types of research according to Patton (1990).
50-52. What are the three basic approaches in research.
IV. Draw
53-63. Draw the diagrammatic presentation of the steps when doing research (Prieto et al., 2017).
V. Essay
(7pts) Why is research important in our daily lives?

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