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Jan .1976-Apr .1978-0ct.1978
If you had owned this book then,
By Lowell Miller
"If you're really going lo make stock's past performance,
money In today's market and Miller's "Momentum-Gap
not just dabble, you've got to Method" focuses on its current
know the rules of the game- pnce action Why? Because
not just the old saws spouted price behavior is not only the
by brokers and market com· indicator of stock act1v1ty, but
men ta tors, but the real rules," also reflects all information
says securities analyst Lowell currently available and what
Miller. You'll find those rules, the experts think about that in-
and a lot more, in THE MOM EN· formation. By charting its price
TUM·GAP METHOD-Lowell over a designated period of
Miller's unique new system for time, the investor can quickly
picking which stocks to buy, discover whether the stock is a
when to buy them, and most hot one or a potential lemon If
Important, when to sell. It's it's hot, THE MOMENTUM-GAP
based on his own experience METHOD then explains when
as a successful investor-and to buy and the best time to sell,
it works for maximum profit.
Proven Over 90% predictive! A must for investors in
An extensive record proves today's volatile market
that "The Momentum-Gap Why should all traders consid·
Method" 1s accurate more than er selling a stock when it has
go3 of the time, over a twelve- gained 50% from the opening
month period. The average position? Why should you
stock selection shows a 70 + % never, never make an invest-
gain within a year and a ment dec1s1on based on cor-
phenomenal three-quarters of porate 'lews? Why should the
all selections show at least market-the price action-be
50% profit within the same the ultimate guide for stock
time! This simple, fool·proof selection? Does the old saw
system can be applied to an- "Cut your losses and let your
nual and short-term or weekly profits run" mal<e sense m to·
investing, and you don•t have day·s ··nervous .. market? These
to be a financial expert to are 1ust a few of the questions
master it. All it takes is pencil answered 1n THE MOMENTUM-
and paper, a standard stock GAP METHOD-the book that
price chart, and the simple offers savvy investors a blue-
guidelines clearly explained print for successful market
(with illustrative charts and strategy in the months ahead.
graphs) in THE MOMENTUM- ' The best·pertorming stocks are
GAP METHOD. almost always "Momentum.
What makes this Gap" stocks With this easy-to-
understand text, you'll be able
investor's guide different to select them right at the be-
from all the others. ginning of their powerful up-
For one thing, 11 approaches ward moves.
the problem of stock selection
from a revolullonary new angle.
The trad1t1onal method ol eval-
uating a stock-investigating
its past performance and re·
searching the corporation's
earnings, management, and fu.
lure-yields moderate gains
for long periods. sometimes
What Lowell Miller wanted was ii
a reliable low risk way of mak·
ing money quickly, without
waiting years for d1v1dends to
multiply. After years of trral-
and-error searching for a
system that would consistently
pick wmmng stocks. he found
the answer -I
Instead ol focusing on a

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