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Senior High Third Exam December 16, 2022

Content Standards The learners should understand about the

function of spark plug, definitions, parts and
type of spark plug.
Learning Competency LO 1. Discuss the definitions of the spark
plug in motorcycle.
I. OBJECTIVES At the end of the lesson, students will be
able to:
a. Discuss the definition and function of
the spark plug
b. Describe the different types of spark
c. Apply the knowledge and skills in
making an essay, about the
importance of spark plug.

A. Topic The Definitions and Functions of spark plug

B. References Internet Resources, Module

C. Materials Paper, ball pen, marker, manila paper,

D. Time Frame 2hours

a. Prayers -Dear Lord and Father of all, Thank you for
-Everybody stand up. Lead the today. Thank you for ways in which you
prayer (Name) provide for us all. For Your protection and
love we thank you. Help us to focus our
hearts and minds now on what we are about
to learn. Inspire us by Your Holy Spirit as we
listen and write. Guide us by your eternal
light as we discover more about the world
around us. We ask all this in the name of
Jesus. Amen.

b. Greetings -Good morning teacher, good

- Good morning class morning classmates

- Before you take your seats kindly -Yes Teacher

pick up the trashes you can see
inside the classroom and put it in the
trash bins

After a minute….

-You may now take your seats class.

c. Checking of Attendance
- Before anything else, let me check -Yes sir
your attendance. Say present if your
name is called
d. Review
- Okay class, what was our topic last -Sir it’s all about Part of the Motorcycle
-Okay thank you. Who wants to -(student answer)
share what they learned yesterday.
-Very well said. Let’s give a round of -(applause)
-Now let’s begin our first activity
entitled Scrambled Letters. I will
show you the letters and you need to
arrange it according to their correct
1. sutilnaro -(Insulator)
2. kegast -(Gasket)
3. enctre faths -(Center Shaft)
4. leas sgals -(Glass Seal)
5. krpas glpu -(Spark Plug)
After 5 minutes…
- Now, let’s discuss and check your -(Student answer)
answers. Anybody who can tell
me what was our activity all about?
- Very good answer

- When I call your name please stand -Yes we are, yes, yes we are, we are
up and answer these questions. Are
you ready students?
1. What is the significance of learning -(student answered)
about the spark plug?
2. How will you apply your learning -(student answered)
about the lesson?
Understanding Spark Plug
-Spark plug is one of the important parts in
-Do you have any idea what are
the motorcycle, to adopt electricity if there’s
spark plug students? no spark plug the motorcycle cannot

-Alright very well said.

Originally, with the perfect design of
gasoline internal combustion engines,
if the spark plug is eliminated then
A spark plug is an electrical device
that is used in internal combustion
engines to ignite compressed aerosol
gasoline using an electric spark. The
electrical component is highly used to
perform mechanical jobs.
In simple term, spark plugs turn an
energy source (gasoline) into
movement. For instance, we have
petrol which is highly flammable and
also air, that could cause an
explosion when mixed. The plug is
like lighting fire to the compressed

Functions of Spark Plugs

A spark plug has two major functions

in internal combustion engines which

 Igniting fuel/air mixture: as

electrical energy is transmitted
through the component, it ignites
the gasoline/air mixture in the
combustion chamber.
 Removing of heat: spark plugs
cannot create heat, but they can
only be used to remove heat.
The temperature of the end of
the plugs firing end must be low
enough to prevent pre-ignition
but should be high enough to
prevent fouling. Spark plugs can
serve as a heat exchanger by
eliminating the unwanted thermal
energy from the combustion
chamber. The heat is then
transferred to the engines
cooling system.

Major Parts of a Spark Plug

Below are the various parts of a

spark plug and their functions:


This part insulates the terminal,

centre shaft and centre electrode
from the housing. it helps to prevent
the escape of high voltage from the
electrodes. Because the bottom part
of the insulated is inserted into the
combustion chamber, high purity
alumina with great heat-proof
characteristic, mechanical strength,
excellent insulation and thermal
conductivity at high temperature
must be used.


A terminal is attached to a high-

tension cord which allows high-
voltage current to flow through the
ignition system. It contained a
terminal nut that supports almost any
high-tension cord available. For some
vehicles that do not require a
terminal nut, the terminal can be

Ring, Parking Washer:

This spark plug component helps the

insulator and the housing tightly fit
each other and maintain air tightness


The gasket makes the housing and

the engine perfectly fit each other
and also maintains the air tightness
of the combustion chamber.
Although, there is a procedure for
tightening and the suitable locking
margin must be secured.

Center Shaft (stem):

The centre shaft connects the

terminal and the centre electrode.
The part is made of steel and
contains a role that allows high-
voltage current to flow from the
terminal to the centre electrode
without loss.

Glass Seal:

The glass seal is located between the

centre shaft and insulator to main
the air tightness. It is made from a
special mixture of glass powder and
copper powder. They are charged in
the installation section of the shaft
and centre shaft and centre electrode
and then melted at high
temperature. This bonds the centre
shaft and the centre electrode and
fuses the insulator and the metal.
Their sealing is good and the thermal
ratio of expansion is perfect. Because
of this, even under harsh conditions
gaps do not occur and good air
tightness can be protected.

Electrode with Copper:

A special nickel alloy is employed at

the centre electrode to reduce
electrode wear and copper is sealed
into the centre section to enhance its
thermal conductivity.

The housing creates an outer shell
that surrounds and supports the
insulator. It also allows the spark
plug to be installed to the engine. at
the bottom part, there is a ground
electrode that makes current flow
through the engine itself to the
centre electrode over the gap.

Center Electrode:

The centre electrode is laser welded

to an iridium alloy tip usually with a
diameter of 0.4mm to produce the
centre electrode; iridium is a precious
metal with extraordinarily superior
properties for a spark plug electrode.
These properties include high-
temperature resistance, high
strength, and low resistance etc. The
purpose of a centre electrode is to
lower the spark voltage, secure
reliable spark improves ignition
performance and reduces the
quenching effect.

U-groove Ground Electrode:

This component serves a very

important purpose as it allows large
ignition energy to be obtained, widen
the flame core (flame size) easily.
The surface contacted by the air-fuel
mixture is large and there is much
edge section, and sparks easily
occur. Finally,

-Yes po sir
-Do you understand class?

Types of Spark Plugs

Below are the various types of spark

plugs available out there:

Copper Spark Plugs:

In these types of the spark plug, the

centre electrode is copper core
coated with a nickel alloy. There is a
need for more voltage to produce
sparks because the centre electrode
has the largest diameter compared to
others. Because nickel alloys are a
soft material and not very durable,
copper spark plugs need to be
replaced more frequently than other
types. Some cars are designed to use
the plug despite their shorter
lifespan. Although some
manufacturers see installing
expensive spark plugs may be a
waste of money.

Iridium Spark Plugs:

The iridium types of spark plug last

longer since iridium is harder and
more durable material than platinum.
The centre electrode is designed to
be small which makes it requires less
voltage to generate a spark. This is
why it’s of the high cost compared to
the first type. Nowadays, most
vehicle features the iridium spark
plug because it minimizes the
amount of car breakdown.

Single Platinum Spark Plugs:

These types of the spark plug are

similar to the copper/nickel version,
only that, its centre electrode
contains a platinum disc. this disc is
welded to the tip rather than nickel
alloy. Single platinum plugs are
expensive but last longer than nickel
alloy before it has worn away. It
generates more heat, which reduces
carbon buildup. The plug is
recommended for new cars with a
coil-on-plug ignition system.

Double Platinum Spark Plugs:

In these types, there is a platinum

coating both at the centre and
ground electrodes, which makes
them more efficient and last longer.
It is a great choice for a wasted -(student answered)
spark ignition system that exerts
more wear on both electrodes.

In a wasted spark ignition system,

each ignition coil ignites two spark
plugs at a time. One in the
compressor stroke’s cylinder and the
other in the exhaust stroke’s cylinder.
At last, the spark gets wasted
because the air/fuel mixture is -Yes po sir
already burnt in the previous stroke.
this ignition system is not much -(A. Gasket)
affected by rain or debris.

Silver Spark Plugs:

Because the material of silver spark

plug is less durable, it does not last
long as iridium or platinum spark
plug. But it has beat thermal
conductivity, it’s often used I older
European performance cars and
-( C. Insulator)
-What do you think is the differences
each type of spark plug?


Read the questions carefully and

encircle the correct answer. Write in
the one whole sheet of paper, copy -( D. Glass Seal)
and answer.

-Understood students? Kept quiet

and mind on your paper only.

1. Makes the housing and the engine

perfectly fit each other and also
maintain the air tightness of the
combustion chamber.

A. Gasket -( C. Housing)
B. Terminal

C. Insulator

D. None of the above

2. It helps to prevent the escape of

high voltage from the electrodes.

A. Gasket
-( A. Center Electrode)
B. Terminal

C. Insulator

D. Center Shaft

3. It is located between the centre

shaft and insulator to main the air

A. Terminal

B. Center Shaft

C. Gasket

D. Glass Seal
4. Creates an outer shell that
surrounds and supports the insulator.

A. Center Electrode

B. Tapered Cut Ground Electrode

C. Housing

D. Ring, Parking Washer

5. The electrode is laser welded to an

iridium alloy tip usually with a
diameter of 0.4mm .

A. Center Electrode

B. Tapered Cut Ground Electrode

C. U-groove Ground Electrode

D. Electrode with Copper

II Enumeration

What are the major Parts of a Spark



Write an essay, what are the

importance of the spark plug relate in
your life. 150 words.

DIRECTIONS: Draw and illustrate a
part of the spark plug.

-Good bye sir.

-That was our lesson for today, hope
you learn a lot. See you tomorrow
students, byeee.

Prepared by:


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