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PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2020) 57(9): 7236-7240 ISSN: 00333077

Farm Tourism: Unleashing Iloilo’s Potential through Sustainable Tourism

Darroca, Jeanneth F.
Iloilo Science and Technology University, Philippines

Farm tourism in the Philippines is a subsector of the tourism sector of the Philippines needing development. With the tourism
sector of the Philippines consistently growing in decades, generating employment and income, farm tourism is a potential tourist
destination for consideration. This study unearthed readiness of potential farm tourism sites in the Iloilo Province, Philippines and
their sustainable practices. Of the thirty-three (33) potential farms studied, four (4) farms have established their sustainable
practices. Inefficient operation caused by scarcity of financial resources of which assistance from both the government and non-
government sectors could significantly help farmers achieve optimal operations.
farm tourism, tourist destination, tourism sector
Article Received: 10 August 2020, Recvied: 25 October 2020, Accepted: 18 November 2020

the south, is one of the regions of the country that

advocates farm tourism. Farm tourism attracts
The tourism sector of the Philippines has been visitors to farm areas, for educational and
observe as job generator sector of the economy recreational purposes that encourage economic
and has grown into one of the world’s fastest activity.
growing industries. In recent years, this sector Farm-based tourism is no longer a new idea in
generates employment and income with an Norway and in other Western countries. Most
estimated value of 5.3 million in 2017, higher by people from the cities consider trips to the
09 percent compared to 5.2 million in the previous countryside for recreation during holidays. There
year (Philippine Statistics Authority, 2918). are approximately 10 percent of all working farms
Furthermore, the country’s Tourism Direct Gross in Norway that are into in farm tourism (Forbord
Value Added (TDGVA) reached to a significant and Straete, 2008). According to Haugen and Vik
P1, 929.3 billion, with inbound tourism (2008), while farm accommodation has a long
expenditure growing at 43.9 percent in 2017, tradition, the most recent activities are serving
amounting to P448.6 billion, from P311.7 billion meals and providing adventure activities,
in 2016. The sector’s share to total country’s total reflecting a stronger focus on culture and
export was 9.2percent. experiences. Recio, et al (2014), in an article of
Receiving much attention recently is farm tourism Fernandez reiterated that the agri-tourism industry
or sometimes called agri- tourism, and considered is taking shape in the Philippines. The state
an emerging ‘sunshine’ industry in the country. colleges and universities (SCUs) across the
Tourists and visitors are given the opportunity to country are taking the lead in developing this new
reside and sometimes participate in farms works field. It refers to working farms, ranches, winery,
and in ranches (Smith and Long, 2000). Such or any agriculture operation opened to the public
opportunity opens a new gateway to provide for their enjoyment and for outdoor recreation
income generating activity for farmers and activities, education, shopping, dining, or even
leisure-holiday events for tourists especially that lodging. It also assists to mitigate emigration from
the Philippines is an agricultural economy (Gabor, remote areas and generate profit by diversifying
2016). The country is designing a tourism economy.
development plan, where every town of the Sustainable development in agri-farm tourism is
country establishes at least one farm tourism site. . essential because it is closely link with natural
The idea sounded very feasibly appealing environment attraction and historic and cultural
especially that this alternative tourism activity heritage. Environmental planning approaches and
provides equally attractive comforts, carrying capacity analysis are important
complementing the sand and beach activities. techniques for preventing environmental and
Western Visayas, groomed as the farm capital of sociocultural problems resulting from tourism. In
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2020) 57(9): 7236-7240 ISSN: 00333077

order to plan for tourism development that meets subdivided into five (5) congressional districts.
present and future expectations and accomplishes Topography varies from flat lands and rolling
sustainability of the tourism sector, local hills. Tourists visit farm sites in Iloilo for a variety
authorities may need to understand major tourism of reason. In this study, it was found out that
trends internationally. In this study, the researcher Damires Hills Tierra Verde rank highest (3.35%)
agrees that farm tourism and agritourism is use with very good rating among the potential farms
interchangeably. However, for purpose of assessed. Located in Barangay Damires in the
consistency, farm tourism is use in order to assess municipality of Janiuay, Damires Hills Tierra
the readiness of potential farms in Iloilo and to Verde is a paradise filled 45-hectare land area
find out which farms are sustainable. In this paper, filled with great abundance of greens and
the term farm tourism is used to denote all kinds breathtaking vegetation. Tourists can take
of farm-based activities offered to visitors. The photographs of the hillside view and celebrate
study aims to describe the potential farm sites in important moments in a nature driven place.
Iloilo and assess the readiness of selected farms to Known as the prime agri-tourism destination in
sustainable tourism. Iloilo, its uniqueness, natural aesthetics, social and
cultural value has a great tourists appeal.
The findings is in agreement with the Calgary
Tsaur, etal (2016), employed an evaluation Model of Competitiveness in Tourism by Ritchie
procedure by a collated series of indicators and and Crouch, which states that destination’s appeal
conducted in-depth interviews with scholars and refers destination attractors and deterrents. The
leisure farm managers. The modified Delphi model identified attractors including eleven
technique was adopted to refine and identify the elements: natural features, climate, cultural and
final indicators for the sustainable operation of social characteristics, general infrastructure, basic
leisure farms. In order to assess the level of services infrastructure, tourism superstructure,
domestic participation in farm-based tourism, and access and transportation facilities, attitudes
to identify the consumers and potential visitors to towards tourists, cost/price levels, economic and
agritourism operations, Blekesaune, et al (2008), social ties and uniqueness.
use data from ten national surveys Norsk Monitor, Transport selection, distance and travel time play
carried out by the Synovate Norway. The total an important role in tourist choice of a farm site.
sample surveys are weighted by population Orchard Valley Farm is located in Brgy. Tigum,
weights developed by Synovate Norway. Budiasa, Pavia. Operating since 1999 in a 22-hectare farm,
et al (2014), collected the primary and secondary it is the only certified organic farm in Iloilo,
data by conducting in-depth interview with 11 key supplying vegetables, selected fruits, poultry and
informants. The data are agro-tourism other organic products to the best restaurants and
environment, history of agrotourism development, hotels in Iloilo. This study found out that among
requirement of agro-tourism development, benefit, the potential farms in Iloilo, Orchard Valley was
and barriers of agro-tourism development. rated very good (3.80%) when it comes to
From March 2017 to November 2018, the author accessibility. The organic farm, is
participated in an assessment of potential farms in 8.4 km via Iloilo east road from the City of Iloilo
Iloilo province. A random sample of potential and can easily be reached by public or private
farms are contacted and asked to accommodate transportation.
the group during the assessment visit. Then, those This conforms to a review paper by Sharin etal
who agree to participate receive the team for an (2014) that transport plays an important role in
ocular and interview. The total sample is thirty- tourists and provide a very meaningful travel
three farm sites in the different districts of Iloilo. experience for them. They further posited that the
Results quality of the transportation experience is a key
criterion in choosing destination. For long journey
Iloilo is a diverse province steeped in history. It travel, tourist usually uses public transport such as
has been a melting pot of different cultures which planes, conventional, bus or private vehicles such
have left their mark in the different towns. as car. It was noted that the use of public transport
Stretching 4,663 square kilometer, Iloilo is
composed of 42 municipalities and politically
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2020) 57(9): 7236-7240 ISSN: 00333077

is convenient and provides satisfaction to the Center excellent (4.0) when it comes to the variety
tourists. of facilities and services they offer to tourists.
Without attractions, there are no tourists visiting a They offer of varied services in terms of fisheries,
destination. Tourism attractions exist because of production, livestock with demonstration and
tourists and the activities and products the site training.
would offer. Garin farm is a unique and Discussions and Conclusions
enchanting blend of leisure, spirituality,
agriculture, and nature. It is a two-hour ride from Like many other forms of development, the
the City of Iloilo to San Joaquin, which is the last degrading effects of tourism have become a big
town of the province of Iloilo. It offers tons of concern that needs to be addressed quickly. The
products and activities one can explore in the 14- impact of tourism activities whatever is the
hectare inland resort. A tourists can do water motivation need to be sustainable. As emphasized
activities such as kayaking or boad padding, by the World Tourism Organization (WTO), “The
swimming, and zipline. If one wants serenity, objective of sustainable tourism is to retain the
climbing the 456 steps to the Divine Mercy cross economic and social advantages of tourism
is a challenge. On the top most part of the resort, development while reducing or mitigating any
one can view the beauty of nature and the undesirable impacts on the natural, historic,
different life size statues of the various biblical cultural or social environment. This is achieved by
scenes. In this study, Garin Farm was rated balancing the needs of tourists with those of the
excellent (4.0%) when it comes to the activities destination. Farm tourism has increased in
and products that attracts tourist visit. popularity, there has been a steady increase of
Various authors asserted the importance of people visiting farm tourist enterprises. In 2007,
tourism products and activities in motivating nearly 7% of the representative sample of
tourist to visit them. Tourism destinations rely on Norwegians above age 15 visited a farm tourist
their primary tourism products as mechanisms to enterprise and this represents a doubling since
pull and motivate tourists to visit them (Benur and 1991.
Bramwell, 2015). In an assessment of the The Department of Tourism and the Department
attractiveness of the destination tourists evaluate of Environment and Natural Resources has forged
the perceived ability of the destination attributes a Memorandum of Agreement in order to make
to meet their needs (Mayo and Jarvis, 1981). It is sure that ecotourism spots and threatened species
generally believed that the attractiveness of a living in the areas of interest in the region are well
destination is enhanced the more attributes the protected. This is supported by the statement of
destination has. In order to attract visitors, the Regional Director of the Department of
destination must develop facilities and services to Tourism-Region VI Atty. Helen C. Catalbas, "in
enhance its attractiveness. order to make tourism more sustainable, we have
According to Lew (1987), attractions include all to protect the environment".
elements that draw tourists away from their homes The four (4) potential farms sustainable practices
and these include sightseeing, activities and is also part of this investigation. Damires Hills
experiences. Hu and Wall (2005) puts it, “tourist Tierra Verde, is an inland resort offering nature-
attractions are an essential ingredient for based activities such as canopy-walking, trekking,
successful tourism destination development”. Hu farm tour with fruit picking. Native food and local
and Ritche (1993) believed that a tourism delicacies with vegetables fresh from the garden
destination is a combination of destination await tourists in their restaurant and bar. Orchard
attributes, mostly tourist facilities and services. valley engages in vermicomposting, a process of
The Agri-Aqua Research and Technology (ART) producing organic compost from waste materials
Center, a learning hub for farmers and fisherfolk by utilizing different worm species. The organic
pursuing agriculture and fisheries. Situated in a compost produced is made as organic fertilizer for
12-hectare lot, the ART Center showcases best the different vegetable and fruit plants in the farm.
agri-aqua practices and technology that can help All Orchard Valley vegetables and fruits products
farmers and fisherman increase their production are guaranteed fresh and free from toxic pesticide
and profit. The findings of this study rated ART and commercial fertilizer. The farm promotes
pesticide-free farming to avoid contaminating
PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION (2020) 57(9): 7236-7240 ISSN: 00333077

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