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·Has President Carter Finally Triggered

The largest and most important Special Report ever issued by the
publishers of SMART MONEY-a timely, up-to-the-minute in-depth
study of SOLAR ENERGY for the investor who wants to get
in on the ground floor of this coming natural resource revolution.

Perhaps once or twice in a lifetime it is pos- treasure trove from being properly exploited. You learn about technological break-
sible for an investor to get in at the begin- More than any other energy source. solar throughs that make solar energy practical in
ning of a great and revolutionary industry offers an ideal solution to our problems. It is many areas today ... how problems are being
before insiders and professionals have virtually unlimited ... readily available ... clean solved ... which companies are solidly in on
scooped up the major share of the profits. and pollution-free. According to Washing- the ground floor and most likely, in our
We believe one ol these rare opportunities ton University's Center for the Biology of opinion. to profit handsomely.
exists today in the field of solar energy. Natural Systems. nation-wide conversion to Here are the answers, as seen by experts
The race is on to harness the sun's solar heating would create nearly one in government and industry, to such vital
energy. Hundreds of companies are million jobs, and would eliminate the need questions as:
engaged in new projects. The number ol for seven (million-kilowatt) nuclear power • What took so long for solar energy
buildings heated by solar equipment is plants. each costing $1.3 billion. And MIT research to get going
doubling every six or eight months. So many claims that combined solar heating and
• Where solar home heating in the
new companies are joining the ranks that electric systems for homes nation-wide (for
United States is economically com-
the Solar Energy Industries Association is which they already have models) would cut
petitive with baseboard or "resist-
having trouble keeping a current member- oil imports by 58 percent after ten years of
ance" electric heating
ship roster. Congressional hoppers are filled use.
Our exclusive study takes you behind the • How the big tax break to home
with legislation on tax credits for solar
political scenes-shows you why solar owners will bring a boom in solar
home-heating units
Arthur D. Little Inc., a major consulting energy research and development has been
firm predicts that the market for solar heat- so Jong delayed, when and why the govern- • Where and how solar energy is
ing alone-now about $50 million a year- ment finally entered the picture, why we being used throughout the world
will skyrocket to as much as $1.5 billion by believe President Carter will make solar today
1985. energy development one of his priorities. • How soon large-scale use of solar
Yet it's difficult to find timely coverage of how it will affect virtually every individual, energy will become reality
this rapidly emerging energy field-except every company, every government in the • Which companies we believe will
at SMART MONEY, where we have plunged world. profit the most
deeply into solar research.
After much effort and expense our edi- This comprehensive study is no 1000-page volume-you can read the entire report in just a
tors put together this exciting new in-depth couple of hours-but the information contained may well make It the most valuable report
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and intra-industry problems and contro- Js expanding so rapidly that we are adding a Part 2 which will also be sent to you, at no extra
versies which until now have kept this vast charge, as soon as it comes off press •
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