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Winston S. Mariano Jr.



At the end of the exercise, the students should be able to:

 Examine some techniques in memory partitioning; and

 Analyze the underlying concepts and implications of virtual memory.

Part I (30 points)

Instructions: Read the description of the memory configuration and analyze the given
diagram. Then, answer the following questions.

Memory Configuration: A computer implements a dynamic partitioning technique

for memory management. A number of allocation and swapping-out operations have
been carried out while the computer is up and running. The diagram below shows
the computer's current memory configuration/allocation. The addresses go from left
to right. The gray areas represent blocks that are occupied by running processes,
while the white areas indicate free memory blocks. The last process that was loaded
into the memory is marked with a red X in the diagram, and its size is 2MB. Only one
process was swapped out after that.

1. If you are to add a new 10MB process in the memory, where could it
possibly be added and why? (5 points)

 Base on my understanding, you cannot add a new 10MB process in

the memory because there is no space in memory. If you put the
10Mb while there is no space, it will external fragmentation. I think
you can add new 10MB if the other processing is done.

2. What could be the size of the free block just before it was partitioned by X?
Rationalize your answer. (5 points)

 The size of the free block before it was partitioned by X is 8MB

because there is a 1MB space in the left of X and there is a 5MB
space in the right so if you add the 2MB, which is the size of X, it
will become 8MB.

3. Would you suggest the provisioning of virtual memory in this configuration? Why
or why not?
(5 points)

 Yes, from
This study source was downloaded by 100000857226848 because the onsize of the
12-04-2022 memory
03:26:00 GMT -06:00is
small that is why others
cannot be put in the processing. If you provision of virtual memory in
Winston S. Mariano Jr.

this configuration, it can handle a multiple processing and it can

process while the memory is overload.

4. Is it possible to add a new 7MB process using the first-fit placement algorithm
without swapping out any process? Why or why not? (5 points)

 It is possible to add new 7MB process using the first-fit

placement algorithm without swapping out any process
because there is 8MB space memory in the configuration. First
fit algorithm focuses on where the specific process can be
fitted in the remaining space of memory.

5. A new process is requesting a 3MB allocation. Illustrate the possible memory

configuration using a horizontal segmented memory strip (like the diagram
above), where a partition will be created for the new process under the following
placement algorithms: best-fit and first-fit. Label your illustration clearly. (2 items
x 5 points)

 Best fit


 First-fit


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Winston S. Mariano Jr.

Part II (40
1. Explain the operation and management of the following virtual memory. Search for
relevant studies and literatures that would support your answer. Properly cite your
references. (10 points x 2 items)

 Linux Virtual Memory

 The Linux virtual memory is utilizing a circle as an augmentation of RAM
with the goal that the powerful size of usable memory develops
correspondingly. The bit will compose the substance of a right now
unused square of memory to the hard plate so the memory can be
utilized for another reason. At the point when the first substance is
required once more, they are added back to memory. This is totally made
totally straightforward to the client; programs running under Linux just
see the bigger measure of memory accessible and don't see that pieces
of them live on the plate every once in a while. The perusing and
composing the hard circle are slower (on the request for multiple times
slower) than utilizing genuine memory, so the projects don't run as quick.
The piece of the hard circle that is utilized as virtual memory is known as
the trade space. Linux can utilize either an ordinary record in the
filesystem or a different segment for trade space
 .

 Windows Virtual Memory

The Windows virtual memory is generally simple, yet to a great extent

pointless. Windows will, naturally, change virtual memory on the fly
dependent on your necessities and your introduced RAM. It attempts to set
itself to what it anticipates that you should require dependent on your
introduced RAM and it will change itself assuming your utilization spikes.
This can prompt it self-acclimating to wind up taking a lot of room in the
event that you are presently running a lot of RAMS (for instance a
framework with 8GB of RAM will regularly default to 8GB of virtual memory
and can develop as extensive as 16GB). A few clients will change the virtual
memory settings to lessen space being utilized by their OS on their hard
drive or strong state drive since they believe they have adequate RAM to
never require the virtual memory element of their OS.

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Winston S. Mariano Jr.

2. Then, answer the following items based on your research. (4 items x 5 points)
a. Between the operation and management of Linux and Windows virtual
memory, which do you think is less complex and why?

 For me, the less complex between Linux and Windows virtual memory
is, the Windows virtual memory because in Windows, it will
automatically adjust to the needs of your memory. In Linux virtual
memory, there is a lot of process before

b. Were you able to find similarities between Linux and Windows virtual memory?

 Based on what I’ve understand and what I’ve researched, my answer is

yes because both Linux and Windows memory management systems
distribute the process virtual address space in a similar manner. By using
paging, Windows on 32bit systems will have access up to a 4GB of
standalone logical address space and physical memory. They have the
same goal which is to use the memory. The only difference of the Linux
and Windows is, the Windows is used more by beginners and everyday
computer user, while Linux is used more by advance users and is dubbed
the hackers operating system.

c. What are the possible drawbacks of not implementing virtual memory?

 The possible feature may happen if there is no virtual memory in the

computer is, the memory will be filled immediately because of lack of
memory space. Also, you cannot download application anymore once
the memory is full.

d. If you are to design a memory management system, would you incorporate

virtual memory into your design? Why or why not?

 Absolutely, yes because definitely because I need to control the or

expand the space in my memory management system. Also, virtual
memory helps the memory management system to be able to
compensate shortages of physical memory by transferring pages of data
from random access memory to disk storage.

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