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stocks that perform well. Also pub- Gars1do. lncludos an unusual proiccllon 1,400 common stocks based upon earn· undeivalue and overvalue lqvels of 850 advisors. Has designed many unique In·
lishes Martel V1n11ge and lnvestmenl ol lhe markel wilh sorl of an "advance" lngs, dividends, growth rates, lechnlcal blue chips based on dividend yield. dlcators for bolh stock selection and
Values look al the markers gyrahons over lhe factors, and ollers slack selecllons. Specially recommended slacks appear In markel limlng.
S80 per year. next six monlhs. S60 per year. each Issue. $210 per year.
S45 per year. $175 per year.

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